SAP S4 Hanaa FICO - Neha Chugani

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— . and Pucducts in, SAP t+ Systems Fipplications so NOR. ae Date paccening Released BAP ja the market feader. 10 ERP Aopicuare and helps Companies % qu Sizes SAP ERP wan Enterprise (resource Paani Gofaerane developed y dhe Geran compacy aap SE. $e prevel data Len. ERPS PAL oe one integrated jot One Sysremn. wu be wo: + depasctresAr ia zauen, ERP inept au the wis ore System. ae vu A wv PuUnchue Cpe Paoducdt on Accor Dept Dept Dept Dept: ge will fociitets jie fo ee dats amoog tre prepetment. ve vavieg @ dalelnases 4a) 84 Haron. aa thee the ©, on pueiens ~ SAP oy Eece Ece Atands oe ERP Cembal Com ponent aoe ¥ crore ORE NAA ERPH IO the Masiket ‘ People Soft + 3D Edwaxds- » BANN, ° hy Oiacle- i he. cain Advantage % were is! 1 Dabvering efpiciency: ra Wark, » bncsemse paoauctvity athe 9a Draadvartoge ¥ SAP 1A ) Raat Experrine Resources : “Peenantiog : hath Quality Human ee eaten ee) stot tf aan Ae jocement Tax Cary toUons Co, Gateinal anda, Cott hart , Coat Aeiocaliord groves deta , prevent Ss e thot dots, f p Kt low | Lhe euipicetian and Repeile oS ton dn eae saonvial 4 Sys TEM, ENV ROMmENT aes Gystern Loxelicope | System, Envianinunt:- Quoliky Produrlion Development Ree eaeema te Ment a eit. pion | (AS) | (Pray 4 Ne Golden client Qe fer i ge la i \ Treating Tea. | Ge need | Sc. fe Tada: ie | . et satsor |, Getden cent i=, Con pgs on | Smplemen n| pant ve done in Golden cent | «No psig, Dre, mode - i ele | ; x ty Cost L Marre Wetn dike Cai, Case elem’ Center sand pacpit Center , fr, AR, AA. « AU the confi quaction UO be. dawned wade Tharaport Reoyureat™ yen Colder dent t& move ~te oth Gysteme. : Sond Cox be ts wed Like’ @ play bore, brn thf Grawor we A ds Confiquaation enodifieat' | pd Can enecute “arsacten posting: ] Puely . meant fer Telbeg puspotes This dyster 14 ed “Lr far Lhe custernizatuen - ~ Pusiness CEE, : ¢ Qualaky client :- Quobisy Se, | multiple Sever or oe Mh Can ene othe Buse Cle i can 4 Fling - peyme | th ‘ite 1 gtie catiblia com> wneneins O08 | 3 ope TAQIA\ “te uses arein Dwiners oe + Reel elog cpt, BN de) dow aunt will We pasted io the “envidonment. : + Repests can bbe etecuted fe ait Medel, rans PORT Request in SAP od urder Taarapoet Reqruts rw meve “the config a chert ~fe other cUert will, be Aaw! Adtfing | fem Cetder Couclity ard pace” ‘ “a —Thanpare Reames male wr Relem ane: $01 [Ser 4 den cent t6 FR Gol DAT gates seed pa a na ee | i oe Werk Bench Reayuest “Wok bench. Reayusst coll es dene ia One cent pre automaticaly “ neplected i abl whe These, Reayuette axe \ pecustorelg Reauest* p stent Specific pad wil not Replect , eth charge’ mode in ONE 4 wlent Ex Dey | a Peoveot == E 4A « Rele oh commutes ase. Conf Ten , | Grtequatien fexytat modules s dala Geto Byrterace voith SAP aa pasty Gptems Tet, Decuument prreposiation » end ane ap Methodology tae by SP pe | SkpenentstU it ASAP. ASB Methode Peele Gaitiat : » Ruwinernr Bluepai Prepaxcalion "Be Hat — prgporuition Ww We Deceunen . Realizatien eaksheps OE oy _— Configuration Setting Prcpaster jen — Unit TRaticg Fon E 566 Live and 8 Taaiaing, Ee r uppent — Rats Mignitions & ASAP —+> Stend / | 3 « fAccelerated SAP. & ——> Deigns “sap implementiien io © . Bre pete. effident manne posible, —> is che optimize Fre , Penple » Quali Gy % ether Resources. AqLe? crethodstegs -- mhig \4 based on Leon preps § ase. Dew it uses element for tecaum! as ianplemertstian Prethotelogy. £ Paoject Laitiat preparation : P= woncrapt 2d mreatings Foundation — [creat Seaipt Suppae —— Confquretion wit be moved “Zo production f System ‘ : Go Lve and gettin Qytem ae Live ae SAP Supporee Pugject se Apt Genplementstion Customer / Owing, , conduliactz sn, “thea i Needs arxwidtence, _ dovy te = 4ey \ousiaens ope attert “a ha | ds ate. i ak a Uber Kae (] f 1 ON VAAUes* h Ticket 7 |) eos ~yool. a a ees Accept » analysis , doounent ' Dc J Aelve, Ger “con pamolien ten wee poral | | tere tine. Dicket- charge Request and ooo Reayest Lge —bhe main eke $ Suppose preg, — eee ee dance) aalementad” Be ard wort fl (te pelea 3 ce aT dipyeren® counties: : : ; ‘0 @ _& Uparadatinn pesject:n . a fustomers jO+e aes rem “the: olde) Youiens fo rhe, Meus Veustons, Ate “ta, cowed os SAP Migna bon Prgjedt- atic fo — open New femion. [nex — chose AL og —— * company code \ y prope corer | sare Busines Area. Sorctone Shuts MM Ol Qurerose on [ Plant \ feuage Location Retain the e fi — close one fexion. © fame. Sexion ‘ : alt Sessions. : } co on Sai 4 opexatiag Coenen coalkellg faeo- wv Division J Gates Aden. ae... ere Sy Hane SAP Ss! \ - ’ oa Ao Buwinew Sef terase gr Dusioes itz , developed by gap se. +h: enexcQuen, Hana s\4 represent Q eeprener , Catalase + (Simplified Data Model) Gir we Releored 19 the. ee 2015: re oe OL AP. ectice Praby tices ances A O online ransom paccenid i es Noe ears oe as erther bolt Pr. Typditerot “Dalalowe Ber OUS® ut net bet. « og wurde fe Beth. (Quy Hone Databl ose ts franoge alien. , —y lew pardon . ; ae - thaovg" Ganev = Speed z : Bere. ass Gee ould be ‘opens , axa tend ~ Hass ons OLAP dota Brctere deiigne* sls “foci Lite compe: Quests ard * Acdoch © hi A fable helps te Reop Reel ta cane dataloase. itself. Ace loalanced and © prd “taller Ne doesn't need to aren beens , Rpomatel Sy ne iA a “ine memory dotebase , ag +b arale transactions qual \: | 1 Vee. 1 | MOoae- pipe: ms ee quant Eee, Con sun on mut on Hanan Database Utiple. Database. Yy . See pe One available i + $y) Haan fer perpen. pelivites and weg. Repent “19 f enh Tene, pbles “ores io Pe Hansa dataloase L { * @ased ‘ » reselling, tq Speeds - i No Qymerasy — Faber , Order, Hsey, 2 a | Gnsveod Be Geom “bles, ane! Wed. Boe: tem, Table — acboca,— Single ; eh Gale AP, OR, AA VCE VAWweual “Tourn 5 Cote element ane. ed as GL ales, hence 0 need F deporidialion fom «' “tx FL: . Customeu and Nerds are ie rategnated 4 Buwinen Pastner iii code Lerwl 4 pupit center, Lowel. | (Usenys retreat we have (3) bué in. Sy Havao pe have (8) cwhencies (1) Compas ed Cen . (2) catty Area Cues ' oy (Group CuaKenue Now GL Seas unde Gap Sy Han0r. Compous iA wWokhe Or arizational Uait in ei FI wlich you Can qiaw Vadividuol F } rf haancial Aotemel | pecondicg fe the Joga : Rea ieee f phe cout, Ore OL aaae compen d aAsiqned . coder can be | compart cade be a" radependont Ong Vait which “4 fegpatered under Corpawies her 1996. rerens Legal ently g me Org. + A Aansadort Con be pores at Compo. cede fantel « + Used per External Repoting pusiposesy ¥ COmpan DXIS. # ASSI9N — OxI6 Ae Oxea. * Cumencies @— > multiple Jalualon\ Honaties “yo” mMuttple Valration o 7 cathe 0 seg wre, —— Compa. Caled Cumercy (toca) oxi —— Group Comrency (consoli 52) cra Aged, Hard Cwnren (Bncex ) it" (wed for ae paxpores). {— paoesremert coll vaca Sofie ble col ltt Ace. + Math pre + MOE oe exchonte Rote Type MW —— lege valualion . G —— Busines Bank Lutieg Role i Pp —— pion. — Honan i | —— Compand code Cunrency i1— oleae Pron CHUnendy (Guoup currency ) ae Naviant Contept (Client Levet) ( Reduce the duplicalon 9 Configuration) + fseal Vectr Vatiant | pad Variant fs Ofetin Variant . see % Ale. a » & Fiscal Year Vaniant ————— OB29, convels “phe ee i a frranciat Yeas, | duch a4 monagin ' financial. , a yoo. and eee . : pes nal period Vaiauil - ping Qeestl 15 Ne das Year re Apa moan aise on colendax Yeo . | {goat donor axe x yatks RN (v3) peal pesiodt — s » Speetal posods ~ Hy. : bt Guo ~ divider “bre genet end, Losi north NO1g upe a cox NO: of 4 Revexat vat vile Helps . ihe Je cajun) ea Than 1a month + Ghectened pot yen mr ci te ae * Yeou dbaft — al when | pace nrot- (ame os colendlon” Yeo. a\ )—) wed te bai periods hom previous « Shendon VA, te Meee | cahandon Ya fate cSt 4) Ein. | Oe ie ate rag pice! yer" oe Connpows code. se Assign —_ 4 OB3+ * 0860. | x Pest period Variant be wed fe maintain accounting. periods thot ase open Pf paibog yond: all clored Periods ave balpinced, Aued for epecing awd elosieg fisca! yon fe pate puree » aNsigned tr one BL mre Compa) cod 7 ‘ # Refine open | close a petting, peve period “ja the ds. oBs2. Precitlnly Jip —, describes The ngture ‘ “Ale! ia Se COS hg) a\e ales KR Vendor. Custome+ pe ae Aisets mM —— Mokerial - e (x |rlale, URGE at pssign potting pexio iod vari a eee are OBBP. a2 fact Geetiet®: Vassar <2 OB CY ae used Te define send” pol wich, ae Uheck «| fot! input Ue mareg pie fields L! ehe peg uised object lite crecttirg | pre raster data .G|L Ak eA oto! 4 fod etetas Groups: . france module! om SHE: Lqooligay wast 1G, 009 >——_ ; + G O&F —— : 5G Dt | the Stem °F, fiw we ed General Bante Aled Reyenue Ae’s cones hetten, A's. “of a Dyes :- een Ne} peppers on Geveon Supp pptienat rip anter A Pasgn fous gtetas Nosiont b Compary i A cede BCS: - | #.Choxt of ale OBis (SA!) “gel provide “the Liaty of ey ale in general’ Jedger wed fe Aeceuding — transadliens Ya the. Organisation: Brthere ate ie t con: - Dperdtive. —— wed fo necoed dily shanactions Se used entixe Comporate + \Gaoup Coa aesigned te Gprou, opetational con). ate "prs Vari Dus Compan Codes putied ia ether © fr conrolidation pur poe) : coutty Specific eer ty pepresenl a Lastigred to Co Seek prove code.) “Md under National Regulated (avcecative, coe) (serait 0 Coury) => 4 digi Con: => Max Jength 4 alt contalting fntemation :- option of ao Se Te comet th ys chrsice - » Manual Creation of CE | putomatie creation” of Ce — by tyten LAs) Blocked —— “block ‘CoA from wig Ale no). — JD. + Asin chast 5 Ale's t fomparg cede __—__——. 0B6a. wind eee te “ye Credit Corkiol Area On erqacizatonal unit oe ae e i Speei hey; ord aetna custome a lt 1 con include { eX mere compe codes quence ‘d : update sip | Fiscal Year. ~ 42 ; Qisk aid M | credit Liett — ix fos ak cone d Lodes por : apply TF PET 3 Obes. a Farcnal Aen PM FUNCTION. E aie Oe the caceepe ge Knows orgarizl E eagenses iouned ated” 09 advities’ “Auch & Os adminiskotion ; prroauttion ‘ maskebrg Es Us “te Knows, the pact pared: On: te ‘of voles, Ale; contept: asl ge pron gs a E => Us digit code deh Pr '‘OX03- be, is acd ‘sho dyn ed ES qeagunedr il Bip paint | dines Wabatieg ‘Used te wp poole Sntornat; Cues en fe. franca: fe ee ification Busia « Gesqapleicat iwile « = eee -¥ Dousment Ty, i vee OBA (Tex! mn to ued tb Sei frg the, Duiney fl Transaétons. SAP Now oleody defrred or fer Various —Thanioétions. Ex: financial module Document Type: sa ——— alt only a er Nendex Snvvice Kez Nendo Pay ent KG — credit oe vyenole . DR —— Customer Gunite oe Customes Poryment Do —— CAvebt memo of Customer = Every document ies uhould be axsgned Numloe Ranger by def itee) Rexerxse, Dourmect Tyee be allows you te ne what olocument type tA Used when the Priginal douument Mu Revesred. Use the bh ie i Lepe blank. toe will houre stiginal pase document Type Net Document Tyee’ * Aleck, ts indicator se tone, Aptems gutomaticalls decluuck Co gusveuld at the bine Grypice potty » and ‘casly’ duct amount ys che | cash discount Cleaie Customer [vert Cheek i flected Ale Type” val allowed fer this olocumentt “Tpe- | i posted ple- SSS =——— ; oe UGE ka tio-digit Numesic Key » ‘he uw ; ihe d Speen eng cade pollens , ot Specifies the — document pe. te pilows “ts we Gnten Cornea je. Enter Thading Pasetnen:- = ass tre be atlowr te enter hading pastnex gpde in the document enlty Level bile petbing the Thancoition. J “* Batch Anput ealy Ob this indicaten iA gelected “Kren the dourment ‘type Can be wed i the bath goe ond Cannel he. aed he manual poatings. cument Number Roweg ed ~The, ave. defined at the Speci which document a FBN/ + Do rc and are’ volid fe the, defined eer: => No. dspendls upon the anigned Document , Myre a oByt c fntewal within ‘Aloulc be crcated in SAP. de ends upon word defined ‘ts control the eril \ oF dociurrent Line ‘temt in ao Fl Transaction. ( definest the Hpe'o5 Ransadtion evade). ' “Ge detesmine Lhe account tape a pest ie, the amount Ahould be posted én Bee des we Clone Gdet aes am oce Us | | De court “Wyre General hedase Nlenalou Crstomer Awet Be Sp cial pairs Keys, Ay Apetiat lL TAans : alt cipivactas. d used fom Specian 4" Advance. paid a Received. Pils enchange | Debs 1 q 2 \ ‘a pment Thansadlion : we This iadicalou tA allorued | fz we dhe < pestng Key in’ Payment Related else —Thavsacons - Reversal peiticg fea when ~the: document is Risivues tres it wil We ~the auasigmedd ped kev. x gar, OM Original entty (alt) PL ry rs © Fqlorg — 1000 \\Go). CA Bank’ — 1000 Reversal ovate, (Gl! 50 Ch Qa lars \_-Jecd| 4p & Pank 1900 ae Tolerance Group fs Usesss ————— 0B AY a 4 “gar Tolenance Gaoup — Will Coritkal tthe qhat an empl oyee Lan r Margene acer Pest Per each Line item, ——— te Eee eee ee u e vbe abo contol the payne dij ference wien smax amt pem document » Max amt pex fine item. | eaMax con discount pox Line item. gonad prymest amen pat fs employers = ane, ror autnuided Qu | | wile axxourting payment against Jone | lovee” BH efhasced! Sane Wnveiees if ony la A i i) erences anise. " i E ay ba —“Dlestonce BoP gap loys _Conticler f the \Jerout p-mount _Aubmined. : ae Pitigg, “Toiecarce Oueup FS ON i yh 14x nr eemnenenae OBST, : , 6B04Y { * Aecourt ‘Qaoups> Company cnaintains NO: oF General Ledger i ples te proce’ “the: | ousines ranwestions. To | make’ them), prep idantiped we shave te Segnegate imi bet adeb. ai soup fl tp Eitea nose ef, ia pe PT | brtewal yothis 14) grvea Yo creates ee ; men fared, 0" sthere » No): Ranges. — En Aslan Liabilities Reventie, es fees : ee EES TT ge Retained Fatnings Ale 1) te) 49253 Ge ig wed “Fo. COM frward “the bolore fem ne face yeu ; -the next isco yeaH. ; $ => Used duni frocerd eta -f p company's pesels pom -the ple account. pits the “K Defeat values OBUI be ia wed te Speeitey le fasells Locument: Tipe ond ings Key ~the Specie } transaction peg iM ' : te Reduces “the user enby data neal Ficot Year Depaul his is heeft ml pte EB Fund poe pin ui bate Sten he fy f re Guten dots, oA the Value date lai le posting sthe. Piperuventacs We Can overwrite the Vole dott ip needed ao Hi pag: @ ype Dale in SAP. W Posting Date :- she date on which is enter “the posting ag, view iat posing period . wu wart to |e ee 1) Dowument doe: — Nermally uses | = u PANO” Gnvotce fe eam hte or dorument dots Sy, [Represents the Voucher ate] | D Ect date Dn whieh doy the Transostion ic ; pasted... [ Systero dota’), dates Bn. whith dots conversion gate gate is te be used « [Based on “the pestieg dota). ar [ep Taaestation ee NEW Qu CONCEPT has an New Genet Ledges pecownlin Kindede agin PRUE Sa Be standard delved, de. prarides dhe plewieility ia ancourlig and peporti with "enhanced packoges igus Lefp #— EE. : ce ya i lt b overcome ep New oil! clamic GL. the Arent cominy $ eget Nex Gq]t, Taal 5; Fala les Like BSEG (erty View sn) Bsis (ope Stein’) ord , BSAS Celeared Stemi) roll Cantinue & be oO pat cr New Gl a4 eT EE REE — otal Table . | news prandasd fot | — FAGLFLEXT this Conteias fer Aouing tetols- This Atandosd ~Hatle Auuppoite Geament Rept, < Pamptt contin wpolating » cost Gp Sales ile neh cast Cente upaetti Teste : + St helps in preparing ponsplidation and. bwiner, Area Update “as well. + Fields duch as company code , Account, Paogit center and" degment pre alieoos Conidnred as the Ateurdasd fetes fa oO tolole. =» FAGLFLEXA = and Faq FLexP —(ledaer ' Spee bine Stem) _ «be Contains addi tionat Snpasmalion i we io the = document ealeg views. pled | By wing ‘this Zable me can update difer chaaact euiticn and — doetntent plitti Snfo- «This Lo ll Yeo perpen Repeiting Tasks. Tables te AtoUin. Ualitiontlll fd Aelected paraltel Ledgers) —————————— ey BSEG_ ADD — fe eae end ctosi shee doumenli become idhelevant if yee don't howe; paralte! Pecounting Let Pore le management S Report] pests, p Paxatletn\Aecacneting =" (Ledger Approach = nbn Poscaltet Aecount painciple ; we? ; a commen accounts lal the aunt paicciple- o Ebarad fe iotihe pasaties Accourtting appacach i p. nme. & fuppore BE wed ee we firantiot yee = dippor™ fom Parent Lomporg aud Be Aubirdiond Lompany . Ei ot a. tomplex Lalerelction, ' Recommended fr no . Need. “be. wHik sith Jeading bedgent, — Pa (2) ty pe. of Jedgets. e ul aie i : ge Leasing LSee= Dieta euch Pet tin eel | Gondlasist Aysteen. AAL the Company eedes Peet oe “tp be amigneet 4 eis in Jeadng edge Cassin Jee) ee Defined be an og the Comp Coded Fe different eharnetbenistic vl pnd can ain pnd prsce He depiaibon te. true Jedgou sy type Ju Vent ig gee GL New:r >) Enby vibes Regule document for yout daily vprational pasting with tohich eu enter, Charge) eA disploy dvcumeriti - (dlowre fe Lontap) . a) Qe view (New cl Loncept) Hee. ipestings, pat § mode ts a Apedfic Ledger. ae Paspie center Repoiting Yer atten paapinsilty nepert bi Period oo, Cor fates aeepurtic The * object a defining profit Center ia be Baw dinancial statements , profit ana fou Stoclement | palance Aleck fot each are Company. : i g : ee ee ras fiers |us, GAAP sequirer fgment Repost ze . Segment is Paovided iQ addition te Puireng ; Pren | prope centen.g has document fpliting. ! sothis ip Aeqyuised oc publicly —held entitre, pnd 1h not Aeqyriaed f* paivortely held ores, | Cov gp Gales Pecouritiog~ new ot Kereifl Aes) The cole og dole pcdeurting § 10 be implerertel iy &e Lom pases the Jales Revenue For an P oscourtic period. with =the manujerctusing cots of the activity ; be ideal fies wohore, “the cost eriginate i Lemporey. Bowsices Arce Repetting TT the pupee : Blain epee Apelig tH Kenia) ptivities that Bcowe cin multiple codes srenuttiog iA Cross et Lins PE ed, Mamet Rapin. u Fast oihog 23 spl ew avfhakes the a aod’ end pind | Yastex. he ee” | 4 plovieg eoAien creat) op non Conketidated Palance Ahect sat any poat f Time. eat Spit ~ be helps uw Bb spt a: ff owes Like ff ponent onlin a scouring pou documer Ie gavoices * pone ele. This crcctes oadditionas. | cher tabs cia the Agstemty based am characteide O MWe oy Dourmant gputieg ; » Plive pit works loosed on ee ina Se & opps mm Gnvie Asam : » Rave ga tye papes dour “he eps r a7 ecoedit dourment ste the fubseque® dncuraurttx. GS » Eee, Balance*- ger is wed ia Fl element —“panrod ions Ts ensure loolancirg : endy ip tal eloment Level System ' ! qencnee ddl. “Zee batante cheatin fine Seem —fe moke bbolancicg oti this pron is used Fe get the. qinaintiok = att coment pt Leqinent Repo. i ye Poivale Docunert Gute A _€LNa 600007 tomy 3 gli aroun ree cakes nize! O qe canary OE Oe shete, aired is “tal stn toon Gh, Ale ou qs' te &tem coteety | 28 Ex: od\000 — Babance, (neet Ale 02000°__. castomer ale ‘ 05000 —— Vendex Ale CALR_ 84008944 ak Axa Document Type —— Gn mthis Process, the dystem determines vokich Apuitiag rule th appbed “fe the docurent Ga auder “tot the Aystem Lan deteamine the splitting wule , yeu mut awign oy. Variant te each documer busines Ta ansoction Ls $AP has defined standard Variety. ok Define zens. Balance Cheari ale SLR 840089383. A Fos alt ariqnmect eojetl for uohich want “te have a zets balance selling , i yguiers checks tahucthen the balance tf f Ac amsignment abject ik ZA8 ‘after olocemere | Splitting « each “phis iA not “the case, the Sytem genus additonal cleasifg « Stems. 000 — Standdsd te, for 20° ag paieory pliuote oo\._—_ £0 pes nug093 —— THO Balance , br Cash Poolivy Defined, document guttig prrsle Dbsipin nV! ¢_ALe__ 1900004 | on sbnains Ahea., profit’ Center, Gagrect Doe mentioned. }q) che post ren the clocurrent ipl fe NN r favioi lobe te wes * Define” Be Splits pr coma r Oe PAGL- evil Act) "Of pices (cote Center Oe “Mentioned in she pe ie douumunt uth an. | bavoice of Poy chen Hae cowument | pig wilt B pel pont ble. AB We | © Re dneunent Cae px Gnvoice) » ealiy pamed 19 yey gay Re EX Pease "60,000" » aga expen 50090 gs ch ence! | G0 600. conryenuser es OF NEW Qt ACCOUNT: a # Bepioes or @lL ¥ Pepin fins ts 3m30_N,— FAG L— ' rael 8p aca uhich | is wed hn p1 \ffere” beok ueepleg egttes p plane et ond Gncomé ptatemens “Bansattione: ; Ex Cosh 1 Oxon Reese Sep Defice “hed eats “Noni. Leadlin "edge Sv ALO, tooo \6. iation a at ¥ Define. “Bane Gal sap ee iat “Coat af eel GME 3 ale gamsere. é When we odbc it, wey, oi be. able’ Ba | wi cBenat areas to oliffetent “opjeeto oB2a. ‘ a Uke ale Account , Coe Certtae , Coat Element Gntomat Ovder ete. with the help re ye ore alle te crecdte income statement Dased on the defined opttnélional Areas. & Define ¢ tt $_ ALo_ 19000003 4 to on pecourt amiqnment ured be define the financial Atatin, and Pescparmance % 00 anizition’ as prj business Line and geographical "Head, ot AZ be 4 wan Pe anit we ie qeroaticg finarda lex’ internal Camera can be oO “ates Co 84 apinphi ‘Location ~ Giabat Passmetens ——————_OBY6. Se at tm a py el Aoehoues in =the SAP a sohas f it A e “nia a daego 0 wwattions [vaigneer en te CRIP seed cam, be alone in SPO by cial “Gtottement * ~ j Ptlows ee to do Pi oF Business ficanciat Atatertertt” f+ ie nether, the Paopose te es “Ye Gen coats w ey as } degautted t capi haw ii afiacat yoo |i } eT sion. mn a | Busines Area Posaee Ws check 9068. (Pack), negative pegs: is iA used to seduce the Fasattoo fqn in Ge, Customer t wich Wo i {es § sed “to reverse at decumen sa wn dala Jesedt Line wera Be | pe — Genera Leooer Genera Et eu be ‘gecntda alt He Define ee value date dlejouctt buines nancion gin ped SH, Bank Reconcibiatio on Statenortt be ensure Pe have been procened ond jaliediens hove been deposi bed vate “the Qonk: : Ac abe helps i detettiog pada Transactions. Recondition, file.*- Hit ald general edger te ptraneds te “the, Ipusirens pues raster Rerord to Record aut ~Kaluctters | 10 the Gulo- ager Entures aft Balance is 2e6 Balance Greet be ques you a drapsst 8f qoun compari pinansiok position at a ae “Lime + a prone evaluate ousinend Golden Retes ja Accounting » = —— ae sPebt-the Receiver, CAedlit “Phe gre. + Pebit what. Come in, credit what pe ent. » Debit alt experies and Losses . ‘ credit alk. Gneame sand Gains. (coa) mrt : => Tablis . fet GIL» GKAL, SKAT Min, a bevel: a SRBI Ceompary de PAaster Dale - thie ia athe cote data used as a bue fot any —hantaction. ~thid i needed te woke decision: at the Company Levels. be contains Various Snpo details. 1 xs Gle ale Customer, : ' Verdes Ascet : ~ Cart Center Prope: coter . * “Thantation Date s- There are: “the business documents Chat, yer caeate wing | the master’ date » thue can charge very eee pond ake not. Contant - ‘ Ex: Purchase Order ; Giles Orden . \ Me Day- “bo - dav ~rraansactioas . _ @le cle and. ale No], re created based om tHe le Gyoups. .(0g04) ene Deploy 1 charge: , New, ysth Template & (copy 24) : Select ‘Ballance ; Ahect ale Give Fene - J Pssi Group ' le (com). ( (ale Payable % Reco ecoiveble) Y, Opeo “Seem” Penogerest i bt ensures ee all Yee iter vshith:/ 4% not ag please One puoslable ou decorded a, i re Lee, Stee Display Lae beems, ue. ye. Componer niles jarani this + Grdieston | hale you te beth the lalance! omnourt ard the “harucelin ee y te demerit fon ee Carne, Report dee cad in hon ' Ale- ‘ Rlewety te “coun ee Gedtcator | i cash “ale. =e | t se Talesoree Gronp pt ae * td pes er (new )\ ‘89 ore Due Col: Alen L, , 2 ide Gn Abou, pr deletion’ Tab? » Delete at Compa = ty" to’ SPY pae ‘ to” ‘cory previous eviews! 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Ale ja, FS°- @ eee 3) Scenarios 19 Open bem Ma. . pee Full clearing u Past pays: & Residurat ea Full cra = pacuision mt = P secacc G|L vile if Cath | q ae Post paovision ( Last day) Fos | a Make ult ayment sak open diem : pre get reso | Docurenent Connes under open Sten ¥ Pasitiat cleasieg oN oe Neos pele Payment ae Pest paoviaion (last day) resp | ae make postal payment Eee eg al payment agescit open no Be ols EHP ale 00 | so cath in Hand ‘ale goo Ff Rew ou payme at F_03 | 4O Qo ols Exp ale 00 4 sm cath in tland He 700 Documete will be gleaned at + huge Gey : fist Payenent ond will be gerwates i Secor | Payrert’ ae post provision (Last oy) FO50 ye Make partial payment, Laguna ae Make Remainig pasiat payment new item F-0F F-04 Glect Reidual Tab fer Reiiduat Cleary payne |. ip dana’: 2 i iH € oe | en Differ ree AP. frandat Ale Peosporers automatic cleasiog boy aaiyuiting the coh discount sand wae ot the aifyereee alone Apecial Gl. Ale pris det wp 40 the conpignsction. : we wed te set “ ~pplexounce apoups phe 2 Lie upto which ao dipjoeree iA coruidened uunimporitourt : ogee sens A SME poe Document Reuessal = when an ted in the SAP Ayster + dame & paws the ‘A pos we have. +” aeveue Lhe ent. Snrdividurok Dourmece Rewermacl = Wwe con Rewss one dreument Ata 2. Lire. ecreate Revesal he ye Post: paouision fe etediioty, Fr” ee : ne Document Bene yo ols Exp He 500 so elecbicity we ("1500- 50 CA o : Rewesue of Revessal amitall . Tt ge FBS5O- a, Pee eg ck pose with Refoone’” Fen) 2 : ae ste Reese potting cheek 0% “ene al ata ¥¢ Pose 10 mao pro's Bre Seer Disploy fe FOLON Document Av]. 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(14M —— Gent. panels 1 U yp Enter Ureharge Rotiy 2s a OGe8. ten ete oe EO harge Rates prom eae acco te a a pke_ GR00019 4" EWwoT qwerty Srnulation cod ee Tetlicg | oy Post douument oso] Rots (vsP) Fol enor e cesnenoy ok pasitrestoss daurment 4 Noe: | be peated oF onchange porte. Type ‘ ste dower Tyhe (OBR oe i 2 Rote oe jens OY ObAF tevalues a sehergs Be yoke Ade (r plank, Systern Toes Bank Buyieg Gate Role (&): ~The price: ued 2. foiegn Bank fe buy perm Lae thie customer. (used & ‘Expelt) eer Rote” usd] 1nQ +60 (yatta = 100 1ooX 60 = 6000 |- paid. Gorn, Gung Bate CO) Sh Se Refs Els oh cpt aed ‘by the, bane eth ‘| (used for Sint) jin enghonge 6 Cuttomed < Unite = 1p0- &xr Rote usp [INR 291) tooeai £ 7100/2” pois mpi Aves e Rose \m) - (60) mm) Dena 4 Bank Selves Rote 5 : Bank pryit + Good — #102 = (1102) oe Direct Quotation ex poreign re, 1 vsd — INR e#s badinect Quorstion ex Hocall aa ~ ben WIN — USD = O o1yos |= = mw Di pyrene betioeen Foreign Currency Valuation ond Foreign Lunrency translation. > Foxcign CON Voluction i dbout Voluailing fransadien cumeny ameunt inte Local Currency, = Foreign Lure rarutolen is odout Nolusting decok eusnency \oto grep cwneng Feoqn Ludkeny Voluattion : Es 2K Pecoutt, Dateominolion for exehorge Rotter . 90) <9 OBA Used “Eo Prepare Automatic petticgs few Fescign cusency Vi - mot A Gritereat s~ fase Compound Grtenet 1h yor ean on Interest ee compas? greeee gnterest is based on Gonple Sintenest + Sonple % a bean the ing pain cipat amount po" deposit in a doniiogs tle. Oye of fntesest colenlotions :- Ne rbot ole ae) Ste) Getenest Cole Depred ad Type ‘3 Defined as Type Used Gu ade eed te verde | (compound brtexest ) : Pet eheubaltony = Typed ais: ou! * Define bntexes this will weer aunigned « §ndicetes —— ‘si =) Dalan&® got Prepare fle Colones Gatte Coleulalion: z 0 = OBAR- Sete cavalier Faequcy Heuo fewer ; ph Gotexut- yor, wort BRIS . Gaitement day Ml day op HH ee e St" aa mn OBAC, , St. 'ESo0 Google Satereat Coleplolicns Baterest Calewation lypet ieee OBuYe. oe Befine Somer. SEEPS rooke Charges in OBVA. Croke ole Ae Qarexut payalele Foo cs. crests Me Byles ‘a Ota. and “I — . End. sex = i" y post Docemegt ———__ . ae : a FB50| Foo, ] mi cauhio Hod le 1600 | 50 tA OO oe Tenn Loan . bs wae oe fF to € » grtwiest Expenses : ; F.5a a9. 11-808 yo CEU. EXP vile. 2-2.5 x Ao bert pagalale tHe haa —— oo TAN CONEEPT, Srput Toutes hese E Dould wore paid | howd H- PPd at iuualitae matesals- (Polder purchaues ) or ae ee a fh ould bbe, hag Fhe cases materials DHE J; Laud. poi of Solus), L ferdibien “Types poe pre-defined in SAPF « Gare Price BAs® : | Wee ey € Tons caedit » Qutput Tax Pasyodies Joma aXy pet Deductiore, “Taker: fk “T0X which U al pod E oa vender phot Can be loalanced ist | | wi Tax. while purchase ie capil ¢ “Tox paid on the purchase ‘eems | ae be puaited lack prem tthe Cput;' mwWwVS NST mwas Ws § Non- D = a ie ductile Tax fh Tax already pid 3 pa verdes that fannet be balanced Op aiett weitput Slax: the Lompany cannot claim this Tax ameurt bak fromm pne Qeve- Eq. fines | penalttion , basvrance Personal fatrities. * Define Caleulation Pyvceolurce ——___— 0BYZ Give, Peo dad Gee p alee TO ote details. ey condition TYPE valetey ir 10 BASE Base Price 40 mwvs Soput Tax 10, 10 VST 20 mwas | - gatpt rox f° 10 + Mws * pasion county te calculation procedane 0LBG. « Refine Tom Corcles be Gales’ and Rasicrases. it EXP §nput v Qutput ee taxxndd ase cxepled ok coury ad seraitien TYP Jewel & Pissing TAX pode fee Non-—Tarelale ” Mansadlior Bes ds ty ORE a & Cheate G\Lo He +Tax Qulput Tox (pa pov) FS 00 + Snput Tor: (Racaiaa beets + Pssiqn G\L' Se “te. Tox Code + 08 yop a : Bed US sex i= i . beput ox = eS Fb50 Rai Material consumption ale Qe 1000 bnpuk Tax ale ae sro cal io Hand Ae CA N90 F ue “Tox ‘alt: ae tie gles Qe 1100 )f 0 Sales We: Chk, 1000 | FO Output Tox Ae Chae, |08 Vendo Snveice © ——— aT a ! Expenses Ale Oy _ 850 “ Anipuk 7 sax 1st Ale re te Net! “0 vendor Ales: sf cAbyr, (OOP Luskeme Sovtice = AONE curtemes Sale Qe asec BO) output Tos 1h cay BOD sa55 ip’ Gales Me ca | teu” * enue pt a nang ax Codes - Fvls. a pea ET DUNNING a Le dend recs Dunniag paces 1A Uses Police glo Custumcas me vender be Ovex she. Dunnisg, vig Aa yelett the bu | Pau oe Stems , pre? sie het earriines the dunnica » bone + the le pod it cacctes the aaer| Natize + a Maintain Duncig paved Fam. Dundiog gokervot na dws = minicar ae { wm days between —the Dunaieg Intevals Ounn' Lene :- etandased fp Fonality we Car F Jewels have Maximun Colette $nt 5 jeems , payment deadhine. Jdtwoyd Dun Sp wr sedticoton tA nplice iA painted even made. We can maintain changes “hs each olunning om ¢ Always AB y pane ath vated | -then “the Qn 4 ne Loe has eon Duenni ae fe free amt devel: i Accounrs PAYABLE AY R : ‘ eeu its Youable, the amount due 16 Verd wu. e uppers. pf goods pn Aeivicer received Dot howe not yet boeen paid fe : Sum pd outtterdiag amourtt sewed te Nendeus i4 drown ai the accourts alle loalance on fompany’ Balance Shee de as “fens 5 gepott ond freatey “ig fests te trae vendow pextstarplirg pd payments. ea Gi and Aecouats Poxatte axe. Lervecled » At the Tire a dle creation We hove te Aelect Receonci Lilien Ale “Pape aa Nerden (Accounts Payable) i lendes Master ele :- this includes Soporrnal en | an vende fem which 2 Core LO7 a fart dell. : Procure fontaine “Snfprmnaen dueln a Vendor’ Peet ones le Also \denlifies duplest Reevrah- (Fable LFAi) : —» Pecount qpoups coeniol the. fed fiatts ey Master Rata = vende Maite ——~ Genral Data ix mantained at Went Jovel. Fietd Stats cope ; (pes geats ) master Dat POT ( scteen Leyor Rules) | were PED Ale lenders Custer! ale Ale. Gle (Cpecourt Gacups) Antenok. Number Ranges Toe ae purely aS ‘ : - z : pumloou Sys gone yithin. the Aag® you ane apeciped. Extend Number Rowers Sols 14 whee the pouen creak the sr wmigect,, i geayutred to enter Ws choice % Number. Rondel ipsa psd YER « Hide optional | : Mardtery ' Bisploy. been even : rt creation 6 4 Venda Account GAaoupt Obs Make Rerorciliolinr . Local vendo ps Pony rrisied + Posen vendor. Berd alc » Retail Vendo. | dolect cheek 0” + Wholesale vendow one “rime. Vene. K CAcalio . Of Number Ranges f* verolos. let ee xKNI HK ASS Assign no] Ranges is yender Ale Groups cau oOBAS oe Refine -Folerance GAaoupt t* vendre: oef> Nemloes Roget. oBA+ ae Define Document i and Vendox 4oveice KR —— vender ent indi at for Thanien we KL — fe ya —— vertou Docume Reversal ae Define Nol Roages FON ye Cheat Gl tle ee ee S00 a Goverlory Ravo (racterial : Gard) recite — Local vend ax (Qu Poel (Recon Ale) . Gurrdny Creditor — Fesegn enclor. (Recon ale) pension f vode ONY —— X¥Kol () Gwe Recon ale: FKol ee Feco.: i purchase. Snvoice) (vender §avoite | \ ; : yo Bs purchase fle. 1900 (ee gis Ce Ey lupaies (ele a ues wloegig core ps i B Os Jord be ple 1 3000 foe qo coun in plaid | 109 ale (ster wit foke coe! % post Keys) ae nek vendor ’ GG tonal displesy oe FOLAN | peo) ev i Flog pe a (enedit Meme i RNdse “an Gevvice es), 4 ; y. pounced Lne "Receipt Credit meme! (purchase, Qatari) : - Fb65- Eee eee eee Sout Key so Amt the document based on doke , Name wank Av. On. be dictates the feaquence y the fil > Assignment pes Length ile only, Field - Namet:- Neha (4 eh) Field PORTO! : Low 3 Lergth) F Bango ec. Jeegt) \ a Field 3 & ee ce EAE a | optrat wi Assiqnenent Text x Neha & alere. (18 Length ia a Bangelowe, (ung at OBIG Atesrilive Revoncilistion Ae :- on Ror sl Cowices ard gods i “wires Renpuiremot uy Te dhaow beth Lalilibe Aepasatily io with the fame Vordor ag feat ole dle pee Eves » Reconciliation Ale (exvices) ry cnt (ea Auranslive Recon we | _— ale Reco ivalite’) | saantial Ale le —- Ousines spansactions ——~, { pnd fle j ae Alternative Reem Ae ) ale tle | & princes Recon Ale . . Define Spa — 1% pater Maid =— (Recon fle) "Quast; cethe comet Functional fy .- fest wale frdds Auch as payment Te Term, wale’ ond ko one Provides dual, contol ; ia Po provide, mnome, ecu ty yeh jane ‘grade iio custome Dod! Dae muiae pata Records. - odtiunlbing thi; a clone. wf (er Clerk Yas 19, aaa PR 5 Master Data hos! te we! conprmed, by anetho- prope [authorized pewen). ik 8 enaicteined on client dewel. ae pod Name * ola - Safe; : Pe aehnical ‘ Gnyo > Sener fed § x ehoe Gersitive puss pes 5 net 11) — facial rle— “pe ender Ae ple) v (Pas io ia fj cxcalin ek Pn pats — "Defle fenstve. ii 1, fag Give retd lame i , LFO\—AKONT = Recon, al. * “caedte vendo le SD? ender Mi ea fersitive pros FRo8. Recen ee oro hualeh. oR: ed es pai “KOS ¥RON 2 Diapley Ni xKO3 § # Canam re oe clone - notha User 10. a Payment TERMS Rayment “Teams -Tthebe are wed in SAP to ettobbsh the torditieru between fowines Parire) ad nization to settle =the poyrert oF invoices « “this lepine “the duce, dail based 0” the baseline, dcte and the tosh discount % ggered & eonly Gnveice, payment Due dae apelin doy Due date - purchase date 4 credit Peried. Bare fire data this ya the seat dots f* due date Son. Ts : ‘oo avi Sicgle Nearaol ment foams: Saverce | sorrel Pay gue io d ee await havi & ETA Ruketlmuct Rage oT small due date ee apes ge mainisin Poymen® ie ee Manually . Document dote . Reibeg ots |, Eaby Ao 2 Post doument Give payed Boe seen cheek Verde Pe AE _____ FLAW funiin’) 2a FG Thm. *~ &k Teun can Grdividuol cosh Acount poy pon (Pidceant pote ft Poser urth a mar 4 paymertt “Tenet | fast cash dict’ period — jodays — 107° | » Geevnd cou duck pexied — aodayt — | eit — Zodoys — O}. . Due date for Net pom se Npiatain p ent Teams OBS ag creole QL. Ale FS cash discoutt file. ; | Ale gop — othe gncome y ate Guucoant le paitowetic. pHi RASS cos ph bex0. x Upaa. payee Tam 0 easter, Dee abe (v) ‘ » X,DOa (2 Tolerance Groups temple ely Beer et i<—__— oBay aatain max (Cash oliAcount Limit. Fined Sastallment st pint ateene sis fn when ome ate Payee ter ori Re enuttiple ertt “16 ‘ fr Jnstalt ment i ae 2. as au fe avi all “under 1 bak. oc acre mal aw sated OBS, Flenible Sstallment payment pceore eA ata! gngtallment fms 2A fee Select Senate ameuwrt poe! iy Jin yeas : Pail’ te IF jarseilions Ae paid on 20 & Maiotun Pasynn ©. Give Perk 1S @ 2 pres go fied 5 | Addl month 1 Give pitteg docte« Fined Baseline dete payment “Texas: + Jaq 10" feb —h : » Feb 10 al Fa + Mar 10 APS io” nee Bp maintain Paxymect Ferns OBGE fret deat Jo Adal month li - HOWN PAYMENTS Powe 2 mec The emnet which iA made wa Aecelvedh bepore: Bae? pluton roe goods ond Gewices “(Advance Payee pewse-a, nie pe y 4% ‘ Adwanice “bp verdous Ae. spawance, ot ard Sorby f : opyk + peters oor Comore) ie (end) : non Apo ap pede Down a fttiennigan eee } E00 © 1800. on Spesial Ole ws (ovo"” Bik payableriendos ele *& Down Payment Qenpusst Fo4y No financial enbies . [ereaning 4 Nesmal Stem}! HOE (BAVe=a—— House Banks these are. thes Banks that gou company has! an) acceutt vith. Bank details here. (Daanch) Dank wir Each Howse Qank. Fa omperg M cede in $9P eee by =) Ne mainte ee a, Bank ID. j Aceouct ID Eve ale abe house Bank is nephesented by an accourt ID. eer or Ale FSo0 Custer] | | * Sexpring ae ale . Main Bank Ale (oive House Gank, ak 10)) ne poxpmentt ale [vendo tenn ern Select "open oor Howe Bonk FT 12 Bak He prs] (odes tem Code ) ( Sndias an Finandal By check Let ae FCHT check Jeti cheeks Aupplied by a bank ar aa daided ole feb Ubatehes). Ex’ Foon. Zo,, F#O5D rz create # post vender bnvpice > Purenases le By oon? qo wider Ale cA = | 020 | F-53 me make Nendo Pasymerts vende: Ale a [900 70 Cash io, Hod cA’ 1000 ‘ wth ole a pare : - FCHSs. CPpAYR) ae Cheek Ta bte SEIN * Diaploy Chetk details Re eae # cheels encashment dete FCHG! | eccashroorrt, Rae Speespy the date ushich a check 4 debited’ Yin’ OU bank ale : KDE pa aay ee dite Spit FCHG. 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