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1. Which of the following Fitness activities do you prefer (aerobic activity,

muscle strengthening or bone strengthening) activity that you think it benefits
you more in terms of its effect to your body. Explain why do you choose it?
(15 points)

In fitness activities, i think i would prefer in muscle strengthening or bone
strengthening activity because its making your bones and muscles healthy and
having healthy bones and muscles can help you to do your daily activities and be
physicaly active.

15 Answers are clear and concise yet substantively presented.

2. E x p Explanation
l a justification
and i n in-depth understanding
shows t h and e i
logical reasoning that goes beyond the discussion.
10 Answers are clear and concise. Explanation and justification shows
understanding that goes beyond the discussion.
1 Answers have no relevance to the topic. Justification and
explanation is either, incomplete, missing, or irrelevant at all.
0 There is no answer found in all of the parts to be answered.
proper work-out. (10 points)

10 Answers are clear and concise yet substantively presented.

Explanation and justification shows in-depth understanding and
logical reasoning that goes beyond the discussion.
5 Answers are clear and concise. Explanation and justification shows
understanding that goes beyond the discussion.
1 Answers have no relevance to the topic. Justification and
explanation is either, incomplete, missing, or irrelevant at all.
0 There is no answer found in all of the parts to be answered.

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