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Industry Category & Characteristics

An efficient approach to learning is through online instructions and the majority of instructions are

delivered using a learning management system which enables participants to exchange ideas or enhance

their performances. Additionally, online learning has made it quite simple to get in touch with other

participants and trainers in case an emergency arises. The goal of up skilling training is to enhance an

employee's existing skills and knowledge so when an employee is promoted, could serve as an illustration

of this. They are promoted to new positions because of their existing abilities but they might need to

develop new ones in order to handle a new obstacle that’s why up skilling training becomes quite vital.

Both soft and hard skills can be improved by up skilling. For instance, if an individual is upgrading their

abilities in order to move into a management position then their training might concentrate on soft skills

like decision-making, communication, and problem-solving. Hard up skilling would put more of an

emphasis on technical skills and abilities such as learning how to utilize a new program.

Industry Regulations

Lowering regulatory burdens in areas that require assistance CED promotes "smart regulation"

which involves carefully evaluating the worth of laws based on their outcomes, the market, and constantly

updating regulations to take into account new information or changing conditions. Regulations should be

modified to reflect the "facts on the ground" as regions deal with the rapid changes in technology, skills

in demand, job displacement, and the potential economic issues that follow. The benefits and costs of laws

in their particular labor market setting should be reevaluated and reweighed by policymakers at all levels


of government and business leaders by enabling their communities to better position themselves to

embrace chances for widely shared growth in the economy.

Evaluating and supporting the most effective training models

The training strategies that show to be the most successful over the long term should be pursued

by policymakers and corporate executives. In reality, every worker will have different needs and limits

and in each case the policymakers should be unconcerned with the type of training that is provided. The

most efficient methods should obtain US backing and be disseminated across sectors or locales whether

they are offered by a union or association within a sector by a collaboration between an employer and a

community college or by a private provider. The federal government will play a crucial role in funding

the examination of potential methods and current models while also encouraging more extensive


Market Overview

The delivery of information through the use of various electronic devices and communication

technology (ICT) is e-learning. Through the internet, intranet, or satellite broadcast which disseminates

information in the form of text, image, animation, video, and audio files. With e-learning the time is saved,

customization is provided, and a larger audience is reached. As a result, it is useful in a variety of sectors

including agriculture, healthcare, training and many others. E-learning services are used by the corporate

sector in the United States to conduct training sessions for group projects. The widespread use of these

solutions by a variety of training institutions is the main factor driving the United States E-learning

Market. Additionally, the industry is being further boosted by the rising use of smartphones, tablets, and

laptops with extensive commoditization of technology and digitization of business operations. The

availability of service providers and the use of cutting-edge tools by businesses to make the platforms

more dynamic or engaging have expanded the use of e-learning platforms. Moreover, the government's

directive to institutions gets switched to e-learning solutions for training has encouraged market


Market Growth

The United States E-learning Market will grow with a double-digit CAGR of 12.5% during 2021-

2027 and United States E-Learning Market Size was US$ 59.52 Billion in 2021.The growing use of

artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions by several institutions is the key factor

driving the United States E-Learning Market.

Market Trends

According to this trend, 55% of the employees who responded to the poll said they had taken

independent efforts to seek external L&D in the previous year while 45% said they had not. The following

were cited as motivations for doing so, being current and keeping up with trends (70%); maintaining one's

competitiveness in the job market (61%); and learning new skills that might not be applicable to one's

current position (50%).

Additionally, those working for small, medium-sized businesses (SMEs), and those under the age

of 40 are more likely than others to seek outside training with nearly two-thirds of SMEs' employees

(63%) doing so. MNCs (53%) and large private companies (51%)

The top three skills that employees sought external up skilling initiatives, namely:

 Technical skills (i.e. industry-specific technical skills) (59%)

 Technology skills (i.e. general technology skills such as AI, software proficiency), and (59%)
 Soft/adaptive skills (e.g. communication, leadership etc.) (53%)



It supports the stability of both coworkers and employees as it is an essential part of plans for

development and growth that is sustainable. Enhancing employee performance, productivity, and retention

are all benefits of upskilling workforce. It will be a more beneficial acquisition for business and one will

quickly notice a difference in the way entire staff functions.


Market Segmentations



Market Size

 The United States E-Learning industry is anticipated to increase by $21.64 billion in 2024.

 34% of the platforms in the online learning sector are owned by the United States.

 The North American LMS market was worth $3.97 billion in 2019.

 Over $20 billion worth of the industry was held by the United States for roughly 43% of it.

 The US has led the way in corporate sector and holds a substantial portion of the industry.

 However, prior events might demonstrate how the market's size has evolved and which industries

have performed better or worse than expected.

 Mobile learning services and goods were brought for $1.6 billion in 2014.

 By 2019, it was anticipated to reach $2.1 billion.

 The market for self-paced learning at the time was dominated by the US at 50%.

Demographics & Buyers Characteristics

By profession and level of education participation varies greatly. For instance, 75% of workers in

the computer industry and 72% of engineers or scientists have upgraded their skills in the last year. Less


than one-third of employees in low-skilled jobs like food preparation, office administration, production,

and transportation have taken upskilling courses.

Millions of employees everywhere are utilizing training options which are typically covered by

their employer to improve their abilities, increase their pay by an average of 9%, and increase job

satisfaction. These chances are not made available to people seeking to change occupations but rather to

those who are already employed in skilled professions.

The majority of workers (57%) are extremely or very interested in taking training to improve

existing skills or learn new ones that could progress their careers. Interest increases to 71% when the

training is free and employees are compensated while participating (just like they would be at work). In

contrast 47% of workers are eager to enroll in college or university courses for training.

Consumer Analysis

More than 15,000 U.S. individuals who are working or actively seeking employment (i.e., not

currently employed but intending to find work) were surveyed by Gallup about their attitudes and

experiences with up skilling. More than half of these workers (57%) express "severe" or "very" interest in

taking part in an up skilling program, although only slightly fewer (52%) indicate they have done so in

the last 12 months. 63% of individuals who indicate they are interested in up skilling program do so to

advance their professions.

Black workers are the most likely to have participated in up skilling with 64% having done so in

the previous year followed by Hispanic workers with 63%. While White workers are among the least

likely to have done so, with nearly half (46%) stating they have. Asian workers are far less likely (51%)

to have attended an up skilling program in the last year.

According to the data, up skilling program clearly benefit both U.S. workers and their employers.

These benefits include an increase in annual income of 8.6% for workers (roughly $8,000 on average),

opportunities for advancement, greater job satisfaction, employee retention, and a higher standard of


living. Employees claim to be extremely interested in employer-provided up skilling primarily to assist

improve their careers but their employers are only partially able to satisfy this need.

Total Available Market - The aim is to upskill 55,000 people through its programs on learning,

application, experience and coaching. The US corporate learning market is pegged at $150 billion

compared to the $5 billion market for industry-led learning.

Serviceable Available Market - Since they offer remote services so they can serve customers anywhere

in the world thus anyone who wants to upskill their staff then can take advantage of this opportunity.

Companies that upskill their workers so they can complete tasks faster, provide new ideas, solutions, and

take on more difficult responsibilities.


Target Market – The target market of the upskilling industry are the companies that wants to switch

towards sustainability and for those who seek out opportunities to coach or be mentored with having a

tendency to regard themselves as leaders. To use coaching to get them ready for management positions

especially if it incorporates technology and is a terrific method to help them grow or get their organizations

ready for success.



Competitive Analysis

The up skilling Industry is competitive and is somewhat consolidated. The key market competitors

are concentrating on developing better ways of learning, training, skills & growth for employees and for

the Industry as well. For instance advance their employees to work in a better & a productive way.

Some of the major players in the market are InStride, A Cloud Guru, Mursion, BetterUp, Hemsley

Fraser, and Education Technology Insights.


We collaborate with top corporate institutions to provide specialized learning pathways that assist

staff in acquiring the in-demand skills your business needs to prosper both today and in the future.

Instride is the first and only global learning service company that works with employers to give

their employees opportunity to obtain credentials and degrees from the best universities.

Status quo - Social Media

 Facebook: 52 likes & 116 followers

 Instagram: 1,110 followers & 2,397 following

 YouTube: 28 subscribers

 LinkedIn: 5,591 followers

 Twitter: 1,697 following & 665 followers



A Cloud Guru

A Cloud Guru is an online training platform for people interested in different categories including

information technology.


With an internet connection data may be retrieved and uploaded from any location as employees

are free to work from anywhere. For the majority of businesses that use a variety of operating systems,

platforms, and devices then cloud computing is an appealing alternative.

Status quo - Social Media

 Facebook: 53,162 likes & 60,107 followers

 Twitter: 15 following & 51.7K followers

 LinkedIn: 210,830 followers

 Instagram: 15.9K followers & 44 following

 YouTube: 131K subscribers




Mursion offers interactive simulations to help leaders develop a range of competencies including

how to coach for performance improvement, give direct, frank feedback, and foster inclusive team

dynamics. One-size-fits-all, traditional leadership is a thing of the past as the modern leader is inclusive

which takes calculated risks, offers assurance in an uncertain world, and motivates others by having a

lived-in genuine understanding of the situation and the individuals involved.

Mursion encourages a unique culture in which people can take risks in the quest to enhance

interpersonal relationships. Team players that are comfortable working in dispersed contexts and with

remote teams are the best candidates for Mursion. They should also be committed to the idea that high-

impact learning experiences can be both powerful and fun.

Status quo - Social Media

 Facebook: 187 likes & 225 followers

 Instagram: 229 followers & 17 following


 Twitter: 621 following & 925 followers

 YouTube: 544 subscribers

 LinkedIn: 7,884 followers




BetterUp transforms performance and growth for people, teams, and organizations where it matters

most for career with leadership development.

The platform developed by BetterUp integrates coaching, technology, and behavioral science to

bring about change at a large scale while enhancing personal resilience, flexibility, and effectiveness.

BetterUp uses a network of more than 3,000 coaches to create a customized, transformative experience

for each of its customers. Focused on fostering growth for both individual members and their organizations

work in 64 languages across more than 70 countries globally.

Status quo - Social Media

 Facebook: 5,095 likes this & 5,710 followers

 Instagram: 22.1K followers & 55 following

 LinkedIn: 133,185 followers

 Twitter: 3,621 following & 23.3K followers




Education Technology Insights

A business technology publication is called Education Technology Insights. For HODs, VPs,

senior-level industry experts, and decision-makers in the field of education it is the go-to source for

learning about and exchanging experiences with products, services, technologies, and emerging trends in

education technology. Along with brief but in-depth articles about the leading suppliers in the education

sector it offers senior executives a knowledge platform where they can exchange experiences and learn

from one another.

Through its unique technique of learning from peers, Education Technology Insights brings

together and presents a comprehensive picture of how technology may benefit institutions and how

educators can use contemporary tools to elevate learning.

Status quo - Social Media

 Facebook: 1,580 followers

 Twitter: 3,112 following & 2,966 followers




Hemsley Fraser

Hemsley Fraser has collaborated with businesses all over the world to offer learning and

development solutions that inspire action, boost productivity, encourage ground-breaking discoveries, and

bolster market position. We have been able to maintain an average annual growth rate of more than 35%

significantly beyond industry averages, thanks to our effectiveness in meeting a wide range of client needs.

Hemsley Fraser offers a variety of highly engaging learning resources including podcasts, e-books,

video clips, info graphics, and quizzes. The company also offers expert-led training, coaching, learning

hub, and outsourced L&D support.

Status quo - Social Media

 Instagram: 489 followers & 224 following

 LinkedIn: 5,922 followers

 YouTube: 360 subscribers




SWOT analysis is a technique for assessing these four aspects of your business and it is a tool that

can help you to analyze what your company does best now and to devise a successful strategy for the


Consider the following:


 Advantages  Lack of compliance
 Improved productivity  Lack of inclusive content
 Increases confidence & and design
engages team  Not using data
 Allows employees to  Lack of commitment to
improve their current service & quality
skills  Lack of internet access
 Improve control over time
and space
 Builds the future leaders

 Hiring Up and Up skilling  Lack of time and resources
Reduces turnover  Disconnect from career
 Stimulate employee progression
engagement  Resistance from employees
 Reduce hiring and and senior management
onboarding costs  Security concerns
 Employees become more  Competition & addiction to
productive and efficient technology
 Increase knowledge


The SWOT analysis of online learning can be done from various angles for instance some trainers joined

in along with the participants. The SWOT analysis of participants at corporate institutions will be

identified first.



Improved Productivity - Employees that receive up skilling, not only perform their jobs more effectively

but they are also better equipped to handle difficulties. Better work outcomes and bigger profits are always

indicators of higher productivity.

Increases Confidence & Engages Team - This feeling of inadequacy is reduced through upskilling.

Through employee training and development, trainers assist staff members in improving their present

abilities and gaining familiarity with cutting-edge technology. The greatest approach to make sure that

employees have access to the right learning opportunities as up skilling. Every facet of professional

development from communication to technical abilities must be covered in a training program.

It Allows Employees to Improve Their Current Skills - Mastering current skills are a crucial component

of improving one's employment. Gaining new skills offer the ability to advance both personally and

professionally. It's one of the reasons businesses should make up skilling a part of their staff development


Strengths of Competitor

Improve control over time and space - The advantages of A Cloud Computing are that they offers high-

quality instruction, value, technological problem solutions, lower costs, and better time and space control.

The most significant benefit of cloud computing is cost reduction for businesses and institutions.

Increased collaboration between students, professors, and employers get easy access to corporation

through cloud computing resulting in an increased knowledge and the ability to make the most of available



It Builds the Future Leaders - Future leaders must be developed in every organization to take over

operational duties. There is evidence that up skilling affects workers as and encourages staff to take on

more responsibility as up skilling primarily closes the skills gap or boosts confidence.


Lack of compliance - A workplace training program must be in compliance with the relevant laws especially

when it deals with regulated topics like harassment or data privacy. A business may be at risk if workplace

training is not routinely updated to meet legislative or regulatory developments.

Lack of inclusive content and design - Because of the increased diversity in modern workplaces employees

may disregard the usefulness of the training, tune it out, and even suffer engagement problems if they cannot

fully participate in it or feel excluded by its content.

Not using data - Effective workplace training programs largely rely on data to pinpoint the important topics to

cover, gauge the training's short - long-term effects, and guide future initiatives.

Weaknesses of Competitor

Lack of commitment to service quality and availability - The training requirements, technological illiteracy,

difficult integration with local applications, loss of physical control over the data, and lack of commitment to

service quality or availability are weaknesses of A Cloud Computing.

Lack of internet access - The adoption and implementation of cloud computing are complicated tasks that are

highly dependent on a cloud computing provider due to a number of considerations. Since communication is a

requirement for the Internet, many colleges and businesses lack a reliable internet connection for connecting to

the cloud making the implementation of A Cloud Computing challenging.



Hiring Up and Up skilling Reduces Turnover - Employee up skilling will assist you attract new talent while

also ensuring that your current staff stick around. By assisting your team in learning new skills you may reap

many advantages of having a well-rounded and cross-trained workforce. By providing new learning

opportunities you may increase employee loyalty and show them how they might advance within your


Stimulate Employee Engagement - By respecting their employees businesses may increase worker

performance and retention. Employees are more effective, accurate, and good problem-solvers when they feel

valued in their jobs.

Reduce Hiring and Onboarding Costs - Long-term time and financial savings can come from letting your

staff develop new abilities and progress within the organization. When fewer employees leave your firm, you

can invest more money in growing the company or the team while still maintaining a low employee turnover


Opportunities of Competitor

Employees Become More Productive and Efficient - Addressing training gaps helps employees work more

efficiently and more accurately. Employee up skilling also enables the business to take advantage of new

technologies to tap into new markets and opportunities.

Increase Knowledge - The opportunities in cloud computing with increased understanding will enable users to

access the newest information and technology. In the event of any issues, the cloud provider offers an immediate

remedy without a break in service.



Lack of Time and Resources - Employees are typically diverted from their regular tasks during training

but there is also the issue of time while creating training materials. This is cited by businesses as the main

obstacle to employee up skilling.

Disconnect from Career Progression - Although training is valued by employees as a means of

advancing their careers more than half of them claim that it had no impact on their pay and another 44%

claim that it didn't help them develop within their firm. This frequently occurs when training is provided

merely for its own sake and when companies fail to establish clear training goals that will help team

members advance their careers.

Resistance from Employees and Senior Management - Employees could perceive training as something

that is being forced upon them without any benefit. Senior executives could also prefer to spend their

money on things that have observable results.

Threats of Competitor

Security Concerns - Protection problems linked to the security of employee data are the biggest dangers

to the adoption of cloud computing since the data value and must be protected. Security is crucial in the

cloud and the key obstacle to overcome an online database.

Competition & Addiction to technology - Most of the companies are switching towards providing

upskilling to their employees due to competition. Additionally, technology addiction has the potential to

be very harmful and to worsen a number of neurological, psychological, and societal issues. There have

been fatalities as a result of digital addiction although it is uncommon.


How will the business’ strengths help capitalize on available opportunities while minimizing

The business will prioritize their competitors as those can produce new products, and technology

advancement is beneficial to the modern society. The development of all industries has become possible

by technological expansion as they can learn more, advance in their lives, and increase their productivity

at work within a relatively short period of time.

How will the business weaknesses prevent it from maximizing on these opportunities?

Business is aware of its weaknesses but there are opportunities in the environment and it will focus

only on those as business will provide best training so that companies won’t face turnover rate or will

reduce hiring rates. In this way employees become more productive when business lacks the resources

such as staff or equipment and this is relevant. Your options are limited despite the fact that you could be

competent to serve the market.

How will the business weaknesses expose it to threats?

The sector will make the company stronger by addressing its weaknesses. The ideal outcome is to

turn the weaknesses into strengths and they will confidently resist off threats once they can address their

flaws and eradicate them.


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