04 - Unit 3

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Unit 3

page 30

Exercise 1
1 g, 2 d, 3 f, 4 c, 5 b, 6 e, 7 a

Exercise 2 1.17
1 cast: all the actors in a film or a
2 choreography: the moves a
group of dancers perform to a
piece of music
3 performer: an actor or a musician
who plays to an audience
4 plot: the main story in a play,
film or novel
5 presenter: the person who
introduces a TV or radio show
6 role: the part of an actor in a
play or film
7 script: words for a play or a film

Exercise 3 1.18 LEARN TO LEARN

A audience 1 เลน
B stage 2 เลน
C costumes 3 เลน / การเลน
Note :
D lighting 4 การแสดง There is no answer key for
E set the open-ended questions or
questions with flexible answers.

page 31

Exercise 4 1.19
See Student's Book page 31
Exercise 5

hilarious = ตลกขบขัน
double agents = สายลับที่ทํางานใหกับ 2 ฝายที่เปนคูกรณี
หรือผูที่ไมถูกกัน (เปนศัตรูกัน)

page 32

Exercise 1-2 1.20

See Student’s Book page 32

gig = การแสดงดนตรี
till = จนกระทั่ง
no chance! = ไมมีทาง

Exercise 3
1 Sasha’s grandpa.
2 80.
3 a band of crazy grandads
4 No, he wasn’t.
5 She doesn’t know.

page 33

Exercise 4 1.21
1 bored
2 exhausted
3 interested
4 excited
5 embarrassed
6 surprised
7 tired
8 annoyed
9 worried

page 34

Exercise 1
1 started
2 loved
3 copied
4 chatted
5 regretted
6 smiled
7 phoned
8 worried
9 planned
10 clapped
11 cheered
12 dialled

Exercise 2
1 arrived / was
(last Monday: วันจันทรที่แลว)
2 stopped / waited
3 chatted / invited
(last night: เมื่อคืน)
4 disturbed / complained
(a week ago: 1 อาทิตยที่ผานมา)
5 copied / regretted /
discovered / were

Exercise 3 1.22
We walked to school yesterday because it was sunny.
1 You arrived late for the English lesson last Monday. The teacher was very annoyed!
2 The taxi stopped in front of our house and waited for us.
3 Jill chatted to her school friends on Facebook last night and invited all of them to
her party.
4 A week ago, the loud music from my room disturbed the neighbours, so they
complained to my parents.
5 Steve copied the exam answers from Mark and regretted it when he discovered
they were all wrong.
page 35

Exercise 4
1 changed, discovered
2 watched, scared
3 clapped, cheered
4 designed, looked
5 walked, smiled

Exercise 5-6 1.23

Martha went to see the new
production of her favourite musical.
The plot differed from the original,
but she thought the new set and
costumes were amazing. The script
made her laugh and she loved
the special effects. The actors
performed enthusiastically and did
some dangerous things on stage!
Martha told her friends about it.
They read the reviews in the papers
and got some tickets for the next

Exercise 7
1 graduated
2 wanted
3 became
4 acted
5 played
6 dyed
7 appeared
8 won

page 36

Exercise 8
1 After that
2 then
3 Finally

Exercise 9
1 worried
2 amazing
3 embarrassed
4 boring
5 annoying

Exercise 10
1 called
2 asked
3 went
4 chatted
5 had
6 rented
7 went
8 watched
9 surfed
10 decided
11 listened
12 enjoyed

Exercise 11
1 ฉันโทรศัพทหาเพื่อนฉันที่ชื่อเจนนี่
เมื่อวานนี้ Pronunciation
2 วันอาทิตยที่ผานมาคุณไปดูภาพยนตร Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1.24 1.25
ฉันทําการบาน ฉันอารมณเสียมาก Audioscript Audioscript
3 คาเรนและทิมชวนเราไปบานของ Peter hopped, played See Student’s Book page 36
พวกเขาในวันคริสตมาสที่ผานมา and waited for a train. //: talked, walked, washed, touched, finished
4 เพื่อนทุกคนของฉันออกเดินทาง //: smiled, opened, called, loved, lived
เมื่อวานตอนเย็น //: wanted, tested, started, decided
5 ในตอนแรกเราดูภาพยนตรทางโทรทัศน

page 37

Exercise 1
Amy Where were you last night?
I texted you!
Elis I went to the cinema with my
dad and brother.
Amy What films were on?
Elis I wanted to see The Bling
Ring, but Dad said I was too
Amy The film with Emma Watson?
I heard the plot is good but
the script is boring!
Elis We decided to see The Lone
Ranger with Johnny Depp…
Amy Mmm! He’s amazing!
Elis But we arrived too late and
missed the beginning… So we
saw Man of Steel instead.
Amy Tell me what you thought of it.
Elis I’m not usually interested in
comic hero films, but I enjoyed
this one. The casting of the
hero was surprising. He’s not a
typically handsome hero.
Amy Interesting! And what was the
plot like?
Elis The story differed from the
Superman film plots as it
started when he was just a
Amy And the special effects?
Elis Oh, you know he flew
everywhere and people fought
a lot, a little disappointing…

Exercise 2
1 I wanted to see
2 We decided to see
3 But we arrived too late
4 I’m not usually interested

page 38

Exercise 1-2

Exercise 3
1 To study law and avoid an
arranged marriage.
2 They set up the first black legal
practice in South Africa to
represent black South Africans.
3 Sports teams and entertainers.
4 By writing messages on toilet
5 Because he learnt their Afrikaans
language and culture and always
behaved with dignity and self- Glossary
6 In 1993.
troublemaker = ผูสรางปญหา
arranged = คลุมถุงชน
smuggled = ลักลอบ
forgiveness = การใหอภัย
jointly = รวมกัน
woodpecker = นกหัวขวาน

page 17
Exercise 4
1 16.14
2 smiled
3 crazy
4 danced
5 microphone
It was 11th February 1990 and
there were a lot of people outside
the prison, but Mr Mandela came
out about an hour late. Not many
people knew what he looked like
because of his long time in prison,
but we were all very excited. Then,
at 4.14 p.m. we saw Mr Mandela
at the gates of the prison with
his wife Winnie. He smiled at the
crowds and punched the air with
his fist in a victory salute. The crowd
went crazy and people danced
in the streets to celebrate. It was
wonderful! There was one funny
incident I remember. When he did
his first press conference, he didn’t
know what a microphone was
because he went to prison before
TV arrived in South Africa!

Exercise 5
Possible answers:
You Hello, Mr Mandela! You
have got different names.
Which is your favourite?
Mandela I like them all, but I prefer
You What is your native
Mandela It’s the South African
language of Xhosa.
You What was your job before Mandela I tried to understand them.
retiring? I studied their language
Mandela First, I was a lawyer, then I and their culture.
was in prison for 27 years You You won many awards.
and after that I became Which is your favourite?
president of South Africa. Mandela I like that there is a species
You Why were you in prison? of spider named after me!
Mandela Because I fought against
You How was it possible to
get on with your prison

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