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Topik/Tema : Procedure Text

Subtopik/Subtema : Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense

Tujuan Pembelajaran :

1. I will be able to learn words to talk about the environment.

2. I will be able to read a procedure text about recycling.
3. I will be able to practice modal verbs of obligation by making sentences about what people must
4. I will be able to practice forming and answering questions in the present simple and present
continuous tense.
Presentation 1 - Reading Aloud!

How to Make a Plastic Bottle Planter

1. First, clean the bottles thoroughly. As the bottle is drying, prepare a scissor and a knife.
2. Then, carefully cut the bottle into half by using a pair of scissors or utility knife.
3. Add holes to the bottom of your bottle for the plant drainage with your scissor.
4. After that, paint the bottle by using the acrylic paint. Add multiple layers so the bottle is fully
covered, then let it dry.
5. Decorate your platter. You can add more colors or put some decorative ornament to make it
6. Add a bit of potting soil and repot your plants into your plastic bottle planter.
7. Finally, find a spot for your planter. You can put it both indoor and outdoor.
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Activity 1 - Exercise!
Question number 1-5 is based on the following text.

How to Sort Our Waste for Recycling

1. First, know types of waste. There are organic waste (food waste, chicken bone, fish spine),
paper waste (cardboard, HVS paper, paper bag), and glass/metal/plastic waste (plastic bottle,
plastic packaging, can, metal stationery).
2. Then, provide different bins for each types of waste. For the organic waste, make sure you use
a lid to prevent pests and odor.
3. Spare some time to sort your waste. Make sure your non-organic waste are cleaned from any
organic waste.
4. Do it consistently! Once each waste is collected, you can send it to any waste management in
your area.

1. The text tells us about ….

a. how to provide trash bins c. how to produce waste

b. how to sort plastics d. how to separate our trash

2. What materials that we need to sort our waste?

a. trash bins c. cardboard

b. plastic d. bottle

3. When we sort non-organic waste, ensure that …

a. they have different colors. c. they have lid on it.

b. they are wet. d. they are clean.

4. What we have to provide for organic waste?

a. trash bins c. plastic

b. lid d. bottle

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5. What will we do next after waste are collected?

a. Keep it in the trash bins c. Send it to waste management

b. Collect the waste. d. Throw it away.

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Presentation 2 - Pictionary!
Look at the picture below. What do you think? What should people do to prevent this happen?

Activity 2 - A Mayor!
Look again at the given picture above and write down the obligations by using should, have to, must,
and ought to. Use the verbs provided in the box.

1. We should not throw rubbish into the sea.




recycle sort reduce

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Activity 1. Look at the picture below and answer the questions by using Present Continuous Tense
and Simple Present Tense.

1. What are the kids doing in the picture?

2. Why do the kids do the following activities?

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Activity 2
Student A - Sheet A. Complete the procedure text below by interviewing your friend! For example:
Asking for the title
You ask : What does the procedure tell about?
Your Friend’s Answer: The procedure tells about how to make paper by recycling old paper.
What you write : How to make paper by recycling old paper




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Student A - Sheet B. You will be interviewed by your friend about the following procedure text.
Response to your friend’s question based on the following information. The example is as follow:
Asking for the title
Your Friend Ask : What does the procedure tell about?
You Answer : The procedure tells about how to make paper by recycling old paper.

How to Make Paper by Recycling Old Paper

First, you have to prepare …
a. Teared used papers (Magazines, newspapers, notebook, etc)
b. Plastic netted piece
c. Blender
d. No-sticky surface
e. Large bowl

There are 8 steps…
1. Blend the teared paper with warm water until it is smooth
2. After it becomes pulp, pour it into a bowl with water
3. Place a plastic netted piece under the water.
4. Allow the pulp to gather on the top of the plastic netted piece.
5. Bring net straight out of the water and shape the pulp
6. Place the pulp into a non-sticky surface. Let it dry.
7. Carefully take off the net, let the other side dry.
8. When it is completely dry, the recycled paper is ready to use.

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Student B - Sheet A. Complete the procedure text below by interviewing your friend! For example:
Asking for the title
You ask : What does the procedure tell about?
Your Friend’s Answer: The procedure tells about how to make a pencil holder from a plastic bottle
What you write : How to make a pencil holder from a plastic bottle




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Student B - Sheet B. You will be interviewed by your friend about the following procedure text.
Response to your friend’s question based on the following information. The example as follow:
Asking for the title
Your Friend Ask : What does the procedure tell about?
You Answer : The procedure tells about how to make a pencil holder from a plastic bottle.

How to Make a Pencil Holder from Plastic Bottle

First, you have to prepare ….
a. A plastic bottle
b. Cutter
c. Scissor
d. Coloured tissue papers
e. Glue

There are seven steps …
1. First, you have to clean the plastic bottle
2. Cut the plastic bottle into two parts
3. Tear the coloured paper
4. Glue the plastic bottle
5. Stick the coloured paper to the plastic bottle
6. Paint the plastic bottle to give it more decoration
7. Your pencil holder from a plastic bottle is ready to use

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