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(A) She's searching in her handbag.

(B) She's looking in a display case.

(C) She's paying for a purchase.
(D) She's holding some flowers.
A. The man is switching off a lamp.
B. The man is opening some curtains.
C. The man is seated by a window.
D. The man is hanging some photographs on the wall.
(A) Some chairs are arranged in a circle.
(B) Some stairs are being cleaned.
(C) A roof is being repaired.
(D) A tree is being trimmed.
(A) One of the women is wearing a scarf.
(B) The women are talking to each other.
(C) The man is pouring coffee into a cup.
(D) The people are closing their menus.
A. A notice is being hung on a post.
B. The women are walking toward a doorway.
C. The man is changing a bicycle tire.
D. A basket is being removed from a cart.
(A) A shop assistant is giving a man some money.
(B) Some people are entering a supermarket.
(C) A cashier is putting merchandise into a bag.
(D) Some customers are waiting in line.
7. When did you buy your new phone?
(A) The store is close to my house.
(B) Last week when it was on sale.
(C) I think it's the same number.

8. Do you know where Keiko's office is?

(A) That's the official logo.
(B) To reserve a room.
(C) It's on the second floor.
9. That was a short movie, wasn't it?
(A) The theater on Glenn Road.
(B) You're right-it was only an hour!
(C) I must have misplaced it.

10. Where can I find a building directory?

(A) In two weeks.
(B) No, thank you.
(C) Near the front entrance.
11. Who's going to lead the merger negotiations?
(A) John Sanchez is.
(B) Thanks, I appreciate it.
(C) No, that's not mine.

12. How do I contact the financial consultant?

(A) A free consultation.
(B) He left his business card.
(C) In a few more days.
13. When is the health inspector coming?
(A) Anytime this week.
(B) It's good for your health.
(C) At the back door.

14. Wasn't this assignment due last week?

(A) It's taking longer than we thought.
(B) Sign at the bottom of the page.
(C) No, you don't need permission.
15. Whose turn is it to buy coffee?
(A) Two sugars please.
(B) In the kitchen.
(C) I already bought it.

16. Where will the company retreat be next year?

(A) Every year.
(B) It hasn't been decided yet.
(C) Yes, I've been there.
17. Let's discuss the building designs this morning.
(A) We can do it this afternoon instead.
(B) The sign on the wall.
(C) Does he work in that building, too?

18. Why is there a cake sitting out on the front desk?

(A) The potted plant on the ground.
(B) I'll answer the phone.
(C) Because Barb's party is today.
19. How are we going to move all of these office
(A) Sergio will help us.
(B) Across the hallway.
(C) Have a seat by the window.

20. Have you gone to the leadership training yet?

(A) A new training manual.
(B) Sure, we can leave some for you.
(C) I didn't know it was required.
21. Why don't we start marketing to a younger
(A) That's a really good idea.
(B) The film starts at nine.
(C) Fifteen should be enough.

22. What kind of tablet computer do you have?

(A) I have a few more minutes.
(B) An electronics store nearby.
(C) Are you thinking of buying one?
23. Wouldn't you rather travel somewhere during
your time off?
(A) A round-trip ticket for two thousand dollars.
(B) I'm planning to paint my house.
(C) I would follow up with Sahar.

24. You gave the customers the bill, didn't you?

(A) A reliable delivery service.
(B) That's an impressive offer.
(C) Hasn't the payment arrived yet?
25. How soon can you finish the Sterling report?
(A) He's a reporter there.
(B) I'll be done before lunch.
(C) Please make ten copies.

26. Would you like your receipt now, or shall I

put it in the bag?
(A) Just put it in my bag, thanks.
(B) About twenty-five euros.
(C) That's a great looking sweater.
27. The registration deadline is on Friday.
(A) Where did you hear that?
(B) They arrived already.
(C) Yes, I'd like to.

28. Your airline has an overnight flight to Delhi,

doesn't it?
(A) The nearest train station.
(B) Yes, it departs at eight P.M.
(C) Usually at a hotel downtown.
29. I can't seem to open the file you sent me.
(A) Yes, the post office is still open.
(B) Sorry-I‘l1 try sending it again.
(C) We can't see that far either.

30. Would you like to include breakfast in your

room reservation?
(A) Sure, that'll be fine.
(B) Check-in is at three o'clock.
(C) A view of the ocean, if possible.
31. Should I print copies of the budget for the
meeting or e-mail it to everyone?
(A) The last page of the order form.
(B) Four million dollars this year.
(C) Everyone there will have a laptop.
A: Thanks for calling Riverside Auto Repair. How can I
help you?
B: Hi. I got my car repaired last week and used your
shuttle service to get a ride back to my office. Can you
tell me why there's a service charge on my invoice for
using the shuttle? I've never had to pay that before.
B: Yes, unfortunately the cost of auto fuel has risen quite
a bit, so the company now requires us to charge for the
shuttle. 32. C
A: Well, I wasn't expecting that. 33. D
34. A
B: I'm sorry we didn't inform you of this ahead of time.
I’ll waive the fee now, but please be aware that you'll
have to pay for rides in the future.
A: In sports news, our own Easton Jaguars won
today's soccer match against the Portville Lions. Here
to tell us about the game is Aaron Parker, the
goalkeeper for the Jaguars. Mr. Parker, thanks for
joining us.
B: Thanks for having me. Today 's game was
challenging-it started to rain early on, and the
storm didn't let up for nearly an hour. There were
several times when we lost control of the ball 35. C
because the field was so wet and slippery. 36. B
A: Well, you all played really well despite the 37. A
weather. Now, it's time for a commercial break, but
stay tuned-we'll soon be back with Aaron Parker to
talk about the game's most exciting moments.
A: Hi Paul, I know we were planning to work at the
trade show together next week, but something has
come up. Do you think you could find someone else
to go in my place?
B: Sure, that can probably be arranged. Can I ask
why you're unable to go?
38. C
A: My department recently hired several new 39. D
people, and I want to be here to make sure that 40. A
their training goes smoothly.
B: I understand. I'II call Ramona and ask her if she'd
be able to attend the show instead.
A: I'd like to book two tickets for tonight's city bus tour.
B: Sure, we still have seats on the bus. This tour will stop
at five different sites and end up at the Seven Stars
A: Oh. That sounds good. A friend of mine is visiting from
out of town. He'll like that.
B: Yes, but we have to put in the order for the
restaurant in advance. You have a choice between the
chicken with vegetables or the beef with rice. 41. D
A: We'll both have the chicken. 42. D
43. C
B: Here are your tickets. And by the way, we're expecting
clear skies tonight. You'll definitely want to bring your
camera. You won't want to miss taking photos of the
city's skyline.
A: Hi, Siba. Do you need help taking those files up to our
office? It looks like you have your hands full.
B: If you don't mind, that'd be great. The elevator is still
out of order, so we'll have to use the stairs. 44. C
A: But that broke last week- the maintenance crew 45. C
should have repaired that by now. 46. B
B: Well, apparently a piece of hardware had to be custom
A: Ah, I see. Well, at least our office is only on the second
floor, so we don't have to climb too many stairs.
B: That's true. Thanks again for carrying some of these
files-it would have taken two trips to get them all without
your help.
A: All right, let's start the meeting. How were our
clothing sales for June? 47. D
B: Well, sales went up three percent from last 48. B
month. But customers didn't respond as well as 49. A
usual to our big semiannual sale.
A: I was hoping for a five percent increase ... Donna,
why do you think the increase was so small?
C: I think clothing sales weren't as strong because
the advertising budget was cut this year. I'd like to
see that money put back into our budget.
A: Hmm ... Let's wait another month. If sales are still
low, we may have to increase the advertising
budget, but I prefer to wait on that decision.
A: Hello, Dan. So you've been training with us for a
couple of months now. As your mentor, I'd like to
hear how your apprenticeship's been going.
B: It's been going well. I've enjoyed learning the
different techniques for metal welding, and I like
seeing the finished products.
A: I'm glad to hear that. There're still a few weeks
left in your training program - but you know, your
work is so good that we've decided to offer you a
promotion when your training is complete.
B: That's great news! I'd be happy to be part of the
team here. 50. D
51. A
52. B
A: Well, Dietrich, we're looking forward to seeing
you here in our Munich office next Tuesday. We can't
wait to see the latest design plans for the company's
new, lightweight tablet.
B: Thanks! There's one feature of the tablet that I'm
especially pleased with.
A: Really? What is it?
B: This model has our best battery life ever. It can
now operate for three full days on a single charge.
A: That's incredible-I'm excited to hear more about
this during your presentation. By the way, 55we made
a dinner reservation for our department that evening.
B: Actually, my favorite singer is performing that 53. D
night. 54. A
A: That's OK. We'll see you soon.
55. C
A: Welcome to the Westfield Hotel! I'm the event
coordinator, and this is my associate, Diane. So, 56. B
you'd like to host an event here? 57. A
B: Yes! I work for the National Journalists 58. C
Association. 56We're planning our annual awards
banquet for June-for about a hundred guests.
C: Well, we have a beautiful ballroom on this floor
that I can show you. It's been used for awards
ceremonies before.
B: Okay. Also, 57 about half of our guests will be
coming from out of town. Do you have enough rooms
available for them to stay here?
A: I'm sure we do, but we'll check and send you a
quote for a group rate.
C: And additionally, 58we do offer free shuttle
service to and from the airport.
A: Excuse me. 59My mobile phone is out of power.
60Are there any tables here at the cafe that are near a
wall socket, so I can charge my phone while I have
some coffee?
B: Well, we only have a few outlets. And ... it looks
like all the tables near them are occupied. I'm sorry
about that.
A: Hmm. In that case, 61 can you suggest anywhere
nearby where I might be able to sit for a few minutes
and charge my phone, then?
B: You know, 61 the public library would be perfect
for that, and it's just a block up the hill. You'll see it
on the corner of Willow Street.
59. B
60. D
61. D
A: Mary? I'm working on the bill for one of Dr.
Singh's patients, and I keep getting an error message
for the code I'm using ...
B: Oh! The billing codes recently changed. You must
be referring to the old list.
A: Do you have the updated one? 62. B
B: Yes, right here. Which procedure is it? 63. A
A: A blood test. 64. C
B: All right ... Here's the code you should use.
A: Thanks! Could I get a copy of that list?
B: Sure. But I heard they'll be adding the codes to
our billing software soon, so we won't need to deal
with paper lists anymore.
A: Pedro, there's a lot of interest in our new line of
women's dresses planned for the spring. It looks like
there will be a lot of demand, so we'd better increase
production to be sure we have a supply of all
garment sizes.
B: In that case, I suggest we let the human resources
department know that we'll need more workers.
A: Right. I'll give them a call now.
B: OK, great. And I was just working on the labels.
In fact, the template for the label is up on my 65. B
computer screen. 66. B
A: Can I see? Oh, wait! These garments are 100 67. C
percent cotton; so they shouldn't be washed in warm
B: OK. I'll make that change now.
A: Hi, Mr. Foster. This is Kasumi Ito, the hiring
manager at Silverby Industries. We've reviewed your
job application and would like you to come in for an
interview. Are you available Tuesday at 2 P.M. next
B: Thanks for getting back to me. Let me check my
calendar .. .. Yes, I can do that.
A: Good. Now, Silverby Industries is in a business
complex. 69Our building is on Tinley Avenue, and
we're right next to the lake.
B: Thanks. And am I able to park anywhere, or will I
need a permit?
A: Just make sure you're in a space marked Visitor,
and you won't get a parking violation.
68. A
69. B
70. A

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