Abdominal Trauma

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ABDOMINAL  They may hold their left shoulder elevated, so that

the diaphragm is raised on the left side, to keep this

from happening
TRAUMA  Child notices radiated left shoulder pain while lying
in a supine position (Kehr’s sign)
Course Outline
Note: Broken rib over the spleen suggesting the extent of the
 Definition trauma.
 Assessment
 Diagnostics Diagnostics
 Complications of Abdominal Trauma
- Splenic Rupture □ IV pyelogram
- Live Rupture □ MRI

DEFINITION □ Blood typing

It is a result from object striking the abdomen, such as Management

baseball bat or a seatbelt drawn tight in a motor vehicle
 Admission
 “E” explore laparotomy
ASSESSMENT  Antibiotics
 Assess vital signs frequently until stable
 Hypotension (less than 80mmHg systolic LIVER RUPTURE
pressure in an older child; less than 60mmHg in
an infant) usually suggests hemorrhage, which - More prone to rupture in children rather than adults
may be hidden abdominal bleeding - Because it is not completely not shattered by the rib
 May have increasing pallor cage.
 May have rapid respirations
 If internal bleeding is present, blood pressure
will show little improvement when IV fluid is  Severe abdominal pain that is most marked on
administered. inspiration, when the diaphragm descends and
 Nasogastric Tube (NGT) is passed and stomach touches the liver
contents are aspirated to be checked visually  Symptoms of blood loss: tachycardia, hypotension,
for blood and to test for occult blood anxiety and pallor
 Low intermittent suction was done to if  Hematocrit is low or falling
presence of blood is established.
 Foley Catheter (IFC) is also inserted to evaluate urine Note:
for blood and urine output
 Evidence of blood in the urine or decreased - Communication between an artery and the bile duct occurs
output may indicate accompanying kidney or at the time of trauma. (symptoms are not immediate)
bladder trauma.
- Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding such as hematemesis or
melena, may occur in a few days
- May have colicky upper abdominal pain that is relieved by
□ Abdominal X-Ray
□ Pelvic X-Ray - Liver arteriogram are necessary to reveal the extent of the
After either liver or spleen surgery, children need careful
- Air under the diaphragm on the radiograph suggest gastric observation for return of bowel function, assessment for the
or intestinal rupture with escape of air from these organs into possibility that peritonitis may develop, and careful
the peritoneal cavity reintroduction of oral nutrition.

- Free fluid in the abdomen, shown on the radiograph when

the child is turned on the side; suggest leakage of bowel fluid
or splenic rupture and pooling of blood.


- Most frequently injured organ, because it is usually
palpable under the lower left ribs
- Frequently injured by inappropriately applied seat
belts and by handlebar injuries in bicycle accidents


 Have tenderness in the left upper quadrant,

especially on deep inspiration, when the diaphragm
moves down and touches the spleen


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