Advanced Personalization

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Epicor ERP

Advanced Personalization
This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
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date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
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likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
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of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase
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Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
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Revision: July 13, 2011 5:45 p.m.
Total pages: 18
Advanced Personalization Course Contents

Advanced Personalization Course.........................................................................................4
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................5
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................5
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................6
Advanced Personalization Overview....................................................................................7
Allow Personalization.......................................................................................................................................8
Personalization Mode.............................................................................................................9
Advanced Personalization Features....................................................................................10
Modify Sheet Properties.................................................................................................................................11
Workshop - Modify Sheet Properties.......................................................................................................11
Grid Property Modification.............................................................................................................................13
Workshop - Modify Grid Properties.........................................................................................................13
Exporting and Importing Personalizations.......................................................................................................14
Export a Personalization..........................................................................................................................14
Import a Personalization.........................................................................................................................14
Workshop - Export and Import a Personalization.....................................................................................14
Export the Personalization...............................................................................................................14
Import the Personalization...............................................................................................................15
Delete a Personalization..........................................................................................................................16
Workshop - Delete the Personalization....................................................................................................16

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Advanced Personalization Course Advanced Personalization Course

Advanced Personalization Course

This course shows you how to personalize your Epicor application in a way that best suits your company's needs.
It introduces the changes you can make to the layout and content that does not affect the actual data or minimum
mandatory requirements of the Epicor application. These features are specific to users with Personalization security
In general, personalization refers to any change made to the layout and content that does not affect the actual
data or minimum mandatory requirements of the Epicor application. Advanced personalization refers to specific
features of personalization that are only available to users with personalization security privileges.
The personalization features that you and every user has, regardless of security privileges, are covered in the
Personalization course, which should be reviewed prior to taking this course.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Define personalization
• Grant user personalization privileges
• Access and use the Control Properties window to modify sheet elements
• Demonstrate how to import and export saved personalizations
• Delete unwanted personalizations

4 Epicor ERP | 9.05.606

Advanced Personalization Course Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• System Administrator
• IT/Technical Staff


In order to complete the workshops in this course, all necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your
training environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account
Manager at It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained
in other valuable courses.
• Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques are available at each of
the interface levels in the Epicor application - system, module, and program. Workshops focus on each of
these levels and guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
• Personalization Course - This course covers how to personalize the Epicor application by adjusting the views,
options, and toolbars to best suit your business needs. This course focuses on the personalization tools available
to all users, regardless of security privileges.
® ®
• Computer and Internet Navigation Basics - The Epicor application operates in a Microsoft Windows
environment; therefore, knowing how to navigate in a Windows environment and the internet will facilitate
the training experience. Students should be familiar with include computer hardware components such as
the keyboard and mouse, navigation keys on the keyboard such as the Tab and Enter keys, and navigation
buttons such as the Back button.

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

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Before You Begin Advanced Personalization Course

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main Plant.

Workshop Constraints

All workshops in this course can be completed in a shared database as long as each user logs in with a unique
User ID, or does not perform the workshops simultaneously.

6 Epicor ERP | 9.05.606

Advanced Personalization Course Advanced Personalization Overview

Advanced Personalization Overview

In the Advanced Personalization course, discover how to personalize your application in a way that best suits
your company's needs. Learn how to export your personalizations so that others can import them into their
Personalization is defined as any change made to the Epicor application that only affects that user’s interface.
All personalizations are stored by User ID and do not affect any other users within the application.
Advanced personalization features allow additional changes to the user interface, such as changing fonts, font
sizes, colors, tab stops, and hiding or displaying columns in grids. Once a personalization is made for one user,
it can be exported from one machine and imported to other machines to implement the same personalizations.
Each section of the course discusses the specific functionalities, fields, and processes within the application.
Workshops guide you through each step and provide you a with a hands-on learning experience.

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Authorization Advanced Personalization Course


Use User Account Maintenance to grant personalization privileges to the advanced personalization tools.
Menu Path: System Management > Company Maintenance > User
User Account Maintenance is typically only accessible to system administrators. If you do not have access to this
program, contact your system administrator or IT personnel for assistance.


Use the Options sheet to establish security rights and other options for the current user.
Epicor recommends you assign all users to security groups. You then simplify your security setup, as you do not
need to assign security to individual users. This approach also ensures you implement security through an organized
and clearly defined method.
This functionality is flexible, as you can assign a single user to multiple security groups. The application handles
any conflicts between security groups through an access hierarchy. For example, if a user is assigned to security
group Engineering, which allows access to the Engineering Workbench, and security group Purchasing, which
does not, the user will still be able to launch the Engineering Workbench. The security group with more access
overrides the security group with less access.
Likewise, if a user is assigned rights to a program, but is assigned to a group which is not, the user is still able to
launch the program. User rights have precedence over group rights, and the Allow Access setting has precedence
over the Disallow Access setting.

Allow Personalization
Select this check box to give personalization privileges to the user.
After you grant personalization privileges, verify you have access to at least one company. Use the Company
sheet to gain access to a specific company.

8 Epicor ERP | 9.05.606

Advanced Personalization Course Personalization Mode

Personalization Mode

Use the Personalization Mode to move controls on a form, as well as change the appearance and behavior of
each control. You can then modify a program to reflect your needs. If you have personalization rights, you can
modify every program within the Epicor application.
The Control Properties window displays when you activate a program in the Personalization mode. Use the
window to adjust a control's properties such as font, color, tab stop, text, and others.
Example Within Sales Order Entry, you want the Terms field to follow the Order Date field in the tab
order. You enter sequential numbers in each field's TabIndex property. Now when you tab through the
fields on this form, the cursor jumps from the Order Date field directly to the Terms field.

When you finish personalizing the form, use the Control Properties window to export the personalization. This
makes your personalizations available to other users within the application. Your personalizations are saved within
an Export folder. When other users are in the Personalization Mode, they can import your personalization into
their program.
Tip Some programs cannot be personalized. If you start a program that cannot be changed, a message
box displays which indicates it is not personalizable. The Control Properties window is also disabled.

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Advanced Personalization Features Advanced Personalization Course

Advanced Personalization Features

The features available with personalization privileges will be discussed in three sections during the course:
• Sheet Properties - Allows changes to font type, font size, colors, tab stops, and tab indexes.
• Grid Properties - Allows you to hide or display various columns of a grid.
• Importing and Exporting Personalizations - Allows you to export personalizations and share them with
other users.

The Control Properties Window

To access the features discussed in this course, navigate to any program, and select Tools from the Menu Bar.
From the Tools menu, select Personalization. This opens the Control Properties window for that program
and displays a grid-like layer.
All the advanced personalization features are located within the Control Properties window. This window displays
in the forefront of your screen until you close it by selecting Delete, OK, or Cancel.
The following are the key features found in the Control Properties window:
• Name - This field displays the element name that is in focus on the sheet. This may be the entire form or a
single element within the form. You can personalize all elements on a sheet.
For example, it may indicate that the entire form is in focus. If this is the case, the changes made to the
properties will affect the entire form.
While you are in personalization mode, each sheet is referred to as a form. A form is the personalizable version
of a sheet.

• Type - This field displays the form, or sheet name, programmatically. This is the specific path name used by
the programs in the application to execute or display the sheet in focus.
• Properties - These are the items in the Control Properties window that you can modify for each element on
a sheet.
As you click on different elements, the personalization dialog displays the set of properties that you can modify
for those controls. The dialog window changes depending on the type of control. To rearrange the position
of controls on the form, use the drag and drop functionality.
• Buttons - Use buttons located on the bottom of the Control Properties window to Select Top Level Form,
Import and Export personalizations, as well as Delete or Cancel an existing personalization. Click OK to
save your personalizations.

10 Epicor ERP | 9.05.606

Advanced Personalization Course Advanced Personalization Features

Modify Sheet Properties

A sheet is a layer of a program’s interface that contains related functionality. Most programs contain at least two
sheets. There are many features of sheets that you can personalize, including font, font size, back color, fore
color, and tab stops.
The following are the features you can modify within a sheet:
• BackColor - This feature defines the color of the item’s background.
When selected, this option displays all the available colors in a list. You may select a color defined for your
current Windows color scheme, a custom colors list, or a list of web colors.
• Font - This field allows you to change the font style, including bolding and italicizing the font.
• ForeColor - This field defines the color of the item’s text.
When selected, this option displays all the available colors in a list. You may select the system colors defined
for your current Windows® color scheme, a list of custom colors, or web colors.
• Location - This field refers to the exact position of the control or element on the sheet. The location is defined
as X and Y axis numbers.
• Size - This field defines the height and width of the control or element on the sheet.
• TabStop - This field indicates whether you want this item to be included as you navigate through the sheets
within the program.
True indicates you can tab through this element; False indicates that a tab will skip over this element on the
• TabIndex - You can use the Tab key to activate various controls within a sheet. The TabIndex allows you to
decide the order in which you tab through the fields. Enter a number to indicate the order in which this control
will be activated.
Example If you would like this control to be last in the tab order, enter 9999.

• Text - Use this field to change the actual text that displays on the form.
• Delete - Use this button to remove any unwanted personalizations on the sheet that is in focus.

Workshop - Modify Sheet Properties

Personalization can take place at the sheet level within the Epicor application. In this workshop, change the
background color of the tree view and the font style of the Opportunity / Quote search button.
Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Opportunity / Quote
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > General
Operations > Opportunity / Quote

1. From the Tools menu, select Personalization.

The Control Properties window displays.

2. In the Opportunity / Quote tree view, click once.

Move the Control Properties window if necessary.

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Advanced Personalization Features Advanced Personalization Course

3. In the Control Properties window, click in BackColor field, navigate to the Web sheet, and select Gray.
Notice the tree view is gray.

4. Navigate to the Summary sheet and click the Opportunity / Quote button.

5. In the Control Properties window, click in the ForeColor field, navigate to the Web sheet, and select Red.
Notice the Opportunity / Quote button font changed to the color red.

6. In the Control Properties window, expand the Font field.

7. In the Bold field, select True.

Notice the Opportunity / Quote button font is now bold.

8. In the Italic field, select True.

Notice the Opportunity / Quote button font is now italicized.

9. In the Control Properties window, click OK.

10. Remain in Opportunity/Quote Entry for the next workshop.

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Advanced Personalization Course Advanced Personalization Features

Grid Property Modification

Grids display information using a combination of columns and rows. Each column displays a category of
information, such as Part Number or Postal Code. Each row displays data from individual records. You can
manipulate the order of the columns that display within each grid, as well as modify each grid.

Display or Hide Columns

Use the Control Properties window to hide or add columns to a grid.
To review grid options, click on a grid within a sheet. The Control Properties window expands to display grid
column properties. Select the appropriate check boxes to determine the columns to hide or display.

Workshop - Modify Grid Properties

This workshop demonstrates how to modify grid properties by displaying and hiding columns within a grid.

1. Navigate to the Summary > Lines sheet.

Notice the columns that currently display.

2. From the Tools menu, select Personalization.

3. In the Control Properties window, click in the Columns field to display the Column Properties window.

4. In the Column Properties window, for the Customer Part field, select the Hidden check box.

5. In the Control Properties window, click OK.

6. On the Lines sheet, notice the Customer Part field is now hidden.

7. Remain in Opportunity/Quote Entry for the next workshop.

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Advanced Personalization Features Advanced Personalization Course

Exporting and Importing Personalizations

Once you save a personalization, you can export it from one machine and import it to another. This allows you
to create a personalization once and share it with other Epicor application users.

Export a Personalization
You can export your personalization to make it available to other users. To do this, click the Export button on
the Control Properties window. Use the Save As window to save your personalization within the Export folder.
The file is saved as an .xml file type. The name of the file is the application name, followed by an underscore and
your user name.
Example app.ShipViaEntry.ShipViaForm_GWENJ.xml

Import a Personalization
Once you export a personalization .xml file, use the Import button to import the file into your profile.
After you import a personalization, exit the program and launch it again to view the personalization. Once a
personalization is imported into another user's profile, it is stored with the new user name.
Standard application customization features provide additional tools for users to view all personalizations by
program and by user ID.

Workshop - Export and Import a Personalization

After you create a personalization, you can export the personalized settings to a shared network folder. Once in
the shared folder, you can import the personalizations for use on your computer.
This workshop consists of two processes:
• Export the personalization
• Import the personalization

Export the Personalization

In this part of the workshop, export the personalization you previously created.

1. From the Tools menu, select Personalization.

2. In the Control Properties window, click the Export button.

3. Select Desktop as the destination folder.

4. Note the file name.

5. Click Save.

6. Exit the Control Properties window.

7. Exit Opportunity/Quote Entry.

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Advanced Personalization Course Advanced Personalization Features

Import the Personalization

In this part of the workshop, log into the application as a different user to import the personalizations you made
to Opportunity/Quote Entry.

1. Navigate to the Main menu.

2. In the Main menu, from the Options menu, select Change User ID.
A Log On window displays.

3. Log into the application using the following information:

User name: bhoward
Password: bhoward

4. Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Opportunity / Quote
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > General
Operations > Opportunity / Quote

5. From the Tools menu, select Personalization.

6. In the Control Properties window, click the Import button.

7. Select Desktop.

8. Select the file you exported and click Open.

9. To the You must close and reopen form for personalization changes to take effect message, click

10. Exit Opportunity/Quote Entry.

11. Reopen Opportunity/Quote Entry.

12. Confirm the changes were made to the tree view and the Opportunity / Quote button.

13. Exit Opportunity/Quote Entry.

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Advanced Personalization Features Advanced Personalization Course

Delete a Personalization
While you are in Personalization Mode, you can also delete a personalization. To do this, click the Delete button
on the Control Properties window. You are asked if you want to remove this personalization; click Yes.
The personalization is deleted from the current program.
To delete all personalizations within a program, press the Select Top Level Form button, and then the Delete

Workshop - Delete the Personalization

In this workshop, delete the current personalization.

Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Opportunity / Quote
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > General
Operations > Opportunity / Quote

1. From the Tools menu, select Personalization.

2. In the Control Properties window, click Delete.

3. To the Delete Personalizations confirmation message, click Yes.

4. To the You must close and reopen form for personalization changes to take effect message, click

5. Exit Opportunity/Quote Entry.

6. Reopen Opportunity/Quote Entry to view the restored format of the sheet.

7. Exit Opportunity/Quote Entry.

8. In the Main menu, from the Options menu, select Change User ID.
A Log On window displays.

9. Log into the application using the previous credentials, for example manager/manager.

10. Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry and repeat steps 1-7 to delete the personalization for the second User

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Advanced Personalization Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the Advanced Personalization course.

Please take a moment to let Epicor know how to serve you better by completing a course evaluation at or by clicking the Course Evaluation link below. Your feedback
provides the guidelines for the future direction of Epicor education.

Epicor ERP | 9.05.606 17

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to

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