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Unit – I – Coal based thermal power plants

Short Questions:
1. What the effects are of Reheat cycle?
2. What are the advantages of Reheat cycle over Rankine cycle?
3. Mention the use of fly ash.
4. Discuss the guidelines for the selection of boilers for steam power plant.
5. What are the mountings fitted for boiler safety operations?
6. What is meant by economizer?
7. What is the principal of heavy medium separation of coal?
8. List out the main advantages of high pressure boiler in modern thermal power plant.
9. What are the modern trends in generating steam in high pressure boiler?
10. What is supercritical boiler? List down its merits and demerits.
11. What are the advantages of supercritical boiler over critical boiler?
12. Briefly explain the functions of condensers.
13. Why does cooling water flow inside the tubes and steam condenses outside the tubes of surface condenser?
14. What are the requirements of modern surface condenser?
15. Draw a neat sketch of fluidized bed combustion?
16. What are the methods used for the reduction of SO2 pollutant?
17. What is the necessity of coal storage?
18. What are the requirements of good coal handling system?
19. What are the transfer equipment of coal handling plant?
20. Indian coals are inferior to imported. Elaborate?
21. State the characteristics of good ash handling plant.
22. What are the limitation of chimney and natural draught?
23. Define balanced draught.
24. Distinguish between natural and artificial draught.
25. What are the functions of draught system and what is the role of chimney in natural draught.
26. What do you understand the term boiler draught?
Big Questions:
1. Draw the general layout of a thermal power plant and explain the working of different circuits and explain
the function of various components?
2. Describe the water and steam circuits of a thermal power plant with meat diagram.
3. Draw a neat line diagram of a Benson boiler and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
4. With a neat sketch explain the Loeffler boiler.
5. With a neat sketch explain the working principle of Lamont boiler.
6. Explain the construction and working of a Babcock and Wilcox boiler with a neat sketch.
7. Explain the working of Velox boiler with neat sketch.
8. Give the schematic of a high pressure boiler and discuss its working.
9. Explain with neat sketch the construction and operation of supercritical boiler.
10. Discuss the difference between high pressure and supercritical boiler.
11. Explain with the help of neat diagram of evaporative surface condenser and its advantages.
12. Draw the line diagram of fluidized bed combustion and explain its working.
13. Explain the various steps involved in the in plant coal handling in thermal power plant.
14. Describe the factors to be considered for an ash disposal system.
15. Name the various methods of ash handling. Describe the pneumatic system of ash handling.
16. Draw the line diagram of hydraulic ash handling system for modern high capacity plant and explain its
working principle.
17. Describe the operation of balanced draught system with neat sketch.
18. Explain different types of draught and give neat sketch for any one of them.
19. Write the different methods of feed water treatment and give the neat sketch of a pressure filter and
working principle.
20. Outline the scheme of feed water quality control and maintenance in thermal power plant.
21. Explain the importance and various process involved in feed water treatment for a thermal power plant.

Short Questions:

1. What are the components present in the diesel electric power plant?
2. What are the application of diesel power plant?
3. List out the advantages of a diesel power plant.
4. What are the methods used for starting a diesel engine?
5. Define diesel knock.
6. What are the main components in a gas turbine power plant?
7. What is an aero derivative gas turbine power plant?
8. How the gas turbine power plant are classified?
9. What is the difference between open and closed cycle gas turbine power plant?
10. How the gas turbine blades are cooled?
11. Why is the maximum cycle temperature of gas turbine plant much lower than that of diesel plant?
12. What do you understand by a closed cycle gas turbine plant?
13. Draw the layout of combined power cycle with gas turbine as topping cycle and steam turbine as
bottoming cycle?
14. List down the various types of combined cycle power plants. What are the inherent advantages of such

Big Questions:

1. Describe the auxiliary equipment’s of a diesel engine power plant. What are the disadvantages of this
2. Discuss the essential components of diesel power plant with neat layout.
3. State and explain the factors which are required to be consider in the choice of diesel engine for a
diesel power plant.
4. What are the methods used for improving the efficiency of gas turbine plant? Explain the working of
any one type of combustion chamber used in gas turbine plant?
5. With PV and TS diagram explain the effect of intercooling, reheating and regeneration in a gas turbine
6. Discuss the materials which are used for gas turbine and compressors? What properties should the
blade material possess?
7. List the essential components of a gas turbine power plant and explain them briefly?
8. What are the different fuels that are used for gas turbine power plant? What are the most suitable fuels
for gas turbine plant in a country like India explain?
9. Discuss the effect of intercooling and reheating in a gas turbine plant.
10. Draw a schematic diagram of an open cycle gas turbine power plant having two stage compression, re-
heater and regeneration and briefly explain the working principle with PV and TS diagram.
11. Briefly explain the difference between the closed cycle and open cycle power plant.
12. Discuss the performance characteristics of a gas turbine power plant.
13. Give the schematic of a gas turbine and steam turbine combined cycle power plant and discuss its
14. Explain the working of the combined MHD & steam open cycle power plant.

Short Questions:

1. Indicate the types of nuclear power plant that are operation in India excluding the prototype unit?
2. Indicate two major nuclear power plant in catastrophes globe has witness.
3. What is fusion chain give an example?
4. How can nuclear fission be caused?
5. List down advantages of nuclear power plant.
6. Explain the function of nuclear reactor.
7. What factors control the selection of particular type of reactor?
8. List down the basic factors those occupy consider for the design of a nuclear power reactor.
9. How the nuclear reactors are classified.
10. What do you understand the moderator?
11. What are fast breeder reactor? List down the two types.
12. What is half-life?
13. What is fusion energy?
14. What is the function of pressurized water reactor?
15. How nuclear power plants are classify?
16. Define the term Breeding?
17. List down the nuclear waste disposal methods.

Big Questions:

1. Explain the different methods adopted to control the pollution?

2. Write short note on following: (i) BWR and (ii) FBR
3. What is chain reaction? How it is maintained? What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled
chain reaction.
4. Explain the nuclear fuel.
5. Explain the principle of operation of sodium graphite reactor with neat sketch.
6. With a neat sketch explain the boiling water reactor power plant.
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants?
8. Explain with a neat sketch the indirect gas cooled reactor. Indicate the merits and demerits of gas being
used as coolant.
9. Draw the schematic of pressurized water reactor and explain its principle, advantages and disadvantages.
10. Discuss the function of moderator and reflector used in nuclear reactor.
11. Indicate the status of nuclear power generation in India.
12. What is a closed nuclear fuel cycle in a nuclear power generation? Discuss briefly.
13. What are the types of reactors? List out the salient characteristics of different types of reactors.
14. What is CANDU type reactor? Explain its main features.
15. Write short notes on following: Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission, Neutron scattering and Neutron life cycle.
16. Discuss salient features of nuclear waste disposal.
17. Explain the working of typical FBR with the help of neat diagram.
18. What are the difference between PWR and BWR?
19. What are the desirable properties of a good moderator?
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FBR?
21. Explain how solid nuclear waste material are disposed?
Short Questions:
1. List the various non-conventional energy sources.
2. List out the important parameters of a hydraulic turbine.
3. What is the function of a surge tank in a hydroelectric power plant?
4. What is the significance of specific speed of hydraulic turbine?
5. Write the function of draft tube in hydraulic turbine outlet?
6. What is the necessity of draft tube and list the types.
7. What are the micro hydel plants? What are they important nowadays?
8. List out the advantages of tidal power plant over hydel power plant.
9. Write a short note on Wind Electricity Economics.
10. What are the applications, components, advantages and disadvantages of wind power plant?
11. What is the classification of tidal power plant?
12. What is the basic principle of Tidal power?
13. How can the generation of power be achieved in a single basin arrangement?
14. What are the components of tidal power plant?
15. What are the advantages and limitations of tidal power plant?
16. Mention the problems in solar thermal central receiver systems.
17. What is Heliostats and what are the basic aspects of Heliostat field?
18. What is a photovoltaic cell?
19. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Photovoltaic solar energy conversion.
20. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of geo thermal power plant.
21. What are the different working fluids in Binary cycle geothermal power plants?
22. What are the different types of turbines for driving generator rotor in geothermal power plants?
23. Give the classification of geothermal electrical power plants.
24. What are the important criteria while selecting the geothermal energy?
25. What are the forms of geothermal energy stored deeply inside the earth?
26. What are the applications of geothermal energy?
27. What is meant by biomass and what are the biomass resources?
28. List the biomass conversion process.
29. What are the classifications of biogas plant?
30. What are the advantages and disadvantages of biogas plant?
31. What is a fuel cell?
32. Describe a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell.
33. State the advantages and disadvantages of fuel cell.
Big Questions:
1. Explain the features of pumped storage hydro power plant. Discuss its merits and demerits. What are
the applications of hydroelectric power plant?
2. Enlist the merits and demerits hydel power plant.
3. Sketch a layout of hydel power plant suitable of high head. Indicate the essential elements and explain
the function.
4. Discuss the factors to be consider in selecting the turbine for hydroelectric power plant.
5. In hydroelectric power plant what is the function of surge tank explain with neat diagram.
6. Describe the classification of hydroelectric power plant and discuss briefly about them.
7. Explain with a real diagram a wind electric generation power plant
8. Explain the working of a single basin tidal power plant.
9. Explain the spring tides and neap tides. Discuss the different tidal power schemes and configurations
with neat sketches.
10. What is tidal energy? Discuss the different types of tidal plants with neat diagrams.
11. Sketch and explain the two pool (Double basin) tidal power plant.
12. Describe with a help of neat sketch the working of a solar thermal receiver system plant and enumerate
the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating collectors over flat collectors.
13. Explain with a sketch the central receiver concept of solar energy system.
14. Explain the different types of geothermal energy sources.
15. Discuss the different systems used for generating power using geo thermal energy.
16. Enumerate and explain the various types of prime movers used in geo thermal energy conversion
17. Explain the working principle of Janata model gobar gas plant with neat diagram.
18. Describe a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell and state advantages and disadvantages of fuel cell.

Unit – V- Energy, Economic and Environmental Issues of Power Plants

Short Questions:

1. What do you understand by tariff?

2. List the energy tariff types.
3. Define load curve.
4. What is the use of load curve in power plant?
5. Indicate the usefulness of load curve, say and utility like TNEB.
6. Indicate the advantages of load duration curve over load curve.
7. What are the load distribution parameters?
8. What are the different economic sources of waste heat?
9. What are the elements of fixed cost and variable cost?
10. What is the significance of incremental rate for a power plant?
11. What are the various operating cost of coal fired steam power plant?
12. What do you understand by load factor, use factor, diversity factor and capacity factor?
13. What is doubling time in electricity production?
14. What are the major factors that decide the economics of power plant?
15. What are the pollution control technologies in coal power plant?
16. Enlist the waste disposal methods of Nuclear power plants.

Big Questions:

1. Explain briefly the Block meter rate and Doherty rate.

2. Explain the site selection criteria of thermal, hydel, nuclear, diesel and gas turbine plants.
3. What do you understand power plant economics. Explain the fixed cost and operating cost of power station.
4. Discuss the economic loading combined steam and hydro plant.
5. What are the expenses coming under fixed and operating cost of the thermal power plant and explain the
technique to reduce the cost of power generation?
6. What are the elements which contribute the cost of electricity and how can the cost of power generation be
7. Compare the economics of hydro, nuclear, diesel and gas turbines power plants.
8. Explain the various pollution control technologies in thermal power plant.
9. Explain the different waste disposal methods followed in nuclear power plants.

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