CEP Report Template

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Department of Computer Systems Engineering and

B.E (CS) 8th Semester
Fall 2021, Batch 2017

Course: __________________________
Course Code: ___________________
Complex Engineering Problem (CEP) Report
Insert: CLO, PLO, WK Numbers
(insert University Logo here)

Group Members

Submitted to
Teacher Name

Insert University Name here

1. Description of CEP
Write problem statement as given in the question
2. Introduction

Write in your own words information about the Restaurant Chain, its
history and add a few pics where possible.

3. Literature Review
Use Google scholar or web of science, and search for restaurant AI solutions
using depth of AI knowledge and give a summary of the AI based methods
used, provide references at the end (just as in the form a FYDP report)

4. Methodology
Describe methodology used some of the options are:
a. Use a block diagram/flow chart
b. Use a questionnaire and use for getting input from conflicting
stakeholders including restaurant chain owner, workers students etc.
You can select any other suitable method to gather data
c. Analyse the results of the questions, present some sort of graph
d. Write that on the basis of depth of knowledge based analysis, how the
modern tool software shall be selected

5. Results
In this section provide justification of selected software and if possible the
process of download and any results obtained on your data (if available)

6. Conclusion
Provide a brief conclusion on the findings of the CEP
Note: Use references where possible and list them at the end of the report. Use
header and footer, page numbering as standard practice)
References (Preferable IEEE Format, use any Citation software)

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