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Weekly Lesson Plan

Subject: English for Communication Subject Code: EN23201 Semester: 2 / 2022

Topic: Unit 9: Spend, Spend, Spend Pre writing / Drafting (Writing a formal letter: Asking for
information), SB: Writing page 82 Week no.: 13 Date: 16- 20 Jan. 2023

Date Day & Date (Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023) Period: 4 Class: M. 3/4
Period: 7 Class: M. 3/8

Day & Date (Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023) Period: 4 Class: M. 3/3
Period: 5 Class: M. 3/5

Day & Date (Friday, Jan 20, 2023) Period: 1 Class: M. 3/7
Period: 3 Class: M. 3/2
Period: 4 Class: M. 3/1
Period: 7 Class: M. 3/6

Instructor: M. Jose Joseph De la Fuente

✔1. Learning Outcomes:

M3.4. Ask for or pass on personal details in written form. (A1)

✔2. Explicit Knowledge:

A formal letter is a letter that is written in the formal language with a specific format for business
or official purpose.

✔3. Core Concept:

The students will do the second step in the writing process which is the drafting, in this part the
students will create a paragraph using the pre-writing that they made.

✔4. Learning Objectives:

- Students will be able to draft a formal letter using the phrases from their pre-writing activity.
- Students will be able to construct a draft of their letter up to 2-3 paragraphs. (P)
- Students will be able to be responsible on passing their work on time (A)

✔5. Desirable Characteristics:

Avidity for learning

✔6. The Learners’ Competencies:

1. Communication capacity
2. Thinking capacity

✔ 7. Teaching Procedures: (50 minutes)

Introduction 5 minutes
1) Students will read through the writing tips again with the class.
2) Make sure students understand what to do.

Presentation 35 minutes
1. Let the students review their pre writing activity.
2. Explain to the students the things they need to know in writing the draft.
3. Let them write their own draft.
4. Guide the students while they are writing.

Conclusion 10 minutes
1) Students will be reminded about checking their work and use the writing plan.
2) Recap writing tips.

✔8. Learning materials/ sources:

- Student’s Book and Workbook

✔9. Learning Evaluation:

- Evaluate students’ comprehension by asking questions about the writing process discussion. (K)
- Evaluate students’ ability to write a simple letter following the guidelines given by the teacher.
- Evaluate students’ responsibility for doing exercises by using the observation form (A)

Evaluation Tools:
- Rubric Codes

Evaluation Criteria:
- Students must get at least 70% in the book activities to pass the lesson using the rubric codes.
- For the observation criteria – submitting work on time will be given 10 points, and the late will
be deducted depending on the length of time.

10. Comments from the school head or lesson plan checker:

Plan of instruction utilizes multiple instructional strategies, and includes activities appropriate for
engaging students in higher-level thinking
(M. Francis De Gracia)

11. Post-Teaching record:

Indicators: .....................
Total number of students: …………
Number of students who passed: …….. = …………... percent
Number of students who failed: …….. = …………... percent

Problems / Challenges experienced during the classes:



(Jose Joseph De la Fuente)

Date: ..............................................

Note: Please attach any evaluation criteria, such as presentation, speaking, writing score criteria,
including desirable characteristics evaluation criteria.

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