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1. When excel opens, a new what is displayed

Ans. workbook

2. Worksheet can also mean

Ans. Spreadsheet

3. When identifying a cell as C12, you are using its

Ans. Cell

4. A cell that is outlined in green and has data typed in it is the

Ans. Active

5. When a cell is active, it's column and row headings are

Ans. Shaded

6. The bar, located, below the ribbon, that displays the active cells content is the
Ans. Formula bar

7. If content exists in cell B1, and a long text value is entered into cell A1, the A1 display is
Ans. Truncated

8. Two or more adjacent cells in a worksheet are

Ans. Range

9. Which cells are included in A1:D1

Ans. A1, B1, C1, D1

10. When a range is selected, the name box displays the cell address of
Ans. The first cell in the range

11. An underlying value that does the mathematical calculations on numeric values in a worksheet
Ans. A formula

12. Quick Access Toolbar

Ans. Displays a list of functions that match the first letter typed

13. When a formula is in an active cell, the underlying formula is visible in the
Ans. Formula bar

14. The letter that displays at the top of a column is

Ans. Column heading
15. Themed cell styles is an option in the
Ans. Cell style gallery

16. Which is an example of an excel function

Ans. =SUM(D6:D8)

17. When no cells are selected and the auto sum button is clicked, excel first looks (where) the
active cell for a suitable range to sum
Ans. Above

18. Which cells are included in in the sum calculation =SUM(D5:G5)

Ans. D5, E5, F5, G5

19. Which term is used to refer to automatic adjustment of cell reference in a copied formula?
Ans. relative cell reference

20. Which is not an option in the auto fill options menu

Ans. Paste cells

21. Which number format adds commas where appropriate and displays two decimals
Ans. Comma

22. Number formats can be adjusted with options in the styles and what groups on the home tab
Ans. Number

23. Non-adjacent cells can be selected in a worksheet by holding down the key.
Ans. Ctrl

24. Options to insert a field, such as a file name, into a header or footer are in the
Ans. Header and Footer elements

25. Headers and footers are visible in the

Ans. Page layout view

26. Placeholders for predefined headers and footers begin with

Ans. &

27. When formulas are displayed in a worksheet, what happens?

Ans. Column width is increased

28. When you set a print area, the range of selected cells is named
Ans. Page Setup
29. Flash fill
Ans. Can be used to recognize a pattern in data and then automatically have the data entered
for you

30. A(n)_ _can be used so you don't have to start with a blank workbook
Ans. Template

31. Details that describe an excel file, such as the author or title, are called the
Ans. Document properties

32. Placing content in a cell can be done by pressing the Enter key or by clicking the
Ans. Enter button

33. The symbol on the Enter button is a

Ans. Checkmark

34. which feature displays the formatting of the style moused over in the cell styles gallery on the
selected cells in the worksheet?
Ans. Live preview

35. When a row is inserted into a worksheet, the of the row above is applied to the
inserted row.
Ans. Formatting

36. After the fill handle is used to copy cell content, the button appears to the right of the
selected cells
Ans. Auto fill options

37. Select the option from the Auto Fill Options menu to keep numeric values unchanged when
using the fill handle
Ans. Copy cells

38. Pressing makes A1 the active cell

Ans. Ctrl+home

39. The option in the spelling dialog box inserts a world identified as misspelled into the office
Ans. Add to dictionary

40. When center on page horizontally option is checked on the margins tab of the page setup dialog
box, the worksheet cells with content are
Ans. Centered between the left and right margins
41. a is a group of numbers, text, dates, or time periods that come in succession
Ans. Series

42. The excel feature used to automatically adjust column width to the longest column entry is

Ans. Autofit

43. The displayed value of a cell is replaced with a series of # symbols when
Ans. the column is too narrow to display the entire value

44. Which symbol is the error indicator that appears in a cell having a formula that has broken a
Ans. green triangle

45. Which is NOT a category in the Quick Analysis gallery?

Ans. AutoSum

46. A cell that remains the same when it is copied or filled to other cells is an
Ans. Absolute cell reference

47. A message that appears in a cell when a formula cannot perform the specified calculations is an

Ans. Error value

48. The format does not display commas or trailing zeros to the right of a decimal point.
Ans. General

49. moving between worksheets in a workbook is done by clicking on

Ans. A worksheet tab

50. The is a statistical function that adds a group of values and then divides the result by the
number of values in the group/
Ans. Average

51. In a function, the range in parentheses is the

Ans. Argument

52. The suggests functions that match the initial characters being entered by a user.
Ans. formula autocomplete

53. The quick analysis lens button appears to the right of

Ans. A selected range of cells
54. A(n) , the line that borders the chart plot border area, is used as a frame of reference
for measurement.
Ans. Axis

55. In a worksheet, each cell in the blue range finder is a

Ans. Data point

56. A chart is a prebuilt chart format that applies an overall visual look to a chart
Ans. style

57. Chart buttons are displayed when the of the chart is clicked
Ans. Border

58. The button on the design tab displays the locations where a title and a legend can be
positioned in a chart
Ans. Quick layout

59. The dialog box is used to relocate a chart to another worksheet

Ans. Move chart

60. The chart elements button displays options for all of these EXCEPT_
Ans. Chart caption

61. When a fill option is set in the format chart area pan, the fill color is applied to the
Ans. Chart area

62. when an embedded chart is selected and the worksheet is printed,

Ans. Only the chart is printed

63. Normal view does NOT display

Ans. Headers and footers

64. A forward slash and an asterisk are examples of arithmetic operators

Ans. True

65. A worksheet that only contains a chart is called a chart_

Ans. Sheet

66. when print is clicked from the file tab, the right side of the printer pane_
Ans. Preview of the page to be printed

67. Technologies that are used to help nonvisual users view content are technologies.
Ans. Accessibility
68. To find the smallest value in a list of numbers, use the function.
Ans. MIN

69. A(n) chart appears to have the length, width, and depth dimensions.
Ans. 3-D

70. A chart is useful in comparing values across categories.

Ans. Clustered bar

71. An example of a(n) is

Ans. Hyperlink

72. After typing the new name of a worksheet tab, press the key to accept the
name change.
Ans. Enter

73. Which date is assigned the serial number of 1?

Ans. January 1, 1900

74. The keyboard shortcut to insert the current date, obtained from your computer, is .
Ans. Ctrl + ;

75. All of the following are options of the Clear button EXCEPT _.
Ans. Clear error value

76. Clicking the Paste arrow opens the gallery.

Ans. Paste options

77. Clicking a row heading _.

Ans. selects the row

78. A screen is an image of the computer screen.

Ans. Shot

79. The TODAY and NOW functions are in the category in the Function Library group
of the Formulas tab.
Ans. Date and Time

80. When the Markers option in the Design contextual tab is checked, _.
Ans. a mark for each data value is place on the sparklines.

81. What values does the user need to input or confirm in the Format as Table dialog box?
Ans. cell range and "My table has headers" option

82. The button is the arrow to the right of a header row label in a table.
Ans. Filter

83. When a Total row summary function is inserted at the bottom of a table column and the
summary function COUNT is selected, the displayed value of the COUNT function represents the
number of _.
Ans. visible cells in the column that contain a number value.

84. When a section of a worksheet displaying numeric values is selected, the appears;
this is used to apply conditional formatting or to insert a chart or table based on the selected
Ans. Quick analysis button

85. The function is a statistical function that adds a group of values and then divides the
result by the number of values in the group
Ans. Average

86. On a chart, a(n) identifies the categories of data.

Ans. Category label

87. To generate a report of potential accessibility issues, use the Accessibility .

Ans. Checker

88. The specific design of the way data is either displayed or compared in a chart is a .
Ans. Chart type

89. In excel the term worksheet and mean the same thing
Ans. Spreadsheet

90. When identifying a cell as B5, you are using its .

Ans. Cell address

91. The Merge and Center button is in the group on the Home tab
Ans. Alignment

92. When a cell is part of an active function, it is

Ans. Surrounded by a moving border

93. Function Autosum suggests values as you type a function.

Ans. True

94. An Excel file that contains one or more worksheets

Ans. Workbook
95. The primary document that you use in Excel to store and work with data
Ans. Worksheet

96. The cell, surrounded by a green border, ready to receive data or be affected by the next Excel
Ans. Active cell

97. The identification of a specific cell by its intersecting column letter and row number
Ans. Cell reference

98. Data in a cell--text or numbers

Ans. Value

99. Data in a cell made up of text only

Ans. Text Value

100. Data in a cell made up of numbers only

Ans. Number value

101. Two or more cells on a worksheet

Ans. Range

102. The Excel window area that displays the address of a selected cell
Ans. Name Box

103. An Excel feature that suggests values as you type a function

Ans. Formula AutoComplete

104. an Excel window area that displays the value contained in the active cell
Ans. Formula Bar

105. The column letter and row number that identify a cell
Ans. Cell+Address/Reference

106. The data displayed in the cell

Ans. Displayed value

107. An equation that performs mathematical calculations on numeric values

Ans. Formula

108. Page headers and footers can be changes in this view

Ans. Page layout
109. The number that displays at the left of a row
Ans. Row Heading

110. Symbols that specify mathematical operations such as addition or subtraction

Ans. Arithmetic Operators

111. A prewritten Excel formula

Ans. Function

112. The small green square in the lower right corner of the active cell
Ans. Fill Handle

113. A view that maximizes the number of cells visible on the screen
Ans. Normal view

114. Worksheet is synonymous with workbook

Ans. False

115. An active cell is outlined with a thick, blue border

Ans. False

116. What are the 2 types of sheets used in a workbook?

1) worksheet (a grid of rows and columns)
2) chart sheet (contains an Excel chart that provides a visual representation of worksheet data

117. List 2 ways of identifying the active cell in the worksheet.

1) the active cell is outlined with a thick border and the corresponding row and column
headings are highlighted
2) The name box displays the cell reference of the active cell

118. What is the cell reference for the cell located in the fourth column and third row of a
Ans. D3

119. What keyboard shortcut changes the active cell to cell A1?
Ans. Ctrl+Home

120. What is text data?

Ans. Any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that form words and sentences (often
referred to as a text string because it contains a string of text characters
121. What keys do you press to start a new line of text within a cell?
Ans. Alt + Enter

122. Cell A4 contains May 3, 2013; why doesn't Excel consider this entry a text string?
Ans. Excel stores the date as a numeric value equal to the number of days between the
specified date and January 0, 1900. Storing dates and times as numeric values allows Excel to
perform date and time calculations, such as determining the elapsed time between one date
and another

123. Explain the difference between clearing a row and deleting a row.
Ans. Clearing data from a worksheet removes the data, leaving blank cells where the data had
been Deleting data from the worksheet removes both the data and the cells. When a cell is
deleted, the remaining cells in the worksheet shift into the deleted location.

124. Nonadjacent Range

Ans. two or more distinct adjacent ranges

125. What is the range reference for cells A3 through G5 and J3 through M5?
Ans. A3:G5,J3:M5

126. What formula would you enter to add the values in cells B4, B5, and B6? What function
would you enter to achieve the same result?
Ans. Formula: B4 + B5 + B6
Function: SUM(B4:B6)

127. How do you rename a worksheet?

1) Right-click the sheet tab and click "rename" on the shortcut menu
2) Double-click the sheet tab, type the new name, and then press the Enter key

128. How are page breaks indicated in Page Break Preview?

Ans. A dotted blue line

129. How do you display the formulas used in a worksheet?

Ans. Press the Ctrl + ` keys

130. Why would you scale a worksheet?

Ans. To force the contents of a worksheet to fit on a single page

131. Discuss two methods of applying the same format to different ranges.
1) Copy and paste your formats using the Format Painter
2) Using a style which is a selection of formatting options using a specific font and color from
the current theme
132. Cell Style
Ans. A collection of common formats that can be applied to cells

133. What are the 6 table style options you can turn on and off?
Ans. 1) Header row
2) Total row
3) First column
4) Last column
5) Banded Rows
6) Banded Columns

134. What is a conditional format?

Ans. Applies formatting only when a cell's value meets a specified condition

135. How would you highlight the top 5 values in the range A1:C20?
Ans. With Conditional Formatting. Select the range and then in the Styles group on the Home
tab, click the Conditional Formatting button, point to 'Top/Bottom Rules', and then Click
'More Rules' at the bottom, and then edit the 'Rule Description' to be 'Top 5'

136. How do you insert a page break into a worksheet?

Ans. Select the first cell below the row where you want to insert a page break. In the Page
Setup group on the Page Layout tab, click the Breaks button, and then click Insert Page Break

137. What are print titles?

Ans. Information that appears on every print page; specified as rows or columns to repeat on
the top or left of each page

138. Describe how to add the workbook file name in the center section of the footer on
every page of your printout.
Ans. Type 'Filename:' in the center section of the footer, press the spacebar, and then in the
Header & Footer Elements group on the Design tab, click the 'File Name' button. The code
'&[File]', which displays the filename of the current workbook, is added to the center section
of the footer

139. a group of cells in a single rectangular block of cells

Ans. Adjacent range

140. A single style that formats all of the table elements within an Excel table
Ans. Table style

141. when a formula is copied into a cell, excel creates relative cell references in the copied
Ans. False

142. When you set a print area, the range of selected cells is named Selected Area
Ans. True

143. Flash fill is a small green square in the lower right corner of an active cell
Ans. True

144. The _format shows text on multiple lines within a cell

Ans. Text wrap

145. Flash Fill can be used to help format and clean data imported from a database
Ans. True

146. Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Active cell II. Cell address III. Cell IV.
Workbook V. Worksheet

147. Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Displayed value II. Formula bar III.
Range IV. Truncated V. Underlying value
148. Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Fill handle II. Relative cell reference III.
Page Layout view IV. Normal view V. Flash Fill

149. A column heading is represented by numbers

Ans. False

150. A prebuilt set of formatting characteristics included in Excel is called a(n) _.

Ans. Cell style

151. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Spreadsheet II. Label III. Number value IV. Text value V. Value

152. The number format multiplies the number in the cell by 100. Percent
Ans. Percent

153. Details about a file, such as the author's name, are called the document .
Ans. Properties

154. Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Axis II. Category axis III. Category label
IV. Value axis V. Chart
155. Match the following terms with their meaning.I. Chart layout II. Chart style III. Chart
sheet IV. Pie chart V. Three-dimensional

156. data between Microsoft applications makes it easy to reuse data without
having to retype the data.
Ans. Copying


1. The displays a list of functions that match the first letter typed.
The Formula AutoComplete

2. The Name Box is located to the left of the formula bar.


3. Which symbol inserted between two cell addresses indicates a range?


4. Worksheet is synonymous with workbook.


5. Which cells are included in the sum calculated by the function =SUM(D5:G5)?
D5, E5, F5, and G5

6. A symbol that specifies the mathematical operation, such as subtraction, is a(n) .

Arithmetic operator

7. Pages in a workbook are referred to as .


8. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Spreadsheet II. Label III. Number value IV. Text value V. Value

A. Usually used to name numeric data

B. Numeric data in a cell
C. Data in a cell
D. The primary document used in Excel
E. Character data in a cell

D, A, B, E, C
8. The button inserts a function that sums selected cells.

9. The formula that displays in the formula bar is the formula.


10. When you set a print area, the range of selected cells is named .
11. The small green square located in the lower right corner of an active cell is the .
fill handle

12. A(n) uses a colon to separate the beginning and ending cells.

13. Because cell styles are prebuilt sets of formatting, Excel makes it easy to format cells.

14. Which number format adds commas where appropriate and displays two decimals?

16. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Fill handle II. Relative cell reference III. Page Layout view IV. Normal view V. Flash Fill

A. Used to adjust how a worksheet will look when it is printed

B. Recognizes a pattern in data and automatically enters the rest of the data
C. Maximizes the number of cells visible on the screen
D. Refers to cells based on their position
E. Used to copy content down rows and across columns

E, D, A, C, B

15. Underlying values can include text values, number values, or .


16. View a worksheet in view to see how it will look when printed.
Page Layout

17. The cell content shown in the formula bar is referred to as the value.
18. A(n) is a prewritten Excel formula.

19. The bar, located below the Ribbon, that displays the active cell's content is the bar.
20. Details about a file, such as the author's name, are called the document .

21. The number format multiplies the number in the cell by 100.

22. When a formula is copied to another cell, the cell reference changes based on the new location
of the formula is a(n) cell reference.

23. When no cells are selected and the AutoSum button is clicked, Excel first looks the active
cell for a suitable range to sum.

24. The chart used to compare more than one set of values where each group of values is
connected by a different line is a line chart.

30. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Axis II. Category axis III. Category label IV. Value axis V. Chart

A. Usually used to name numeric data

B. Numeric data in a cell
C. Data in a cell
D. A line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of reference for measurement
E. Displays the worksheet's numeric data

D, A, B, E, C

31. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Chart layout II. Chart style III. Chart sheet IV. Pie chart V. Three-dimensional

A. A prebuilt chart format

B. A prebuilt set of chart elements
C. A workbook sheet that contains only a chart
D. An image that appears to have all three spatial dimensions
E. Illustrate the relationship of parts to a whole

B, A, C, E, D

32. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Series II. Text wrap III. AutoFit IV. Error indicator V. Error value

A. A format that displays text on multiple lines within a cell

B. Automatically changes the column width to accommodate the longest entry
C. A group of items that comes one after another in succession
D. Displays whenever a formula or function cannot perform its calculations
E. A green triangle

C, A, B, E, D

33. A(n) is a graphical representation of data.


34. A chart type can be changed after a chart is created.


35. Pie charts are used to illustrate comparisons between individual items.

36. Chart styles and chart layouts affect the same chart elements and features.

37. The number of decimals places and the appearance commas, dollar signs, or other symbols are
features of number .

38. technologies adapt a computer's display for nonvisual users.


39. The Insert WordArt button is on the tab of the Ribbon.


40. The range finder uses different colors to identify sections of a selected range that are used to
create different chart elements.

41. The specific design of the way data is either displayed or compared in a chart is a . chart

42. To find the biggest value in a list of numbers, use the function.

43. To modify a chart's graphic effects, colors, and background, apply a chart .

44. Each cell in the blue range finder is represented by a , which can be a column, a bar, a dot,
a slice of pie, or other appropriate symbol.
Data marker

45. You can use the feature to resize a column to accommodate the longest entry.

46. A message that appears in a cell when a formula cannot perform the specified calculations is
a(n) .
error value
47. The range finder uses different colors to identify sections of a selected range that are used to
create different chart elements.

48. When there is a change in a cell value in a function argument, the function display value is
automatically updated to reflect that change.

49. By default, Excel displays numbers in General format.


50. In a function, the range in parentheses is the .


51. Both long text entries and long numeric entries are truncated when the column they are in is
too narrow or when there is content in the column to the right.

52. The dialog box is used to relocate a chart to a chart sheet.

Move Chart

53. The AutoFill feature does NOT work with statistical functions.

54 A chart is used to illustrate comparisons of related numbers.


55. When the Function AutoComplete list is used to enter the MAX function into an active cell,
Double-click on the name of the function in the list

57. The AVERAGE function is an example of a(n) function.


58. A chart includes prebuilt set of chart elements such as a title, a legend, or labels.

59. Accessibility technologies can assist nonvisual users by adapting the display.

60. Another way to select a range of cells is to use the arrow keys while holding down the Ctrl key.

61. To view a chart separately from the worksheet data, move it to a chart .

62. The range finder uses different colors to identify sections of a selected range that are used to
create different chart elements.
63. A unique color or pattern identifying data markers that belong to the same data series is
displayed in the chart .

64. When the fill handle is used to copy a cell that contains content that is part of a series, the
AutoFill feature continues the series in the copy.

65. SUM and AVERAGE are the only functions listed in the options displayed by the AutoSum arrow.

66. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Column chart II. Line chart III. Pie chart IV. Bar chart V. Area chart

A. Illustrate the relationship of parts to a whole

B. Emphasize the magnitude of change over time
C. Illustrate comparisons among individual items
D. Illustrate trends over time
E. Illustrate data changes over a period of time

E, D, A, C, B

67. The outlines all the cells referenced in a formula.

Range finder

68. A formula that attempts to divide by zero displays both an error indicator and an error value.

69. A worksheet inserted into a workbook using the New Sheet button is inserted .
At the end of the Tab group

70. Cell content from a worksheet can be pasted to a worksheet in another workbook.

71. Hyphen (-) and forward slash (/) behave identically in a date entered into the active cell.

72. There are several ways to delete cell content.


73 The keyboard shortcut to insert the current date, obtained from your computer, is .
Ctrl + ;

74. The toolbar located in the upper right corner of Excel is the Toolbar.
Quick Access

75. A worksheet with cells that a summary sheet's formulas refer to is a(n) sheet.
76. A screen is a picture of a portion of the computer screen that can be inserted into a

77. The number of cells in a selected destination must be the same as the number in the selected

78. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Organization chart II. SmartArt graphic III. Screen clipping IV. Screen shot V. Quick Access

A. Graphically represents the hierarchy of relationships between individuals and groups

B. A picture of a portion of the computer screen
C. Contains buttons for commonly used commands
D. A picture of the computer screen E. A pre-built visual representation of information

A, E, B, D, C

79. Cell content from a worksheet can be pasted to a worksheet in another workbook.

80. When a worksheet is active, the tab changes to a(n) color.


81. A(n) chart can be used to view a company's hierarchy of relationships between individuals
and groups.

82. When multiple worksheets are grouped, inserting a row .

Inserts it into all of the worksheets in the group

83. A screen clipping can be very small or as large as the entire screen.

84. Use a(n) chart to compare values across categories.

Clustered bar

85. A screen is an image of the computer screen.


86. Match the following paste options with the content and format pasted.

I. Paste II. Transpose III. Formatting IV. Formulas V. No Borders

A. Orientation of pasted entries changes

B. Only the formatting
C. All content and cell formatting except borders
D. Both the contents and cell formatting
E. Only the formula
D, A, B, E, C

87. A worksheet tab can be removed from view by right-clicking the tab and selecting from the
shortcut menu.

88. According to the rules of operator precedence, expressions using are calculated first.

89. When cells are copied, a(n) border surrounds the selected cells.

90. One way to rename a worksheet tab is by .

Clicking the Rename Sheet option of the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab

91. The set of mathematical rules used when performing calculations within a formula is called
Operator precedence

92. Addition is considered to be on the same level of precedence as .


93. An underlying formula and data in a cell is the .


94. Clicking the Paste button places the in the destination cells. cell content and cell

95. The button is the arrow to the right of a header row label in a table.

96. Use the function to display the current date.


97. Match the following terms with their meaning.

I. Calculated column II. Excel table III. Filter IV. Total row V. Split window

A. A command to display only the rows of a table that meet specified criteria
B. A command that allows each pane to be scrolled separately
C. Displays at the bottom of an Excel table
D. A series of rows and columns that contain related data
E. A column in an Excel table that uses a single formula that adjusts for each row
E, D, A, C, B

97. The command divides the Excel window into separate panes so that each pane can be
scrolled individually.
Split window
98. Which is NOT a Total row summary function?

99. The COUNT function can be used to count the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.

100. A(n) column in an Excel table uses a single formula that adjusts for each row.

101. The function is a lookup function.


102. The is the total amount of money that is being borrowed.


103. Each argument in a function is separated by a semi-colon.


104. The Logical test in the function IF function must contain a(n) operator.

105. The function counts the number of cells that are in the entered range and contain numeric

106. The NOW function is used to return only the current date.

107. To keep rows or columns visible when scrolling in a worksheet, use the command.
Freeze Panes

108. When a range of cells is converted to a table, the default setting in the Filter gallery is .
Select All

109. A(n) function applies a logical test to see if a specific condition is met.

110. The TODAY and NOW functions are in the category in the Function Library group of the
Formulas tab.
Date & Time

111. Options to rotate and angle text appear when the button in the Alignment group on the
Home tab is clicked.

112. The tab in the Page Setup dialog box has options for keeping rows at the top of, and
columns at the left of, each printed page of a large worksheet.
113. A calculated is an Excel table feature that takes a formula in a column and automatically
adjusts cell references for each row in the table.

114. The IF function is a volatile function.


115. The TRANSPOSE function would change the text onion to noino.

116. The result of the TODAY function is , it will update each time the workbook is opened.

117. The function converts a vertical range of cells to a horizontal range, or vice versa.

118. Filtering data deletes the rows that do NOT meet the specified criteria.

119. The Unfreeze Panes option appears when the button is clicked.
Freeze Panes

120. In the PMT function, the rate argument is synonymous with interest.

121. The function calculates how much a payment will be based on constant payments and a
constant interest rate.

122. A calculated is an Excel table feature that takes a formula in a column and
automatically adjusts cell references for each row in the table.
Freeze Panes

123. In the PMT function, the rate argument is synonymous with interest.

124. In the PMT function, the argument indicates the principal of a loan.
Present value

125. The principal is the amount of a loan.


126. Formulas are prewritten or preprogrammed into Excel


127. When Excel opens, a new blank is displayed


128. Document properties are saved as part of the Excel file

129. You should always check spelling after you have completed editing and formatting your

130. To fit the size of printed worksheets on a specific number of pages, change the scaling.

131. Flash fill is the small green square in the lower right corner of an active cell

132. You are not able to add new words to the office dictionary

133. When a new workbook is created from a template, any changed made to the workbook will
overwrite any formatting in the template

134. A chart compares individual items or categories of items where the categories are
displayed on the vertical axis, and the values are displayed on the horizontal axis.

135. To compare the relationship of parts of a whole, use a chart.


136. Cells can contain text values and number values, but NOT labels.

137. The displays a list of functions that match the first letter typed.
Quick Access Toolbar

138. On a chart, a(n) identifies the categories of data

Category axis

139. When creating a chart, each cell in the blue range finder is a(n) _.
Data point

140. A page break on a worksheet is indicated by a dotted line


141. Text that is used to provide a description on an object is text


142. A semicolon is used between two cell references to indicate a range of cells.

143. The formula that displays in the formula bar is the underlying formula.

144. The excel function, =SUM(B3:B7), will total the values in cells B4, B5 and B6.
145. In the cell reference A1, the number 1 indicates the row heading.

156. Normal view shows how a worksheet will look when it is printed.

157. Styling refers to specifying the appearance of cells or the layout of a worksheet.

158. A cell address is the same as cell reference.


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