Staff Recruitment Policy

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The success of DAMAMAX relies on its ability to attract the best staff and candidates
DAMAMAX follows fair, efficient, and effective recruitment methods without any

The Recruitment, Equality and Diversity Policy is established to ensure that DAMAMAX has
the opportunity to attract the best available staff and candidates for all vacant positions.

DAMAMAX is committed to provide high quality broadband solutions through Optical Fiber
to our community. To support the achievement of this objective DAMAMAX recognizes the
importance of employing the most suitable applicants for all vacant positions.
DAMAMAX ensures to have the best opportunity to attract the best available staff by
broadly advertising (internally and externally, as deemed appropriate) all vacant positions.
DAMAMAX takes all reasonable steps to ensure that applicants may be safely entrusted with
the duties of their position.
DAMAMAX internally advertises all vacant positions to current staff to encourage career
advancement and increase participation.
DAMAMAX is committed to provide a work environment that is free from harassment which
includes but not limited to Bullying/Mobbing, Abuse of Authority, Retaliation and Sexual
DAMAMAX fosters a climate of impartiality, fairness, objectivity and aims towards the
creation of a working environment that is sensitive to the needs of all.
DAMAMAX’s recruitment and selection procedures and decisions reflect the commitment
towards providing equal opportunity by assessing all potential candidates according to their
skills, knowledge, qualifications and capabilities. No regard is given to factors such as age (as
long as DAMAMAX complies with the Jordanian labor law), nationality (as long as DAMAMAX
complies with the Jordanian labor law), ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion,
indigenous origin, physical impairment, political opinions or affiliation to a union.

As an employer, DAMAMAX ensures a workplace where staff feel valued, respected and
included.  Upon commencement of their employment, staff will be informed of the existence
of this Policy and the expectations of them under its terms.

Harassment, exclusion and Bullying will not be tolerated at any level.  All staff should feel
comfortable at work and always be treated with dignity and respect.

DAMAMAX ensures that fair standards of employment practice and proper records of
employment decisions are maintained.

DAMAMAX treats its business partners and customers with respect, courtesy and
consideration at all times.


Employees must treat all colleagues and customers with courtesy, respect and consideration
at all times. If any employee believes that any form of discrimination is taking place within
the workplace, DAMAMAX expects him/her to report this to senior management
immediately who will direct the complaint to HR.


DAMAMAX deals with any complaints of discrimination quickly and in a constructive

Any feedback or complaint received will be dealt with directly and given a high priority. 
DAMAMAX appreciates that this can be a difficult subject to raise and employees may feel
uncomfortable or intimidated.  DAMAMAX is committed to ensure that employees feel able
to come forward without fear.

This policy runs through every function of DAMAMAX’s business.

DAMAMAX understands the importance of Equality and Diversity and ensures that this
policy is being implemented by all concerned parties.

HR Director Signature:

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