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Steps handling c/o Individual guest


2.Offering Assistance

3.Ask Guest experience during stay

4.Ask room key

5.Check guest bill

6.Hadling payment

7.Offering transportation

8.Prepare Transport bill

9.Close conversation/ Saying goodbye

10.Call bellboy

Example Conversation

Rcp. Good Morning Sir/ Madam, How are you today?

Guest: I am fine

RCP : May I help you Sir ?

Guest : I am checkin out

RCP : May I have the room key please?

Guest : Here you are

RCP : Thank you Mr.Stone. How was your stay in our hotel Mr.Stone

Guest : Good, I enjoy stay here

RCP : Thank you Mr.Stone

Guest : You are welcome

RCP : Well Mr.Stone, Please wait a moment, let me check the bill, Your room bill has been settled and
now you have only restaurant bill left its IDR 200,-please check!

Guest : That`s fine

RCP: Thank you Mr. Stone, How will you settle the restaurant bill? By cash or credit card please?

Guest : credit card Please

RCP : May I have you credit card please?

Guest : Here your are

RCP : Thank you Mr.Stone ( swipe credit card) please enter your PIN….Here is your credit card and this
is the copy of transaction. Would you like to have the supporting bill?

Guest : No, thank you

RCP : Well Mr.Stone, Shall I organize a transportation for you?

Guest : Yes Please, how much should I pay to the Airport?

RCP : Its IDR 300.000,-

Guest : Its Fine

RCP : Well Mr.Stone, How will you pay the transportation?

Guest : By cash

RCp : May I have the cash please?

Guest : Here you are

RCP: Thank you.Please wait a moment, let me prepare the receipt.

Guest : No problem

RCP : Here you are..

Is there anything else I can do for your Mr.Stone?

Guest : No, Thank you

RCP : Thank you for staying in our hotel, we are looking forward to your coming again, Have a pleasant
trip back home Mr.Stone, Good bye

Guest : good bye

RCP : BellBoy please!..

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