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REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2022

1) Complete the email with the correct tense:

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your email. I’m glad you ___________ (enjoy) your university course. I
_____________ (get) an email from Sam last week. He’s at university in Cambridge. He
____________ (love) the city, but he isn’t sure about his course. I ____________ (go) to
see him next week, so I’ll talk to him about it. I’m a bit fed up. Someone ___________
(steal) my bike last night. It’s so annoying! If I ___________ (have) lots of money, I
_____________ (buy) a new one straight away, but I can’t afford to do that. According to
the police, they said there _____________ (be) a lot of thefts recently. At least I’ve got my
holiday in Spain to look forward to.

Our flight ____________ (leave) early on Saturday morning, so by the afternoon I

______________ (lie) on the beach. I can’t wait!! And maybe the police ____________
(find) my bike by the time I get back!! ____________you ____________ (hear) the news
about Laura? She ___________(meet) a by while she ______________ (stay) with her
aunt, and they’ve decided to get married!!! What a surprise!!



1) Charlie didn’t leave early, and so he missed the bus. (Type 3)

If Charlie _______________________________________________________________.

2) I like travelling, but I haven’t got any money. (Type 2)

If I _____________________________________________________________________.
3) Don’t get close to the swimming-pool, you can fall in. (Type 1)

If you ___________________________________________________________________.
4) Mike didn’t make a shopping list, and he forgot to buy some coffee. (Type 3)

If Mike ___________________________________________________________________.
5) I’m tired, I can’t walk. (Type 2)

If I _____________________________________________________________________.

3) RELATIVE CLAUSES: Join the sentences using relative pronouns:

1) Where is the pencil? I left it on the desk.

2) A boy visited the police station. His bike was stolen.

3) Alexander Fleming was British. He discovered penicillin.

4) We spoke to a woman. She gave us directions.

5) The Eiffel Tower was finished in 1889. It is made of iron.

6) That is the place. I met John there.

4) MODAL VERBS: Choose the correct one.

1) Look at those clouds. I think it can / might / must rain.

2) This is impossible!! It can’t be / mustn’t be / may not be the answer.

3) I’ve no idea where Jane is. She could be / must be anywhere!!

4) There is someone at the door. It could be / mustn’t be the postman.

5) I can’t find my passport. – You must have left/ should have left it on the plane.

6) I failed my exams. – You must have worked / should have worked harder.

5) MODAL VERBS: Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs or modal perfects:

1) It’s possible that I’ll be late. (may)

I _______________________________________________________________.

2) It is forbidden to leave your bike here. (can’t)

You _____________________________________________________________.

3) Maybe Joanna missed the last bus. (may)

Joanna _____________________________________________________________.

4) I’m sure that Diana didn’t take your books. (can’t)

Diana _______________________________________________________________.

5) It was wrong of you to be rude to the policeman!! (shouldn’t)

You ________________________________________________________________.

6) CONNECTORS: Choose the correct connector from the table for each sentence.

Due to owing to because of in spite of despite although even though

however nevertheless therefore consequently moreover in addition
furthermore besides since as

1. _____________________ having muscle problems, the defender was able to play.

2. All flights to and from London have been cancelled _____________________ fog.
3. They arrived in time for the meeting _____________________ having to travel in bad
4. I like travelling by underground, _____________________ it gets pretty crowded during rush
5. She has been living in the country her whole life and she’s tired of that. ________________,
she has decided he wants a change and plans on moving to the city.
6. We had a wonderful time in Barcelona. _____________________, transport workers were
on strike so we couldn't use the underground.
7._____________________ life was hard during the war, we managed to survive.
8._____________________ heavy traffic on the motorway, we couldn't make it in time.
9.There are always low temperatures during the winter in Moscow. __________________, it
snows very often.
10.I can't come now _____________________ the children are ill, and I have to look after
11.The economy collapsed and the government had to resign. ______________________, the
pandemics has made the situation worse.
12.You may go out with your friends tonight, _____________________ you have been
reponsible and you have behaved properly most of the time.

13. I have never seen such a beautiful weather. ____________________, we can enjoy a
perfect weather today!

14. The cars crashed on the motorway _________________ to the ice on the road.

15. Rafa Nadal has achieved great success during his career. __________________, it hasn’t
been easy.

* Repasa el vocabulario de cada lección y los Phrasal Verbs con los ejercicios del Student’s
y del Workbook que se han hecho en clase. En la parte final del libro hay una sección de
repaso que te será de gran utilidad. ¡Tampoco te olvides de los Verbos Irregulares, por

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