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TEST la Limba engleză

Anul şcolar 2022-2023

Clasa a VI-a, Frecventa Redusa

I. Write sentences about yourself. Use always/never/often/sometimes/usually.

1 (watch television) ……………………………………………………………

2 (read in bed) …………………………………………………………….................

3 (get up before 7 o’clock) ………………………………………………………………………

4 (go to school by bus) ……………………………………………………………………………

5 (drink coffee) ……………………………………………………………………………

5*3p=15 p.
II. Fill in the right form of the verb TO BE.

1. They …………… good friends.

2. She ……………in the middle of the street.
3. It ………………a nice dog.
4. It ……………...not a tall tree.
5. We ……………pupils.
6. What …………this?
7. .She …………..a pretty girl.
8. You ………….a tall man.
9. That chair ……..round.
10. This woman ……….beautiful.
III. Give advice in the following situations. Use should/ought to.

It’s raining and your friend wants to go out.

Your brother is fat and he wants to eat sweets.
Maria got a 5 in Chemistry and she is upset.
3*5p=15 p.
IV. Class these words under two headings: family members and other.

Sister, aunt, neighbour, cousin, garage, motorbike, grand-parents, father, baby, car park,
mother-in-law, red, stepfather, school, drinks, brother, grand-father, novel, nephew.
10*2p=20 p.
V. Translate into English:

 Este duminica.
 Astazi este o zi minunata.
 Voi iesi in oras cu prietenii mei.
 Ei sunt prietenii mei cei mai buni.

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