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Assignment 3

Part I. Structural Modeling

Draw a class diagram for the following situation:

Whenever new patients are seen for the first time, they complete a patient information form
that asks their name, address, phone number, and insurance carrier, which are stored in
patient information file. Patients can be sign up with only one carrier, but they must be
signed up to be seen by the doctor. Each time a patient visits the doctor, an insurance claim
is sent to the carrier for payment. The claim must contain information about the visit such as
the date, purpose, and cost. It would be possible for a patient to submit two claims on the
same day.

For a given scenario, draw the object diagram.

Part II. Behavioral Modeling

Create a sequence diagram and a communication diagram for the following scenario:

Every time a member of a health club enters the club, an attendant takes his or her card and
scans it to make sure the person is an active member. If the member is not active, the system
presents the amount of money it costs to renew the membership. The customer is given the
chance to pay the fee and use the club, and the system makes note of the reactivation of the
account so that special attention can be given to this customer when the next round of
renewal notices are dispensed.

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