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Andres, Nicholai P.


Discuss four ways by which you can “de-develop.” “De-development” is a

concept introduced by Jason Hickel. The idea is that the rich countries should
slow down in their consumption so that poor nations can “catch-up.”How do
you think will this “de-development” impacts your life? Follow the format below.

Ways by which I can “de-develop” Impacts of this “de-development in

my life
Example: I will be able to save extra money and
I will lessen my milk tea consumption spend this on school-related things.
from five (5) times per week to once Also, I will be able to reduce my sugar
per week only. intake which means I am also taking a
step towards a healthier lifestyle.
1. I will consume less junk food from I will preserve my money. I will be able
every day to twice a week. to buy drawing materials for my major
2. I will stop playing mobile games Mobile games won’t take me
for the meantime to focus on my somewhere and it won’t improve my
studies grades. The time I allotted for playing
mobile games will now the time for
studying and doing requirements so
my grades will improve.
3. I will not over spend on car parts Instead, I will save up my money for
future emergencies.
4. I will stop procrastinating and I won’t be stressed and I will be more
focus on my tasks productive

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