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academy consult evolve license orient style
adjust contact expand logic perspective substitute
alter decline expose margin precise sustain
amend discrete external medical prime symbol
aware draft facilitate mental psychology target
capacity enable fundamental modify pursue transit
challenge energy generate monitor ratio trend
clause enforce generation network reject version
compound entity image notion revenue welfare
conflict equivalent liberal objective stable whereas

A Practice Material | 1

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1a - Put the words in the correct place.

entity declined logic facilitate academy

stable network transit prime challenge

1. Learning a second language is a _______________, but with continued effort you can make
continual progress.
2. You need to apply a proper system of _______________ to solve these problems.
3. A _______________ of volunteers is working to distribute food and blankets to the homeless
on this cold, winter night.
4. One of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen is struggling to build a _______________
government, and a strong economy.
5. His parents sent him to a military _______________, because they thought he was getting a
little too wild.
6. The purpose of the trade deal is to _______________ the exchange of goods between the
two nations.
7. In the last 30 years, the average family size in Ukraine has _______________ from 5
members to 3.
8. Gander, Newfoundland is an important _______________ point for international flights.
9. Rents for _______________ office space in Central Tokyo are the highest in the world.
10. The Soviet Union as a political _______________ ceased to exist in the late 1980s.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1b - Put the words in the correct place.

Network Academy Declined Stable Prime

Challenges Transit Entity Logical facilitate

1. The government of East Timor faces great _______________ in rebuilding the country after
years of war and occupation.
2. Recent studies suggest that the use of physical action when reviewing new vocabulary can
_______________ second language learning.
3. The traditional viewpoint of the family _______________ typically describes it as consisting
of two parents of the opposite sex with one or more children.
4. The number of houses sold in our city has _______________ by almost 10% in the past year
due to rising interest rates.
5. Chemical compounds which are not _______________ can be very dangerous.
6. The _______________ way to reduce the number of cars on the road would be to make mass
transit more attractive.
7. The Earth's surface fluids are of _______________ importance in the origin and development
of our planet's landscape.
8. After taking classical ballet for years, Jennifer decided to try a jazz dance course at the
9. The University of Victoria has its own computer _______________ which extends to all the
buildings on campus.
10. If more people used public _______________, it would help to reduce air pollution in our

A Practice Material | 2

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1c - Put the words in the correct place.

entities academic stabilized facilitate transit

challenging prime logically decline network

1. The local high school has an excellent counselling program in which students give advice to
each other on personal and _______________ issues.
2. The old man was seriously ill when he was first admitted to hospital, but his condition has
since _______________.
3. Online communications can _______________ learning in many different ways.
4. The elderly face numerous challenges presented by both physical _______________, and the
attitudes of society in general.
5. There is a _______________ of scientists working throughout the world to find a cure for
6. The ferry takes about 2 hours to make the _______________ between the two islands.
7. I much prefer a _______________ job with lots of responsibility to an easy, boring job.
8. In the theory of relativity, space and time are not viewed as separate _______________.
9. If you approach the situation _______________, rather than emotionally, you can make a
much fairer decision.
10. The federal government has asked the major television networks to find a way to reduce the
number of scenes of sex and violence during the _______________ viewing hours.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1d - Put the words in the correct place.

challenge academic facilitate network logically

decline prime instability entities transit

1. The ability to think __________ is an important skill that you will use in any profession you
choose, as well as in daily life.
2. The human heart is surrounded by a __________ of veins and arteries.
3. She got sick and missed most of the __________ year, so there was no way she could pass.
4. Modernization has been associated with a __________ in the status of the elderly.
5. Ana has cancer but she is ready to face this __________ and fight for her life.
6. The economy is recovering now after a long period of __________.
7. The man at the embassy told me he would do everything he could to __________ approval
of my application for a visa.
8. Some universities believe that academic and athletic __________ are of equal importance.
9. The __________ suspect in the murder of a local woman has been freed due to a lack of
10. Our luggage was lost in __________ from Montreal.

A Practice Material | 3

AWL Sublist 5– Group 1 - Exercise 1e - Put the words in the correct place.

logical decline stability facilitate network

prime academically challenge transit entity

1. A mediator has been called in to __________ negotiations between the administration and
the union.
2. Red was considered the __________ choice to mean stop for traffic signals because it has
long been associated with danger.
3. Our planet can be viewed as a living __________ that we are slowly poisoning through
4. The ancient Romans built a __________ of roads totaling 80,000 kilometres.
5. Foreign investors are attracted by Costa Rica's political __________, and high education
6. Asian high school students tend to outperform North American students __________ in a
number of different subjects.
7. In Vancouver, there is a seabus which shuttles between Vancouver and North Vancouver as
part of the __________ system.
8. The illegal animal trade has been a significant factor in the __________ of the wild orangutan
9. John Naisbitt once remarked that education is the __________ tool for growing people and
10. Scott wanted to __________ a course, so he wrote the exam for it, but unfortunately he

A Practice Material | 4


AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1a - Put the words in the correct place.

1. challenge
2. logic
3. network
4. stable
5. academy
6. facilitate
7. declined
8. transit
9. prime
10. entity

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1b - Put the words in the correct place.

1. challenges
2. facilitate
3. entity
4. declined
5. stable
6. logical
7. prime
8. academy
9. network
10. transit

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1c - Put the words in the correct place.

1. academic
2. stabilize
3. facilitate
4. decline
5. network
6. transit
7. challenging
8. entities
9. logically
10. prime

A Practice Material | 5

AWL Sublist 5– Group 1 - Exercise 1d - Put the words in the correct place.

1. logically
2. network
3. academic
4. decline
5. challenge
6. instability
7. facilitate
8. entities
9. prime
10. transit

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 1 - Exercise 1e - Put the words in the correct place.

1. facilitate
2. logical
3. entity
4. network
5. stability
6. academically
7. transit
8. decline
9. prime
10. challenge

A Practice Material | 6

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2a - Put the words in the correct place.

style margin discrete generations psychology

fundamental adjust notions equivalent clauses

1. Make sure you read all the different _______________ in the contract before signing it.
2. At the present time, one American dollar is _______________ to approximately $1.35
3. The _______________ sound difference between the vowels /ou/ and /u/ in French can be
difficult for English speakers to hear.
4. The students voted by a large _______________ to do an essay as homework rather than
have a writing exam.
5. Jerome studied _______________ at the University of Toronto because he is interested in
working with people who have emotional problems.
6. Previous _______________ regarding the nature of intelligence have changed considerably
over the years.
7. Culture has been described as social tradition that is passed on to future _______________.
8. It has taken me a long time to _______________ to life in North America.
9. The _______________ elements of our planet's environment are water and air.
10. Teenagers put a lot of importance on wearing clothes that are in _______________.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2b- Put the words in the correct place.

generation discrete fundamental notions stylishly

margin equivalent psychological clause adjusting

1. The hockey star had a _______________ inserted in his contract guaranteeing him 50% of his
salary in the event that an injury ended his career.
2. Jack had difficulty _______________ to life on his own after his wife passed away.
3. In 1791, the U.S. Bill of Rights incorporated _______________ of freedom of speech, press,
and fair trial into the new U.S. Constitution.
4. The instruction manual for the software breaks down the installation process into a series of
_______________ steps.
5. Studies show that regular exercise promotes _______________ well-being.
6. One of the _______________ values of democracy is that all people should be treated as
7. A 1995 vote in Ireland resulted in a _______________ of less than 1% in favour of removing
the country's ban on divorce.
8. Americans today use four times as much energy as their grandparents' _______________
9. Women will not be satisfied until their wages are _______________ to those of men doing
the same kind of work.
10. It seems to me that the women in Montreal dress more _______________ than women here
on the West Coast.

A Practice Material | 7

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2c- Put the words in the correct place.

notion discrete generation styled fundamentally

clause marginal adjustments psychologically equivalence

1. The church is _______________ after ancient Greek temples of the Ionic period.
2. I heard that when Jennifer Lopez married Ben Affleck, there was a _______________ in their
marriage contract which said that he would have to pay her 3 million dollars if he ever
cheated on her.
3. It is not always possible to find an _______________ in one language for an idea expressed in
4. Jean Piaget is famous for identifying and describing the _______________ steps in the
development of intelligence in infants.
5. Some people seem to have this _______________ in their heads that there is some shortcut
you can take to learn a language quickly, and it simply isn't true.
6. The first _______________ of this software had a lot of bugs that have been eliminated in
the newest version.
7. Farming has always been _______________ to the economy of Kuwait, due to its hot, dry
desert climate.
8. Dealing with the death of a family pet is often _______________ difficult, especially for
9. In 1905, Albert Einstein published five scientific papers that _______________ changed our
understanding of space, time, light and matter.
10. After a few simple _______________ to the engine, the car was ready to go.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2d- Put the words in the correct place.

generations fundamental style discrete psychologically

adjust notion marginally clause equivalent

1. Long hair was in __________ when I was young, but nowadays most teenage boys like to
have their hair fairly short.
2. I was still quite young when I lost the romantic __________ that my country was a just and
non-racist society.
3. Some people believe that one year in the life of a human is __________ to seven years in a
cat's life.
4. Future __________ will have to live with the results of our wasteful lifestyle.
5. Each of my old school friends occupies an important and __________ place in my memory.
6. It took her a long time to __________ to the time change after she moved out west.
7. They were only __________ successful in their first few years, but nowadays business is
really booming.
8. One of the __________ values of democracy is that all people should be treated as equals.
9. The membership voted to insert a __________ which stated that a simple majority of 51%
will be sufficient in the future.
10. H. A. Overstreet once said that to hate and to fear is to be __________ ill.

A Practice Material | 8

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2e- Put the words in the correct place.

psychology clause discrete equivalent adjustment

marginalized style notion fundamental generation

1. One glass of beer is __________ to a glass of wine, in terms of alcohol content.

2. __________ pollutants, such as DDT, are easier to deal with than the pollution caused by
general, technological progress, which results in global warming.
3. In many developing countries, girls are __________ and disadvantaged, and are denied
access to a quality education.
4. Open communication is __________ to success in the management of personnel.
5. Where did you get the __________ in your head that you should be taken care of? This is the
real world, and no one is going to do that except yourself.
6. Many genetic traits are passed along from one __________ to the next.
7. Xi is studying __________ in order to better understand the dynamics of family life.
8. Yves St-Laurent once remarked that fashions fade, but __________ is eternal.
9. The first stage of __________ to life in a new culture begins before the travellers even leave
10. The most-favoured-nation __________ governs rates for import duties between partner

A Practice Material | 9


AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2a - Put the words in the correct place.

1. clauses
2. equivalent
3. discrete
4. margin
5. psychology
6. notions
7. generations
8. adjust
9. fundamental
10. style

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2b- Put the words in the correct place.

1. clause
2. adjusting
3. notions
4. discrete
5. psychological
6. fundamental
7. margin
8. generation
9. equivalent
10. stylishly

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2c- Put the words in the correct place.

1. styled
2. clause
3. equivalence
4. discrete
5. notion
6. generation
7. marginal
8. psychologically
9. fundamentally
10. adjustments

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2d- Put the words in the correct place.

A Practice Material | 10

1. style
2. notion
3. equivalent
4. generations
5. discrete
6. adjust
7. marginally
8. fundamental
9. clause
10. psychologically

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 2 - Exercise 2e- Put the words in the correct place.

1. equivalent
2. discrete
3. marginalized
4. fundamental
5. notion
6. generation
7. psychology
8. style
9. adjustment
10. clause

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3a - Put the words in the correct place.

A Practice Material | 11

evolved pursued generate medical trends

objective drafting substitute altered compounds

1. In this recipe, you can use honey as a _______________ for sugar.

2. There are more than 4,000 different chemical _______________, including heavy metals and
pesticides, found in tobacco smoke.
3. The city is _______________ a plan to expand the network of bike lanes in the region.
4. He enjoys reading journals which discuss new _______________ in language teaching.
5. Most scientists believe that birds actually _______________ from dinosaurs.
6. My daughter had an infection in her mouth, so we looked it up in a _______________
dictionary to find out how to treat it.
7. We haven't _______________ our plans despite the poor weather.
8. It is hoped that the new program will help _______________ jobs for young people.
9. We have to base our students' marks on _______________ measures, such as test results.
10. Princess Diana died in a car crash while being _______________ by paparazzi through a
tunnel in France.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3b - Put the words in the correct place.

trend pursuing compound draft substitute

evolves medical generates alter objective

1. Unless this corporation _______________ with changing tastes, we will slowly see our
clientele disappear.
2. Lying about what happened will only _______________ your problems.
3. The current _______________ in the workforce is towards more part-time employment.
4. Each of us _______________ about 3.5 pounds of garbage a day, most of which is paper.
5. If our sun's energy output varies beyond a certain point, it will _______________ the Earth's
6. In 1968, all 10 of Canada's provincial premiers agreed to _______________ a new
constitution giving the French language equal status with English throughout Canada.
7. I know you are my friend, but I would like you to give me your _______________ opinion of
the work I have done on this project so far.
8. There is no _______________ for hard work when trying to achieve a high standard in any
9. Jung-Hoon failed his _______________ examination so he didn't have to do military service.
10. His wife is _______________ a psychology degree at university.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3c - Put the words in the correct place.

A Practice Material | 12

trend medically objectively redraft generates

compounds pursuits substitution unalterable evolution

1. The contract has already been signed, and the conditions are _______________.
2. Now that we have more information, I think we should _______________ our original plan.
3. The _______________ of the thumb allowed human beings to become tool-makers.
4. The soldiers ran down the street in _______________ of the enemy.
5. Scientists say that since 1970 there has been a marked _______________ in the rise of global
temperatures, due to global warming.
6. A nurse is not _______________ qualified to prescribe drugs.
7. Chemical analysis of chromosomes show that they consist of four basic _______________.
8. Our sun _______________ nuclear energy in its deep interior.
9. _______________ speaking, I would have to say that my son is not the best player on the
10. The _______________ of cream instead of milk in the recipe makes for a richer dessert.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3d - Put the words in the correct place.

compounds medicinal generated trends drafting

substitute pursued alterations objective evolving

1. Chemicals entering the water system from industries located along the river are forming
thousands of different __________, many of which are highly toxic.
2. After independence, Tanzania __________ a policy of socialism.
3. The blueprints for the Eiffel Tower covered more than 14,000 square feet of __________
4. Nothing can __________ for the feeling you get when you are in love; not money, not power,
not anything.
5. Most of the power __________ by the dam will be sold to the northern American states.
6. The first __________ of our marketing campaign has to be to make our product known to the
7. Pulsating stars confirm that stars are continuously __________.
8. She uses a variety of __________ herbs to treat her illnesses.
9. Economic __________ have an especially severe impact on adolescents who are trying to
become independent.
10. I bought some new pants at Sears, and they're going to do the __________ for free.

A Practice Material | 13

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3e - Put the words in the correct place.

altered trendy medical drafted generate

objective pursued compound substitute evolved

1. The chemical balance of the brain which controls awareness can be radically __________ by
the introduction of external agents.
2. When mixed, the chemicals form a highly volatile __________.
3. We have __________ a proposal for the development of a new marketing campaign.
4. Plants and animals __________ from single-cell organisms over millions and millions of years.
5. My __________ in producing this material is to provide teachers and students with a
resource which can be used to review vocabulary in a variety of ways.
6. My aunt went to Europe to get __________ treatment she couldn't get here in Australia.
7. Yorkville in Toronto used to be a working class neighbourhood, but nowadays it is a
__________ shopping area.
8. The human rights organization Amnesty International warns that in many countries,
development is being __________ at the expense of human rights.
9. Over 500 varieties of fish are able to __________ appreciable amounts of electricity.
10. Andrew Brown once said that the Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some
people it is a complete __________ for life.

A Practice Material | 14


AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3a - Put the words in the correct place.

1. substitute
2. compounds
3. drafting
4. trends
5. evolved
6. medical
7. altered
8. generate
9. objective
10. pursued

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3b - Put the words in the correct place.

1. evolves
2. compound
3. trend
4. generates
5. alter
6. draft
7. objective
8. substitute
9. medical
10. pursuing

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3c - Put the words in the correct place.

1. unalterable
2. redraft
3. evolution
4. pursuit
5. trend
6. medically
7. compounds
8. generates
9. objectively
10. substitution

A Practice Material | 15

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3d - Put the words in the correct place.

1. compound
2. pursued
3. drafting
4. substitute
5. generated
6. objective
7. evolving
8. medicinal
9. trends
10. alterations

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 3 - Exercise 3e - Put the words in the correct place.

1. altered
2. compound
3. drafted
4. evolved
5. objective
6. medical
7. trendy
8. pursued
9. generate
10. substitute

A Practice Material | 16

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4a - Put the words in the correct place.

sustain version mental ratio enabled

images expand amended conflicts orient

1. Using a computer has _______________ me to do my work much more quickly and

2. He has been able to _______________ his business through advertising on the Internet.
3. We need food and water in order to _______________ life.
4. It is important for children to learn how to resolve _______________ through discussion.
5. Your little brother told me a different _______________ of the fight that you had with him.
6. The university tennis club has _______________ its rules to allow players to wear grey or
light brown clothing, rather than just white.
7. It will take a few days to _______________ you to the routine in our office.
8. Our handicapped 18-year-old son has a _______________ age of about 3.
9. One of the most important _______________ of the fall of communism in the 1980s was the
destruction of the Berlin Wall.
10. Salad dressing is usually made with an oil to vinegar _______________ of 3 to 1.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4b - Put the words in the correct place.

Sustained Amending Conflicts Mental Oriented

Images Expands Enable Versions ratio

1. It is estimated that there are as many as 300,000 child soldiers who are currently fighting in
at least two dozen armed _______________ around the world.
2. Our universe _______________ by a billion miles in all directions every hour.
3. Parliament has begun debate on _______________ the constitution.
4. New employment programs announced by the government will _______________ small
businesses to hire more students for the summer.
5. Many of the _______________ in the movie were created on computers.
6. According to Mahatma Gandhi, freedom and slavery are _______________ states.
7. X-rays of the Mona Lisa show that there are three completely different _______________ of
the same subject, all painted by Leonardo, under the final portrait.
8. People's behaviour is _______________ to their culture and its rules.
9. The country's _______________ economic growth cannot last forever.
10. Americans outnumber Canadians in North America by a _______________ of about 9 - 1.

A Practice Material | 17

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4c - Put the words in the correct place.

Amendments Sustainable Expansion Conflict Enabled

Images Ratio Disoriented Versions mentally

1. After receiving a blow to the head, the player was confused and _______________, and had
to leave the game.
2. A copy of the suggested _______________ has been sent to the members for their
3. The rapid _______________ of e-commerce has radically changed the world of retail sales.
4. The flexible hours of my new job have _______________ me to spend more time with my
5. It is important to _______________ organize information in your head when studying.
6. We need to find a _______________ energy source to replace our fossils fuels because
eventually there won't be any oil or gas left.
7. George Bernard Shaw observed that there is only one religion, though there are a hundred
_______________ of it.
8. In the best possible learning environment, the computer-student _______________ would
be 1:1.
9. The _______________ for fresh water is growing in many of the former Soviet republics,
which share many of the same waterways.
10. Forming mental _______________ of new vocabulary is a valuable aid in learning a second

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4d - Put the words in the correct place.

version conflicting ratio orientation amendment

enabled mentally expansion images sustain

1. The home computer has __________ many people to produce their own professional-looking
2. The cheetah can run at speeds of over 80 km/h, but can only __________ that speed for a
very short time.
3. The author has just put out an updated __________ of his travel book with new information
in it.
4. Witnesses to the murder gave __________ reports of what happened, so police are still
5. Scientists now say that the continued __________ of the universe will not last forever, and
that the universe will actually someday start to shrink.
6. In 1977, the Voyager spacecraft photographed the first __________ of Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune.
7. The __________ of women to men in our language program is about 5-3.
8. During __________ week, the students will be introduced to all the facilities available to
them during their studies here.
9. The escaped prisoner is apparently __________ disturbed, and is considered extremely
10. I would like to suggest a slight __________ to our plan.

A Practice Material | 18

AWL Sublist 5– Group 4 - Exercise 4e - Put the words in the correct place.

enable versions mental amend conflicting

imagery expands oriented ratio unsustainable

1. Some of the most original and puzzling __________ in Western Art was produced by
Hieronymus Bosch.
2. During pregnancy, a woman's uterus __________ to 500 times its normal size.
3. New discoveries in genetics may someday __________ doctors to detect many inherited
diseases before people actually develop them.
4. Most Christian chant began in the Middle Ages, but it has been kept alive since that time, if
often in corrupt __________.
5. The members voted to __________ a couple of the union bylaws at last week's meeting.
6. The two children gave __________ accounts of how the window of the school was broken.
7. Our current use of fossil fuels is completely __________. We must find alternate fuels.
8. The house is __________ towards the south, so it gets lots of sun.
9. Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that the heart was the centre of the __________
10. The philosopher Rousseau believed there should be a __________ of one professor for every

A Practice Material | 19


AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4a - Put the words in the correct place.

1. enabled
2. expand
3. sustained
4. conflicts
5. version
6. amended
7. orient
8. mental
9. images
10. ratio

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4b - Put the words in the correct place.

1. conflicts
2. expands
3. amending
4. enable
5. images
6. mental
7. versions
8. oriented
9. sustained
10. ratio

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4c - Put the words in the correct place.

1. disoriented
2. amendments
3. expansion
4. enabled
5. mentally
6. sustainable
7. versions
8. ratio
9. conflict
10. images

A Practice Material | 20

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4d - Put the words in the correct place.

1. enabled
2. sustain
3. version
4. conflicting
5. expansion
6. images
7. ratio
8. orientation
9. mentally
10. amendment

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 4 - Exercise 4e - Put the words in the correct place.

1. imagery
2. expands
3. enable
4. versions
5. amend
6. conflicting
7. unsustainable
8. oriented
9. mental
10. ratio

A Practice Material | 21

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5a - Put the words in the correct place.

welfare consult perspective exposed aware

liberal symbol energy rejected modify

1. Living in a foreign culture helps you to gain a different _______________ on life.

2. My grandmother was very old, but she had quite _______________ ideas. For example, she
thought it was a good idea for young people to live together before getting married.
3. I'll have to _______________ with my boss before I make a decision this important.
4. The maple leaf is the internationally-recognized _______________ of Canada.
5. Studies show that children who are _______________ to tobacco smoke in the home have
more ear infections, and other health problems.
6. Teachers often _______________ their language slightly when they speak to students who
are learning English.
7. She _______________ his requests for a date a number of times before finally saying yes.
Now they are happily married.
8. Teenagers today are much more _______________ of the dangers of smoking than they
were when my mother was young.
9. Hopefully, scientists will someday find a new source of _______________ which is less
harmful for the environment than oil or nuclear power.
10. You should consider the _______________ of your family before you decide to take a job in
another city.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5b - Put the words in the correct place.

welfare exposed modified symbol energy

reject liberal consult perspective aware

1. He received a heart transplant, and had to take drugs for the rest of his life so that his body
wouldn't _______________ it.
2. After working all day, she simply didn't have the _______________ to go out dancing in the
3. Be sure to _______________ with your doctor immediately if your condition changes at all.
4. Only insects have true wings; other flying creatures, like bats and birds, fly using legs that are
_______________ to be wings.
5. When Sam lifted up the rock at the beach, he _______________ many different kinds of sea
animals living underneath.
6. Despite the fact that we are no longer consciously _______________ of the external world
during sleep, our minds continue to actively process information.
7. People living in the urban areas of the country generally seem to have more
_______________ views than those in the countryside.
8. The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new
_______________ on life.
9. Denmark's social system is characterized by its extensive government _______________
10. Pb is the chemical _______________ for lead.

A Practice Material | 22

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5c - Put the words in the correct place.

perspectives exposure energetic consultant symbolic

welfare liberalizing modified awareness rejected

1. A white dove is _______________ of peace and goodwill between nations.

2. He worked in a bank for about 35 years, and then became a financial _______________ after
he retired.
3. Maurice Strong recently remarked that we cannot trade the _______________ of our future
generations for profits now.
4. Different cultures have very different _______________ on death. For some it is the end; for
others it is a new beginning.
5. _______________ to a foreign language at an early age can help in the acquisition of that
language later on in life.
6. Children are amazingly _______________; they can play for hours without getting tired.
7. The landscape of our planet is greatly _______________ by the tremendous volume of water
circulating on its surface.
8. Abraham Maslow observed that what is necessary to change a person is to change his
_______________ of himself.
9. Gautama Buddha was an Indian prince who _______________ his wealthy lifestyle to lead a
more simple existence.
10. Malta is currently privatizing state-controlled companies and _______________ markets in
order to prepare for membership in the European Union.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5d - Put the words in the correct place.

welfare liberalize reject perspective energy

awareness symbol consult exposure modified

1. I think we need to __________ our laws regarding alcohol in our province because we're not
even legally allowed to take a bottle of wine on a picnic.
2. The Olympic __________ is made up of five interlocking rings, standing for the continents of
Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America.
3. If we can't reach an agreement with the landlord over who should pay for the damage done
by the fire, we may need to __________ a lawyer.
4. When __________ is used, it doesn't disappear - it merely goes elsewhere or is changed into
another form.
5. Psychologists have observed that most of the process of forgetting occurs soon after initial
6. Martial arts star Bruce Lee once observed that in life you must absorb what is useful,
__________ what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.
7. The organization has been quite effective in promoting __________ of the dangers of unsafe
8. There is a group of engineers driving across the continent in an automobile which has been
__________ to run on cooking oil instead of gasoline.
9. Case studies are used by researchers in psychology to gain a historical __________, which
often helps in forming hypotheses about the causes of a psychological disturbance.

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10. Right-wing parties want to get people off __________, but they don't say what they will do to
create employment for these people.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5e - Put the words in the correct place.

modifications symbolize exposed perspective rejected

aware consult welfare liberal energy

1. The president's __________ ideas are getting him into trouble with the right wing faction of
his party.
2. Despite the fact that we are no longer consciously __________ of the external world during
sleep, our minds continue to actively process information.
3. All the animals that __________ Africa can be found in Kenya.
4. If you are __________ to sunshine without the protection of the ozone, it may cause skin
5. Large corporations have no regard for the __________ of their employees; they are simply
interested in profits.
6. Foreign cars sold in this country must undergo certain __________ in order to reduce the
amount of pollution they produce.
7. There is a Romanian proverb which states that if you want good advice, __________ an old
8. Paintings of the Middle Ages didn't really show much __________; everything looked flat.
9. As Gandhi once said, whenever you have truth, it must be given with love; otherwise the
message and the messenger will be __________.
10. According to a recent study, about 2.5 billion people living in the world today have no access
to modern __________ services.

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5a - Put the words in the correct place.

1. perspective
2. liberal
3. consult
4. symbol
5. exposed
6. modify
7. rejected
8. aware
9. energy
10. welfare

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5b - Put the words in the correct place.

1. reject
2. energy
3. consult
4. modified
5. exposed
6. aware
7. liberal
8. perspective
9. welfare
10. symbol

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5c - Put the words in the correct place.

1. symbolic
2. consultant
3. welfare
4. perspectives
5. exposure
6. energetic
7. modified
8. awareness
9. rejected
10. liberalizing

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5d - Put the words in the correct place.

1. liberalize
2. symbol
3. consult
4. energy
5. exposure
6. reject
7. awareness
8. modified
9. perspective
10. welfare

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 5 - Exercise 5e - Put the words in the correct place.

1. liberal
2. aware
3. symbolize
4. exposed
5. welfare
6. modifications
7. consult
8. perspective
9. rejected
10. energy

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6a - Put the words in the correct place.

Precise Whereas Revenue Targeting External

Licence Enforce Monitoring Capacity contact

1. My sister's hand-writing is always so neat, _______________ mine is a total mess.

2. Any new law against cell phone use in cars will be difficult to _______________.
3. He lost his driver's _______________ for a year after being stopped for drunk driving for the
third time.
4. Please feel free to _______________ me if you have any more questions.
5. You need to be more _______________ in telling us what the problem is if you want us to
help you.
6. The _______________ of this elevator is only 500 kilograms.
7. The _______________ walls of their house on the coast are being destroyed by the salt air.
8. The doctor has been _______________ the patient's heart to see if there is a possibility of
another heart attack.
9. For the first time since we started our new business 3 months ago, our _______________ is
greater than our expenses.
10. Cigarette companies are _______________ Asian women in an attempt to increase sales in
the Far East.

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6b - Put the words in the correct place.

contact external precise capacity enforced

monitoring revenue licences targeted whereas

1. Our total sales _______________ is expected to top $20 million this year.
2. In the culture of Zambia, direct eye _______________ with members of the opposite sex is
3. A _______________ crowd of 17,000 fans were packed into the arena to see the final game
of the season.
4. Captain Cook visited Tahiti four times between 1769 and 1777, and drew a _______________
map of the island.
5. Environmentalists are _______________ water quality in the area to see if the factory is
polluting the river.
6. The terrorists had _______________ the government building for a suicide attack.
7. The Taliban government in Afghanistan _______________ codes of dress and behaviour that
were especially restrictive to women.
8. Someone once joked that dogs think you're family, _______________ cats think you're staff.
9. More than 110,000 marriage _______________ are issued in Las Vegas each year.
10. _______________ devices connect to ports at the back of the computer.

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6c - Put the words in the correct place.

contact unlicensed target enforcement unmonitored

whereas capacity revenue externally precisely

1. When giving a presentation in small groups, it is important to make eye _______________

with your entire audience.
2. According to the instructions, this medicine is to be used _______________ only.
3. My parents were both in a serious car accident when they were in their early twenties, but
my mother broke her neck, _______________ my father only received a few cuts and
4. The daycare centre was _______________ and did not meet the minimum safety and health
5. The head of the F.B.I. once observed that no amount of law _______________ can solve a
problem that goes back to the family.
6. Tobacco brings _______________ to government in the form of taxes.
7. If left _______________, the children may hurt themselves.
8. Many living creatures are very _______________ adapted to particular ways of life.
9. The factory has increased its production _______________ by over 15% to meet the growing
10. The country of Wales was long a _______________ for invaders from Rome, Normandy, and

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6d - Put the words in the correct place.

whereas target monitor enforced external

contact capacity precisely revenue licence

1. Random sampling ensures that everyone in a __________ population has the same likelihood
of being chosen for a survey.
2. Alcohol thermometers can measure lower temperatures than mercury thermometers
because mercury freezes at minus 38.8 degrees Celcius, __________ alcohol freezes at minus
115 degrees.
3. In order to own a gun in this country, you must get a special __________, and take a course
in gun safety.
4. The machine is working at maximum __________, so we can't go any faster than we already
5. Poverty and oppression, however rationalized, are endured not because people agree on
their legitimacy, but because they are __________ by those who benefit from them.
6. I can't remember __________ when I saw her, but it wasn't very long ago.
7. This soap is quite strong. Avoid __________ with the eyes.
8. Don't sit too close to your __________; the bright light is hard on the eyes.
9. The job has been awarded to an __________ candidate.
10. Our new product line has only produced about half the __________ expected.

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6e - Put the words in the correct place.

precise contact enforced monitor whereas

targeted external revenue licensed capacities

1. You shouldn't remove your __________ drive from your computer while the data is still
being read.
2. Following __________ with the European settlers, many native people in North America died
of diseases that were new to them.
3. He was a doctor in Uganda but he isn't yet __________ to practise medicine in this country.
4. Cameras installed in the streets of many major cities around the world now constantly
__________ the behaviour of people in public.
5. Our company is doing extremely well and we expect to see an increase of about 35% in
__________ and clients in the coming year.
6. The terrorists were killed in their homes by extremely __________ air strikes that left
neighbouring houses untouched.
7. Urban centres are generally growing in size, __________ rural areas are seeing their
populations decrease.
8. Scientists are becoming increasingly aware that our planet's __________ are limited.
9. If the government ever actually __________ its environmental laws, we would have a lot
fewer pollution problems.
10. Protesters in Egypt __________ government buildings, parliament and the prime minister's
offices for their demonstrations.

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6a- Put the words in the correct place.

1. whereas
2. enforce
3. license
4. contact
5. precise
6. capacity
7. external
8. monitoring
9. revenue
10. targeting

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6b - Put the words in the correct place.

1. revenue
2. contact
3. capacity
4. precise
5. monitoring
6. targeted
7. enforced
8. whereas
9. licenses
10. external

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6c - Put the words in the correct place.

1. contact
2. externally
3. whereas
4. unlicensed
5. enforcement
6. revenue
7. unmonitored
8. precisely
9. capacity
10. target

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AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6d - Put the words in the correct place.

1. target
2. whereas
3. license
4. capacity
5. enforced
6. precisely
7. contact
8. monitor
9. external
10. revenue

AWL Sublist 5 – Group 6 - Exercise 6e - Put the words in the correct place.

1. external
2. contact
3. licensed
4. monitor
5. revenue
6. precise
7. whereas
8. capacities
9. enforced
10. targeted

A Practice Material | 31

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