Module 6

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Name: GONZALES, Kyle Antonette C.

Grade & Section: 11 –


Session Guide 6

A. Engage

KWL Chart

The KWL Chart is an instructional reading strategy that is used to guide students through a lesson. Students begin by
writing down their prior knowledge about the topics in the first column. In the second column, the students will list some
questions that they want to know about the topics. During or after learning about the topics, the students will answer
their own generated questions in the third column that represents the things they have learned.

What I KNOW What I WANT to Know What I LEARNED

There are some facts that I am I have questions in my mind like: I’ve learned that paragraphs do
aware of when it comes to the have parts and these are the
word “paragraph”. One of which is 1. Does paragraphs have parts? topic sentence and the
that a paragraph is a connection If yes, what are these? supporting details, which are both
of sentences that are all linked to important in writing paragraphs.
the same subject. It is also a 2. What are the characteristics of I’ve also learned that paragraphs
concise piece of writing that paragraphs? have characteristics as well.
usually consists of seven to ten Unity, adequate development,
sentences. A group of sentences 3. Are signal devices relevant in and coherence are the following
based on a single subject is paragraphs? characteristics that can surely
referred to as a paragraph. It is help develop paragraphs into
being organized based on a more effective ones. Knowing the
central topic. Moreover, as you importance of signal devices is
read a paragraph, the reader can also one thing I’ve put in mind.
encounter many different types of One can make coherent
information that can be found in paragraphs with the proper use of
paragraphs. signal devices.
B. Explore
In the Introduction, a paragraph was compared to the building blocks of great structures. What else
can you compare a paragraph to, and why? Choose an analogy which you think best captures the
role of a paragraph in the essay. Identify the analogy and explain your answer in the blanks below.
Each paragraph within an essay elaborates on one major point in the development of the
overall argument. The role of a paragraph in an essay is like the beads of pearl in a pearl necklace.
Without the beads, the pearl necklace wouldn’t exist at all. It is the presence of the pearl beads
that a pearl necklace is being bought in the market and wore by millions of people. But like a
paragraph which is difficult to understand for it is not properly structured, the pearl beads of the
pearl necklace would also not be beautiful in the eyes of the consumer if the beads are not well-
made. It is very important for the pearl beads to be made wonderfully just as how important a
paragraph should be effective.

D. Elaborate

A. Examine the paragraphs below. Locate the topic sentence. If it is explicit, copy it on the
blank. If it is implied, create a topic sentence and write it on the blank. (3 points each)
1. Topic Sentence: The mansion at the end of the winding driveway is an illuminating sight.

After driving through a stretch of eerie darkness, the mansion at the end of the winding
driveway is an illuminating sight. Lights spotlight the colonial façade and the brick walk
leading to an open patio that fans out into the front door. A leaning tree shelters the edge of
the patio. On the right side of the wide foyer is the edge of the living room, a rectangular
expanse under a high ceiling. The dining room runs parallel to the entire length of the living
room. This divides into conversation groupings furniture done in satin beige and peach with
draperies to match. The thick rugs mute footsteps on the black marble floors.

- Leticia Jimenez-Magsanoc, "Double Jeopardy, Philippine Daily Inquirer

(September 26, 1987)

2. Topic Sentence: Remembering the Filipino race through the Philippines heroes.

Proclaiming Ninoy a hero does not guarantee that the race will remember. But it should
help. It should help that, as a hero, his life and deed are engraved in textbooks, relived in
skits and songs, and taught in school. We need only to recall again the letter Jesus Luis de
Leon-Borbon wrote here last month to see how vital-no, how desperate-this undertaking is.
De Leon, a half-Spaniard, was looking at the statue of Isidro Torres in Malolos when a group
of kids came over and began wondering who Torres was. Surprised, De Leon volunteered
that Torres was a hero who fought by the side of Gregorio del Pilar. "This del Pilar," said one
of the kids, "is he also one of our heroes?"

- Conrado de Quiros, "Hero Worship in There's the Rub, Philippine Daily Inquirer
(August 20, 1993)

3. Topic Sentence: How she spent his weekends as a teacher

When she was teaching, she would relish the weekends for the endless tasks which she
found to be done in her home. Clothes sorted, darned, set aside for renovation, and she, in
close company with the sewing woman whom she hired for the day. The closets had to be
cleared, the plants to be inspected, the unhealthy and the dying to be made well again, the
lush and the flowering to be enjoyed. The kitchen to be given the week's check-up,
marketing, children and husband to be fussed over, enjoyed.

- Lina Espina-Moore, The Mansion in A Lion in the House (1980)

B. Write an appropriate topic sentence for a paragraph that has the following supporting details: (3
points each)

1. Topic sentence: How I spent my birthday.

• Visiting the National Museum

• Having a picnic at Luneta Park

• Watching the sunset at Manila Bay

2. Topic sentence: Things you should know about cats.

• Cats do not need as much attention as dogs.

• Cats are more conscious of their own hygiene and lick themselves clean.

• Cats help get rid of pests like cockroaches and mice.

3. Topic sentence: Benefits of having a better train system.

• Investment in a better train system will decongest roads.

• It will also lessen urban pollution

• A better train system will increase passenger safety.

C. Below is a list of topics that could serve as main ideas. Provide each main idea with three
subtopics that relate to the main idea as examples, stages or steps, or parts. (3 points each)

1. Many memes on the Internet are actually socially relevant.

a. Memes are visual representations of concepts, emotions, and actions in an
easy-to-understand format.
b. Memes are way of connecting with people across the internet through unique photos that
are instantly recognizable.
c. Memes are particularly well-suited to the digital age.
d. Memes have a tremendous impact on today's language and culture.

2. A long commute to school has both advantages and disadvantages.

a. Long commutes to school leave precious little time for spending with family and friends, let
alone engaging in hobbies.
b. Depending on the travel route, it’s not always possible to get a seat, which does nothing to
improve a commuter’s health or mood.
c. Commuter students have the unique opportunity to have double life: one as a student and
one as a regular person.
d. Long time spent commuting had the potential to shape people's attitudes and opinions
the world, because encounters with other people could be happy or saddening.

3. Buying items from tiangges means settling for low-quality materials.

a. Tiangges are known for being less expensive and for selling products that are either not
original, have been rejected by the factory, or have flaws.
b. Some Tiangges sellers are unaware of quality because all they care about is quantity,
increased sales, and bigger profits without considering whether or not their customers are
satisfied with the goods.
c. Those who want to buy things for a lower price and those who want to resell their goods or
items locally support Tiangges.
d. These goods found in Tiangges compete directly with locally produced goods because of it
very low price and quality.

D. Identify what characteristic of an effective paragraph (unity, adequate development, and

coherence) is most well-manifested in the paragraphs below. Provide a one-sentence
explanation for your choice. (5 points each)

1. Characteristic: Coherence
Explanation: The paragraph below is a coherent one in view of the fact that the ideas flow
smoothly and there is the use of signal devices.`

All in all, we should remain truly Filipino, continue to safeguard and to strengthen these
commendable virtues which make us Filipino: devotion to family, respect for authority,
adherence to tradition, family solidarity, cooperation, hospitality, loyalty to kin. Because there
are some things in the Filipino family which have resisted change. However strong the
dynamics of historical developments, population movements, industrialization, enculturation,
that have brought about modifications and elaborations- these have no wiped out the early
structural forms, nor the fundamental characteristics of this basic social institution which we
cherish and long to preserve--the Filipino family.

- Lourdes R. Quisimbing, "The Filipino Family and Philippine Society”

2. Characteristic: Unity
Explanation: The paragraph has a unity characteristic for the reason that the sentences found
in the paragraph relates to the topic sentence which is “The physical build of the
Filipino, notwithstanding the strong racial crossing with Westerners, remains
decidedly Oriental.”

The physical build of the Filipino, notwithstanding the strong racial crossing with
Westerners, remains decidedly Oriental. The mestizo even retains some characteristics of the
white ancestor, but his build, his nervous system, his bodily movements deflect very sensibly
towards the Oriental. Even the children of pure Western parents soften into a mild complexion.
This phenomenon, that to a certain extent, is experienced by all the residents in this part of
the world sometime after their arrival. . . is a natural consequence of the nutrition and of the
physical milieu. Therefore, the psychosomatic functioning of the Filipino is fundamentally
Oriental, no matter how Western his ideas or his education may be.

- -Jesus M. Merino, "Oriental Traits and the Psychology of Filipinos

E. Evaluation

Identify the flaws in development of each of the paragraphs below. They may be lacking
the most in terms of unity, adequate development, or coherence-choose one which the
paragraph manifests the most. Afterward, revise the paragraphs to address the identified
flaw by deleting, combining, adding evidence, placing signal devices, or rearranging the
1. My favorite place to stay in school is the library. This may be surprising, but like it for many
reasons. I like talking to my friends. I prefer to be in quiet places. I am excited by knowledge. I
am thankful when teachers help me. The bookshelves are tall and you can hide behind them. I
am always pleased by what I discover in the pages of a book. I can even sleep during my free
time! (10 points each)

Flaw: Adequate development

Revision: My favorite place to stay in school is the library. This may be surprising, but I
actually like it for many reasons. First, I do not like talking to my friends. I prefer to
be in quiet places. Second, I am excited by knowledge. I am thankful when teachers
help me. Third, the bookshelves are tall and you can hide behind them. Fourth, I am
always pleased by what I discover in the pages of a book. Finally, I can even sleep
during my free time!
2. There are many causes for being "friend-zoned" by your crush. One can be that your crush
likes someone else. Another can be that he/she sees you as a sibling. Next, the object of your
affection could have other priorities, like focusing on his/her studies. No matter the reason, it is
always good to remember that you should not measure your value and self-esteem on
whether or not your crush likes you. Truly, there are always more fish in the sea!

Flaw: Coherence
Revision: There are many causes for being "friend-zoned" by your crush. One could be that
your crush likes someone else. Another could be that he/she sees you as a sibling.
Next, the object of your affection could have other priorities, like focusing on his/her
studies. Nevertheless, no matter the reason, it is always good to remember that you
should not measure your value and self-esteem on whether or not your crush likes
you. Truly, there are always more fish in the sea!

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