29.02 Environmental Requirements

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Education and Training

All employees of the company and its subcontractors will be encouraged to understand and accept the
importance of achieving the environmental objectives and targets for which they are responsible and/or
accountable for.
Motivation through education and training will be done to continually improve the objectives and
targets and to encourage all employees to make suggestions that can lead to improve environmental
performance such as:
a) Management is committed and plays a key role.
b) Employees understand, accept and share values
c) Employees motivate their actions
d) Management recognise environmental achievements

All employees will have a lecture (Toolbox Talk / Induction) on environmental awareness as part of
the induction process.

Ablutions & Toilet Facilities

Suitable and sufficient ablution facilities will be provided for all employees. These facilities will be
clearly marked and regularly maintained according to the overall usage and outflow.

Eating Facilities

A roofed eating area will be erected on the project and will be equipped with the following: tables, bench
seating and a waste bin. The waste bin will be emptied after lunch each day and the eating area cleaned.
Drinking water will be provided. All HUGHS employees will be briefed on the rules & regulations
regarding toilet & eating facilities in the yard area.

Waste Management

Adequate waste bins and skips shall be supplied at strategic points on site. Waste bins shall be emptied
on a daily basis. Waste other than domestic waste such as wood or steel will be separated for re-cycling
and stored in allocated areas or dumped into a recognized dump area. Chemical treatment (chemical
unknown) of wooden crates will be verified according to the MSDS before the crates or planks are
donated to local community for the use of fire wood.

Dust Control

Windy conditions, speeding on site and excessive traffic that generate excessive dust will be dealt with on
an immediate basis. Work area in the office, laydown area, access roads and haul roads shall be watered
to control dust by HUGHS. No high pressure air shall be used to clean equipment or clothes. Vehicles
shall travel at prescribed speeds namely 20km on site and 40km on side roads. Excessive dust shall be
reported immediately and dealt with accordingly.

Water Consumption

HUGHS will supply adequate drinking water to all employees and every attempt will be made to
conserve water.

Fuel & Oil Storage

An Environmental Impact Assessment will be conducted on all fuel storage areas. Where possible
HUGHS and subcontractor vehicles will be fueled by means of a diesel bowser. If necessary a fuel tank
will be erected in the lay down area and will be equipped with a bundwall and suitable fire fighting
equipment. All drivers will be inducted to prevent and manage fuel spills.

28.2.8 Gas Cylinder Storage

Gas Welding cylinders and LPG cylinders will be stored in a secure, well ventilated and sign posted area.

28.2.9 Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance

Routine maintenance will be conducted as per the plant maintenance schedules. Where possible the
maintenance will take place in designated workshop areas. In the event of a breakdown immediate steps
will be taken to prevent any spillage of fuel or oil. All HUGHS vehicles shall undergo daily inspections
by the operators / drivers to ensure they are all in a roadworthy state. In the event of any spillage of fuel
or oil, steps shall be taken to clean it up. See procedure below

Emergency Maintenance Procedure:

All drivers and operators will be inducted to prevent and manage spills. In the event of mechanical failure
the following steps must be followed:

a) Workshop mechanic to be consulted,

b) If the area is not barricaded do so immediately.
c) Remove the plant to the lay down area if possible.
d) Make use of a drip tray to prevent spills
e) Major mechanical failure-Remove plant from site.
f) Used oil - remove to waste collecting company in 200 litre drums.
g) Severe spills must be reported to the supplier immediately.
Spill Procedures

All drivers and operators will be inducted to prevent and manage spills.

In the event of a fuel or other contaminant spill, the following steps are to be taken:

a) Isolate and correct the cause of the spill.

b) Contain the spill with whatever means are available e.g. with an earth berm formed by nearby earth
moving equipment.
c) Take steps to eliminate any fire hazards arising and evacuate non-essential personnel.
d) Advise the Project Manager.
e) The Project Manager will seek specialist assistance with the removal and disposal of any
contaminated soil.
f) An enquiry will be held within one week of the occurrence to investigate the causes of the spill and
to recommend policies or procedures to prevent further spills.
g) Environmental Incident Report will be submitted within 1 day to the client.

28.2.12 Noise Control

HUGHS will endeavor to keep noise generating activities to a minimum. Any activities which could
cause major disturbances will be carried out during daylight hours. HUGHS will comply with the
regulations of the OHS Act with respect to noise. Ear protection will be issued to all employees working
in noise zones.

Regular monitoring will be conducted in work areas to record dB readings.

28.2.13 Social Impacts

HUGHS and contractors shall continual liase with the local community on environmental matters.
Any problems, which cannot be resolved, shall be referred to the engineer.

28.2.14 AIDS / HIV and Malaria Awareness

HUGHS will promote AIDS / HIV awareness and Malaria awareness by the following:
a) Information on these issues will form part of the safety induction.
b) Information on Aids / HIV & Malaria will be freely distributed on all Projects.
c) Information posters will be displayed in all prominent areas.
d) Toolbox talks on these topics will be conducted at regular intervals.
e) Condoms will be freely distributed on all projects.


The management of HUGHS will enforce a “ZERO” Tolerance policy with persons caught stealing.
People caught stealing will be handed over to Security along with a theft report. The issue of theft will
form part of the Safety Induction and discussed regularly in Toolbox talks.


It is an offence under Mozambican law to offer sex for monetary gain. Anyone caught offering or
receiving monies for sex acts, are liable for prosecution. Anyone caught having sex with a minor or
enticing a minor for sexual purposes will be severely dealt with by the Police authorities.


a) The Construction Work Supervisor appointed by HUGHS will be the responsible person for the
effective application of the HSE Management System.
b) The Construction Work Supervisor will further appoint an Environmental Control Officer to co-
ordinate and oversee all environmental issues related to the project. This will include a monthly
inspection, which will be made available on request.
c) If appointed on the Project the Project HSE Officer will be responsible for the day-to-day
management and the implementation of the HSE Management System.

Checking and Corrective Action

a) Appointed Environmental Control Officer will be responsible for the regular inspections and daily
checks of the work area.
b) Monthly environmental audits will be conducted to reach objectives and targets. These inspections
will include recommendations and corrective actions.
c) Disciplinary action will be taken against repeat offenders.

Management Review

Management shall:

a) Implement the HSE Management System based on the environmental impact assessments and in
compliance with the relevant environmental legislation, regulations and standards.
b) Enforce line management responsibility within the project to ensure compliance with the HSE
Management System.
c) Monitor and report fully upon the effectiveness of the projects HSE Management System.

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