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Learning Task on In Loco Parentis

Answer this question:

1. You are brought your student to a field trip for them to see the architecture of old churches
in the province. You list down your tasks as a teacher to show diligence of a good father to
his family. Explain each task how this can ensure safety of your students.
Every teacher should understand that knowing how to plan a field trip is an essential
competency. Field trips can be a dream or a nightmare for teachers who want to take their students
outside of the classroom to experience real-life learning. It's surprising fact that school boards
become more cautious regarding allowing field trips. Administrators are unlikely to allow anything
considered dangerous or risky because they are afraid of being sued. Field trip days are frequently
the best days of the school year. Most students have been looking forward to this day for weeks or
even months. As a result, it is critical that you follow a few simple rules to ensure that your trip is
both safe and enjoyable.
As a teacher, being with the students in a field trip means you are in place with their parents
in ensuring that the students will be safe. During the field trip, a teacher must take care of the
students as a parent-in-charge. They should check each and every status of the students and how
they are doing during the stay. I listed down that I should show diligence of as goof father to my
family. It means that I should take care of the ones on the field trip especially the students that are
of my custody. Ordinary care is what a decent father of a family entails when he is diligent. It is a
care that an average person would take in taking care of his property, much as a father of a family
would. All the responsibilities as a parent will be done to my students.
If the students need to go to the bathroom, I, as a teacher that is in charge of their care will
be the one who will assist them. I will also join them if they want to go to a specific place, and I will
not leave them alone there. I will also take care of them if they feel sick or dizzy during the trip. I
will bring extra snacks if they don’t have food on the bus, I will bring medicine kits including
paracetamol and other medicines, and also some bandages and alcohol if they got injured during
the trip. I will ensure their safety and if they need comfort I will be on their side. I will also get the
contact numbers of their parents before the said field trip to update them on the status of their
children during the said trip.
As their teacher, I will make sure that all of them will be safe and sound from the start of the
trip until they got home.

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