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Botanical origin:
Barosma betulina Barosma crenulata

Other Names:
Bookoo, Diosma,buku,bucku & bucco.


Part used:

The plant's name, Buchu, is derived from the Hottentot word for the plant, bookoo, meaning "dusting powder," and in traditional African medicine, Buchu was, in fact, used as a powder to deter insects. For four hundred years, the South African Hottentots have also used the dried leaves for various urinary, kidney and prostate disorders. The Hottentots also use the leaves, with their rue-like fragrance, to perfume their bodies. Early in the 1800s, the leaves' medicinal qualities were introduced into Europe.

Habit & Habitat:

Plant is a low herb native to South Africa.

Description of the herb buchu :

Buchu is a 5 foot shrub with finely toothed opposite or alternate leaves, 3.5cm long. The leaves have visible oil glands that release a strong aroma reminiscent of blackcurrant. White flowers with purple anthers appear in spring, usually with 5 petals.

Leaves contain volatile oils which are obtained by steam distillation.

Chemical Constituents:
Buchu contain y y y y Volatile oils Mucilage Resins Calcium oxalate crystals

Volatile Oils:
Volatile oils contain y y y y y 30% diosphenol (Buchu Camphor) Pulegone Menthone Isomenthone Limonene

y A stimulant, strong diuretic, antiseptic, and cleansing herb that increases perspiration. The antiseptic and strong diuretic properties are evident due to the active ingredient in the herb: diosphenol or "barosma camphor." The A. betulina leaf is more active than that of A. crenulata, as it contains low amounts of diosphenol, yet a possibly high toxic level ofpulegone. It has been known to strengthen the urinary system and is used to ease inflammation of the bladder, reduce bloating and excess water weight, alleviate painful urination, reduce swelling of the prostate and eliminate uric acid from the kidneys.

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y As an herbal diuretic, Buchu stimulates and cleanses the urinary system and is an excellent remedy for urine stoppage. The herb also helps to correct fluid retention and promotes the elimination of excess water weight. In addition, Buchu increases perspiration, an excellent means of cleansing toxins from the body through the skin. One of Buchu's most useful properties in treating urinary tract diseases is its ability to promote the elimination of mucus and uric acid from the kidneys. The effect is due to the volatile oils, limonene and diosphenol (a phenolic ketone), and may be helpful to those who suffer from gout and rheumatism. Buchu Leaf has also been recommended for eliminating kidney stones and gravel in the kidneys and bladde Buchu soothes and stimulates mucous membranes. Consequently, the herb supports the digestive tract and is used to improve digestive disorders. Buchu Leaf also soothes the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and is beneficial for treating coughs. Moreover, the herb helps to alleviate catarrhal conditions and inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

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Therapeutic uses

Internal use

Buchu is used internally for the relief of urinary tract infections, especially in conjunction with prostate problems. Furthermore, it is also used in the symptomatic relief of rheumatism. It is also used for bloating while menstruating, reducing high blood pressure, and congestive heart failure. Buchu is also used to decrease water retention - but please read the safety warnings below. Buchu decreases inflammation of the colon, gums, andmucous membranes and is specifically used to treat bladder infections.

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External use

Steeped in vinegar it is used as a remedy for bruises and sprains.

Aromatherapy and essential oil use

The oil extracted from buchu should, because of its high pulegone content, not be used in aromatherapy as it is considered toxic

Safety precautions and warnings :

y y y y When using buchu as a diuretic it must be noted that it can deplete the body's store of potassium. When taking buchu, you should increase your consumption of foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, various dark green vegetables,whole grains and fish. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take therapeutic amounts of buchu and the herb should also not be used on young children. Topical application of the essential oil extracted from the buchu plant should not be used in aromatherapy.

y y y As diuretic As Urinary Antiseptic For Menstrual Problems.

Contra indications and side effect

Avoid during acute urinary tract inflammation.

Use During Pregnancy And Lactation.

Avoid during pregnancy and nursing.

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