B737 Procedure v6

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BATTRY switch… ........................................................................Guard closed
STANDBY POWER switch…................................................... Guard closed
ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch… .................................. Guard closed
Windshield WIPER selectors .................................................................PARK
ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches… ......................................... OFF
LANDING GEAR lever .............................................................................. DOWN
Three Green .......... Illuminated
Three Red ..............Extinguished
GRD POWER AVAILABLE light .................................. Illuminated
GRD POWER switch… ..................................................................................... ON
Time hack 4 min for stall warning test
STANDBY PWR OFF lights……Extinguished

All Food and Panel LIGHTS .................................................................................ON

❖ Make sure appropriate audio panel receivers are on

C: “Ground, Cockpit we are going to perform FIRE TEST, Be aware”

Engine No. 1, APU and the Engine No. 2 fire switches are IN
OVERHEAT DETECT switches… ......................................................NORMAL

TEST switch .................................................. hold to FAULT/INOPERATIVE

OVHT/DET annunciator
FAULT&APU DET INOP lightsare illuminated

TEST switch… ..................................................................... hold to OVHT/FIRE

Fire warning bell sounds
Master FIRE WARN (2X)
OVHT/DET annunciator Lights illuminated

Master FIRE WARN light.............................................................................. Push

Master FIRE WARN lights are extinguished

Fire Warning bell cancels
WHEEL WELL fire warning light is illuminated (If GPU)
Engine No. 1, APU andEngine No. 2 fire switches stay illuminated
ENG 1 OVERHEAT and ENG 2 OVERHEAT lights stay illuminated
TEST Switch… ......................................................................... Position to 1 and hold
Three Green extinguisher test lights are illuminated
TEST Switch… ....................................................................................................... Release
Three green extinguisher test lights are extinguished
TEST Switch… .............................................................................. Position 2 and hold
Three Green extinguisher test lights are illuminated
TEST Switch… ..................................................................................................... Release
Three green extinguisher test lights are extinguished

C: “Ground Cockpit Fire test completed”

APU start
Packs............................................................................................................................ AUTO
APU bleed .................................................................................................................. . OFF

IF Center tank exceeds 453 kg

L. Center tank fuel pump ...................................................................................... ON
AFT, 1 Fuel Pump .....................................................................................................ON

APU ................................................................................................................. Start-ON

Time Hack (2min), check EGT increases

APU GEN OFF BUS light is illuminated

APU GENERATOR bus switches… ...................................................................................... ON
FAULT light
OVERSPEED light are extinguished

Wheel well fire warning system Test

Test switch… ............................................................................................ Hold to OVHT/FIRE

Fire warning bell sounds Master
CAUTION (2X) Lights
OVHT/DET annunciator illuminates

Fire warning BELL CUTOUT switch….......................................................................... Push

Master FIRE WARN lights extinguish Warning
bell cancels
WHEEL WELL fire warning light is illuminated

APUbleed ...................................................................................................................... On
Dual bleed light illuminate
Preliminary Preflight Procedure

IRS mode selectors .................................................................................................OFF, then NAV

ON DC lights illuminate then extinguish.
ALIGNlights are illuminated

Crew oxygen pressure ....................................................................... Check

Sufficient for dispatch
VOICE RECORDER switch ......................................................................................................... ON

MFD .................................................................................................................................... SYS

Hydraulic quantity(QTY %)…………CHECK ................... No RF

MFD .................................................................................................................................... ENG

Engine oil quantity(no LO Display)…………CHECK ................. Sufficient for dispatch


MODEL… ......................................................................................…737-800w
ENG RATING....................................................................................27k
Navigation data base,ACTIVE date range .......................... current


Time… .............................................................................................. correct

SET IRS POS line ................................................... Enter the present position

The UNABLE REQD NAV PERF-RNP message may show until IRS alignment is complete

Maintenance documents .................................................................................................................. Check
Flight deck Access system switch …………………………………………………………………. Guard closed

Fire extinguisher .......................... Checked stowed (Pin Inserted, In Green Range, Expire Date)
Tie strap ..........................................Checked
Crash axe .......................................... Stowed

Other needed equipment (FO side)............................................................... Checked and stowed

(Life vest, gloves, smoke goggles, and sun visor)
Other needed equipment (Captain side) ..................................................... Checked and stowed
(Life vest, gloves, smoke goggles, sun visor and PB)
Escape ropes both Capt. And FO side ................... Stowed

ELT switch. ............................................................................................................ Guard closed

ELT light is extinguished

PSEU light extinguished

GPS light extinguished

SERVICE INTERPHONE switch. ........................................................................................ OFF

ENGINE panel
ENGINE CONTROL lights are extinguished
EEC switches………………………………………………………………………………………. ON

PASSENGER OXYGEN switch… ................................................................... Guard closed

PASS OXY ON light is extinguished

Landing gear indicator lights illuminated

Flight recorder switch. ..................................................................................................... Guard closed
OFF light illuminated

MACH AIRSPEED WARNING TEST ................................ No 1 Push and hold Clacker sounds
No 2 Push and hold Clacker sounds
4 min since AC powered
Flap .................................................................................................................................... Check Up
Flap Position .................................................................................................................. Check Up
Obtain a clearance to pressure the hydraulic system
System B Electric Hydraulic pumps… ................................................................................ ON
(Check hydraulic pressure > 2800psi)
Flap ................................................................................................................................. UP
System B Electric Hydraulic pumps… ............................................................................... OFF

“Be aware for stall warning test”

STALL WARNING TEST switches...............................................No.1 Push and hold

Control column 1 vibrates
STALL WARNING TEST switches.............................................. No.2 Push and hold
Control column 2 vibrates
(P6 panel) Circuit breakers. ...................................................................................... Check
Manual gear extension access door... (Check for foreign object inside and wires) ....................... Closed
Control stand circuit breakers… .....................................................................................................Check
(P18 panel) Circuit breakers. ....................................................................................... Check
F: “Captain I am going out for exterior inspection. Set parking brakes and since it’s daylight we will not need
exterior lights”
Parking Break .......................................... Set (wear inspection)

Wheel well + wing illumination + logo ......................... ON

Going For Exterior Inspection

Coming From Exterior Inspection
Wing Illumination ..................................................... OFF

Cabin Joint Briefing

Preflight Procedure (FO)

Flight documents Check

Licenses (Airworthiness, Registration, Radio, Airoperator certificate ) Checked
Aircraft library (Operational Manual, etc)… .............. Checked
Charts ......................................................................................... Prepared
Seat ................................................................................................. Adjust

C: “Request Radio Check and Take off data on VHF or copy ATIS”. Tune 121.9BG (From Chart)
F: “Bole ground Ethiopian 306 Good Afternoon, request radio check, surface condition”
BG: “Read you loud and clear. Surface condition CAVOK Temp 19 Dew 16 QNH1026 25L for departure”
F: “25L for departure, 1026 Ethiopian 306”

F: Checks T/O minima on chart 10-9 and most accurate approach for the T/O alternate

F: Capt. Shall I start the preflight procedure

C: Master LIGHTS TEST and DIM switch...................................................................................... TEST

All other lights are flashing or illuminated

All system annunciator panel lights are illuminated.

❖ Before engine start, use individual system lights to verify the system status. If an individual
system light indicates an improper condition:
o Check the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) to decide if the condition has a dispatch
o Decide if maintenance is needed.

Flight control panel Check

FLIGHT CONTROL switches............................................................................ Guards closed
LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated.
Flight SPOILER switches ................................................................................ Guards closed
YAW DAMPER switch… ................................................................................................................... ON
YAW DAMPER light is extinguished.
Standby hydraulic LOW QUANTITY
LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished.
STBY RUD ON light is extinguished.
ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch… .................................................................. Guard closed
ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch… ................................................................................... OFF
lights extinguished.


VHF NAV transfer switch ........................................................................................................... NORMAL
IRS transfer switch… ................................................................................................................... NORMAL
FMC source selector switch… .................................................................................................. NORMAL

DISPLAYS panel Set

SOURCE selector ................................................................................................................................ AUTO
CONTROL PANEL select switch… ........................................................................................... NORMAL
Fuel panel Set
SPAR VALVE CLOSED lights are illuminated DIM.
FILTER BYPASS lights are extinguished.
CROSSFEED selector ...................................................................................................................... Closed
VALVE OPEN light is extinguished.
FUEL PUMP switches… ......................................................................................................................... OFF
Center tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished. lights
` Main tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE are illuminated.

Electrical Set
BATTERY switch…............................................................................................................. Guard closed
GALLEY power switch… ...................................................................................................................... ON
STANDBY POWER switch…............................................................................................ Guard closed
ELEC lights are extinguished. switches…
Generator drive DISCONNECT ........................................................................... Guards closed
DRIVE lights are illuminated.

BUS TRANSFER switch..................................................................................................... Guard Closed

SOURCE OFF lights are extinguished.
GEN OFF BUS lights are illuminated.

EQUIPMENT COOLING switches.................................................................................................. NORM

OFF lights are extinguished.
EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS switch. ........................................................................... Guard closed
NOT ARMED light is extinguished.

Passenger signs Set

NO SMOKING switch… ............................................................................................................................ ON
(Check fuel on Computer Flight Plan, CDU Prog page& Upper DU indications)
FASTEN BELTS switch…............................................... (After fueling/defueling completed) ON

Windshield WIPER selectors ........................................................................................................... PARK

(Check Visually Windshield Wipers are stowed)
WINDOW HEAT switches (4x) ............................................................................................................ ON
(Position switches ON at least 10 minutes before takeoff)
OVERHEAT lights (4x) are extinguished.
ON lights (4x) are illuminated (except at high ambient temperatures.)
PROBE HEAT switches ......................................................................................................................... OFF
All lights(8x) are illuminated

WING ANTI–ICE switch ......................................................................................................................... OFF

VALVE OPEN lights (2x) are extinguished
ENGINE ANTI–ICE switches................................................................................................................. OFF
COWL VALVE OPEN lights are extinguished
Hydraulic panel Set
ENGINE HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches…........................................................................................ ON
LOW PRESSURE (2x) lights are illuminated
ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches .....................................................................................OFF
OVERHEAT lights (2x) are extinguished lights
LOW PRESSURE (2x) are illuminated

Air conditioning panel

AIR TEMPERATURE source selector ...................................................................... (PASS CAB) FWR
TRIM AIR switch… .................................................................................................................................. ON
ZONE TEMP(3x) lights are extinguished.
Temperature selectors....................................................................................................................... AUTO
RAM DOOR FULL OPEN lights are illuminated.
RECIRCULATION FAN switches… ................................................................................................ AUTO
Air conditioning PACK switches… ................................................................................................ AUTO
ISOLATION VALVE switch… ............................................................................................................OPEN
Engine BLEED air switches… .............................................................................................................. ON
APU BLEED air switch… ....................................................................................................................... ON
DUAL BLEED light is illuminated

lights are extinguished.

Cabin pressurization panel

OFF SCHED DESCENT lights are extinguished.
FLIGHT ALTITUDE indicator ....................................................... Set Cruise altitude (From CFP)
LANDING ALTITUDE indicator ....................... Set Destination field elevation (From Chart)
Pressurization mode selector........................................................................................................ AUTO
MANUAL lights are extinguished
Cabin altitude, field elevation
Cabin Diff Press ....................................................................................................................................... Zero
Cabin Altitude ....................................................................................... 7650 (Checked from chart)
Cabin Climb ................................................................................................................................................ Zero

Lighting panel
LANDING light ........................................................................................................... RETRACT and OFF
RUNWAY TURNOFF lights ................................................................................................................... OFF
TAXI light................................................................................................................................................... OFF

Ignition select switches. .....................................................................................................................IGN R

ENGINE START switches....................................................................................................................... OFF

LOGO light ........................................................................ OFF (If ON for Exterior inspection…Stays ON)

POSITION light ................................................................................................................................ STEADY
ANTI–COLLISION light .......................................................................................................................... OFF
WING illumination .................................................................................................................................. OFF
WHEEL WELL light........................................................ OFF (If ON for Exterior inspection…Stays ON)

F: “Am I the pilot flying”

C: “Yes you are the pilot flying”
Mode control panel
FLIGHT DIRECTOR ................................................................................................................................ ON
COURSE(S) ................................................................................................................................................. Set (193)
(Form chart, first SID course of PF Side)
❖ Captain sets FD and course just after FO sets

EFIS control panel

MINIMUMS reference selector........................................................................................................ BARO
MINIMUMS selector ............................................... Set decision height or altitude reference (8650)
FLIGHT PATH VECTOR switch… .......................................................................................................OFF
METERS switch… ..................................................................................................................................... OFF
BAROMETRIC reference selector..................................................................................................... HPA
BAROMETRIC selector ...........................................................................Set local altimeter setting
VOR/ADF switches… .......................................................................................................... Both on VOR
Mode selector .......................................................................................................................................... MAP
CENTER switch…....................................................................................................................... Expanded
Range selector ........................................................................... 20 (1 wpt for PF and 2 wpts for PM)
TRAFFIC switch… ...................................................................................................................................... ON
Weather Radar…........................................................................................................................................................... OFF
Weather radar indication not shown on MAP
Map switches… ............................................................................................................................................................. OFF

Oxygen Test
Crew oxygen pressure.................................................................... Check Sufficient for dispatch
Oxygen mask… ........................................................................................... Stowed and doors closed

TEST/RESET switch… ................................................................................................ Push and hold

Yellow cross shows momentarily in the flow indicator

EMERGENCY/Test selector ...........................................................Push and hold (5 seconds)

Yellow cross shows continuously in the flow indicator. Crew
oxygen pressure does not decrease more than 100 psig.

TEST/RESET switch and EMERGENCY/Test selector ................................................... Release

Normal/100% switch… ............................................................................................................... 100%
Yellow cross does not show in the flow indicator.

Time Check……UTC…. with CDU Post Int Page ................................................................... Equal

Cabin Alt
T/O config lights extinguished
Display select panel
MAIN PANEL DU selector ........................................................................................................... NORM
LOWER DU selector........................................................................................................................ NORM

Disengage light TEST switch… .............................................................................................. Hold to 1

Three amber
Disengage light TEST switch… ................................................................................................Hold to 2
A/T lights steady red light
FMC steady amber
Brake Temp Lights Extinguished
Flight instruments Check
PFD and ND Flight instrument indications are correct No
failure flags are shown except:
NO VSPD (until V–speeds are selected)
Air Speed Indicator reads 045
(AFM) Flight mode annunciations (Auto throttle, Roll, Pitch mode) are……. Blank
AFDS status…................ Flight Director


TERRAIN INHIBIT switch… ........................................................................................ Guard closed
GPWS INOP light is extinguished.

Landing gear panel

LANDING GEAR lever ................................................................................................................ DOWN
Three Green .......... Illuminated
Three Red ..............Extinguished
AUTO BRAKE select switch ........................................................................................... RTO
AUTO BRAKE DISARM Illuminate then Extinguished
ANTISKID INOP lights are extinguished

Engine display control

N1 SET selector ................................................................................................................................... AUTO
SPEED REFERENCE selector .........................................................................................................AUTO

FUEL FLOW switch… ............................................................... RESET (FF=0 Upper Du), then RATE

Engine instruments Check

MFD .................................................................................................................................... ENG
Primary and secondary engine indications….................................Show existing conditions
No exceedance is shown
MFD .................................................................................................................................... SYS
Hydraulic quantity (QTY %) …………CHECK ....................No RF


F: Captain I’m going to perform cargo fire test beware

DETECTOR SELECT switches (2x).............................................................................................. NORM

TEST switch… ........................................................................................................................................ Push and Hold
Fire warning bell sounds
Master FIRE WARN(2x) lights are illuminated Master
FIRE WARN light ................................................................................................................................ Push
Master FIRE WARN(2x) lights are extinguished. Fire
warning bell cancels
Green EXTINGUISHER test lights stay illuminated
FWD and AFT lights stay illuminated
DETECTOR FAULT light stays extinguished light
DISCH stays illuminated
WEATHER 1 WEATHER 2…........................................ OFF
WEATHER RADAR mode selector……………………………TEST
WEATHER 1 WEATHER 2…........................................ ON
WEATHER 1 WEATHER 2…........................................ OFF
WEATHER RADAR mode selector ............................. WX/T

C: “Request radio check and SELCAL on HF” (Not on if fueling/defueling)

F: Tune 112.56 on HF
F: Holloway Ethiopian 306 good morning calling Holloway Holloway on 112.56, selcall check…selcall code
F: Tune 3356
When hearing sound or selcall light illuminate
F: Selcall check okay
Radio tuning panel
VHF 1 Frequency
OFF light is extinguished
Active 121.9
Standby 118.1

NAV 1 radios
Active 112.9
Standby 111.5

Audio control panel

MIC Selector ....................... SERV INT
RECEIVER Switches… . VHF1,2&3 + SERV INT + FLT
Neutral, Boom, Both, Normal

VHF 3 Frequency
Active 121.5(EMRG)
Standby 123.45(Inter pilot air-to-air)

Transponder panel
XPNDR mode Selector.......................................... STBY
2000 for ground operation
ATC 1 &ALT 1
ADF radios
ADF1 333 AB
ADF2 352 BL
WX Radar
GAIN .................................AUTO
WX mode ..........................WXR/TURB
TILT ................................ 5° (for takeoff)

VHF 2 Frequency
Active 131.5(Holloway)
Standby 126.9(IATA) NAV
2 radios
Active 112.9
Standby 111.5
Audio control panel
MIC Selector .........................HF 1
RECEIVER Switches… . VHF1, 2&3 + SERV INT + FLT
Neutral, Boom, Both, Normal

STABILIZER TRIM override switch............................................................. Guard closed


ROUTE page:
DP/ARR Select the runway and departure routing
Enter the route
Select the destination runway and arrival routing
Activate and execute the route


Do not enter the ZFW into the GW boxes.
Enter: ZFW
FUEL on the CDU / dispatch papers
The fuel quantity indicators… ............................... agree
Reserve fuel
Cost index
Planned cruising level
Average wind
Transition altitude
Thrust mode display: No dashes are shown.
N1 LIMIT page:
Assumed temperature 32 &Fixed derate takeoff 24 ........................... Select


T/O flap .............................................................................. Enter / verify
CG ......................................................................................... Enter
Trim value….......................................................................Shown
Takeoff V speeds… ........................................................... Enter
Thrust reduction altitude…............................................ Verify / Enter
Verify that the preflight is complete.

Perform P-pattern CDU check.

ROUTE page:
Verify that the route is correct and there is no discontinuity.
CLIMB page:
Verify speed restriction. (Enter Flap up Speed 200/14000, or max Angle until MSA)
Note engine out climb information
CRUISE page:
Verify optimum altitude.
Note engine out cruise information
Verify speed restriction, transition level, and descent forecast wind.
Verify distance, time, and fuel up until destination airport
LEGS page:
Verify or enter the correct RNP for the departure.
Check the LEGS pages as needed to ensure Compliance with the flight plan
RTE Data… .......... Wind .......................Enter
Set wind for ASOLE & NIDEG
FIX page:
Set fix page as needed.
F: CDU.............................................. TAKE OFFF REF page
Seat ......................................................................................................................................................... Adjust
Rudder pedals ................................................................................................................................... Adjust
Seat belt................................................................................................................................................ Adjust

Lights Test
Master LIGHTS TEST and DIM switch ....................................................................................... TEST
All other lights are flashing or illuminated
All system annunciator panel lights are illuminated.

Master LIGHTSTEST and DIM switch….................................................................. DIM (night)

EFIS control panel

MINIMUMS reference selector...................................................................................................... BARO
MINIMUMS selector ............................................... Set decision height or altitude reference(8650)
FLIGHT PATH VECTOR switch… .....................................................................................................OFF
METERS switch… ................................................................................................................................... OFF
BAROMETRIC reference selector.................................................................................................... HPA
BAROMETRIC selector ......................................................................... Set local altimeter setting
VOR/ADF switches… ........................................................................................................ Both on VOR
Mode selector .......................................................................................................................................... MAP
CENTER switch…....................................................................................................................... Expanded
Range selector .......................................................................................................................................... 20
TRAFFIC switch… .................................................................................................................................... ON
Weather Radar…......................................................................................................................................................... OFF
Weather radar indication not shown on MAP
Map switches… ............................................................................................................................................................. OFF

Mode control panel

FLIGHTDIRECTOR .................................................................................................................... ON
COURSE(S) ................................................................................................................................................. Set(193)
(Form chart, second SID course of PM Side)
Bank angle selector ................................................................................................................................ 25
Heading selector .............................................................................................................. RWY Heading
Vertical speed indicator ................................................................................................................. blank
Autopilot DISENGAGE bar ................................................................................................................... UP

Oxygen Test
Crew oxygen pressure .................................................................. Check Sufficient for dispatch
Oxygen mask................................................................................... Stowed and doors closed

TEST/RESET switch… ................................................................................................ Push and hold

Yellow cross shows momentarily in the flow indicator

EMERGENCY/Test selector ...........................................................Push and hold (5 seconds)

Yellow cross shows continuously in the flow indicator. Crew
oxygen pressure does not decrease more than 100 psig.

TEST/RESET switch and EMERGENCY/Test selector ................................................... Release

Normal/100% switch… ............................................................................................................... 100%

Yellow cross does not show in the flow indicator.
Time Check with CDU Post Int Page .........................................................................................Equal
NOSE WHEEL STEERING switch. ..............................................................................Guard closed

Display select panel

MAIN PANEL DU selector ............................................................................................................... NORM
LOWER DU selector........................................................................................................................ NORM

Disengage light TEST switch… ................................................................................................ Hold to 1

Three amber
Disengage light TEST switch… ................................................................................................ Hold to 2
A/T lights steady red light
FMC steady amber

STAB OUT OF TRIM light extinguished

Flight instruments Check

PFD and ND Flight instrument indications are correct No

failure flags are shown except:
NO VSPD (until V–speeds are selected)
Air Speed Indicator reads 045
(AFM) Flight mode annunciations (Auto Throttle, Roll, Pitch mode) are Blank AFDS
status is FD

Standby instruments Check

Integrated standby flight instrument display (ISFD)
Flight instrument indications are correct
Approach mode selector..................................................................................................... OFF
QNH ............................................................................................................................................... Set
Radio magnetic indicator (RMI)
VOR & ADF .................................................................................................................................. Selected
No flags are shown

SPEEDBRAKE lever ......................................................................................................... DOWN Detent

SPEEDBRAKES EXTENDED light is extinguished.

Reverse thrust levers ......................................................................................................................Down

Forward thrust levers. ................................................................................................................. Closed

Enginestartlevers .......................................................................................................... CUTOFF

FLAP lever .................................................................................................................................................. Set

Flap lever agree with the flap position indicator.
STABILIZERTRIMcutout switches.................................................................................... NORMAL

Parking brake ............................................................................................................................Set

parking brake warning light is illuminated
Radio tuning panel
VHF 1 Frequency Audio control panel
OFF light is extinguished MIC Selector Service Interphone
Active 121.9 RECEIVER Switches… VHF1,2&3 +
Standby 118.1
Neutral, Boom, Both, Normal

VHF NAVIGATION 1 radios ADF radios

Active 112.9 ADF1 333 AB
Standby 111.5 ADF2 352 BL

C: “IOCC ETH-306 stand number gate 7 Missing the following Items”

C: “Cabin crew is the cabin ready to board passengers”
C: “IOCC ETH-306 ready to board passengers”
C: “Standby on the CDU start the APU”

C: “Start APU” (if electrical power up is done by ground power)

F: APU start
Packs ............................................................................................................................... OFF
APU bleed ........................................................................................................... .ON
IF Center tank exceeds 453 kg
L. Center tank fuel pump ............................................................................................................ ON
IF NOT …………... AFT, 1 Fuel Pump…………………………………………..ON
APU ......................................................................................................................... Start-ON
Time Hack (2min), check EGT increases APU
GEN OFF BUS light is illuminated
F: APU on speed
C: APU Generator on bus
APUGENERATOR bus switches… ......................................................................................... ON
APU OVERSPEED lights are extinguished
Time Hack (1min)
Packs ............................................................................................................................. Auto
APU bleed .................................................................................................................... On
Dual bleed light illuminate
C: “Ground, cockpit, please remove ground power”
F: (Continues CDU fill and Finishes)
C: (Checks all entries on the CDU)
C: CDU............................................................. Legs page
Seat ......................................................................................................................................................... Adjust
Rudder pedals ................................................................................................................................... Adjust
Seat belt and shoulder harness ................................................................................................... Adjust

C: “Takeoff briefing”
F: Performs T/O briefing

C: PREFLIGHT checklist
F: PREFLIGHT checklist

F: Papers (Load Sheet & fuel sheet) onboard

CF: Performance Calculation, Takeoff V speeds V1, Vr, V2, CG Assumed temp, derated takeoff Completed
C: Maintenance log book and fuel sheet ................ Sign
N1 bugs --- set
IAS bugs --- set

Auto throttle ................................... Arm

IAS/MACH…......................................... V2
Initial heading ............................................ Set
Initial altitude ............................................ Set
CDU FO T/O page .................... Trim value
Stabilizer trim…........................ Set

Arm LNAV and VNAV as needed

C: “Cabin crews please make sure all passengers are On Board and Seated, Cabin secured
and Door closed”

F: Flight Deck door ................................................. Closed& Locked

F: Door Lights… ...................................................................... OFF & Doors Armed
Verify that the LOCK FAIL light is extinguished.
C: Left window… ................................Locked
F: Right window… .................................. Locke
Before Engine Start

C: “Ground cockpit is the area clear to Pressurize Hydraulic Systems? and confirm the nose gear steering
lockout pin is installed and towbar connected”
G: “Area is clear for pressurization.”
C: “Area is clear”

C: “Pressurize Systems”
Lower DU ............................................................. System
Fasten belt… ......................................................... Check On
Fuel pumps… ........................................................ On (Center tank fuel quantity >460kgs)
Electric hydraulic pumps… ............................. On
Hydraulic pressure…................... >2,800 psi
Brake pressure… ............................ >2,800 psi and within green range
Rudder & Aileron trim ................... Free and Zero unit
CDU FO T/O page ............................. Trim value
Stabilizer trim .....................................Set

C: “Ground cockpit please remove main gear pins. sighted!”

C: “Request startup and pushback clearance, destination Djibouti, FL370”

F: Transponder ............................................................................... ALT on
F: “Bole ground ET-306, stand no. gate 7, destination Djibouti, FL370, request startup and pushback”
BG: “ET-306 Bole ground, cleared startup and pushback approved facing east for runway 25L, standby FL370”
F: “Cleared startup and pushback facing east for runway 25L, standby FL370, ET-306”
F: CDU & MCP ....................................................... Update (If Runway change & Altitude)
❖ Crosscheck ATC clearance with FMC and Operational Flight Plan and verify correct routing,
check for any discrepancy.
F: Anti-collision light .................................... ON



Engine Start

C: “Ground cockpit, we have got startup and pushback clearance facing East Brakes in, our engine start
sequence is engine no.2 followed by engine no.1; call us when area is clear to start engine no.2.
G: “Release parking brake, pushing” “Area is clear to start
engine no.2”
C: Parking brake………Release
C: (Notes block out time)
F: (Writes block out time)
C: “Packs off”
Packs …….… ...................... OFF
Lower DU ...........................Engine

C: “Start engine no.2”

F: “Start engine no.2”
Duct pressure…................ >30 psi
Engine start switch no.2 ................................................ GND
Start valve Open light illuminated
Time…………………………………………………. Hack (2 min)

C: @25%N2
Engine start lever… ........ Idle
Time……………………………………………….Hack(10 sec) (FF, EGT)
F: @56%N2
Engine start switch....................................................... OFF
Start valve open light extinguished
F: “Starter Cutout”
C: Engine no.2 stabilize, NO CDS Fault (N1, N2, EGT, FF, Low pressure Extinguished)

C: Ground cockpit is area clear to start engine no.1

G: Area is clear to start engine no.1
G: Set parking brake Push Back completed
C: Parking Brake……. SET
C: “Start engine no.1”
F: Starts engine no.1

❖ Engine warm up recommendations:

o [NG] Run the engines for at least 2 minutes.
o [737-8] Run the engines for at least 3 minutes.
o Use a thrust setting normally used for taxi operations.

Before Taxi
C: “Flaps 5”
F: Flaps… ....................................................... 5
Lower DU .............................................. System

F: Generators… ..........................................ON
Probe heat… .......................................... ON
Wing and Engine anti-ice… ..............OFF(OAT>10ºC)
Packs… ................................................... Auto
Isolation valve… ..................................Auto
APU bleed............................................... OFF
Engine start switches… ..................... CONT
Recall ........................................................ Check
Confirm APU OFF? ................................ APU OFF

‘Flaps 5 green lights’

C: Engine start lever Idle detent

C: Flight control Check (silent)

Control wheel .............................Left then neutral
Aileron .......................................... Full travel then neutral
Control wheel .............................Right then neutral
Aileron ............................................ Full travel then neutral

Control column...........................Forward then neutral

Elevator down ............................. Full travel then neutral
Control column...........................Aft then neutral
Elevator up................................... Full travel then neutral

C: Ground cockpit, we have two stabilized engines; remove nose steering pin and others. Give us hand signal on
the left when area is clear.
G: Pins remove and area is clear, have a good flight
C: Sighted, have a good day

C: “Follow me on right rudder”

F: “Roger”
Nose wheel steering wheel ........ Hold;(to prevent nose wheel movement)
Right rudder ....................................Full travel then neutral
Left rudder ....................................... Full travel then neutral

C: “Before Taxi Checklist”

Lower DU…………… off
“Before Taxi Checklist”

Before Takeoff

C: “Request taxi”
F: “Bole ground ET-306 ready for taxi”
BG: “ET-306 Bole ground cleared to taxi to holding position runway 25L via C-F-E, 1026” F: “Holding position
runway 25L via C-F-E, 1026 ET-306”
C: Shoulder Harness........................................................................................ Adjust
F: Shoulder Harness ...................................................................................................... Adjust

C: “Taxi light on”

F: Taxi light .............................................................................................................. On
C: Parking brake…………………………………………………………………. Release
F: “Bole ground ET-306 Ready to copy ATC Clearance”
BG: “ATC clears ET-306 destination Djibouti, via UB-535, Asole1B departure FL370, initially maintain FL150,
squawk 1420”
F: “ATC cleared ET-306 destination Djibouti via UB-535 Asole1B departure FL370 initially maintain FL150
squawk 1420 onboard 100/7 registration ET-ANA”
BG: “Read back is correct contact 118.1”
F: “118.1, ET-306”
❖ Immediately call 118.1
F: “Bole tower ET-306”
BT: “Continue taxi report E”

Altitude on MCP ………………...15000
Squawk ................................... 1420
F: “Captain Review ATC”

• Callout to captain - ATC clears ET-306 destination Djibouti, via UB-535, Asole1B departure FL370,
initially maintain FL150 level change, enroute squawk 1420
•Check on CDU
Route page (1/3) ........................ Djibouti
Route page (2/3)…………….. UB-535
Route page (2/3)… .................... Asole1B departure
Cruise page… ................................. FL370 (check FLTAlt)
Initial Altitude on MCP ............ 15000
Squawk .......................................... ... Set
C: “Advise cabin crew”
F: Attendant call………. Is the cabin secured?
F: MIC Selector… ................................... PA
“Cabin crew please be seated for departure”
F: MIC Selector… ................................... VHF
“Bole Tower ET-306 approaching holding position 25L via E request lineup”
BT: “Cleared line up 25L”
F: “Cleared line up 25L, ET-306”

C: Terrain (EFIS) ................... on (No 1)

Wxr (EFIS) .......................... on(on NO-2)
Wxr ............................................ 5° tilt

Runway Turnoff lights.................................................ON (when Away From Apron)& night

(C,F)Position light ...................................................... Strobe and steady
(C,F)Transponder… ...................................................... TA/RA
Squawk ............................................................................. Check Set


F: Tunes 119.7 on standby

C: “Before takeoff checklist”

F: Before takeoff checklist
C: “Parking brake set, you have control”
F: “I have control”

PF: V1, V2, A/T Arm, FD, ALT, QNH, Auto break RTO check and CDU TO reference page
PM: V1, V2, A/T Arm, FD, ALT, QNH, Auto break RTO check and CDU Legs page

PF: Ready for departure Capt.

PM: “Bole Tower ET-306 ready for departure”
BT: “ET-306 cleared for T/O maintain R/W heading initial altitude/FL150”
PM: “Cleared for T/O maintain R/W heading initial altitude/FL150 ET-306”
PF: “Landing light ON”
PM: Landing light ON
PF: Parking brake…Relase

N1......................................... 40%, stabilize
TO/GA…...................... Press
PM: N1, TO/GA (by checking on FMA)

❖ [NG] Verify an increase in engine oil temperature before takeoff.

[737-8] Verify that the engine oil temperature is at or above 31°C.
❖ During strong headwinds, if the thrust levers do not advance to the planned takeoff
thrust, manually advance the thrust levers before 60 knots.

PM: T/O thrust set (N1 indication + Thrust lever)

PF: “You have the thrust lever”
PM: “I have the thrust lever”

“Airspeed Increasing”
“80 knots”
” Throttle hold” (84 knots)
PF: Check
PM: V1‘Rotate’ (Hand will be removed from the power lever)
PF: 15°pitch; Follow the FD (see inside)

❖ At VR, rotate toward 15° pitch attitude.

After liftoff, follow F/D (F/D commands V2 + 15 to 25kts)

PM: ‘Positive rate’

PF: “Gear up”
PM: Gear lever… ................................Up

Set 119.7 on active

PM: 400ft RA
PF: “LNAV / Heading Select”

PM: LNAV / Heading ........................................Select

❖ Verify VNAV engaged (if armed before

PM:1000ft RA (Acceleration Height) (thrust reduction height, verify that climb thrust is set)
PF: “N1, speed/ 185”
❖ For 07 N1 flaps up speed
N1....................................................... Select
Speed 185……………………………... Set

❖ Make sure to actively synchronize heading throughout the flight

PF: (when airspeed become/ Increase V2+15) “Flap 1”

PM: Flap lever ............................... Flap 1
Flap 1 green light

PF: (When airspeed become flap 1 speed) “Flap-up”

PM: Flap lever…............................ UP
“Flap up, no light”

PM: VNAV Engaged
Command Engaged

PF: “After takeoff checklist”

Gear ........................................... Up and OFF
Auto break .................. ………OFF
Engine start switch………..OFF

PM: “After takeoff checklist completed” / read and do checklist

PM: “Transition Altitude, Set standard” …………… Standard (on NO-1)(on stb)
PF: “Standard set” … .................................................................................. Standard (on NO-2)
PF: Crossing FL_____
EFIS ........................ TERR to WXR (on NO-1)
TILT ............ 3º
CDU ................................... progress page
“Delete fix page”
PM: CDU ..................FIX -> delete…ADS

PM: 10,00ft AGL

PF: “Exterior lights OFF, Fasten belts AUTO”
Exterior lights………..OFF
Fasten belts……………AUTO
PM: “1000ft to level off”
PF: “Check”
RDR: “ET 306 you are requested by company order to come back to addis”

PF: “Request Addis Actual WXR and Type of Approach””

PM: “Radar ET-306 request Addis Actual WXR and type of approach”
RDR: “QNH, Temp, Cloud, ”
PM: “QNH__ and will call you for further intention ET-306”
Standby Altimeter……………..QNH Set
❖ Choose approach based on current position and weather

PF: “Request direct ADS” (Assuming ADS chosen as IAF)

PM: “Radar ET-306 maintaining FL270, request direct ADS for ____ approach”
RDR: “Cleared direct ADS report ready to descent”
PM: “Will report when ready to descent”
PF: HDG ..................................... Approx. Direct ADS
PF: Set direct ADS
PM: Legs page
ADS… .............................Direct
Confirm execute
Execute (check segment by expanding range)

PM: “Copy WXR”

PF: “Copied”
PF: “You have control and preparing FMC and cockpit for descent”
PM: I have control

Approach page
Select VREF 30 and Vref 40 note
Legs page
ADS… .............................Direct
ADS set .......................................................... Flap up speed / 13,500ft
12NM IAA / 13NM ADS............................. Flap 5 speed / 11,200ft
WPT ............................... Refer with chart Check Altitude constraints
Make sure to set RNP if Non-precision approach
Altitude… ..................... Check/Set current altitude
Speed ‘VNAV Available’

Des Forecast
Transition level .................. SET
ISA deviation ....................... Set current temp for Addis
QNH….................................... SET

Hold Next hold -> Select Waypoint -> Inbound Rad/ R or L

Fix ……. ADS

CDU……. Progress Page
PM: FMC is prepared for descent
PM: “Preparing the cockpit for descent”
ADF….................................................................................. Set
NAV freq… ..........................................................................ILS Active VOR Standby (on NO-2)
Com freq… ........................................................................ Set
Auto brake?… ..................................................................... 2
Standby Altimeter… ..................................................... QNH
Standby Attitude… ......................................................... APP
MIN....................................................................................Set from the chart (on NO-1)
BARO ................................................................................ QNH set (on NO-1)
COURSE… ......................................................... Final course set (on NO-1)(on NO-2)
LDG Altitude… ................................................... Destination airport elevation (from the chart)
Center fuel Pumps(quantity >1400kg) .................ON
Recall...................................................................................Check 12 annunciator

PM: MIN and QNH… ..................................................set (on NO-2)

Approach Chart Briefing
CDU…………………………………………………….CUZ page
“I have control”

PF: “You have control”

PF: “Descent checklist”
PM: Descent checklist

PM: Shoulder Harness ....................................................................................... Adjust

PF: Shoulder Harness .................................................................................................................... Adjust

PF: (10 mins before TOD) Cabin crew prepare cockpit for descent
PF: (10-15NM from TOD) “Request Descent”
PM: “Radar ET-306, maintaining FL 270, 10 DME, request descent”
RDR: “Cleared to descent to14, 000 ft, call again overhead ADS”
PF: MCP Altitude… .................................................................. 14,000 ft

(Just before reaching TOD)

CF: Fasten belt… .............................................................. On
PF: CDU…………………………………………...Legs page

Start descent
PM: At or above 10,000ft
PF: “Exterior Lights on”
Exterior lights… ..............................................................ON
Fixed & Retractable Landing light ..........................ON
Taxi light ........................................................................... ON
Runway Turnoff light ............................................. ON
Logo light ................................................................... ON
PM: Fasten seat belts ………………… Recycle
PM: “Transition level, Altimeter set ____” (on no.1)
PF: “QNH___ set” (on no.2)
PF: “Crossing ___FT”
PM: TERR ................................ ON (on no.1)
PF: Wx……………………………Tilt 5°
PF: “Approach checklist”
PM: Approach checklist

PM: ‘3 DME’ (if No HOLD)

PM: “Radar ET-306 Approaching ADS request commence approach upon arrival”
RDR: “Cleared commence approach upon arrival, call establish on final”
PM: “Cleared commence approach upon arrival upon arrival Will call you establish on final ET-306”
PF: Altitude… ..........................................................................11, 200 ft (MCP Altitude)

ILS 25L Approach

PM: POS…...................... Select ‘R-092’
PF: “Flaps 1”
PM: speed check Flaps… .......................... 1
PF: Flaps 1 speed… ....................................................... Set
PM: ‘Flaps 1 green lights’
PM: Mic selector… ......................... PA
“Cabin crew be seated for Arrival”

PF: “Flaps 5”
PM: speed check Flaps… 5
PM: ‘Flaps 5 green lights’
PF: Flaps 5 speed… ....................................................... Set

PF: “Tune ILS on no.2”

PM: ILS tuned on no.2
PF: ILS identified IAA on no.2 DME Available
PM: ILS tune on no.1
PM: ILS identified IAA on no.2 DME Available

(At base turn)

PF: Intercept Heading ........................................................................ 282º
PM: ‘HDG Sel. capture, VOR/LOC armed’

First positive inward

localizer pointer
PM: ‘VOR/LOC capture’
APP ......................................................................................... Select
Final heading ....................................................................... 252º
PF: Next Altitude

PM: ‘G/S armed, Single Channel’

First positive motion of

Glideslope pointer

PM: ‘G/S alive’ (Check on the standby altimeter)

PF: “Gear down, Flaps 15”
Gear lever…………………Down
Engine start switches…CONT
‘Flaps 15 green lights’
Flaps 15 speed………………………………Set
Speed brake… ............................................ARM

PM: ‘G/S captured’

PF: “Flaps 30”
PM: Flaps… ................................................ 30
Speed Check Flaps 30 speed + wind additive (5) .................................................................Set
Missed Approach Altitude… ..........................................................................................................14,000 ft
PM: ‘Flaps 30Green lights’

PF: “Landing checklist”

PM: Landing checklist
PM: “Radar ET-306 establish on ILS 25L”
RDR: “Call R/W insight”
PM: “Will call you R/W insight”

Radio altimeter alive 2500 “CHECK”
Final approach fix inbound “CHECK”
“1000 FEET”
1000 ft. AFE (call 500ft too “CHECK” or
if non precision approach ) “GO AROUND”
100 ft. above DA(H) (fail “APPROACHING
passive) MINIMUMS”
At minimums call out - if
“I HAVE CONTROL _______”
response from PF on CONTROL
second call

PM: ‘Runway Insight’

At or below DA(H)-
visual reference “Runway” “LANDING”
established, PM
calls visual cues
At DA(H) - Suitable visual
reference not established,
PM does not call any visual
“500 feet” Check Single channel “CHECK”

ILS Z approach

Note - The target is to first pass IAF with flaps 5 with speed 185

• Around 10NM from IAF start the sequence

o Set Flaps 1
o Advise cabin crew
o Set Flaps 5
o Tune ILS on no.1

(…passing IAF…)

• Set intercept Heading and Arm VOR/LOC

o Note – If AB111 is the IAF, captures VOR/LOC almost immediately
• Select APP mode & Heading 252
• Continue like ILS Y
• Note
o FAF is always hard altitude
o AB111 is around 18NMs away from ADS

RNAV/VOR/LOC approach

• If no hold, around 10NM from IAF. But if there’s hold, on outbound leg of the final hold, start the
o from IAF set Flaps 1
o Advise cabin crew
o Set Flaps 5
o (for LOC approach only) Tune ILS on no.1
• Around 3NM before IAF, check RNP
Note – for RNAV GNSS, check if the GPS is updating on the CDU. If not green, RNAV GNSS not avail.

• For VOR or LOC approach

o Arm VOR or LOC and set heading just like in ILS Y during the procedure turn
• 3NM from FAF
o Approaching glidepath ……. “minimum”
o MDA set on MCP
o Heading ….. final approach course heading
• 2NM from FAF
o Gears Down, Flap 15, ENG CONT, speed brake arm
• 1NM from FAF
o Flap 30
o Set speed flaps 30 speed + wind additive
• 300ft below FAF, set missed approach altitude
o For V/S approach set MAP altitude 300ft above MDA
• Just after runway insight and autopilot disengage …... PM Recycles FD (FD turns off)
o For VOR, LOC approach

• Note:
o Next altitude/heading setting technique in RNAV approach
▪ For IAF, set next altitude and heading 3NM before
▪ For the rest of the fixes, set next alt/heading 1000 ft before next target altitude
o VOR or LOC approach– roll mode VORLOC or LNAV, pitch mode VNAV or V/S
o RNAV approach – roll mode LNAV, pitch mode VNAV or V/S
o Set on FIX page FAF in place of GWZ. This helps for situational awareness
o For VOR approach, intercept heading is 279 (249 final approach crs + 30 interception angle)

PF: A/P and A/T … ................................. Disengage

PF: ‘Landing’
PM: “Radar ET-306 R/W insight”
RDR: “Contact tower 118.1”
PM: “118.1”
PM: “Bole Tower ET-306 R/W insight”
BT: “Cleared to land”
PM: “Cleared to land ET-306”

Glideslope ½ Dot OR “CORRECTING”
Vertical Speed
During approach(1)
Center Line Deviation from “CENTER LINE” “CORRECTING”
runway centerline

❖ If automatic callouts are not available, the PM may call out radio altitude at 100 feet,
50 feet, and 30 feet (or other values as required)
❖ Up until 50 feet, follow the FD to simplify approach
PM: “Speed breaks UP” If not “Speed breaks NOT UP”
PF: Reverse thrust lever……………….Full Detent
PM: (Reverser Green) ‘Reverse NORMAL’
PM: ‘60 knots’
PF: Reverse… Down

Go around/Missed approach (flying by hand)

• (Assuming A/P and A/T disengaged and flying by hand)
• PF - Manual full thrust set then full hand on the control wheel
• PF tells the PM set go around thrust (PM makes sure the limit for GA is not passed)
• PF orders flaps 15
• PF orders at 1000ft him to set flaps up speed


• Hollow Circle on ND when

o 1200 feet or above
o At least 6NM apart
o Called “Other traffics”
o Hollow circle on ND
• Full white circle on ND when
o Below 1200 feet
o < 6NM apart
o Contact ATC of the presence of traffic near you
o Called “Proximity Traffic”

• Full yellow circle on ND when

o TA
o Means collision imminent within 40 sec When this happens
▪ Turn exterior lights on
▪ For ATC “On TCAS climb/descent”
• Red box on PFD when
o RA
o When within 25 sec
o PFD resolution advisory. Follow and catch the red box on the PFD
• Note
o TCAS resolution move has higher priority than ATC clearance/advisory
o You cannot make maneuver if on TA mode (RA guidance must first be shown)
o You cannot follow RA resolution advisory below 1000ft (because descent advisory is bad here)
• During any maneuver (TCAS GPWS, STALL…), first thing you do is disconnect autopilot and auto


• Display on ND, if aircraft is

o 500 ft above terrain – Green
o < 1500 ft below terrain – Yellow (Caution)
o > 1500 ft above terrain – Red (Warning) (means it will be difficult to escape such high terrain
nearby if eminent collision is at hand)
• Procedure
o Disconnect A/P A/T,
o Aggressively full thrust
o Full high pitch up until 20 (up to 25 if “Pull up” sound still on)
▪ Pitch limit indicator (PLI) will come. Push the pitch up limit, fight the stick shaker but
still making sure the aircraft hasn’t stalled
o For ATC communicate as “on GPWS climb or descent”
(When A/C Approach taxi speed)

PM: “Taxi speed”

Speed break.............................................. Down
“You have the control”
PM: “I have the control”

F: “Bole Tower ET306, after landing”

BT: “Vacate via B, Ground 121.9”
F: “Vacate via B, Ground 121.9, ET306” Tune…121.9

F: “Bole Ground ET306, after landing vacating Via B”

BG: “Taxi via B-F-C, Gate No. 7”
F: “Taxi via B-F-C, Gate No. 7, ET306”

(After exit the R/W Silently)

Quickly first

F/D… ........................................................... OFF

Transponder… ......................................... STBY

Position light …………………OFF (STEADY for night)

F: Rudder & Aileron… ................................. zero unit

Transponder… ........................................ STBY
NAV freq… ............................................... VOR
Stab trim ................................................... 5unit
Flaps lever…........................................... up
Auto break................................................ OFF
STBY ATT................................................. OFF
F/D… ........................................................... OFF
WXR/TERR… .............................................OFF
Engine start switch… ............................ OFF (Retractable LDG light off if at night)
Prob. heat… .................................................OFF
‘Master Caution + Anti Ice + Prob. heat OFF’
C: “Reset Master Caution”
F: Master Caution………. ........................................................ Reset

C: “Exterior light off” except taxi light

Fixed & Retractable Landing light… ................................. OFF
Position light… ................................................................... Steady
F: Shall I start APU
C: No, since we r @ HAAB, GND power is available OR Start APU
F: APU start switch ............................................................... Start
F: Marshaller in sight
C: “Taxi light OFF”
Taxi light ............................................................................................................ OFF
Runway Turnoff lights ............................................................................. OFF

(At gate)

C: Parking break .......................................Set

Check GND PWR available light illuminate
If not
C: “GND/cockpit connect GND power”
F: GND power available
C: “Connect GND power”
F: GND Power switch.............................................................ON
SOURCE OFF lights are extinguished.

C: GEN OFF BUS lights illuminated Engine

start lever… ....................................... CUTOFF

C: Parking brake… ............RELEASE (After the wheel chocks are in place)

C: “Shutdown checklist”
F: Anti-collision light ................................... OFF
Fasten belts… ............................................OFF
Fuel pumps… ............................................. OFF
(Leave left center fuel pump on if on APU)
Electric hydraulic pumps… .................. OFF
Isolation valve… ....................................... Open
APU bleed .................................................... ON (If started CHECK 1 min elapsed)
Engine bleed ............................................... ON (If started CHECK 1 min elapsed)

F: Shutdown checklist

C: (If all Passengers are out)

“Secure checklist”
F: IRS… ............................................................... OFF
Emergency exit light ................................ OFF
Window heat….......................................... OFF
Packs… ......................................................... OFF

F: Secure checklist

C: “Power down”
F: ALL FLOODS LIGHTS ............................... OFF
Ground power switch .............................. OFF
APU start switches .................................... OFF (If APU started)
Time… ............................................................ Hack
(Wait 2 minutes)
Battery switch ............................................ OFF
Edited by – Kirubel/Oliti. MPL-26B

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