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Unit – I – Conduction

Short Questions:

1. State Fourier law of heat conduction.

2. What is the mechanism of heat conduction in solids?
3. Write down the three dimensional heat conduction equation in Cartesian or Rectangular coordinates?
4. Write down the general 3D heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates?
5. What do you understand by critical radius of insulation and gives its expression?
6. What is thermal conduct resistance?
7. Define fin efficiency and effectiveness.
8. What is the main advantages of parabolic fin?
9. Whether closely packed thin fins or loosely packed thick fins are preferred. Justify?
10. What is lumped capacity analysis?
11. Why heisler chart cannot used for the case of Biot number approach zero?
12. Mention the importance of Biot number.
13. What is the physical meaning of Fourier number?

Big Questions:

1. Derive general one dimensional differential equation of heat conduction in Cartesian or Rectangular
coordinates and deduce it to Poission and Laplace equation.
2. Derive an expression for steady state one dimensional heat conduction to a hollow cylinder.
3. What do you understand by critical radius of insulation for cylinder and obtain an expression for the same?
4. What is lumped capacity analysis and obtain the expression for temperature distribution?

Unit – II – Convection

Short Questions:

1. Define Reynolds number, Prandtle number, Grashaff number and Nusselt number.
2. What do you understand by free and forced convection?
3. Define Grashaff number and explain its significance in natural convection heat transfer.
4. Indicate the concept of boundary layer.
5. What is the importance of boundary layer?
6. Define bulk temperature.
7. Define HBL thickness and TBL thickness.
8. Define TBL.
9. State Bucking – ham π theorem.
10. What is the ratio of the HBL to TBL in case of laminar flow over a flat plate?
11. A vertical flat plate is maintain at a temperature lower than the surrounding fluid. Draw the velocity profile
and temperature profile. Assume natural convection.
12. Explain why temperature boundary layer grows much more rapidly than the velocity boundary layer in
liquid metals or mercury.

Big Question:

1. Sketch the boundary layer development of a flow over a flat plate and explain significance of boundary
2. A flow (Couete flow) takes place in between two plates with lower plate held stationary and the upper plate
at a distance (L) is moving a velocity (U). The lower and upper plates are held at uniform temperature To
and Tl respectively. Determine the velocity and temperature distribution between two plates.
3. Write the Navier’s flow equation for a steady, 2D flow of an incompressible flow, indicating clearly with
various terms.
4. Derive the following expression for forced convection, Nu = C Rem Prn

Unit – III – Phase change heat transfer and heat exchanger

Short Questions:

1. What do you understand by film wise and drop wise condensation?

2. Write the forced balancing equation on a volume element for film wise condensation on a vertical plain
3. Draw the film growth velocity and temperature profile, when laminar film condensation takes place on a
vertical plate.
4. Differentiate between pool boiling and flow boiling.
5. What is a compact heat exchanger?
6. How are heat exchanger classified based on flow arrangements?
7. Define NTU of a heat exchanger.
8. Draw the temperature variations in parallel and counter flow heat exchanger?
9. Sketch the temperature distribution in condenser and boiler.
10. Define LMTD.
11. Write a note on LMTD correction factor.
12. What do you understand by fouling and heat exchanger effectiveness?
13. Write an equilibrium for fouling resistance?
14. What are the parameters affecting the fouling?
15. Why fouling factor is considered for design of heat exchanger?
16. What is burnout point? Why it is called so.

Big Questions:

1. Discuss the various regions of pool boiling.

2. Describe the principle of parallel and counter flow heat exchanger showing the axial temperature
3. Derive the heat transfer equation of a parallel flow heat exchanger. Stating the assumption.
4. Explain how heat exchangers are classified.
5. Define effectiveness of heat exchanger. Derive an expression for effectiveness of a double pipe parallel
flow heat exchanger. State the assumption also.
6. What is meant by fouling factor? Discuss the salient features of correction factor.
Unit – IV – Radiation

Short Questions:

1. What is thermal radiation and what is its wavelength band?

2. What do you understand by black and grey body?
3. Define radiosity, irradiation, emissive power and emissivity.
4. State Wien’s displacement law and Kirchhoff’s law.
5. What must be color of an umbrella to reduce the absorption of radiation?
6. Mention the physical significance of shape factor.
7. What does the view factor represent? When the view factor from a surface to itself is not zero?
8. What are radiation shield?
9. State how radiation from gases is different from radiation from surfaces.
10. What is re-radiation?
11. In what circumstances gases radiation takes a major role.

Big Questions:

1. Explain absorptivity, transmissivity and reflectivity.

2. Distinguish between black, grey body and specular and diffuse surface.
3. Explain the following (i) Reciprocity rule and (ii) Summation rule.
4. Discuss briefly the radiation of black body emissive power with wavelength.
5. Explain radiation shape factor and importance laws associated with shape factors.
6. Derive the expression for radiant heat change between two real surface using the definition of irradiation
and radiosity.
7. Deduce the generalized equation for heat transfer of a system of parallel plates separated by n seconds.
8. Derive the equivalent emissivity of a two large parallel grey plate.
9. Explain how radiation from solids differ from that of the gases.
10. Discuss the radiation characteristics of water vapor and CO2.

Unit – V – Mass Transfer

Short Questions:

1. Describe the mechanism of mass transfer and examples of mass transfer.

2. How mass transfer takes through diffusion and convection?
3. What do you meant by equimolar counter diffusion?
4. Define mass fraction, molar concentration and mass concentration.
5. Define mass average velocity.
6. Explain the physical meaning of Schmidt number.
7. State Fick’s law of diffusion and give its expression and mention its importance.
8. Define diffusion coefficient.

Big Questions:

1. Discuss the analogy between heat and mass transfer.

2. Derive general mass transfer equation in Cartesian coordinates.
3. Compare the diffusion and convective mass transfer.
4. Discuss briefly the following: (i) Fick’s law of diffusion, (ii) Equimolar counter diffusion, (iii)
Evaporation in the atmosphere.
5. What are the assumptions made in the one dimensional transient or unsteady mass diffusion

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