Test tasks - 2022 - 6 course - 21 - 12 - 22 - СТУДЕНТАМ

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1. The multiplicity of exceeding the MPC of a toxic substance in atmospheric air is 100.

changes in the health of the population should be expected?
A. acute poisoning;
B. pronounced physiological changes in organs and systems;
C. growth of specific and non-specific morbidity;
D. changes in the state of health according to individual functional indicators;
E. fatal poisonings among children.
2. Sound pressure intensity is expressed in:
A. mm/sec;
B. * decibels (dB);
C. hertz (Hz);
D. newton per square meter (N/m2);
E. m/sec2.
3. As a result of long-term atmospheric pollution of the environment
a biogeochemical province was formed by the emissions of a chemical enterprise in the
adjacent residential area. The formed biogeochemical province can be estimated by:
A. accumulation of specific chemical compounds in the soil;
B. increase in the level of morbidity of the population;
C. deterioration of the quality of products of plant origin;
D. limiting the conditions of sanitary and domestic water use;
E. atmospheric air pollution.

4. Which symptom isn’t related to vibration illness?

A. *arrhythmia;
B. vegetative polyneuritis;
C. angiospastic syndrome;
D. vegetative myositis;
E. neurocirculatory disturbance.
5. The following symptoms were registered among the inhabitants of the settlement: increase
and hypersecretion of the meibomian glands of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, pigmentation
of the nails and mucous membranes, weakness, nausea, vomiting. Then hyperkeratosis and
chloracne appeared, which were complicated by a secondary staphylococcal infection.
Increased activity of alkaline phosphatase and transaminases in the blood. These signs are
associated with environmental pollution:
A.* polychlorinated biphenyls (dioxin intoxication or Yusho's disease);
B. methylmercury chlorides (Minamata's disease);
C. cadmium (cadmium osteomalacia, or Itai-Itai disease);
D. mercury (lead intoxication, or Saturnism);
E. nitrates (nitrate methemoglobinemia, or toxic cyanosis).
6. When the human body is exposed to atmospheric air contaminated with polychlorinated
biphenyls, various clinical signs develop. What skin manifestations are characteristic of the
action of these substances?
A.* brown pigmentation;
B. Chloracne;
C. black spots;
D. keratosis of the sole;
E. blisters.
7. Harris and Benedict's tables are used to determine:
A. *basal metabolism;
B. specific action of food;
C. coefficient of physical activity;
D. dynamic effect of food;
E. energy consumption for each type of activity.
8. Sound or vibration frequency is expressed in:
A. mm/sec;
B. decibels (dB);
C. *hertz (Hz);
D. newton per square meter (N/m2);
E. m/sec2.
9. What percentage of the basal metabolism is a specific-and-dynamic effect of food?
A. 35%;
B. 5%;
C. 3%;
D. 20%;
E. *10%.
10. The proportion of proteins: fats: carbohydrates by weight in a human diet should be:
A. 1:1:6;
B. 1:1:8;
C. *1:1:4;
D. 1:3:6;
E. 1:3:9.
11. The following categories are determined in the nutritional status classification:
A. satisfactory, excessive, insufficient, premorbid, morbid;
B. excessive, insufficient, premorbid, painful, complications;
C. good, excessive, insufficient, premorbid, morbid;
D. harmonious, excessive, insufficient, premorbid, morbid;
E. *optimal, excessive, insufficient, premorbid, morbid.
12. Objective indices for assessing the nutritional status of the individual or collective with
similar labor conditions and nutrition:
A. somatoscopic, somatometric, physiometric and hygienic;
B. *somatoscopic, somatometric, physiometric, clinical and biochemical;
C. somatotropic, somatometric, physiometric, clinical, biochemical and dynamometric;
D. somatometric, physiometric, clinical, biochemical and sanitary;
E. somatometric, clinical, biochemical, physical and statistical.
13. The most effective methods of diagnosis of hypovitaminosis C:
A. calculation of vitamin C content in a daily ration;
B. determination of the content of vitamin C in foods of the daily ration by laboratory methods;
C. study of somatometric indicators of the body's nutritional status;
D. study of somatoscopic indicators of the body's nutritional status;
E. *determination of the capillary resistance, tongue test with Tilmans reagent, detection of the
ascorbic acid in the morning urine excreted during one hour by Zheleznyakova.
14. Methods of sampling for laboratory analyses depend on:
A. product quality;
B. *type of products;
C. temperature conditions;
D. seasons;
E. chemical composition of the products.
15. Protein content in the food product or ready meal is determined by:
A. Soxhlet method;
B. iodometric method;
C. butyrometer;
D. *Kieldall’s or Lourie’s method;
E. Turner's method.
16. Fat content in the food product is determined by:
A. *Soxhlet method;
B. iodometric method;
C. Butyrometer;
D. Kieldall’s or Lourie’s method;
E. Turner's method.
17. Carbohydrate content in food products is determined by:
A. Soxhlet method;
B. *Iodometric method;
C. Butyrometer;
D. Kieldall’s or Lourie’s method;
E. Turner's method.
18. The optimal air temperature in the wards in winter and during the transitional period
should be:
A. 10-12°C;
B. 12-18°C;
C. *19-22°C;
D. 22-25°C;
E. 25-28°C.
19. The optimal air temperature in the nursery and post-operative wards should be:
A. 10-12°C;
B. 12-18°C;
C. 19-22°C;
D. *22-25°C;
E. 25-28°C.
20. The relative humidity in the wards in winter and during the transitional period should be:
A. 25-30%;
B. 30-45%;
C. *40-60%;
D. 50-65%;
E. 60-75%.
21. The air movement speed in the wards in winter and during the transitional period should
A. 0.01-0.05 m/sec;
B. *0.05-0.1 m/sec;
C. 0.1-0.2 m/sec;
D. 0.2-0.3 m/sec;
E. 0.3-0.4 m/sec.
22. Prophylaxis is divided into following kinds:
A. *primary, secondary, tertiary
B. primary and secondary
C. primary and specific
D. primary, secondary, tertiary and specific
E. primary, secondary, tertiary and nonspecific
23. A 15-year-old girl complains of general weakness, rapid fatigability, irritability, bleeding
gums, and small hemorrhages on her hands. According to anamnesis, there are no fresh
vegetables and fruits in the daily diet. It is most likely that the child has a vitamin deficiency:
A. B1.
B. В12
C. В2
D. Д
E. *C
24. The patient complains of vision impairment in the evening. Which vitamin deficiency is
most likely associated with this vision impairment:
A. B1.
B. В12
C. В2
D. *A
E. C
25. A 1-year-old baby has a delayed dental development, weakness, and sweatiness. What
vitamin deficiency can these clinical signs be associated with?
A. B1.
B. В12
C. В2
D. *Д
E. C
26. A 60-year-old man complains of muscle weakness, headache, overlapping shadows, seeing
spots, dry mouth, respiratory, swallowing difficulty. Objectively: temperature of 35.0 0С,
pulse 92, BP - 170/90. He ate white cream cake, canned mushrooms, smoked fish. All products
were home-made. What preliminary diagnosis can be made for the patient?
A. * botulism
B. influenza
C. Itai-itai
D. hypertension
E. salmonellosis
27. An 8-year-old child with complaints of "blurry vision" and swallowing difficulty was
admitted to the children's department of intensive care and resuscitation. Which of the
products can cause food poisoning ?
A.* home-made canned food.
B. butter cream cakes
C. milk
D. mushrooms
E. nuts
28. Cadmium contaminated water using for public water supply can cause some poisoning.
What is it called?
A. botulism
C. *Itai-itai
D. hypertension
E. salmonellosis
29. What is the maximum permissible vertical air temperature difference in room?
A.* 3 оC.
B. 0 оС.
C. 5 оС.
D. 2 оС.
E. 4 оС.

30. The doctor received the results of drinking water laboratory analysis: the content of iron
0.5 mg/dm3, sulfates 800 mg/dm3, chlorides 250 mg/dm3, fluorine 0.5 mg/l. Bacteriological
indicators meet hygienic standards. Which of the drinking water quality indicators can cause
digestive disorders with frequent bowel movements?
A. iron
B. *sulfates
C. chlorides
D. fluorine
E. content of microorganisms
31. Drinking water supply source of primary importance:
A. river water
B. atmospheric water
C. lake water
D. non-pressure artesian water
E. *pressure artesian water
32. The doctor received drinking water laboratory analysis results, the water contains 5.0
mg/l of fluorine. What disease can be caused by such water consumption?
A. caries
B. *endemic fluorosis
C. Itai-itai
D. nitrate poisoning
E. salmonellosis
33. An infant child consumed water from a well. After 1 hour, the child had face, nails
cyanosis, hyper salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and signs of pulmonary heart disease. What is
provisional diagnosis?
A. caries
B. endemic fluorosis
C. Itai-itai
D.*nitrate poisoning
E. salmonellosis
34. What indicator of water quality is an indicator of fresh water pollution with organic
substances of animal origin?
A.* NH3
B. CH4
C. NO2
D. H2S
E. SO4
35. Microclimatic parameters were measured in the operating room of the regional clinical
hospital. The results of the research carried out in the ward for somatic patients: the air
temperature is 22оС, the relative humidity is 40%, and the air speed is 0.1 m/sec. Give a
hygienic assessment of the operating room microclimate.
A. * comfortable microclimate
B. uncomfortable microclimate
C. uncomfortable microclimate with high humidity
D. uncomfortable cooling microclimate
E. uncomfortable microclimate with increased speed of air movement
36. In the ward for patients with thyrotoxicosis, the following parameters of the
microclimate were registered: air temperature is +19 оС; relative humidity is 50%, air speed is
0.1 m/sec. Which of the following measures should be taken to optimize the microclimate in
the ward?
A. *reduce the air temperature
B. reduce the relative humidity
C. reduce the air velocity
D. increase the relative humidity
E. increase the air temperature
37. Which of these devices is designed to measure the speed of air movement in hospital
A. * catathermometr
B. anemometer
C. aspiracy psychrometer Assman
D. gorbachov-Dalfeld apparatus
E. thermograph
38. As a result of certification of workplaces in the operating room, the following data were
obtained: air temperature - 20C, air velocity - 0.15 m/sec, relative humidity - 85%, carbon
dioxide content - 0.9%, total artificial illumination with fluorescent lamps - 400 Lux,
illumination of surgical area - 7000 Lux. Which group of these indicators violates hygienic
working conditions of the medical staff?
A. surgical area illumination, air velocity.
B. relative humidity, total artificial light.
C. * relative humidity, carbon dioxide content.
D. carbon dioxide content, total artificial illumination.
E. carbon dioxide content, temperature of air.
39. In winter, a hygienic study was conducted in the wards of the children's pulmonary
department. The results obtained: air temperature - 22 оС, relative humidity - 70%, air
velocity - 0.1 m/sec, microbial number - 2000 cells/m 3. Which of the indicators needs to be
A. air temperature.
B. *relative humidity
C. air velocity
D. microbial number
E. air velocity and air temperature
40. The microclimate of the production room is characterized by the following indicators:
average air temperature +30оС, radiation temperature + 31оС, relative humidity of 60%, air
speed of 3.0 m/sec. Specify the main path of heat transfer under such microclimatic
A.* evaporation
B. convection
C. conduction
D. radiation
E. radiation
41. The one of the methods of sanitary examination and description is:
A. *studying documentation, visual examination of the object, questioning the staff
B. physiological
C. sanitary-statistical
D. medico-geographical
E. biological
42. The worker has been working in high-frequency intensive noise conditions for 20 years.
He is diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss. What is the basis for this diagnosis?
A. * audiometry data
B. work experience in this production site
C. characteristics of noise in this production site
D. results of the study of central nervous system indicators
E. results of the study of the inner ear state
43. The laborer became employed, was medically examined, the result of which allowed him
to work in the conditions of this production site. Determine the type of medical examination
used in this situation
A. * preliminary
B. targeted
C. planned
D. periodic
E. current
44. Periodic medical examinations are performed for:
A. * periodic examinations of certain groups of employees
B. examination of certain groups of employees when hiring
C. early identification of certain diseases
D. appointment to medical assessment board
E. formation of groups for dispensary observation
45. Representatives of a certain human population can be characterized by elongated body,
height variability, decreased volume of muscle mass, increased length of limbs, decreased size
and volume of rib cage, increased perspiration, decreased indices of base metabolism and fat
synthesis. What type of adaptive evolution is it?
A. *tropical;
B. arctic;
C. moderate;
D. intermediate;
E. mountain.
46. A woman has been limiting the amount of products in her diet to lose some weight. 3
months later she developed edemas and her diuresis increased. What dietary component
deficiency is the cause of this?
A. *proteins;
B. fats;
C. carbohydrates;
D. vitamins;
E. minerals.
47. During inflienza epidemic, morbidity in the schoolchildren, who did not participate in
sports, was 40%, while in the schoolchildren, who engaged in regular physical activities,
morbidity did not exceed 20%. What adaptation mechanism ensured low morbidity in the
physically active schoolchildren?
A. *cross-adaptation;
B. specific adaptation;
C. physiological adaptation;
D. biochemical adaptation;
E. genetic adaptation.
48. An 8-year-old girl presents with signs of disturbed twilight vision. This condition is caused
by the deficiency of vitamin:
A. *A;
B. E;
C. D;
D. K;
E. F.
49. A 25-year-old young man came to the doctor complaining of general weakness, rapid
fatigability, irritability, reduced working ability, and bleeding gums. What vitamin is likely to
be deficient in this case?
A. *scorbic acid;
B. riboflavin;
C. thiamine;
D. retinol;
E. folic acid.
50. A person is in a room with air temperature of 38oC and relative air humidity of 50%.
What type of heat transfer ensures maintenance of constant body core temperature under
these conditions?
A. *evaporation;
B. radiation;
C. conduction and convection;
D. convection;
E. –
51. In hot weather ventilators are often used to normalize the microclimate in the heated
rooms. It leads to intensified heat transfer from the human body by means of:
A. * convection;
B. conduction and convection;
C. conduction;
D. radiation;
E. evaporation.
52. Typical manifestations of food poisoning caused by C. botulinum are double vision,
abnormal functioning of the swallowing and breathing. These symptoms develop as the result
A. *exotoxin action;
B. enterotoxin action;
C. enterotoxic shock development;
D. activation of adenylate cyclase;
E. pathogen adhesion to the enterocyte receptors.
53. Bacteriological analysis of tap water has resulted in the following: total bacterial count in
1,0 ml of water is 80, coli index is 3. What would be the conclusion?
A. *the water is safe for consumption;
B. the water quality is doubtful;
C. the water quality is extremely doubtful;
D. the water is polluted;
E. the water is extremely polluted.
54. The processes of heat transfer in a naked person at room temperature have been studied.
It was revealed that under these conditions the greatest amount of heat is transferred by:
A. *heat radiation;
B. heat conduction;
C. convection;
D. evaporation;
E. -
55. When ascending to the top of Elbrus, a mountain climber experiences oxygen
starvation, dyspnea, palpitations, and numbness of the extremities. What kind of hypoxia has
developed in the mountain climber?
A. *hypoxic;
B. circulatory;
C. hemic;
D. tissue;
E. cardiac.
56. A 6-year-old child suffers from delayed growth, disrupted ossification processes,
decalcification of the teeth. What can be the cause?
A. *vitamin D deficiency;
B. decreased glucagon production;
C. insulin deficiency;
D. hyperthyroidism;
E. vitamin C deficiency.
57. Coenzym A participates in numerous important metabolic reactions. It is a derivative
of the following vitamin:
A. *pantothenic acid;
B. thiamine;
C. niacin;
D. calciferol;
E. ubiquinone.
58. During regular check-up a child is detected with interrupted mineralization of the
bones. What vitamin deficiency can be the cause?
A. *calciferol;
B. riboflavin;
C. tocopherol;
D. folic acid;
E. cobalamin.
59. The optimal air temperature in the wards in winter and during the transitional period
should be:
A. 10 - 12°C;
B. 12 - 18°C;
C. *19 - 22°C;
D. 22 - 25°C;
E. 25 - 28°C.
60. The air movement speed in the wards in winter and during the transitional period should
A. 0.01-0.05 m/sec;
B. *0.05-0.1 m/sec;
C. 0.1-0.2 m/sec;
D. 0.2-0.3 m/sec;
E. 0.3-0.4 m/sec.
61. The following results of the parameters of the microclimate of the production room were
obtained: air temperature + 38oС, relative humidity 98%, air velocity 0 m / s, radiation
temperature + 180С. What is the main way of heat transfer by the human body in these
A. convection and evaporation;
B. conduction;
C. convection;
D. evaporation;
E. * radiation.
62. Strong requirements for drinking water in the field conditions during emergencies
A. water safety in epidemiologic sense only;
B. water safety in toxicologic sense only;
C. good organoleptic properties of water only;
D. *water safety in epidemiologic and in toxicologic sense;
E. good organoleptic properties and optimal mineral composition of water.

63. Desirable requirements for drinking water in the field conditions during emergencies
A. optimal mineral composition of water only;
B. water safety in toxicologic sense only;
C. water safety in epidemiologic and in toxicologic sense;
D. good organoleptic properties of water only;
E. *good organoleptic properties and optimal mineral composition of water.
64. Water investigation in field conditions is conducted with the participation of:
A. representatives of the medical service only;
B. a representative of the engineering service of the unit (commander of the investigation team)
and representatives of the medical service;
C. a representative of the engineering service of the unit (commander of the investigation team)
and chemical service representatives;
D. representatives of the medical and chemical services;
E. *a representative of the engineering service of the unit (commander of the investigation team),
representatives of the medical and chemical services.

65. The investigation group must have the following equipment for water research in field
A. hydrochemical kit for sanitary analysis of water only;
B. hydrochemical kit for sanitary analysis of water and field roentgenometer-radiometer;
C. field roentgenometer-radiometer and medical-veterinary device for chemical
investigation of water;
D. medical-veterinary device for chemical investigation of water and hydrochemical kit for
sanitary analysis of water;
E. *medical-veterinary device for chemical investigation of water, hydrochemical kit for sanitary
analysis of water and field roentgenometer-radiometer.

66. Medical and sanitary control of the food for personnel of the units during emergencies is
accomplished by:
A. the system of preventive measures only;
B. the system of preventive measures and the methods of medical control of adequacy of food for
C. the system of regular sanitary inspection of objects designed for foodstuffs and sanitary
examination of foodstuffs and ready meals for freshness and safety;
D. *the system of preventive measures, the methods of medical control of adequacy of food for
personnel, the system of regular sanitary inspection of objects designed for foodstuffs and sanitary
examination of foodstuffs and ready meals for freshness and safety;
E. the system of preventive measures and the system of regular sanitary inspection of objects
designed for foodstuffs and sanitary examination of foodstuffs and ready meals for freshness and

67. The objects for medical and sanitary inspection in field conditions are:
A. food stations for rescue teams and population during emergency situations;
B. stationary (mobile) foodstuff storage facilities and food production plants;
C. transport assigned for foodstuff transportation;
D. level of health of the personnel, which work at objects designed for foodstuffs;
E. *food stations; foodstuff storage facilities and food production plants; transport assigned for
foodstuff transportation; level of health of the personnel, which work at objects designed for

68. Organization of food for personnel of the units during disasters and other emergencies
A. individual food only;
B. individual and group food;
C. collective food only;
D. *individual, group and collective food;
E. individual and collective food.

69. Individual nutrition during disasters and other emergencies is realized through:
A. dry soldering only;
B. dry soldering and sub-calorie food allowances;
C. sub-calorie food allowances only;
D. sub-calorie food allowances and rations for survival;
E. *dry soldering, sub-calorie food allowances and rations for survival.

70. Group nutrition during disasters and other emergencies is realized through:
A. *food concentrates that do not require prolonged cooking;
B. dry soldering;
C. sub-calorie food allowances;
D. rations for survival;
E. dry soldering, sub-calorie food allowances and rations for survival.

71. Collective nutrition during disasters and other emergencies is realized through:
A. food concentrates that do not require prolonged cooking;
B. *food is prepared from usual foodstuffs in field kitchens located at food stations;
C. dry soldering;
D. sub-calorie food allowances;
E. rations for survival.
72.Identify the major factors determining health of the population.
А. climatic features, geographical position, degree of urbanization of territory
В. *socio-economic, genetic, ecological, medical
С. quality of nutrition, lifestyle, conditions of habitation, occupational factors
D. lifestyle, national features, religious factors, social system
Е. age, sexual, individual, hereditary factors.
73. Among the majority of factors determining health of the population, the following
group is greatest influence on parameters of population health:
А. level of development of public health services and quality of medical aid to the population
В. level of a hereditary pathology
С. educational and cultural level of the population
D. * lifestyle and socioeconomic conditions
Е. degree of the environment pollution
74.Identify the proportion of influence of the environment quality on the health of population:
А. 45-53 %
В. *17-20 %
С. 8-10 %
D. 24-25 %
Е. 15-17 %
75. What components are included into the concept "environment"?
А. air, plants, animals, water, ground
В. abiotic and biotic factors of the environment
С. *water, air, ground, foodstuffs
D. plants, buildings, ground, air
Е. water of reservoirs, air, ground
76. What components does biosphere consist of?
А. exosphere, ionosphere, mesosphere, troposphere
В. *lithosphere, hydrosphere, troposphere
С. air, water, ground, ecosystems
D. autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms
Е. space, globe
77. What parameters of population health are the most sensitive to pollution of the
А. demographic
В. *sickness rate and physical development
С. sickness rate with temporary loss of work capacity
D. disability
Е. -
78.What diseases refer to ecologically caused pathology (ecopathology)?
А. diseases which worst yield to treatment in the given district
В. *most frequently encountered diseases in the given district
С. diseases, for which the role of the environmental factors is proved
D. diseases among the most sensitive groups of population (children, elderly people)
Е. diseases considerably differing in frequency in various regions
79. What parameters are studied at application of epidemiological method of research in
А. parameters of pollution levels of the environmental objects
В. frequency and incidence of infectious diseases among the population
С. *parameters and indexes of population health
D. incidence of endemic diseases in the given district
Е. parameters of ecosystems condition on the investigated territory
80. What does the method of sanitary inspection consist in?
А. *the study of object with drawing up the act of hygienic inspection
В. sanitary inspection of object with the purpose of its closing
С. selection of tests of the environmental objects and their comparison with standards
D. the study of object quality as to conformity to the requirements
Е. carrying out experimental researches on animals
81. What does the method of sanitary examination consist in?
А. the study of object with drawing up the act of hygienic inspection
В. sanitary inspection of object with the purpose of its closing
С. selection of tests of the environmental objects and their comparison with standards
D. *the study of object quality as to conformity to the requirements
Е. carrying out experimental researches on animals
82. Identify the classification of the environment factors in hygiene.
А. biotic, abiotic, anthropogenic
В. air, water, ground, foodstuff
С. *chemical, physical, biological, informative
D. dangerous, harmful, indifferent
Е. of natural and anthropogenic origin
83. Identify the classification of the environment factors in ecology.
А. *biotic, abiotic, anthropogenic
В. air, water, ground, foodstuff
С. chemical, physical, biological, informative
D. dangerous, harmful, indifferent
Е. of natural and anthropogenic origin
84. A quantitative parameter of the environmental factor which is safe for maintaining the
ability to life of the man and for population health, and for future generations is called
A. *hygienic standard
B. hygienic factor
C. sanitary standard
D. level of safe effect
E. parameter of the minimal safety
85. A parameter of harmful action, which at establishment of the hygienic standard has
received the minimal concentration (doses) at its action on organism or environment in
comparison with other parameters of harmful action is called:
A. *a limiting parameter
B. a leading parameter
C. a common parameter of sanitary safety
D. a sanitary parameter
E. a hygienic parameter of adverse effect
86. As a level of harmful action of adverse factor on organism, which is determined as
minimally acceptable at establishment of its hygienic standard, is:
A. a ccumulation of pollutant in organs and tissues which will not cause any physiological
or biochemical changes in their functional condition (V level)
B. mortality of organism (І level)
C. specific disease (ІІ level)
D. non-specific signs of pathological changes (ІІІ level)
E. *temporary and partial physiological changes of unknown origin (ІV level)
87. The features of hygienic standardization of the environmental factors based on the
so-called non-line-parabolic dependence of biological effects on dose are:
A. determination of at least two hygienic standards (level of useful and harmful effect)
B. determination of at least one hygienic standard (level of harmful effect)
C. determination of at least one hygienic standard (level of useful effect)
D. *determination of least two hygienic standards (level of safe and harmful effect)
E. determination of two and more hygienic standards (useful, minimally safe and harmful
88. The excess of MPC of toxic substance in the atmospheric air makes up 100. What
changes in the health state of population should be expected?
A. * severe poisonings
B. expressed physiological changes in organs and systems
C. increase of specific and non-specific morbidity
D. change in health state according to separate functional parameters
E. fatal poisonings among children
89. The pollutant of atmospheric air refers to the class of extremely dangerous sub-
stances. What is the most probable effect of this pollutant?
A. *cancerogenic effect
B. irritating effect
C. neurotropic effect
D. allergenic effect
E. -
90. The hygienic normalization of a harmful factor in the environmental object is:
А. *such level of the given factor in the environment which does not cause any patholog-
ical changes in organism during the whole period of effect
В. such level of the given factor in the environment which causes pathological changes in
organism during the whole period of effect
С. such level of the given factor in the environment which causes prepathological
changes in organism during the whole period of effect
D. such level of the given factor in the environment which causes functional changes in
organism at the end of effect
Е. such level of the given factor in the environment which does not cause irreversible
changes in organism during the whole period of effect
91. To hygienic standard of the permissible content of harmful substance in reservoir wa-
ter the following refers:
А. MPL (maximal permissible level)
В. MPD (maximal permissible dose)
С. * MPC (maximal permissible concentration)
D. MAL (maximal allowable level)
Е. MAD (maximal allowable dose)
92. Identify a correct concept of "health" by WHO from the point of view of the individual
theoretical approach.
A. condition of a human organism, at which it is capable to carry out the biological and
social functions
B. condition of a human organism, when all its functions are counterbalanced by the en-
C. *condition of complete social, biological and psychological well-being of the man (si-
multaneously with absence of illness or physical defects)
D. conditional statistical concept, which is fully characterized by a complex of demo-
graphic parameters, morbidity, physical development, physical disability
Е. interval, within the framework of which the fluctuation of biological processes keeps
organism at a level of a functional optimum
93. Identify the major factors determining the condition of population health.
A. *social, economic, genetic, ecological factors
B. qualitative structure of nutrition, morbidity, mortality, birth rate
C. geographical position, climatic features, urbanization
D. ethnical factors
Е. level of lethality
94. What parameters of population health are primarily worsened under the influence of
the environmental pollution?
A. demographic
B. *morbidity and physical development of children
C. disability
D. quality of emergency care to population
95. To ecopathology of population the following refers:
A. diseases which most badly yield to treatment
B. *diseases caused by ecological factors
C. diseases most frequently encountered in the given district
D. diseases with a latent course
Е. diseases affecting the majority of population
96. Which of the following devices are used for estimation of humidity?
A. *psychrometer
B. thermograph
C. kathatermometer
D. anemometer
E. wind vane
97. The optimal norm of relative humidity for premises is:
A. *40-60%
B. 30-70%
C. 10-30%
D. 15-20%
E. 50-70%
98. In the classroom on the 5th lesson the following parameters of microclimate have
been found out: temperature — 25°С, relative humidity — 79 %, speed of air movement —
0.1m/sec. What physiological parameters testify to unfavorable effect of microclimate on a
functional condition of the pupils‘ nervous system?
A. * parameters of capacity for work and chronoreflexometry
B. pulse, respiratory rate, vital capacity of the lungs
C. parameters of capacity for work
D. body temperature, chronoreflexometry
99. In which operating room is microclimate for the operating surgeons more favorable?
A. temperature — 23°C; relative humidity — 40 %; speed of air movement — 0.03 m/sec*
B. temperature — 25°С; relative humidity — 45 %; speed of air movement — 0.09 m/sec
C. temperature — 23°С; relative humidity — 40 %; speed of air movement — 0.1 m/sec
D. temperature — 24°С; relative humidity — 30 %; speed of air movement — 0.05 m/sec
E. temperature — 25°С; relative humidity — 50 %; speed of air movement — 0.08 m/sec
100. The relative humidity of air in a hospital ward meets the requirements of
hygienic norm. Choose the optimal value.
A. 30 — 60 %*
B. 30 — 70 %
C. 30 — 80 %
D. 20 — 40 %
E. 20 — 50 %
101. Where are the centers of thermoregulation in a human organism?
A. brain cortex
B. hypothalamus
C. * medulla oblongata
D. cerebellum
E. reticular formation
102. What are the devices for estimation of cooling ability of air?
A. psychrometer
B. thermograph
C. hygrometer
D. anemometer
E. *katathermometer
103. Specify the zone of comfort according to effective temperatures (in ° ET):
A. * 17.2-21.7
С. 20.1-23.5
104. What factors influence the intensity of cooling the heated body?
A. * air temperature, air humidity, speed of air movement
B. air temperature, air humidity
C. air temperature, speed of air movement
D. air temperature
E. air humidity; radiation temperature
105. At harvesting grain in July the air temperature outside was 31°С; in the cabin of
combine harvester — 35°С, speed of air movement — 0.2 m/sec, relative air humidity — 55
%, temperature of sides and roof of the cabin — 45oС. Normalization of microclimate in the
cabin is possible by means of
A. thermal isolation of sides and roof
B. decrease of air humidity
C. increase of air humidity
D. *cooling of the air
E. increase of speed of air movement
106. In patient with pneumonia the body temperature has increased up to 39°С, the
skininteguments have turned pale and become dry, gooseflesh occurred. What disturbances of
thermoregulation caused these manifestations of fever?
A. dilatation of vessels, increase of perspiration, prevalence of heat production
B. *vasoconstriction, decrease of perspiration, prevalence of heat production
C. decrease of heat production, relaxation of tonic muscles and vessels
D. disintegration of brown fat
E. balance of heat production and heat emission
107. A female patient from Kharkov, aged 62, has the diagnosis of arterial
hypertension of III stage with hypertensic crises. She is administered the necessary
permanent chemo-and physiotherapy. Give recommendations as for the place of health resort
treatment in cardiac sanatorium.
A. Black Sea coast of Caucasus (Batumi)
B. Baltic Sea coast (Yurmala)
C. *local sanatorium (near Kharkov)
D. sanatorium near Kiev
E. southern coast of Crimea (Yalta)
108. A patient from Kiev, aged 70, has the diagnosis of chronic ischemic cardiac disease
with vascular insufficiency of III stage. The necessary permanent chemo- and physiotherapy
is administered to him. He heard the weather forecast on TV: ―A deep cyclone with low
atmospheric pressure is expected tomorrow. Give recommendations to the patient.
A. treatment according to the common scheme or by applying a sparing regimen
B. application of spasmolytic and anticoagulant preparations in addition to the usual
scheme of treatment *
C. hospitalization in the ―Biotron‖ ward
D. to include vitaminotherapy
E. to follow the usual home and working regimen
109. The doctor-cardilogist received the urgent warning of the weather bureau. The next day
a large magnetic storm due to flare on the Sun was expected. Give recommendations
concerning changes in the scheme of treatment of the patients with chronic ischemic
cardiac disease in the in-patient department.
A. * to intensify spasmolytic and anticoagulant therapy
B. to administer hypotensive preparations
C. to administer a bed regimen
D. to prolong the administered earlier treatment
E. to cancel the administered earlier medical-diagnostic procedures
110. What group of weather-forming factors do temperature and humidity of air refer to?
A. synoptical
B. *meteorological
C. heliophysical
D. geophysical
E. microclimatic
111. In the structure of atmospheric air the maximal percentage makes up:
A. oxygen
B. *nitrogen
C. carbon dioxide
D. argon
E. neon
112. MPC of СО2 for various premises makes up
A. 0.07%
B. 1.1%
С. *0.1%
D. 0.01%
E. 0.04%
113.The transparency of drinking water is determined by a text of standard test type
(named after the author)
A. *Heiner
B. Giss
C. Herbar
D. Stocks
E. Snellen
114. The qualitative reaction to chloride content in water is:
A. *reaction with silver nitrate
B. reaction with nitrate solution
C. reaction with sulphuric acid
D. reaction with nitric acid
E. reaction with natrium chloride
115. Identify the chemical element which salts are applied for water coagulation?
A. *aluminium
B. fluorine
C. silver
D. iron
E. copper
116.A sanitary-chemical analysis of drinking water concluded that it is fresh
fecal pollution. What indicator is the basis for such a conclusion?
A. sulfates and chlorides;
B. ammonia, nitrites;
C. nitrites and nitrates;
D. * ammonia;
E. total stiffness.
117.The soil of the microdistrict is characterized as moderately polluted by the titer of
anaerobes, clean by the number of helminth eggs, slightly polluted by the number of fly larvae
and pupae and Khlebnikov's sanitary number. What indicator will be decisive for the overall
assessment of the sanitary condition of the soil of the microdistrict?
A.* bacteriological;
B. helminthological;
C. entomological;
D. sanitary and chemical
E. all together.
118.The term of delivery of a sample of soil samples for determining the content of pesticide
residues by the chromatography-mass spectrometry method is:
A. 72 hours;
B. 48 hours;
C. * 24 hours;
D. 2 days;
E. 1 week.
119.In order to study the influence of the microclimate on the human body, we need to
organize a systematic observation of the air temperature for 3 days. Choose the device that
will allow you to register the temperature most accurately:
A.* thermograph;
B. alcohol thermometer;
C. mercury thermometer;
D. Augustus psychrometer;
E. Assmann's psychrometer.
120.The microclimate of the production premises is characterized by the following indicators:
average air temperature +28oC, radiation temperature +29oC, relative air humidity 60%, air
movement speed 3.0 m/s. Specify the main path of heat transfer under the following
microclimatic conditions:
A.* evaporation;
B. convection;
C. conduction;
D. radiation;
E. radiation.
121.The laboratory assistant needs to determine the degree of dustiness of the air at
workplaces in the foundry. What research method should be chosen?
A. * weighty;
B. conimetric;
C. shielding;
D. sedimentary;
E. aspiration.
122.Physico-chemical methods of food analysis include:
A.* polarimetry;
B. gravimetric analysis;
C. titrometric analysis;
D. emission spectroscopy;
E. absorption spectroscopy.
123. The criteria for choosing the right method of analysis of food products are:
A.* metrological characteristics of the method;
B. availability of the method;
C. availability of material and technical base;
D. qualifications of a laboratory technician;
E. -.
124.The specificity of the analysis method is:
A.* the ability to analyze a substance in the presence of other constituent components;
B. the minimum amount of the substance under investigation in the sample that can be quantified
with sufficient reliability;
C. the degree of dispersion of the obtained data in tests carried out one after the other
method on different samples of the same sample;
D. the maximum amount of the substance under investigation in the sample that can be quantified
with sufficient reliability;
E. -.
125. In the hospital ward for patients with thyrotoxicosis of the endocrinology department,
the following microclimate parameters are registered: air temperature +24oC; relative air
humidity is 57%, air velocity is 0.15 m/s. Which measure from the list below should be
implemented for the hygienic optimization of the microclimate in the ward?
A. increase the relative humidity of the air;
B. reduce the relative humidity of the air;
C. reduce air speed;
D.* reduce air temperature;
E. increase the air temperature.
126.What factors affect the intensity of cooling of a heated body?
A. air movement;
B. air temperature, air humidity;
C. air temperature, radiation temperature;
D. * air temperature, air humidity, air movement;
E. air temperature.
127.Milk delivered in flasks is sold on the market. The smell and taste of milk are normal, the
color is white with a bluish tint, the specific gravity is 1.015 g/cm3, the fat content is 2%.
Acidity 15o. There are no impurities. Assess the quality of milk.
A. milk is stale;
B. milk adulterated with skimming;
C. * milk adulterated by dilution with water;
D. milk of suspicious quality;
E. fresh good quality milk.
128.During the dental examination of residents of the city of A., they complained about the
destruction of teeth, frequent fractures of the lower legs and forearms in elderly people.
Decentralized water supply prevails in this area. Indicate the excess of which trace element
caused this situation:
A. selenium;
B. iodine;
C. * fluorine;
D. manganese;
E. iron.
129.Fishery workers are exposed to low temperatures of the surrounding air from -50C to -
150C. What diseases of organs and systems are most often found in workers of these
A.* respiratory system;
B. cardiovascular;
C. blood;
D. liver;
E. gastrointestinal tract.
130.The microclimate of the production premises is characterized by the following indicators:
average air temperature +320C, radiation temperature +290C, relative air humidity 60%, air
movement speed 2.0 m/s. Specify the main path of heat transfer under the following
microclimatic conditions:
A. * evaporation;
B. radiation;
C. conduction;
D. convection;
E. radiation and convection
131.Water is used for water supply in the city, which contains: fluorine - 2.0 mg/l, nitrates - 43
mg/l, chlorides - 250 mg/l, iron -0.2 mg/l, residual chlorine 0.5 mg / l. When drinking water
with this chemical composition, the population may be affected by:
A. thyrotoxicosis;
B. endemic goiter;
C. dental caries;
D. * fluorosis;
E. methemoglobinemia.
132.In the production process, particularly toxic industrial waste is generated. Suggest a
method of disposal and disposal.
A.* burial in landfill pits in a container;
B. heat treatment;
C. biothermal processing at improved landfills;
D. burial in landfill pits with insulation of the bottom and walls with a compacted layer of clay;
E. use as raw material for reprocessing.
133.Chemical analysis of the water from the well established the presence of increased
concentrations of nitrogen-containing salts, iron and sulfates. What indicator of water quality
can indicate fresh contamination of water with organic substances of animal origin?
A.* NH3;
B. NO2;
C. NO3;
E. SO4.
134.The incidence of caries among the residents of the village is 95%. Water. That used for
decentralized supply contains 0.1 mg/l of fluoride. What preventive measures should be
A.*fluoridate water;
B. brush your teeth;
C. make fluoride inhalations;
D. apply sealants;
E. eat more vegetables.
135.During the sanitary and hygienic inspection of the Marteniv workshop, the following
microclimate parameters were found: t° of air 36°С, t° of enclosures (walls, ceiling) 65°С, air
humidity 30%, air mobility 1.2 m/s. Is it possible to develop pathological conditions, and
which ones are those working in this microclimate?
A. *yes, convulsive disease;
B. no;
C. yes, heat stroke;
D. yes, sunstroke;
E. yes, hypothermia.
136.The concentration, which during daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours, or other
duration (but not more than 4 hours per week) during the entire working period, cannot
cause diseases that are detected by modern research methods during work or in the distant
future the life of modern and future generations is:
A. * maximum permissible concentration;
B. CL50;
C. Limsp;
D. zone of acute action of Zac;
E. zone of chronic effect of Zch.
137.The heat produced by the body of a hot shop worker in conditions of high temperatures
and low humidity is lost mainly by evaporation, which can lead to convulsive illness. What
type of exchange is decisive in this case?
A.* water-salt;
B. carbohydrate;
C. fatty;
D. protein;
E. Vitamin.
138. What element does preventive sanitary supervision include?
A.* account of all objects under construction or design; approval of the allocation of a land plot for
construction; approval of the hygienic conclusion of the object's construction; providing a
conclusion on the completion of construction;
B. organization of systematic laboratory control of the sanitary condition of facilities;
C. planned systematic study of the sanitary and hygienic state of the atmospheric air;
D. development of new rational methods of equipment organization;
E. development of sanitary tasks for the prevention and elimination of pollution.
139. A batch of butter was brought to the store. Its moisture content is 16%, fat content is
82.5%. Rate the product quality:
A.* good quality product;
B. poor quality;
C. falsified;
D. conditionally suitable;
E. low quality.
140.Workers of refrigeration workshops of fisheries work in conditions of low temperatures of the
surrounding air - from -50С to -150С. Which of the listed changes in the body of workers are the
most characteristic and early under the above influences?
A. * spasm of skin and muscle vessels;
B. increase in oxygen consumption;
C. acceleration of breathing;
D. changes in systolic blood volume;
E. changes in minute volume of blood.
141.To determine dissolved oxygen in a water sample:
A. not preserved or fixed;
B. * not preserved, fixed by adding the necessary reagents;
C. add 20 cm-3 of concentrated nitric acid to 1 dm-3 of a water sample;
D. add 12 cm-3 of concentrated nitric acid per 1 dm-3 of water;
E. add 2-4 cm-3 of chloroform per 1 dm-3 of water.
142.During the hygienic assessment of the microclimate of the treatment rooms, it was
established that the air temperature in the wards for adults is 20 degrees, in the wards for
children 22 degrees, in the wards for premature newborns 18 degrees, in boxes and semi-
boxes 22 degrees, in doctors' offices 20 degrees . Which of the indicators does not meet the
A. air temperature in doctors' offices;
B. in wards for adults;
C. in children's wards;
D. *in wards for premature newborns;
E. in boxes and semi-boxes.
143. Start an express method for evaluating the freshness of meat:
A.* hot knife test;
B. meat roasting test;
C. research using an ovoscope;
D. research using a microscope;
E. bacteriological research.
144. When examining a group of people living in the same territory, common symptoms of the
disease were revealed: dark yellow pigmentation of tooth enamel, diffuse osteoporosis of the
bone apparatus, ossification of ligaments, ossification of joints, functional disorders of the
central nervous system. An excess of which trace element in food or drinking water can cause
this condition?
A. copper;
B. * fluorine;
C. nickel;
D. iodine;
E. cesium.
145. The city has a centralized drinking water supply system. Its source is a surface reservoir -
a river, which according to water quality indicators belongs to the II class of water sources.
During the current laboratory control of water quality at the point "before water enters the
external distribution network", two consecutive deviations of water quality according to
epidemic safety indicators were recorded. What is the most likely reason for the deterioration
of water quality according to epidemic indicators:
A.* unsatisfactory operation of water treatment (main) facilities;
B. deterioration of the sanitary condition of the reservoir - the K. river;
C. violation of sampling rules;
D. unsatisfactory transportation of the sample to the laboratory;
E. stagnation of water in the distribution network.
146. The population that used water from the mine well complained that the water has
increased turbidity, color, an unpleasant astringent aftertaste, turns pale, spoils the taste of
tea, gives it a yellowish tint and leaves rusty stains when washing clothes. Water acquired
such properties due to:
A.* excess of iron concentration more than 1 mg/l;
B. iron concentration 0.1 - 0.3 mg/l;
C. chloride concentration 30 - 50 mg/l;
D. chloride concentration 500 mg/l;
E. concentration of sulfates 250 mg/l.
147. The incidence of caries among residents of the settlement is 89%. It was established that
the water contains 0.1 mg/l of fluorine. What preventive measures should be taken?
A. apply sealants;
B. brush your teeth;
C. make fluoride inhalations;
D. * fluoridate water;
E. eat more vegetables.
148. In the water of a mine well, located on the outskirts of the village 60 m below the cattle
farm, nitrogenous compounds were found in the following concentrations: ammonia - 0.9
mg/l, nitrites -0.3 mg/l, nitrates - 52 mg/l For what type of pollution is this water analysis
A.* constant;
B. fresh;
C. recent;
D. ancient;
E. latent.
149. When examining the working conditions of the medical staff in the operating room, the
following data were obtained: t0 air - 200С, air speed - 0.15 m/s, relative humidity - 75%,
carbon dioxide content - 0.7%, total artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps - 400 Lux,
illumination of the operating field - 7000 Lux. According to which group of the given
indicators are the hygienic working conditions of the medical personnel violated?
A. carbon dioxide content, total artificial lighting;
B. relative humidity, general artificial lighting;
C. illumination of the operating field, speed of air movement;
D. * relative humidity, carbon dioxide content;
E. carbon dioxide content, t0 of air.
150. During the hygienic assessment of the microclimate of the treatment rooms, it was
established that the air temperature in the wards for adults is 20 degrees, in the wards for
children 22 degrees, in the wards for premature newborns 25 degrees, in boxes and semi-
boxes 22 degrees, in doctors' offices 14 degrees hail. Which of the indicators does not meet the
A.* air temperature in doctors' rooms;
B. in wards for adults;
C. in children's wards;
D. in wards for premature newborns;
E. in boxes and semi-boxes.
151. According to the laboratory control of the sanitary condition of the soil on the territory
of the hospital, according to the sanitary number, the soil is slightly polluted, according to the
titer of Escherichia coli - polluted, according to the titer of anaerobes (Cl. perfringens) -
slightly polluted. This indicates:
A.* arrival of fresh fecal pollution;
B. insufficient intensity of humification processes in the soil;
C. old fecal contamination;
D. constant influx of organic protein pollution;
E. insufficient insolation for soil aeration.
152. As a result of the accident at the nuclear power plant, which was accompanied by the
release of radioactive fuel into the atmosphere, a large area was contaminated with
radionuclides, which led to an increase in the background of ionizing radiation. What diseases
should be expected to increase in the population of these territories in the future?
A. cardiovascular diseases;
B. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
C. * neoplasms are malignant;
D. respiratory disease;
E. eye diseases.
153. Yusho's disease is associated with water pollution:
A. lead;
B. cadmium;
S. chrome;
D. * polychlorinated biphenyls;
E. mercury.
154. Define the environment.
A.* common habitat for the population and human production activity;
B. part of the environment that is in direct contact with the epithelium of the skin and mucous
C. a complex of interconnected abiotic and biotic factors that are outside the body and determine its
vital activity;
D. part of the environment surrounding a person, formed by natural and climatic conditions and
professional factors that affect him in the process of work;
E. environment changed by human activity.
155. The student has devices: a Geiger counter, an Eber counter, a Krotov apparatus, a
Mishchuk device, an Eber device. What device should he use to determine radioactivity?
A. Eber's counter;
B. * Geiger counter;
C. Eber's device;
D. Mishchuk device;
E. Krotov's apparatus.
156. The laboratory assistant made the measurements necessary to assess the microclimatic
conditions in the hospital ward. Measurement results: average air temperature - 19 0C, air
movement speed - 0.1 m/sec, relative air humidity - 50%. At the expense of what measures can
such conditions be achieved in the chamber?
A.* appropriate room heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
B. selection of appropriate clothing and footwear;
C. hardening;
D. a rational diet;
E. sufficient insolation.
157. To determine organic compounds in a water sample:
A. add 16 cm-3 of concentrated nitric acid per 1 dm-3 of water;
B. *not preserved. Determined as soon as possible after sampling;
C. add 20 cm-3 of concentrated nitric acid to 1 dm-3 of a water sample;
D. add 12 cm-3 of concentrated nitric acid per 1 dm-3 of water;
E. add 2-4 cm-3 of chloroform per 1 dm-3 of water.
158. When studying the working conditions of workers in the hot shop, it was established that
the air temperature in the shop is - 45 0C, the relative humidity is 96%, and the speed of air
movement is 0 m/s. Heat transfer mainly occurs under these conditions:
A.* radiation;
B. conduction;
C. convection;
D. evaporation;
E. convection and conduction.
159. The leading method of hygienic research is epidemiological, which allows studying the
impact of various environmental factors on the health of the population. One of the ways to
implement this method is:
A. method of laboratory hygienic experiment;
B. sanitary examination method;
C. method of sanitary inspection;
D. method of sanitary surveillance;
E. *sanitary - statistical method.
160. To give meat products a pink-red color, sodium nitrite is added to their recipe. What
group of food additives does it belong to?
A. emulsifiers, consistency stabilizers;
B. * acids, bases, salts;
C. antioxidants;
D. dyes;
E. flavors.
161. To assess the quality of the meat, a benzidine test was conducted. A blue-green color
appeared. The laboratory technician concluded that:
A.* fresh meat;
B. the meat is not fit for consumption;
C. meat is suitable for consumption after cooking for 15 minutes;
D. meat is subject to disposal;
E. meat contains Trichinella larvae.
162. Constantly high air humidity (more than 80%) is characteristic of the M. region. In the
cold season, with moderately low air temperatures, the population of this region feels severe
cold. What path of heat transfer increases in this case?
A. *convection;
B. radiation;
C. evaporation;
D. conduction;
E. radiation.
163. According to the results of chemical analysis, impurities were found in the air of hospital
wards, namely: carbon oxide and dioxide, ammonia, diethyl ether, dust. The concentration
level of these substances is estimated as acceptable. On the basis of which of the following
criteria is given a hygienic assessment of the quality of the air environment of the wards by
chemical composition?
A. the maximum single MPC in atmospheric air;
B. * average daily MPC in atmospheric air;
C. monthly mean MPC in atmospheric air;
D. the maximum one-time MPC in the air of the working area;
E. average variable MPC in the air of the working area.
164. To determine the average air temperature in the classroom, the student took
measurements with a thermometer at 3 points in the room at a height of 1.5 m. Was the
research conducted correctly?
A. yes;
B. *no, it is necessary to measure at 6 points at two levels from the floor (0.2 and 1.5 m) diagonally;
C. no, at 5 points (0.2 and 1.5 m) using a thermograph horizontally;
D. no, in 5 points diagonally;
E. no, at 5 vertical points using a thermograph.
165. Residents of the village use water from a mine well located on the outskirts. The well has
an old wooden wall, a lid, there is no common bucket. Laboratory analysis of water from this
well revealed an increased content of heat-stable E. coli. What does this indicate?
A. fecal pollution;
B. water contamination by viruses;
C. organic pollution;
D. ingress of polluted water;
E. chemical pollution.
166. The laboratory determined the content of aflatoxins in the meat of cows that were fed
moldy feed. The level of aflatoxin exceeds the permissible limit by 5 times. Name possible
changes in health as a result of aflatoxicosis in the population that consumes such meat for a
long time.
A. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
B. atherosclerosis;
C. glomerulonephritis;
D. anemia;
E. * liver cancer.
167. What complex gives an important specific property to "red meat"?
A.* heme;
B. vitamin (group B;)
C. essential amino acids;
D. mineral;
E. saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
168. When evaluating data from a laboratory study of air sampled along the highway, the
following impurities were found: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, 3-4-
benzpyrene, sulfur dioxide. Which of the listed atmospheric air impurities are a risk factor
for the occurrence of cancer?
A. 3-4-benzpyrene;
B. carbon monoxide;
D. hydrocarbons;
E. sulfur dioxide.
169. Milk from animals with clinical manifestations of brucellosis was brought to the hospital
food pantry. What method of processing milk is the most effective in this case?
A. mandatory boiling for 5 minutes;
B. *destruction;
C. mandatory pasteurization of milk before consumption;
D. use without restriction;
E. use by livestock.
170. What values of microbiological safety indicators of centrally supplied drinking water
make it possible to use water without harming public health?
A. the microbial number is no more than 100 in 1 ml, and the coli index is no more than 3;
B. the microbial count is 150 in 1 ml, and the coli index is 4 in 1 liter;
C. the microbial count is 100 in 1 ml, and the coli index is 5 in 1 liter;
D. the microbial count is 200 in 1 ml, and the coli index is 6 in 1 liter;
E. the microbial count is 300 in 1 ml, and the coli index is 10 in 1 liter.
171. In the laboratory, bacteriological examination of cream taken from a confectionery
revealed the presence of coagulase-positive staphylococcus in 0.01 g of cream. Identify the
main source of contamination of creamy confectionery products with pathogenic
A. * employees of the enterprise;
B. condensed milk;
C. egg mass;
D. sugar or powdered sugar;
E. butter.
172. Several chemical substances enter the human body from atmospheric air. What is the
name of the type of combined action, in which the combined effect is less than the sum of the
effects of each of the substances included in the combination, with their isolated effect on the
A. *antagonism;
B. isolated action;
C. complex action;
D. combined action;
E. potentiation.
173. The laboratory technician needs to give an assessment of the sanitary condition of the
kindergarten based on external signs. What examination method will he use?
A. sanitary inspection;
B. hygienic experiment;
C. epidemiological;
D. instrumental and laboratory;
E. sanitary and statistical.
174. The method of qualitative determination of ammonia in water is based on the
colorimetric determination of color, which is formed during the interaction of ammonia with
Nesler's reagent. What color of the solution is detected?
A. yellow-brown;
B. pink;
C. crimson;
D. gray-black;
E. greenish blue.
175. To determine the physical and chemical indicators of the quality of bread, the
laboratory technician uses
appropriate equipment, reagents, devices. What device should a laboratory technician
prepare to determine the porosity of bread?
A.* Zhuravlev's device;
B. Soxhlet apparatus;
C. lactodensimeter
D. refractometer;
E. butyrometer.
176. In a mountain village, "botulism" was diagnosed based on the clinical picture.
Which of the listed products must first be selected by the laboratory technician in this
case to confirm the diagnosis?
A. * home-made canned goods;
B. potatoes;
C. milk;
D. boiled meat;
E. homemade eggs.
177. During the day, the vacationers' diet included greenhouse cucumbers with a
nitrate content of 1,700 mg/kg in the prophylaxis. What compound will be formed in
the blood?
A.* methemoglobin;
B. oxyhemoglobin;
C. reduced hemoglobin;
D. carboxyhemoglobin;
E. carbhemoglobin.
178. When monitoring the atmospheric air in populated areas, observation posts are
used. What observation posts allow to detect the zone of influence of the gas-air
mixture emitted by an industrial enterprise?
A.* sub-torch;
B. stationary;
C. route;
D. resistant;
E. expeditionary
E. description zones.
179. During a laboratory study of the air in the settlement, it was established that the
concentrations of some chemicals exceed the MPC by 5 times. What are the expected changes
in the state of health of the population?
A. pronounced physiological disorders;
B. changes in some functional indicators;
C. growth of specific and non-specific morbidity;
D. acute poisoning;
E. fatal poisonings.
180. At a chemical and pharmaceutical enterprise, a laboratory technician took air samples
using the aspiration method to determine ammonia. What absorption medium did he use?
A. * sulfuric acid;
B. iodine solution;
C. caustic barite solution;
D. potassium chlorate solution;
E. hydrochloric acid.
181. The microclimate of the production premises is characterized by the following
parameters: air temperature - 40°C, relative humidity - 70%, air movement speed - 0.1 m/s,
radiation temperature - 80-90°C. What pathological state of the body can occur under these
microclimatic conditions?
A. general hyperthermia;
B. local hyperthermia;
C. changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
D. decrease in working capacity;
E. morphological changes in the respiratory system.
182. During the toxicological and hygienic assessment of the pesticide, it was established that
the half-life period in the soil lasts 1-2 years. To which group of substances according to the
degree of stability does this drug belong?
A. *very stable;
B. stable;
C. moderately resistant;
D. unstable;
E. low resistance.
183. In the farm, there was a need to fight against the causative agents of fungal diseases of
trees. What pesticides should be used for this purpose?
A.* fungicides;
B. repellents;
C. insecticides;
D. herbicides;
E. acaricides;
184. According to the results of a laboratory study of a soil sample taken from a children's
playground, Khlebnikov's sanitary number was 0.6. Set the level of soil pollution and the
degree of danger to children's health:
A.*level of pollution – heavily polluted soil, degree of danger – extremely
B. level of contamination - clean soil, degree of danger - safe;
C. level of pollution - contaminated soil, degree of danger - dangerous;
D. level of pollution - moderately polluted soil, degree of danger - relatively safe;
E. level of contamination - slightly contaminated soil, degree of danger - relatively safe.
185. In rural areas from the departmental water supply of an industrial enterprise, which is
as a source of water supply for the population according to laboratory indicators
excess content of chlorides and sulfates. The danger of the occurrence of which diseases is
primarily inherent in the residents of the above-mentioned settlement:
A. gastrointestinal tract;
B. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
C. inhibition of hematopoietic function;
D. malignant neoplasms;
E. developmental abnormalities.
186. According to the laboratory parameters of the water of the surface reservoir (river), a
large number of pathogenic microorganisms was detected. Name the main source of surface
water pollution:
A. waste water;
B. solid household waste;
C. emissions of industrial enterprises into atmospheric air;
D. chaotic development of settlements;
E. application of mineral fertilizers.
187. Laboratory technicians took soil samples at waste disposal sites on the territory of the
enterprise according to sanitary and chemical indicators. In which container should the
selected soil samples be delivered from the sampling site to the laboratory premises:
A. *glass, closed;
B. iron, closed;
C. wooden;
D. aluminum;
E. plastic.
188. Laboratory technicians took an average daily sample of loose and solid food products
from the food block of a medical institution. Name the required weight of the specified
A.*up to 1 kg;
B. up to 2 kg;
C. up to 0.5 kg;
D. up to 3 kg;
E. up to 1.5 kg.
189. Specialists of the laboratory carried out sampling of food products from the food block of
a children's preschool institution. What laboratory method is used to determine the content of
carbohydrates in food products:
A.* iodometric method;
B. Lowry method;
C. by the Kjeldahl method;
D. by the Soxhlet method;
E. refractometry method.
190. Give an example of an acute non-specific negative impact of atmospheric pollution on the
health of the population.
A. toxic "killer fogs" in London;
B. some functional changes in the body;
C. morbidity of respiratory pathology;
D. decrease in birth rate;
E. shortening the term of life.
191. Hearing loss due to the action of industrial noise, depending on its degree, is diagnosed
A. auditory fatigue only;
B. auditory adaptation only;
C. cochlear neuritis (noise disease) only;
D. occupational deafness only;
E. auditory fatigue, auditory adaptation, cochlear neuritis (noise disease), occupational deafness.
192. Under certain conditions, acid rain can form in large industrially developed cities. What
is the reason for their formation?
A. death of forests;
B. vehicle emissions;
C. gamma radiation;
D. smog;
E. climate change.
193. In modern industrially developed settlements, human health is affected by various
combinations of atmospheric pollution. For which of the following combinations of
ingredients has the effect of summation of biological action been established?
A. nitrogen dioxide + sulfur dioxide + carbon monoxide;
B. sulfuric acid + dust;
C. ammonia + benzene;
D. acetone + sulfur dioxide;
E. phenol + cyclohexane.
194. When determining the impact of atmospheric air quality on public health, the degree of
danger of atmospheric air pollution is taken into account. At what degree of danger of
atmospheric air pollution can we expect an increase in the frequency of specific and non-
specific morbidity, cases of acute poisoning, and an increase in mortality?
A. very dangerous;
B. weakly dangerous;
C. moderately dangerous;
D. dangerous;
E. relatively dangerous.
195. What indicators of the microclimate are taken into account when working with
nomograms to determine the equivalent effective temperatures?
A. air temperature, air humidity, air movement;
B. air temperature and air movement;
C. air temperature, radiation temperature, air movement;
D. humidity and air movement;
E. air temperature, radiation temperature, humidity and air movement.
196. Values of pulse rate, breathing, blood pressure, body temperature, and
metabolism are involved in the process of human adaptation to conditions:
A. hot climate;
B. cold climate;
C. arctic climate;
D. forest climate;
E. polar climate.
197. In what limits should the resulting temperature be when performing heavy work?
A. 10-13;
B. 10 - 11;
C. 11 - 13;
D. 10 - 12;
E. 12 - 13;
199. In what limits should the resulting temperature be when performing light work?
B. 10 - 11;
C. 12 - 1;
D. 15 - 17;
E. 16 - 18.
200. According to the complaints of the population living in the area where the industrial
plant "Chem-volokno" is located, atmospheric air samples were taken and analyzed for the
content of pollutants. What integral indicator characterizes the intensity and nature of the
combined action of the entire set of harmful impurities present in the atmospheric air?
A. maximum permissible concentration;
B. maximum permissible emission;
C. maximum permissible concentration;
D. approximate permissible concentration;
E. pollution index.

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