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Gyakorlás felmérőre

Szövegértési feladat – Igaz vagy hamis?

My name is Elek. I am from France. I have got long brown hair and blue eyes. I haven’t got a brother
but I have got a sister. Her name is Edina. She is 16 years old. She is kind and friendly. She is a good
student. She has got two cats and three dogs. She has got a new laptop.

I have got a friend. His name is Ede. He is my classmate. He is funny and great. He can run fast, climb
a tree and jump high but he can’t paint pictures. He has got a parrot. It is beautiful and it can fly. He
hasn’t got a cat or dog.

Elek has got black hair and blue eyes.____

Elek has got a sister.____

Elek has got two cats and three dogs.____

Edina is 16 years old.____

Edina has got a tablet.____

Ede is not funny.____

Ede can’t jump high.____

Ede can’t paint pictures.____

Elek has got a parrot.____

Ede hasn’t got a parrot.____

Szövegértési feladat – kiegészítés

Anna: ________________________________?

Emma: My name is Emma Nagy.

Anna: _______________________________?

Emma: I’m 11 years old.

Anna: ______________________________?

Emma: I’m fine, thank you.

Anna: ______________________________?

Emma: It’s my dad.

Anna: _________________________?

Emma: Yes, he is.


Emma: It’s my book.

Anna: _________________________?

Emma: It’s in the living room.

Anna: ___________________________?

Emma: Yes, I have.


Emma: Yes, I can.

What’s this?

Have you got a cat?

Is he funny?

How old are you?

Where is your bag?

Who’s that?

What’s your name?

Can you take a photo?

How are you?

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