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02 AUG, 2021
Auguste Comte: January 19, 1798 – September 5, 1857

Auguste Comte was a French philosopher and a writer who is also considered to be the father
of Sociology and Positivism.

 Sociology: The study of Human development and function of human society

 Positivism: A mean of using scientific evidence to discern causes for human

Comte analyses the society and developed the Positive philosophy in order to remedy the
social change caused by French revolution. On the Basis of his analysis he presented his
theory in which social types of sciences and other are discussed.

Comte Main Work:

Auguste Comte presented following concepts:

1) Types of Sciences
2) Law of three stages
3) Theory of social statistic and dynamic

Types of Sciences
a) Applied science:
The applied science is the use of scientific processes and knowledge as a means to
achieve a particular practical or useful result.
b) Theoretical science:
The science which deals with hypothesis, facts and principles and concepts. It based
on research.

Law Of three stages:

According to Auguste Comte, the science is divided into three stages:

a) Theological
It deals with religious and super natural power. These are the roots of every thing
b) Metaphysical:
In this stage we observed facts and brings into writing. The stage require discussion &
the knowledge gained is found in forms of books.
c) Positive:
This stage is practical in nature and actually scientific because it relates with
experiments, observations, deduction, induction, measurement and driving inference.
Social Static and dynamic

The study of social statics and dynamics are the two fundamentals of Comte‟s study of the
organic phase or social stability. The study of social statics and dynamics are not two distinct
classes of facts but are two components of a theory.

Comte considers Sociology into two Theoretical Aspects;

1. Social statics
2. Social dynamic


Social static focuses on how order is maintained in the society. Social statics are concerned
with the ways in which the parts of a social system (social structures) interact with one
another, as well as the functional relationships between the parts and to the social system as a

A branch of social physics:

Social statics is a branch of social physics that deals with the fundamental laws of the social
order and the equilibrium of forces in a stable society. Comte defined social statics as the
study of social structure, its elements, and their relations. He first analyzed “individuals” as
the Elements of social structure.

Social statics is the order of society. This order includes structural components (e.g., family,
government, and economics) and the interaction between these components. Augustee
Comte, the father of sociology, based social statics on the positivistic philosophy.

Family (A social unit):

Comte identified the elements of “spontaneous order” of social statics as the individual,
family, and society. Sociology does not focus on the study of the individual in the way that
psychology does. For Comte, the simplest form of a social unit is the family. All other social
units build upon the family unit. The reason Comte included the individual as one of the
elements in social statics was to illustrate a primary function of the family as a social unit: to
socialize the individual into a functioning member of society.

Study of Laws, rules & regulation:

It studies the current laws, rules and present conditions of the society. It observes how these
laws and rules are affecting the present society. It investigates the law of action and reaction
of the different parts of the social system.
Levels of Society:
There are three main levels of society;

1. Individual
2. Family
3. Social combination

There are also three main factors which are:

1. Language:
It is means of storing thoughts & culture for preceding generation. Without a common
language, solidarity and social order is not possible.
2. Religion:
It provides the guidance for behavior and it is the root of social order.
3. Division of labor:
It is essential for the success of states, as it created interdependence among the people
in society.


Social dynamic focuses on how society changes over time. Social dynamics is a branch of
social physics that deals with the laws, forces, and phenomena of change in society. it is
an approach to sociology focusing on the empirical studies of societies and social systems in
the processes of change in years gone by.

Based on:
It founded on the basis of law of three stages:

 Theological
 Metaphysical
 Positive

The evolution of society is based on the evolution of mind through law of three stages.

A progressive change:

Social dynamics is the progressive change in social statics. Comte‟s “law of human
progress” is the foundation for social dynamics. The order of society changes over time in a
progressive, positive direction. A new social order succeeds an existing social order. In
Comte‟s law of human progress, society had moved from the stage of theological to
metaphysical and then to positivistic.
Pattern of revolutionary progress:
Social dynamics refers to the pattern of the revolutionary progress in which the sequence of
the development is necessary and inevitable.

According to Comte, social dynamics describe the successive and necessary stages in the
development in the human mind and the society. Moreover, it is natural that the social
systems, such as institutions are interrelated and interdependent, so they can make a
harmonious whole

Orderly development of society:

It begins with the study of the process of social changes. Therefore, it is concerned with the
matter of social progress. The term „Progress‟ refers to the orderly development of the
society, which are according to the natural law. Hence, the order and progress or statics and
dynamics are co-related to each other.

Historical Perspective:
Social dynamics should depend on the historical perspectives in order to study the process of
social change and progress. Thus, the social dynamics are found in all the aspects of the
society, such as physical, moral and intellectual. However, the intellectual is the most

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