REFLECTION Dales Cone of Experience

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 I learned that… (Knowledge)
o Teachers can facilitate as well as we can have lots of sources of what medium
we are going to use, so that we can internalize the lessons immediately. Dale's
Cone of Experience is a visual model that is composed of eleven stages starting
from Concrete experience at the bottom of the cone then it becomes more and
more abstract as it reaches the peak of the cone. Balance must be achieved
between concrete and abstract experience in order to cater and address all the
needs of the learners in all the domains of development and in order to help them
in their holistic development. By going one-by-one, starting from concrete to
abstract, we will understand more the different components of the cone that will
help us in graphing the real meaning of education technology. As future
educators, we should consider Edgar Dale’s cone of experience in delivering our
lesson to the students because not all students have the same learning strategy
and I am pretty sure that not all of the students are fun of verbal symbols all the
 I felt that… (Value/Attitude)
o As a future educator must know the importance of every step from the bottom of
the cone and its percentage because the more abstract the experience becomes
It will be very helpful enormously in my future days being a teacher in the
classroom and as a student now. It also helps the professional teachers and a
future educator because we will be dealing with our students. In this theoretical
foundation of Dale, it is an effective way to support the communication process
because it makes communication as a modality and experiential ways and
diversity of sensory experiences. I have learned that experience arranged
according to the degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty. The farther
you go from the bottom of the cone. The more abstract, the abstract the
experience becomes. This means that a learner should start in a concrete so that
if he goes on or if he or she is progressing and leveling up to the abstract part of
the cone. The model of cone of experience is the best theory that we can cite
scheme in the field.

 I developed that…(skills)
Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience helps professionals to plan learning
that take advantage of the most effective learning environments. When a learner
moves from direct and purposeful experiences to verbal symbols, the degree of
abstraction gradually grows. And as a result, learners become spectators rather
than participants. Learners can see, handle, taste, touch, feel and smell the most
purposeful experiences. By contrast, verbal symbols, such as use of words,
speech or auditory language, at the peak of the Cone are highly abstract. This
means they do not have a physical resemblance to the objects or ideas in
question. Dale’s Cone of Experience it makes a valuable tool that helps instructional
teachers to incorporate the right materials into their classroom interventions.

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