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Theory Paper


The Influence on an Architect’s Architectural Style

In Partial Fulfillment of the Final Requirements for Plan 3

Sta.Iglesia, Louie Jay Buncag

May 2022

Architecture, the art and technique of designing and building as distinct from
construction skills. In contrast to the design of structural systems, the practice of
architecture emphasizes spatial relationships, orientation, the support of activities to
be carried out within a designed environment, and the arrangement and visual
rhythm of structural elements. A built environment as a representative of a culture's
architecture is distinguished by its appropriateness, uniqueness, a sensitive and
innovative response to functional requirements, and a sense of place within its
surrounding physical and social context. And those who practice these are known
as "Architects."

A building is simply a structure with a floor, roof, and walls. True architecture
extends far beyond the confines of a single structure. Every architect appears to
have a unique interpretation of what architecture entails. And each of these
architects has a unique way of depicting art in their building design elements and
principles. Modern architecture, Brutalist architecture, Neoclassical architecture, and
so on are examples of these styles. In that case, it serves as an architect's current
preference and does not change or develop over time.

This paper seeks to theorize why the subject of this theory paper has certain
architectural design preferences, as well as what preexisting architectural styles may
have influenced it and what other factors may have led the subject to their preferred
architectural preference.

The proponent of this paper was influenced by modern architecture, which is

based on the use of new construction technologies and building materials, which
means more advance in terms of building materials sustainability and as an eco-
friendly, functionalist planning principles, and the rejection of historical precedent and
ornamentation. It had a simple shape with no ornamentation. Every floor plan was
functional and logical. Modern architecture was founded on the concept of lines,
basic shapes, and forms. Thus, the main characteristics of modern architecture are
simple, plain, rectangular shapes, geometric forms, and linear elements. This
modern style was most visible in skyscraper design.
Modern Architecture is a modern architectural style that refers to a large group
of similar buildings that emerged in many countries between the 1920s and the
1950s as a result of the work of many famous modern architects. Modernism
typically calls for logic and the application of universal principles, the most famous of
which is "form follows function," which means that a building should be designed to
serve its purpose.
The proponent's extensive experience in the field of construction and the
outside world piqued his interest in this type of architecture. Referring to those
experiences had led the proponent to apply everything in the world of architecture,
which promotes and provides designs that will generate response through a unique
combination of design elements and principles of each building. Because the
proponent was influenced by modern architecture, the proponent also focused on the
experiences of those who occupied the proposed design buildings, including their
sensations, thoughts, and emotions. The use of these elements and principles by the
proponent allows the proponent to organize and consciously control the design
decisions and outcomes, as well as the experience of sensations, thoughts, and
emotions in the inhabitants.
Overall, as an architecture student, I always promote a design that creates a
place of calm, relaxation, and safety, where people want to stay indefinitely.

Finally, the author of this theoretical paper theorizes that his personal
experience in the construction field and in the outside world has led him to develop
his own architectural design preferences that is influenced by Modern Architecture,
which is a result of today's trend era.

Architecture can and is everything. It is and can be art, a political statement, a

social statement, a functional space, a thing of beauty or ugliness, a haven, a language.
At its core, it is a human experience. It does not exist as architecture without the human
experience. It is up to the architect and designer to determine the sensations the
inhabitant will experience. It is up to the architect and designer to determine the
meaning of their architecture. It is up to the architect and designer to understand the
emotional response that their work is going to generate in people. It is up to the architect
and designer to decide if this is something that will contribute and add positive value to
the world, and make the world a better place for the people who will experience their
work. Good architecture could be consider that which consciously addresses these
issues. Bad architecture could be consider that which unconsciously ignores this issue.
It comes down to personal experience.

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