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Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 50 Czas: 40 min

Audio 5 Zadanie 1 ( _____ / 5)

Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie wypowiedzi na temat badmintona. Na podstawie informacji zawartych
w nagraniu, w pytaniach 1–5 zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź: A, B lub C.

Przykład: What’s the recording about?

A Unusual tennis matches.
B A popular racket sport.
C The history of badminton equipment. shuttlecock

1 Why did the British soldiers introduce a court with a net?

A To compete with players from India.
B To make the game more interesting to play.
C To create rules similar to other games.

2 The name badminton comes from the name of ...

A an English soldier.
B a private residence in England.
C an Indian city.

3 How much does a shuttlecock weigh?

A About 5 grams.
B About 11 grams.
C As much as a tennis ball.

4 Which information is mentioned in the recording?

A The shape of the racket.
B The size of the net.
C The number of feathers in a shuttlecock.

5 How long was the shortest badminton match?

A 2 minutes.
B 4 minutes.
C 6 minutes.

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, wydanie jednotomowe © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Zadanie 2 ( _____ / 5)
Zakreśl poprawną formę: A lub B.

Przykład: Sorry, but I didn’t ____ your name. A take B catch

1 Sailing is an ____ sport. A outdoor B indoor

2 When riding a bike, you’d better wear a ____ on your head. A tracksuit B helmet
3 Everybody should ____ some sport at least twice a week. A take up B do
4 My team ____ a point in the last minute and we won! A scored B did
5 Dad took Luke to an exciting ____ event. A practice B sporting

Zadanie 3 ( _____ / 10)

Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

at beat coach draw for in on lost practice rinks sport spectators team

Przykład: Put your cap on before swimming here.

1 I’m going ____________ a run. Will you join me?

2 I’m really bad ____________ bowling.
3 Greg goes to football ____________ three times a week.
4 Our karate ____________ told us to be systematic.
5 The ____________ had a great time watching their team in action.
6 The fans were sad because their team had ____________ the match.
7 The match ended in a ____________. It was 1:1.
8 Their team is good, and they can easily ____________ Manchester United.
9 Are there any skating ____________ where you live?
10 You’re good, so take part ____________ this competition.

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, wydanie jednotomowe © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Zadanie 4 ( _____ / 5)
W poniższych zdaniach wybierz poprawną opcję.

Przykład: Before I went to high school, I practised / had practised swimming for 5 years.

1 He has already come / had already come back from the tournament when I saw him on Tuesday.

2 Before Karol lost / had lost yesterday, he had been a champion for 3 years.

3 I realised I left / had left my tennis racket at home.

4 As soon as / Before Mary came back home, she turned on the TV to watch the volleyball match.

5 The kids went / had gone home after they had taken photos with the Harlem Globetrotter athletes.

Zadanie 5 ( _____ / 10)

Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach w czasie Simple Past i Past Perfect.

Przykład: I (cannot) couldn’t go skating because I (leave) had left my skates at home.

1 After Jack (hit) _________________ the ball hard, his team (score) _________________ a point.
2 Barbara’s basketball team (start) __________________ winning as soon as their opponents’ best
player (leave) _________________ the court.
3 The footballer (get) _________________ a red card because he (attack) __________________
another player.
4 Before Jeff (become) _________________ a sports journalist, he (play) __________________
basketball in a high school team.
5 Michelle was talking on the phone and she (not / notice) _______________________ that the match
(already / start) _________________________.

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, wydanie jednotomowe © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Zadanie 6 ( _____ / 5)
Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji dobierz właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl: A, B lub C.

Przykład: Kolega proponuje ci wzięcie udziału w miejskim biegu. Jak odrzucisz tę propozycję?
A I’d like to try.
B I’d love to, but I’m very tired.
C I’d like to buy comfortable trainers.

1 Jak zaproponujesz koledze wspólne wyjście na siłownię?

A Why don’t we go to the gym?
B I’d like to go to the gym.
C We often go to the gym.

2 Nie wierzysz, że szkolna drużyna przegrała mecz. Jak to wyrazisz w rozmowie z kolegą?
A They don’t feel like winning.
B Maybe some other time.
C You must be joking!

3 Twój kuzyn chciałby zagrać z tobą w tenisa. Zaakceptuj propozycję.

A Do you mind playing tennis?
B With pleasure.
C I feel like going.

4 Chcesz zmotywować kolegę do rozpoczęcia nauki pływania. Jak to powiesz?

A Do you like swimming here?
B Maybe we could swim some other time.
C Why don’t you take up swimming?

5 Twój kolega chce wykonać skok na bungee, ale ty próbujesz go od tego odwieść. Jak to powiesz?
A Thanks, it’s dangerous.
B I don’t think it’s a good idea.
C Let’s not jump tomorrow.

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, wydanie jednotomowe © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

Zadanie 7 ( _____ / 10)

W e-mailu do kolegi/koleżanki opisz mecz lub wydarzenie sportowe, które utkwiło ci w pamięci.
W e-mailu:
• podaj, kiedy odbyło się to wydarzenie,
• opisz jego przebieg,
• napisz, dlaczego do tej pory je pamiętasz.

Limit słów: 50-120.


Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, wydanie jednotomowe © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

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