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Harassing tactics against opposing counsel; Unsupported ill-motives attributed to a judge

Judge Acpajora v. Calayan

A.C. No. 8208, January 10, 2018


“A lawyer's duty, is not to his client but primarily to the administration of justice. To that end, his
client's success is wholly subordinate. His conduct ought to, and must always, be scrupulously
observant of the law and ethics. Any means, not honorable, fair and honest which is resorted to by
the lawyer, even in the pursuit of his devotion to his client's cause, is condemnable and unethical.”


 Before the Court is a Counter-Complaint1 filed by complainant (Ret.) Judge Virgilio Alpajora
(Complainant) against respondent Atty. Ronaldo Antonio V. Calayan (Respondent), which
originated from an administrative complaint filed by the latter against the former before the
OCA for ignorance of the law and/or issuance of undue order.

 Complainant averred that the administrative case against him by respondent was brought
about by his issuance of the omnibus order, where he ordered the creation of a management
committee and appointment of its members. Meanwhile, the RTC resolved that Atty.
Acyatan continue to discharge his duties and responsibilities with such powers and
authority as the court-appointed receiver.

 The trial court also authorized the foundation to pay Atty. Acyatan reimbursement expenses
and professional charges. Complainant claimed that his order was not acceptable to
respondent because he knew the import and effect of the said order - that he, together with
his wife and daughter, would lose their positions as Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary,
respectively, and as members of the Board of Trustees of the CEFI.

 Complainant also disclosed that before his sala, respondent filed eighteen (18) repetitious
and prohibited pleadings. Respondent continuously filed pleadings after pleadings as if to
impress upon the court to finish the main intra-corporate case with such speed.

 Moreover, respondent filed nine (9) criminal charges against opposing lawyers and their
respective clients before the City Prosecutor of Lucena City. In addition, there were four (4)
administrative cases filed against opposing counsels pending before the IBP Commission on
Bar Discipline.

 Based on the findings, the recommendation of the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline:
As a party directly involved in the subject intra-corporate controversy, it is duly noted that
Respondent was emotionally affected by the ongoing case. His direct interest in the
proceedings apparently clouded his judgment, on account of which he failed to act with
circumspect in his choice of words and legal remedies. Such facts and circumstances mitigate
Respondent's liability. Hence, it is hereby recommended that Respondent be suspended
from the practice of law for two (2) years.
Whether or not Atty. Calayan should be suspended.


YES. The Court emphasizes that a case for disbarment or suspension is not meant to grant relief to a
complainant as in a civil case, but is intended to cleanse the ranks of the legal profession of its
undesirable members in order to protect the public and the courts.44 Proceedings to discipline
erring members of the bar are not instituted to protect and promote the public good only, but also to
maintain the dignity of the profession by the weeding out of those who have proven themselves
unworthy thereof.

The Court is mindful of the lawyer's duty to defend his client's cause with utmost zeal. However,
professional rules impose limits on a lawyer's zeal and hedge it with necessary restrictions and
qualifications.The filing of cases by respondent against the adverse parties and their counsels, as
correctly observed by the Investigating Commissioner, manifests his malice in paralyzing the
lawyers from exerting their utmost effort in protecting their client's interest. Even assuming
arguendo that such acts were done without malice, it showed respondent's gross indiscretion as a
colleague in the legal profession.

Atty. Calayan's indiscriminate filing of pleadings, motions, civil and criminal cases, and even
administrative cases against different trial court judges relating to controversies involving CEFI, in
fact, runs counter to the speedy disposition of cases. It frustrates the administration of justice. It
degrades the dignity and integrity of the courts.

WHEREFORE, the Court ADOPTS and APPROVES the Resolution of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines - Board of Governors dated September 28, 2013. Accordingly, Atty. Ronaldo
Antonio V. Calayan is found GUILTY of violating The Lawyer's Oath and The Code of
Professional Responsibility and he is hereby ordered SUSPENDED from the practice of law
for two (2) years, with a STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or a similar offense
will warrant the imposition of a more severe penalty.

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