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216 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Develop a Organize
Testing and Design of
focused problem Process Analysis potential
Regression Experiments
statement causes

217 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Brainstorm on X’s
Find change of which X’s affect Y and in what manner
Ultimately find which X’s are critical to move the Y in the desired


218 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Understanding Process

219 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


To better understand your

process, you will:

− Create a flowchart of your

− Identify which of your
process steps are value-
added and which are

− Determine cycle time and identify bottlenecks.

− Look for errors or inefficiencies that contribute to defects.

220 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Flowcharts are tools that make a process visible.

Start Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Decision Step 6 End


Step 4 Step 5

221 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


− Activity flowcharts − Deployment flowcharts

Sales Technical Shipping Coordinator

222 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Hotel Check-out Process Process Name

Activity flowcharts
are specific about 1
Approach front desk
Is there
a line?
what happens in a direction of
NO flow (top to
process. They often Numbered 4
bottom or
steps Step up to desk left to right)
capture decision
points, rework 5
Clerk NO
loops, complexity, available?
Key of symbols
etc. YES

7 Consistent
Give room number
Start/End level of
Check bill


Charges NO 10
Sequence correct? Correct charges


Clear starting
Pay bill and ending
Date of creation points
or update &
name of creator

223 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Deployment flowcharts show People or groups

the detailed steps in a listed across the top Invoicing Process

process and which people Sales Billing Shipping Customer Elapsed

or groups are involved in Steps listed in 1 Time flows
each step. column of person or
Delivers goods
down the
group doing step or 2 8
They are particularly useful in charge Notifies sales of
completed delivery
5 days

in processes that involve 3

Records receipt and
Sends invoice to
the flow of information customer
claims against this

between people or 4 10
10 days

functions, as they help Notifies billing

of invoice
Receives invoice

highlight handoff areas. 5

Checks invoice
Files invoice against receipt

Pays bill

Receives and
records payment
Horizontal lines
clearly identify
Reviews weekly
report of overdue

224 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Basic Activity Deployment

Flowchart Flowchart Flowchart
• To identify the major • To display the • To help highlight
steps of the process complexity and handoff areas in
and where it begins decision points of a processes between
and ends process people or functions

• To illustrate where in • To identify rework • To clarify roles and

the process you will loops and bottlenecks indicate dependencies
collect data

Which flowchart do you intend to use for your project?

225 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


When creating a flowchart, work with a group

so you can get multiple viewpoints.
− Brainstorm action steps
 Write these on self-stick notes or on
a flipchart
 Make sure to include the steps that
occur when things go wrong

− Arrange the steps in sequence

 Be consistent in the direction of flow—
time should always flow from top to bottom, or from left to right
 Use appropriate flowchart symbols

− Check for missing steps or decision points

− Number the steps

226 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Flowcharts can map four different perspectives on a process:

− What you think the process is.
− What the process really is.
− What the process could be.
− What the process should be.
At this stage of a DMAIC project, you are trying to define the current
situation, as it is. Therefore, your flowchart(s) should map what is really
happening in the process.

227 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Process Steps [As we think]

Put original Adjust Press Remove

Close Lid originals
on glass Settings START
and copies

228 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Take Original Copier Yes Wait? No Leave

in Use?


Place No Glass Yes

Original Dirty? Clean

Select Select Select Paper? No Find

Size Orientation Number Paper
Box No Knife? No Find Open
Open? Knife Box


Yes Paper No Find

Loaded? Help
Yes No

Start Copy Yes Quality No Stop

Copier Made? Ok? Copier Adjust?

Adjust Find
Yes Another Fix No
Page? Problem?

No Yes

Remove Collect Staple Clear

Original Copies copies modes Leave

229 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Value-Added Step:
− Customers are willing to pay for it.
− It physically changes the product.
− It’s done right the first time.
Nonvalue-Added Step:
− Is not essential to produce output.
− Does not add value to the output.
− Includes:
 Defects, errors, omissions.
 Preparation/setup, control/inspection.
 Over-production, processing, inventory.
 Transporting, motion, waiting, delays.

230 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Value-Added Activities Nonvalue-Added Activities

• Entering order • Waiting

• Ordering materials • Storing
• Preparing drawing • Staging
• Assembling • Counting
• Legally mandated testing • Inspecting
• Packaging • Recording
• Shipping to customer • Obtaining Approvals
• Testing
• Reviewing
• Copying
• Filing
• Revising/Reworking
• Tracking

231 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

You can turn an Start

activity 9.
flowchart into Stop
packing line
an opportunity
2. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yes 10.
flowchart by Same
Run test Speed
highlighting No
the steps that 3.
No 12.
appropriate okay? test carton
add waste and tools machine
complexity to 18. 13.
Stop Load carton
the process. line
Yes 17. 16. No 15. 14.
Right Call Product? Refill
product? foil



Example: Changeover process

232 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Organization of Potential Cause

233 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Organizing for Potential Causes

− Understand the need to organize potential causes visually

− Know when and how to construct a C&E diagram

− Know when and how to create and use a tree diagram or an

affinity diagram

234 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


What is Brainstorming ?
• Brainstorming is a simple but effective technique for
generating many ideas of a group of people within a
short span of time to solve a given problem


➢ Defer evaluation
➢ Fantasize freely
➢ Generate quantity
➢ Build on ideas

235 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

• Put critical faculties in cold storage- even constructive
criticism. This is to ensure a proper climate of
acceptance of all sorts of ideas. No idea should be
treated as stupid.

• Don’t operate with your brakes on. The participants
are encouraged, urged to let themselves go and
generate ideas, no matter how fanciful these ideas are.

236 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

• Generate as many ideas as possible. A pearl diver will
be more successful in finding pearls, perhaps the pearl,
when he brings up 200 oysters than when he surfaces
only 15-20 oysters.

• Idea of one participant is more effectively built up by
another participant.

237 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

 Deferment of evaluation develops the appropriate
psychologically safe climate for ideation
 The uniqueness of each participants’ knowledge is
tapped to develop new insights
 Ideas of one participant tend to trigger off ideas in the
brains of other group members
 Free association encourages fruitful ideation
 The pressure of time bound sessions in a non-
threatening atmosphere is conducive to a high
productivity of ideas
238 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
• To generate in a structured manner, maximum
number of ideas regarding possible causes for a
problem by using brainstorming technique.


 Clarify the problem
 Gather members for discussion
 Conduct Brainstorming session
 Group the causes
Man, Material, Machine, Method etc.
 Draw the cause and effect chart
 Check for missing information
 Determine importance of significance of causes
239 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Man Machine

/ Effect

Material Method

Each of the main branches has many potential

subbranches that further subdivide the potential
240 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Cause and Effect Diagram for High Petrol Consumption
Procedure Driver Vehicle

Spark plugs
Impatience Heavy Contacts
Poor Bad Life
anticipation attitude
Body Technical
Wrong Poor details
skill Shape
Always gears Fuel mix
late Lack of Inexperience High H.P Carburetor
awareness Wrong
Riding on culture Engine
Cylinders High Petrol
Spurious Consumption
Crossings Spares
Restrictions Impurities
Traffic Incorrect
One way
No turn Tyres Inferior Octane no.
Frequent Petrol
Circuitous stops Negligence
Speed Breakers pressure Additives
Potholes Irregular Incorrect viscosity
Low pressure
Poor servicing
condition Oil
False filters
Steep economy Not changed
Low level
Road Maintenance Materials

241 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

• To investigate and list down the cause and effect
relationship of problem under investigation.
• Analyze the problem to trace the real root cause.
• To help stratification for collection of further data
to confirm relationship.
• To help evolve counter-measure.

242 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Identifying Potential Causes: Review

− Start with a narrow problem definition

− List potential root causes
− Organize potential causes using a cause-and-effect
diagram, tree diagram, or affinity diagram
− Visual displays can be a powerful communication tool
− Now it is time to revisit and finalize the focused problem
− None of these causes has been verified; cause verification
is the next step in the DMAIC cycle

243 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Validation of Potential

244 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Yes Use
Potential Too many? matrix
Causes Develop strategy
to minimize
No impact.
No Search for
Controllable? controllable Feasible?

No Relationship Yes
Relationship Yes
Desired Yes Use Investigation
State Method (GEMBA)

Data No Plan for

Available? Experimentation
and Collect Data

Use Test of

245 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Validation of Causes

 GEMBA (Work Place) Investigation

 List each cause and verify them through workplace

Causes Specifications/ Desired Observations Remarks

Bunching Maximum 2 at a 6 out of 10 May be a potential
of car time moments root cause for
Delay in servicing

246 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

H o
:  o
= x

H a
:  o
< x

Hypotheses of
H o
:  A
=  Means

H a
:  A
>  B
Hypotheses of

Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Introduction to Inferential statistics
In various real-life situations , we are interested to make some
decision about the population or process parameters like mean
(µ), variation (σ or σ2 ) and proportion(P).

In such situations, we generally take decision based on the sample

collected from the population or process.

Inferential statistics in an area of statistics where we can learn

how sample statistics (i.e. x-bar, s, s2 ) can be used to make a
decision about the population or process parameters.

248 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Red Apple Garden Green Apple Garden

1. What are the average weights of red and green apples in the garden?

2. I think the weights of red and green apples are not same.

3. I think red apples are more uniform than the green apple.

4. I think percentage of rotten apple is more in case of red apples than

green apples in garden.

249 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Inferential statistics : Estimation Vs. Hypothesis testing

Statistical Inference

Parameter estimation Hypothesis testing

1. Point estimation : It is the value of a single
statistic such as sample mean or sample

2. Confidence interval (CI) estimation: CI

includes the population parameters with some
known probability (i.e. 95% CI of mean is 10,20).

It is a decision making procedure about a hypothesis regarding population

parameters. A hypothesis is a claim or an assertion about a population
parameter that is yet to be proved.
Ex: time spend on mobile phone are different for male and female
250 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Hypothesis Testing
We want to take a practical problem and change it to a statistical
We use relatively small samples to estimate population parameters
✓ There is always a chance that we can select a “weird” sample
✓ Sample may not represent a “typical” set of observations
Inferential statistics allows us to estimate the probability of getting a
“weird” sample
✓ If we wanted to know a coin was “fair”, we could flip it a number
of times and track how many heads we saw
✓ By chance we would expect about 50% of the flips to be heads
✓ If we flipped the coin 10 times and got 10 heads, we would be
fairly confident the coin is not fair
✓ There is one chance out of 1000 that we could have gotten 10
heads with a fair coin
✓ Therefore, we would say we are willing to take a 0.1% chance of
being wrong about our “unfair” coin

251 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Overall Approach

Practical Problem Statistical Problem

y = f ( x1 , x2 ,..., x k )

Practical Solution Statistical Solution

252 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for
efficient citizenship as is the ability to read and write.

H.G. Wells Circa 1925

Key Terms
Ho = Null Hypothesis ,Ha = Alternative
Hypothesis ,P-Value = Probability Value

253 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Formulating Null and Alternative hypothesis
blem S

Null hypothesis(H0) : H0 is a statement about the status quo or normal

condition of the population parameter and it is generally expressed with an
equality (‘=‘) sign. H0 is believed to be true unless it can be shown to be incorrect
beyond a reasonable doubt.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha ) : Ha represent a specific claim or inference about

the population parameter that is contradictory to null hypothesis (H0) and most
of the situation we would like to prove alternative hypothesis. Ha is generally
expressed with greater than (‘>’), less than (‘<‘) or not equal to (‘≠’) sign.

An example : After an improvement , manager in a restaurant is interested to

determine whether waiting time to place an order has changed from earlier value of
5 min.
H0 : µ = 5 min. ; Ha : µ ≠ 5 min.

Note : Hypothesis is all about population or process parameters, it is not about the sample statistics.
Therefore, one should use the symbol µ, σ, σ2 while writing hypothesis.

254 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing
What is it for Statisticians ?
Ho: Mean Group A = Mean Group B
Ha: Mean Group A = Mean Group B

Ho: Slope of the line is 0

Ha: Slope of the line is not 0

Ho: Variance Group A = Variance Group B

Ha: Variance Group A = Variance Group B

Ho: Variable X is independent of Variable Y

Ha: Variable X is not independent of Variable Y

255 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing
What is it for the Average Person ?
Ho: Age doesn’t matter in a company’s hiring practices
Ha: Age does matter in a company’s hiring practices

Ho: Data is Normal

Ha: Data is not Normal

Ho: Batch X Avg. Cycle Time = Batch Y Avg. Cycle Time

Ha: Batch X Avg. Cycle Time = Batch Y Avg. Cycle Time

Ho = _______________________________________
Ha = _______________________________________
256 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
a lp
lem S
a lS

In test of hypothesis we collect the evidence in the form of sample data. Then,
appropriate statistical test are used to examine whether the evidence is
against or in-favour of the H0 .

Two approaches of statistical solution :

1. Critical value approach : According to this approach, the evidence

(sample ) is against the H0 when the test statistic falls within the critical
region. Therefore we reject the H0.

2. P- value approach : According to this approach, the evidence (sample )

is against the H0 when p-value is low .Therefore we reject the H0.
Note : We will used p-value approach in this session
257 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing

Based on what we know, we form a hypothesis to explain something

that we don’t know
Generally, this hypothesis takes the form of: Y=f(x1,x2...xn)
We devise a test to prove the hypothesis true or false by testing the
effect of the x’s on Y
We assume that the null hypothesis is true
We then look for compelling evidence to support or fail to accept that
If we fail to accept the null hypothesis, then we accept the
alternative hypothesis

258 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Steps to carry out hypothesis testing

Step 1 : Understand Start : Hypothesis

Step 2 : Formulate
whether the problem is for testing typically begins
the problem with H0
mean, variation or with a theory, a claim , or
and Ha.
proportion . an assertion about a
particular population
Step 3 : Collect parameter (like mean,
Step 6 : sample data variation or proportion)
Interpreting p-value (evidence) from the
i. p-value > 0.05 :
Sample is in favor of • Test for mean
null hypothesis ( H0) , Step 4 : Select
so your research claim appropriate • Test for variance
(Ha) is false. statistical test.
ii. p-value <= 0.05 : • Test for proportion
Sample is in against Step 5 : Carry out
null hypothesis ( H0) , the test using
so your research claim sample data and get
(Ha) is true. the p-value.
Note:0.05 is called as significance
level that will be discussed later.
259 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Hypothesis Testing

Test for means Test for variance Test for proportion

1.One sample t-test 1. One variance or 1. One Proportion test

Compares mean of one Chi-square test Compares proportion of
sample with specified Compares variance of one one sample with
value.. sample with specified specified value..

2. Two sample t-test

Compares the mean 2. Two variance or F-test 2. Two proportion test
between two Compares the variance Compares the proportion
independent samples . between two samples . between two samples .

3. Paired t-test
Compares the mean 3. Equal variance or 3. Chi-square test
between two dependent Bartllet's -test Compares the proportion
samples . Compares the variance among multiple samples .
among multiple samples .

Compares the mean Note : Test for means and variance mentioned in this diagram
among multiple multiple assume data follow normal distribution. For non-normal data
samples . equivalent non-parametric tests are used.
260 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Hypothesis testing using Minitab and Excel

Test for means

Test for proportion

Test for variance

261 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Steps in Hypothesis Testing
1. Define the Practical Problem
2. State the Objectives (Create the Statistical Problem)
3. Establish the Hypotheses
- State the Null Hypothesis (Ho)
- State the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha).
4. Decide on appropriate statistical test
5. State the Alpha and Beta level (usually 5% and 10% respectively)
6. Establish the Effect Size (Delta) and estimate Sample Size
7. Develop the Sampling Plan and Select Samples
8. Conduct test and collect data
9. Calculate the test statistic (z, t, or F) from the data.
10. Determine the probability of that calculated test statistic occurring by
11. If that probability is less than alpha, reject Ho and accept Ha. If that
probability is greater than alpha, do not reject Ho. ( Practically Accept H0)
12. Replicate results and translate statistical conclusion to practical solution.

262 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Six Sigma Roadmap

Y = f( x1, x 2 , x 3 ,..., xk )
Remember this simple equation ?
DATA TYPE :Discrete
Counts of Discrete Events ( 1, 2, 3, 4 Defects)
Qualitative Descriptions
Democrat / Republican
Good / Bad
Machine 1 / Machine 2
Decimal sub-divisions are meaningful
Time, Weight, Thickness, etc...

263 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scenario #1
A Supervisor wants to know if two operators add
significantly different amounts of Material A during the blending process

What’s the Y ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What’s the X ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What type of tool would you use ? ________________________

264 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scenario #2
The Personnel Department wants to see if there is a link between age
(old and young) and whether that person gets hired

What’s the Y ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What’s the X ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What type of tool would you use ? ________________________

265 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scenario #3
A team wants to see if there is relationship between
ambient temperature and the viscosity of a material

What’s the Y ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What’s the X ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What type of tool would you use ? ________________________

266 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scenario #4
For outstanding payment analysis, Sales dept. wants to see if there is a
link between amount of monthly outstanding and various dealers.

What’s the Y ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What’s the X ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What type of tool would you use ? ________________________

267 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scenario #5
For accident analysis, safety dept. wants to see if there is a link
between unit weight per container and injuries to consumers

What’s the Y ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What’s the X ? _____________ Type of Data ? ______________

What type of tool would you use ? ________________________

268 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Tool Roadmap
Test of Comparisons:

Y = Continuous Y = Discrete
Comparison Type Mean Variance Defective Defects
Against Standard 1 Sample t Chi-Square Test 1 sample p 1 sample defect
Between Two 2 Sample t F-test 2 Sample p 2 sample defect
OR rate
Paired t
Among Many ANOVA Bartlett's Test Chi-Square test Chi-square

Note: The test mentioned for Y (Continuous) is applicable only when Y follows
Normal Distribution. In case Y does not satisfy the Normality, then we need to use
Non Parametric tests. For carrying out ANOVA, the condition of ‘Equality of variance’
to be satisfied.

Test of Modelling (X = Continuous):

Y = Continuous : Regression
Y = Discrete: Logistic Regression

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


✓ Introduced the basic concepts of

Hypothesis Testing

✓ Linked Hypothesis Testing to upcoming


270 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing of

271 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing of Means-Roadmap

Comparing Means

1 Factor 2 Factors 3 or

1 Sample 2 Samples 2 or
 known  not known independent paired

1-sample 1-sample 2-sample Paired One way Two way ANOVA

Z-test t-test t-test t-test ANOVA ANOVA GLM

272 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Test of Hypotheses… Small Samples
What if:
• We wanted to compare a sample mean with a
hypothesized population mean
• The number of observations were less than 30
• The population standard deviation is not known…
This would be a “one-sample” test (because we selected
a single random sample and compared it’s mean to a µ).

We can use the t-distribution as the test statistic

273 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Characteristics of Student’s t-Distribution

The t-distribution has the following

− It is continuous, bell-shaped, and symmetrical
about zero like the z-distribution.
− There is a family of t-distributions sharing a mean
of zero but having different standard deviations.
− The t-distribution is more spread out and flatter at
the center than the z-distribution, but approaches
the z-distribution as the sample size gets larger.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Testing for the Population Mean: Small Sample, Population Standard
Deviation Unknown

The test statistic for the one sample case is given by:

X −
t =
s/ n
The current rate for producing 5 amp fuses at General Electric Co. is
250 per hour. A new machine has been purchased and installed that,
according to the supplier, will increase the production rate. A sample of
10 randomly selected hours from last month revealed the mean hourly
production on the new machine was 256, with a sample standard
deviation of 6 per hour. At the .05 significance level can General
conclude that the new machine is faster?

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

EXAMPLE 1 continued

Step 1: H0 :   250 H1:   250

Step 2: Level of Significance… .05 (one-tailed test)

X −
Step 3: Select Test Statistic…. t=
s/ n
Step 4: Decision Rule...H0 is rejected if t >1.833, df=9 or p
value less than 0.05
Step 5: Compute t, p value using software and decide...

t = [256 − 250] / [6 / 10 ] = 316

...H0 is rejected. The new machine is faster.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai



A helpdesk uses Call Work Time (the length of time in which an

operator is actively processing a customr’s question) as a
productivity indicator.
The manager is interested in whether a particular operator meets
the average CWT target of 30 seconds on a given day.

Graph > Time Series Plot
Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statistics (graphical
Stat > Basic Statistics > 1-Sample t
Stat > Basic Statistics > 1-Sample t > Graphs

277 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Comparing Two Independent Population Means
(Two-Sample t-Test)

Answers the question: “ Are the means of the two

samples equal”….i.e., “Could the two sample
means come from identical populations?”

To conduct this test, three assumptions are

− The populations must be normally or approximately
normally distributed.
− The populations must be independent.
− The population variances must be equal.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Pooled Sample Variance and Test Statistic

Here, the two sample variances must be pooled to

form a single estimate of the unknown population
variance (because we assumed equal std dev).
Pooled Sample Variance:
(n1 − 1) s + (n2 − 1) s
2 2
s =
2 1 2
n1 + n2 − 2

X1 − X 2
t =
 1 1
Thus…. s 
+ 
 n1 n2 
Test Statistic:

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Pooled Sample Variance and Test Statistic

In the two-sample t-test determining the

Student’s t is accomplished in three steps:

Step 1: Calculate the sample standard

deviations (s1 and s2) 2
( n − 1) s + ( n − 1) s 2
s2p = 1 1 2 2
n1 + n2 − 2
Step 2: Pool the sample variances...
X1 − X 2
Step 3: Determine t  1 1
s  + 
 n1 n2 

280 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Comparing Two Independent Samples

We will now compare the mean values of two groups. We will

use an attributive factor (input) and quantitative output.
We use the file “compare.mtw”. The assembly line is compared
with respect to yield both before and after the modification.
There are two ways to enter the data:
− Enter the “before” yield in C1 and the “after” yield in C2. This
method is called “unstacked”.
− Enter all the values for the yield in C1 and the “status” in C2.
Minitab identifies C2 as the index variable (subscript).
The second method is preferable. We always want to have
differing variables in different columns and the same variables
in the same columns. There is one column for each input
variable and one column for each output variable.
First we will use the “unstacked” method, so that we can later
look at the Stack function in Minitab.

281 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


A recent EPA study compared the highway fuel

economy of domestic and imported passenger
cars. A sample of 15 domestic cars revealed a
mean of 33.7 mpg with a standard deviation of
2.4 mpg. A sample of 12 imported cars revealed
a mean of 35.7 mpg with a standard deviation of
3.9. At the .05 significance level can the EPA
conclude that the mpg is higher on the imported
cars? (Let subscript 1 be associated with
domestic cars.)

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

EXAMPLE 2 continued

Step 1: H0 : 2  1 H1: 2  1

Step 2: Significance Level.. .05

X1 − X 2
Step 3: Select Test Statistic… t=
 1 1
s  + 
 n1 n2 
Step 4: Formulate Decision Rule...
H0 is rejected if t > 1.708, df = 25 or if p < 0.05

Step 5: Calculate and decide… t = 1.64 (Verify.)

H0 is not rejected. There is insufficient sample evidence
to claim a higher mpg on the imported cars.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing Involving Paired Observations

Independent samples are samples that are not related in

any way.
Dependent samples are samples that are paired or
related in some fashion.
− For example, if you wished to buy a car you would look at
the same car at two (or more) different dealerships and
compare the prices.
Use the paired t-test when the samples are dependent:
A paired t-test examines whether the mean difference between paired
observations is 0.
The paired t-test can also be used to evaluate whether the mean
difference is equal to a specific value.
Observations must be paired…related in some way. For example
-- Weights recorded for individuals before and after an exercise program
-- Measurements taken on the same process with two different
measurement devices.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Paired t-Test...
A paired t-test can answer such questions as:
- Does a new program improve the service level?
- Has a process change resulted in a process improvement?
In a paired t-test
- The data must be continuous
- The data must be random
- The population of the differences should be normally distributed.
- The following test statistic should be used...

Hypothesis Testing Involving Paired Observations

t =
sd / n
d is the average of the differences between paired observations
sd is the standard deviation of the differences
n is the number of paired observations
285 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
•Hypothesis Testing Involving Paired Observations

The average of the differences between paired observations, d is

computed using the formula:

 d
The standard deviation of the differences, sd, is computed using
the formula:

(d ) 2
d −

sd = n
n −1

286 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Paired Comparison
• Another good example of paired comparison is the comparison of
measurements performed using an online system, to
measurements performed in a lab using the same samples.
• This method is also suitable for examining measurement systems
to determine whether testers obtain the same mean value using the
same samples.
• Let’s look at the file shoe.mtw.
• We’re testing shoe material. We have a sample of 10 boys, and
each boy wears two shoes, each of a different material.
• In this case, the boys represent blocks.

287 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Paired Comparison

Material Wear and Tear - Shoes

Boy Material A Material B

1 13.2(L) 14.0(R)
2 8.2(L) 8.8(R)
3 10.9(R) 11.2(L)
4 14.3(L) 14.2(R)
5 10.7(R) 11.8(L)
6 6.6(L) 6.4(R)
7 9.5(L) 9.8(R)
8 10.8(L) 11.3(R)
9 8.8(R) 9.3(L)
10 13.3(L) 13.6(R)

288 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Paired Comparison

T-Test of the Mean

Test of mu = 0,000 vs mu not = 0,000

Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean T P

Delta 10 -0.410 0.387 0.122 -3.35 0.0085

t-distribution for 9 degrees of freedom

1% 0.4
2.5% 5%

Oserved Value



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
T-V alue

289 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

The “Incorrect” Analysis
We are using the same data and will analyze it again, this time by
comparing two independent samples.

Minitab: Stat>Basic Statistics>2-Sample t...

Two Sample T-Test and Confidence Interval

Two sample T for Mtrl A vs Mtrl B

N Mean StDev SE Mean

Why is one analysis
Mtrl A 10 10.63 2.45 0.78 significant and the other
Mtrl B 10 11.04 2.52 0.80 one is not?

95% CI for mu Mtrl A - mu Mtrl B: ( -2.74; 1.92)

T-Test mu Mtrl A = mu Mtrl B (vs not =): T = -0.37 P = 0.72 DF = 18
Both use Pooled StDev = 2.4
290 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Analysis of Variance
Black Belt Training

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


To know the concept of variance analysis.

To be able to perform simple analyses with 1 and 2 input
To be able to determine the mathematical model.
To be able to check the model prerequisites.
To determine the practical significance.
To know the concept of blocking and be able to use simple
Randomized Block Designs.
To be able to perform the ANOVA in Minitab and interpret
the results.

292 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

ANOVA (Variance Analysis)

• Previously, we discussed the testing of hypotheses using 2

mean values (t-Test).
• ANOVA is used to test hypotheses with 2 or more mean

Ho:  1 =  2 =  3 =  4
HA: At least one µk is different

To test the NULL HYPOTHESIS (all 4 mean values are equal), we would have
to test hypotheses for 6 combinations using the technique previously described
(t-test). Using the ANOVA technique, we can decide whether to “reject the null
hypothesis” or “keep the null hypothesis” with a single test.

293 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

ANOVA -- Underlying Assumptions

The F distribution is also used for testing the

equality of more than two means using a
technique called analysis of variance
(ANOVA). ANOVA requires the following
− The populations being sampled are normally
− The populations have equal standard deviations.
− The samples are randomly selected and are

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Questions Asked by ANOVA

Are the average distances achieved with

each dimple pattern the same?

Do the 4 samples come from the same population?

Ho : 1 = 2 = 3 = 4

Are some of the 4 population means different?

H1 : At least one  k is different

295 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Analysis of Variance Procedure

The Null Hypothesis: the population means are the

The Alternative Hypothesis: at least one of the means
is different.
The Test Statistic: F = (between sample variance)
(within sample variance)

Decision rule: For a given significance level  , reject

the null hypothesis if F (computed) is greater than F
(table) with numerator and denominator degrees of

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example: Comparing More than Two Groups

We are using the example

file “Diets.mtw”. DIET A DIET B DIET C DIET D

Twenty-four animals were 62 63 68 56

fed using one of four diets. 60 67 66 62

Diet is the input variable 63 71 71 60

(factor); blood clotting time 59 64 67 61

is the output variable 65 68 63

(response). 66 68 64

The diets were assigned to 63

the animals randomly. Blood 59

samples were taken and

tested in a random
sequence. Why?

297 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Performing ANOVA in Minitab

We perform ANOVA in Minitab

One-way Analysis of Variance
Analysis of Variance for Coagtime
Source DF SS MS F P
Diet 3 228.00 76.00 13.57 0.000
Error 20 112.00 5.60
Total 23 340.00
Individual 95% CIs For Mean
Based on Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+---
1 4 61.000 1.826 (------*------)
2 6 66.000 2.828 (-----*----)
3 6 68.000 1.673 (----*-----)
4 8 61.000 2.619 (----*----)
Pooled StDev = 2.366 59.5 63.0 66.5 70.0

298 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

The ANOVA table is an important result of ANOVA
If the p-value is less than 5%,
there is a difference in the
One-Way Analysis of Variance mean value of at least one
group. In this case we reject
the null hypothesis indicating
Analysis of Variance on Coag Time that the mean values of all
groups are equal. The mean
Source DF SS MS F P value of at least one diet is
different from the others.
Diet 3 228.00 76.00 13.57 0.000
An F-test of this magnitude
Error 20 112.00 5.60 may also occur randomly, but
only at a frequency of 1 per
Total 23 340.00
10,000 occasions. That
corresponds to getting heads
thirteen times in a row with a
The F-test is near 1.00 when fair coin.
the group mean values are
similar. In this case the F-test
is much higher.

299 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Let’s Try This Example

A golf ball designer needs to choose between 4 dimple patterns and

is concerned with their effect on the distance a golf ball travels.
There are 24 golf balls with 4 dimple patterns.
Dimple pattern is the Input variable; Distance traveled is the output
Golf balls were assigned randomly to Iron Byron who was using the
USGA approved test driver. The golf balls were tested in random
order. (Why?)

Dimple 1 Dimple 2 Dimple 3 Dimple 4

277 281 304 250
268 299 295 277
281 317 317 268
263 286 299 272
290 304 281
295 304 286

300 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing of

301 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing of Variances-Roadmap

Comparing Variances

1 Sample 2 Samples 2 or more


1 variance 2 variance Test for equal

test test Variance

Chi-Square test F-Test Levene’s Bartlett’s Levene’s

test test Test

302 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Characteristics of F-Distribution

There is a “family” of F Distributions.

Each member of the family is determined by two
parameters: the numerator degrees of freedom and the
denominator degrees of freedom.
F cannot be negative, and it is a continuous distribution.
The F distribution is positively skewed.
Its values range from 0 to  . As F →  the curve
approaches the X-axis.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Variance Homogeneity Applications
There are three main applications for the F-Test:

− A prerequisite for performing the 2-sample t-Test.

− To examine variance homogeneity during process improvement.

Remember, there are two primary ways to improve processes:

 Reduce variation
 Increase tolerances

− During variance analysis (ANOVA), will be discussed later.

304 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Test for Equal Variances

For the two tail test, the test statistic is given by:
F = 1
S 2

S12 and S22 are the sample variances for the two samples.
The null hypothesis is rejected if the computed test
statistic is greater than the critical (table) value with
confidence level  / 2 and numerator and denominator
degrees of freedom.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Variance Homogeneity
If the data is normally distributed, either of the following tests
may be used:
− The F-Test
Only used if there are two distributions
(Minitab performs this test under
Stat>ANOVA>Test for Equal Variance ...).
− Bartlett's Test
May be used for two or more distributions
(Minitab also performs this test under
Stat>ANOVA> Test for Equal Variance ...).

If the data is not normally distributed, there is only one option:

− Levene's-Test
This test may be used for two or more distributions
(Minitab also performs this test under
Stat>ANOVA> Test for Equal Variance ... ).

306 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Variance Homogeneity

The test indicates a significant difference if the calculated p-value

is lower than the specified alpha value (the acceptable risk; 95%
confidence has an alpha value of 0.05 or 5%). A calculated p-
value of less than 0.05 indicates a significant difference between
two distributions.

Please note that the test only indicates a statistically-significant

difference. It does not indicate which of the two (or more)
processes is better.

Statistical significance does not necessarily mean practical


307 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Performing the Test
The F-Test tests two distributions
The calculation can be performed manually using a calculator. The
formula is:

Fcalc = s12/s22
where : s12 = variance of one distribution , s22 = variance of the other
distribution. The larger variance always serves as the numerator.

The critical f-value is read from an f-table, where n-1 equals the
number of degrees of freedom for the numerator and denominator.
If the numerator and denominator have different sampling sizes, the
correct value must be used for each factor.

308 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Open the file compare.mpj
The data must be stacked to perform the test
In Minitab: Stat >ANOVA >Test for Equal Variance
Response Factor
89.7 1
Test for Equal Variances for Response 81.4 1
84.5 1
95% Confidence Intervals for Sigmas Factor Levels
84.8 1
1 87.3 1
79.7 1
2 85.1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 81.7 1
83.7 1
F-Test Lev ene's Test 84.5 1
Test Statistic: 0,632 Test Statistic: 0,775
84.7 2
P-Value : 0,505 P-Value : 0,390
86.1 2
Boxplots of Raw Data
83.2 2
91.9 2
86.3 2
79.3 2
82.6 2
89.1 2
83.7 2
80 85 90
Response 88.5 2

309 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

or Ausbeute

• Depending on whether the samples are

normally distributed or not, either the F-test
(both samples normally distributed) or the
F-Test Levene´s-Test (at least one sample not normally
distributed) must be interpreted.
Test Statistic: 0,632
• This means that each sample must be checked
P-Value : 0,505 for normal distribution prior to the test.
Stat>basic statistic>normality test

Levene's Test
Because the samples are distributed
normally we interpret the F-test.
Test Statistic: 0,775 We can see no deviation in
variance homogeneity.
P-Value : 0,390

310 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis Testing of

Black Belt Training

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Comparing Proportions

Attribute Data

One Factor Two Factors

Two Two or More
One Sample Samples Samples

One Sample Two Sample Chi Square Test

Proportion Proportion (Contingency Table)
Minitab: Minitab: Minitab:
Stat - Basic Stats - 1 Stat - Basic Stats - 2 Proportions Stat - Tables - Chi-Square Test
Proportion If P-value < 0.05 the proportions If P-value < 0.05 at least one
If P-value < 0.05 a difference are different proportion is different
exists between the proportion
Chi Square Test
and target. (Contingency Table)

Now we are comparing Proportions Data

Stat - Tables - Chi-Square Test
If P-value < 0.05 the factors are not

312 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

1 Proportion Test

vs . value

Practical Question ‘‘Is the population proportion
(example) statistically different from the
target value?”
Statistical Question
Ho : P = target value
Ha : P ≠ target value

313 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Comparing Two Proportions
This test is used to determine if the process defect rate (or
proportion, p) of one sample differs by a certain amount D from
that of another sample (e.g., before and after your improvement
The hypotheses:
H0: p1 - p2 = 0
Ha: p1 - p2  0
The test statistic is calculated as follows:
p̂1 − p̂ 2
Z obs =
p̂(1 − p̂ )(1 n 1 + 1 n 2 )
X1 + X 2
p̂ =
n1 + n 2

This is compared to Zcritical = Z/2

314 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

East West

32 135
Product A
Product B 32 80

Product C
42 98

Chi Square - Test For Independence

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Remember this Example?
The Personnel Department wants to see if there is a link between age
(old and young) and whether that person gets hired

Got Hired
What’s the Y ? _____________ Discrete
Type of Data ? ______________

What’s the X ? _____________ Discrete
Type of Data ? ______________

What type of tool would you use ? ________________________

316 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

The Data

Hired Not Hired Total

Old 30 150 180

Young 45 230 275

Total 75 380 455

How Do You Make The Decision Here?

317 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

The Hypothesis

With the Chi-Square Test for Independence,

statisticians assume most variables in life are
independent, therefore:

Ho: Data is Independent (Not Related)

Ha: Data is Dependent (Related)

If the P Value is <.05 , then reject Ho

318 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #1
We must develop an Observed Frequency Table by
breaking our 2 variables into different levels:

Age: Old & Young

Hiring Practices: Hired & Not Hired

We then collect data to perform the analysis.

Hired Not Hired

Old 30 150

Young 45 230

319 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #2
Calculate Column & Row Totals

Hired Not Hired Total

Old 30 150 180

Young 45 230 275

Total 75 380 455

320 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #3

Develop an expected frequency table. That is, what should

this table look like if these if these 2 factors are really

Hired Not Hired



How do we do that?

321 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #3 Continued
Develop an expected frequency table. That is, what should this table
look like if these if these 2 factors are really independent?

Hired Not Hired Total

75 x 180
Old = 29.6 ___ 180

Young ___ ___ 275

Total 75 380 455

Cell’s expected frequency is:

(Column Total) * (Row Total)

Grand Total

322 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #3 Continued
29.6 is what we would expect if the 2 factors are really independent

Hired Not Hired Total

Old 29.6 150.3

___ 180

Young 45.3
___ ___
229.7 275

Total 75 380 455

You finish the table!

323 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #4
Subtract the expected value from the observed (O-E)

Hired Not Hired Total

Old 30-29.6=.4 -0.3

___ 180

Young ___
-0.3 ___
0.3 275

Total 75 380 455

You finish the table!

324 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #5
Square the Differences (O-E)^2

Hired Not Hired Total

Old (.4)*(.4)=.16 .09

___ 180

Young ___
.09 ___
.09 275

Total 75 380 455

You finish the table!

325 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Step #6
Compute the Relative Squared Differences (O-E)^2 / E

Hired Not Hired Total

Old .16 / 29.6 = .005 .0006

___ 180

Young ___
.002 ___
.0004 275

Total 75 380 455

You finish the table!

326 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

So What?
The sum of the relative squared differences is
distributed as a Chi Square distribution!

0 1 2 3 4 5

If there is independence, we expect the difference to

be close to 0. The further away we are, the more likely the
variables are dependent. To help us make that decision, we will
rely on the P value.

327 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Chi Square -
Test For

Collect Data

Run Minitab

Evaluate The
P Value



328 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

329 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Analyzing The Data In Minitab
Chi-Square Test
Expected counts are printed below The observed and expected
observed counts counts are the same values you
Hired Not Hire Total calculated a moment ago
1 30 150 180
29.67 150.33

2 45 230 275
45.33 229.67

Total 75 380 455

Chi-Sq = 0.004 + 0.001 + What Decision Would You Make?

0.002 + 0.000 = 0.007
DF = 1, P-Value = 0.932

A P-Value !

330 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Chi-Square Comments

Chi-Square is the least “insightful” and usually one of

the more “difficult to analyze” tools we learned this
week. But that is what happens when we deal with
attribute data.

You must have at least FIVE expected frequencies for the

Chi-Square Test to work or Minitab will crash.

Your data should have been gathered to assure

randomness. Beware of other hidden factors (X’s).

331 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Excercise 1

A) You determine the faulty orders from 2 regions.

Faulty Orders Correct Orders
Region 1 110 420
Region 2 110 400

 Is there a difference between the regions? P = .........

B) You receive additional information regarding the faulty orders.
Error 1 Error 2 Correct Orders
Region 1 90 20 420
Region 2 60 50 400
 Is there a difference between the regions? P = ..........
What are your conclusions?

332 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Decision risk in hypothesis testing
Hypothesis testing involves the risk of reaching an incorrect
conclusion, as the decision is taken based on sample observations.
You might wrongly reject H0 (Type-1 error ) or wrongly fail to reject
H0( Type-II error).

Type-1 error : Rejecting null hypothesis (H0) , when it is actually true is

called as type-1 error. The probability of type-1 error is α-risk or level
of significance (α). ( Ex: Adjusting a machine when it is not required)

Type-II error : Failing to reject null hypothesis when it is actually false

is called type –II error. Probability of type-II error is β-risk. (Ex: Not
adjusting a machine when it requires adjustment).

Note :Traditionally , decision maker choose a significance level (α) of

0.01,0.05 or 0.1 depending on the cost of making a type-1 error. Most
commonly used significance level is 0.05.

333 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

P-value : The observed level of significance

P-value is the probability of rejecting null hypothesis when

H0 is true. It is calculated from the sample data.
A small p-value indicates strong evidence against H0.
Therefore , we reject H0.
On the other hand, a large p-value indicates little or no
evidence against H0. Therefore, we can not reject H0.

Many people confuse these rules, mistakenly believing that a high p-value
is reason for rejection. One can avoid this confusion by remembering the

If the p-value is low , then H0 must go.

334 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Hypothesis and Decision Risk

When accepting or rejecting a hypothesis, we do so with a

known degree of risk and confidence
To do so, we specify in advance of the investigation the
magnitude of decision risk and test sensitivity which is
Once this has been accomplished, we have the information
necessary to determine an ideal sample size
We must then consider the practical limitations of cost, time
and available resources in order to arrive at a rational sampling

335 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

About the Null Hypothesis...

The Null Hypothesis (Ho) is assumed to be true

This is like the defendant being presumed to be “Not
Remember: The Indian justice system is NOT based on
“guilty until proven innocent”
We don’t assume that our experiment has an effect
until the probability of “no effect” is too small to
You are the prosecuting attorney - you must provide
evidence beyond a “reasonable doubt”

Not Guilty  Innocent
336 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Decision Errors

In deciding to Reject or Not, we could make one of

two decision errors

Your Decision

Accept Ho Reject Ho

Type I
Ho True Correct Error

The (-Risk)
Type II Error
Ho False ( -Risk)

337 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example: A Trial

Jury’s Decision

He’s Not Guilty He’s Guilty Consequence:

Innocent Man
Actually Type I Goes to Jail
Innocent Correct Error
Type II Error
Actually ( -Risk)

Consequence: Criminal goes Free

338 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example 1

A pharmaceutical dispenser that is supposed to dispense 25 ml of agent

was calibrated to dispense 25 ml quantities into 10 previously-weighed
containers. The actual quantities dispensed were:

25.01 ml, 24.89 ml, 25.10 ml, 24.95 ml, 24.97 ml,
25.04 ml, 25.08 ml, 24.91 ml, 25.07 ml, 24.85 ml

Test the null hypothesis that says the dispenser provides 25 ml agent
against the test hypothesis that this is not the case.

339 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example 2
Water hardness is measured in order to determine calcium ion concentrations (in
ppm). The hardness of water in hot and cold water lines for a manufacturing
process were measured. A technician objected, stating that warm water was
“harder” than cold water. The hardness of the various samples is as follows:

Warm water: 133.4, 135.4, 137.1, 138.4, 136.3, 137.1,

133.3, 136.5, 137.6, 139.5

Cold water: 134.1, 134.7, 136.0, 131.7, 134.7, 135.2,

135.9, 135.6, 135.8, 132.2

Test the null hypothesis that the warm and cold water have the same calcium
concentration, against the test hypothesis that warm water has a higher

340 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example 3

A chemical company manufactures paint thinner. The content of ethyl

alcohol in the pint thinner is set at 3%. To determine whether the
manufacturing process has exceeded the 3% threshold, 20 samples of
thinner are taken. The ethyl alcohol concentrations were determined as

4.2, 5.3, 3.5, 4.3, 3.7, 3.2, 3.5, 2.8, 3.5, 3.7,
2.8, 3.3, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.4, 2.3

Test the null hypothesis that the process is unchanged (3% ethyl
alcohol), against the test hypothesis that the mean values of the
process are more than 3%.

341 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example 4
A manufacturer of foils has implemented a new process to reduce the weight of the
product. The foil strength is an important variable affecting the weight. Foils in eight
different strengths were manufactured using both the old and new methods. The weight
(in grams) for each combination is shown below:

Strength Old Process New Process

1 154 152
2 159 152
3 169 171
4 176 167
5 183 182
6 199 194
7 200 204
8 213 208
Test the null hypothesis that there is no difference in weight between the old and new
process, against the test hypothesis that the new process has reduced the weight of the

342 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Example 5

Two brands (A and B) of air conditioner dust filters were tested to determine
whether one was better than the other. All filters were tested on the same system,
and the dust quantity (in grams) filtered over a 6 hour period was measured. The
data obtained for the two filters is as follows:

Filter A: 9.1, 11.8, 1.5, 7.2, 4.2, 9.6, 8.7, 10.2, 4.4, 7.8, 4.3
Filter B: 15.6, 9.3, 16.9, 5.1, 14.5, 19.0, 10.3, 12.5, 13.3, 16.1, 2.6

Test the null hypothesis there there is no difference in average dust quantity
filtered against the test hypothesis that one filter is better than the other.

343 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Correlation and

344 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

❖If two variables X and Y, are related such that as
Y increases / decreases with another variable X, a
correlation is said to exist between them.

❖A scatter diagram is a chart that pictorially depicts

the relationship between two such data types.
Some Examples of Relationship
•Cutting speed and tool life
•Moisture content and thread elongation
•Breakdown and equipment age
•Temperature and lipstick hardness
•Striking pressure and electrical current
•Temperature and percent foam in soft drinks
345 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Scatter Diagram of Automotive Speed vs. Mileage

Mileage (km/Lit)




25 35 45 55 65 75
Speed (km/h)

346 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scatter diagram
• A scatter diagram depicts the relationship as a
pattern that can be directly read.
• If Y increases with X, then X and Y are positively
• If Y decreases as X increases, then the two types of
data are negatively correlated.
• If no significant relationship is apparent between X
and Y, then the two data types are not correlated.

347 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Correlation (r): The Strength of the Relationship


Strong Positive Correlation Moderate Positive Correlation No Correlation
r = .95 r = .70 r = .006
R2 = 90% R2 = 49% 2
R = .0036%


Strong Moderate Other Pattern -
Negative Correlation Negative Correlation No Linear Correlation
r = -.90 r = -.73 r = -.29
R2 = 81% R2 = 53% R2 = 8%

348 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Sl. No. Conveyor Severed Sl. No. Conveyor Severed

Speed Length Speed Length
(cm/sec) (mm) (cm/sec) (mm)
1 8.1 1046 16 6.7 1024
2 7.7 1030 17 8.2 1034
3 7.4 1039 18 8.1 1036
4 5.8 1027 19 6.6 1023
5 7.6 1028 20 6.5 1011
6 6.8 1025 21 8.5 1030
7 7.9 1035 22 7.4 1014
8 6.3 1015 23 7.2 1030
9 7.0 1038 24 5.6 1016
10 8.0 1036 25 6.3 1020
11 8.0 1026 26 8.0 1040
12 8.0 1041 27 5.5 1013
13 7.2 1029 28 6.9 1025
14 6.0 1010 29 7.0 1020
15 6.3 1020 30 7.5 1022

349 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Scatter Diagram for Conveyor Speed and Severed Length

Severed Length (mm)

5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Conveyor Speed (cm/sec)

350 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


❖ If an increase in Y depends on increase in X, then,

if X is controlled, Y will be naturally controlled.

❖ If X is increased, Y will increase somewhat. Then

Y seems to have causes other than X.

351 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

❖ Regression is the prediction of dependent variable
from knowledge of one or more other independent
❖ Regression Analysis is a statistical technique for
estimating the parameters of an equation relating
a particular value of dependent variable to a set of
independent variables. The resulting equation is
called Regression Equation.
❖ Linear regression is the regression in which the
relationship is linear.
❖ Curvilinear regression is the regression in which
the best fitting line is a curve.
352 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
❖ Only a single predictor variable or independent
variable ‘X’ (e.g.: cutting speed) and a response
variable or dependent variable ‘Y’ (e.g: tool life).
The regression equation is

Y = a+b X

where, Y = Predicted value of Y
a = Intercept (the predicted value of Y when X = 0)
b = Slope of the line (the amount of difference in Y
associated with a 1 - unit difference in X)

353 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Design of Experiment

354 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

◆ A statistically designed experiment permits simultaneous consideration of all
the possible factors that are suspected to have bearing on the quality
problem under investigation and as such even if interactions effect exist, a
valid evaluation of the main effect can be made. Scanning a large number
of variables is one of the ready and simpler objectives that a statistically
designed experiment would fulfill in many problem situations.

◆ Even a limited number of experiments would enable the experimenter to

uncover the vital factors as which further trials would yield useful results.
The approach has number of merits, it is quick, reliable and efficient.

355 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Objectives Of Experimentation
The following are some of the objectives of experimentation in an
industry :

➢ Improving efficiency or yield

➢ Finding optimum process settings
➢ Locating sources of variability
➢ Correlating process variables with product characteristics
➢ Comparing different processes, machines, materials etc
➢ Designing new processes and products.

356 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Design of experiments

Design of experiments (DOE) is a valuable tool to optimize product and

process designs, to accelerate the development cycle, to reduce
development costs, to improve the transition of products from research and
development to manufacturing and to effectively trouble shoot manufacturing
problems. Today, Design of Experiments is viewed as a quality technology to
achieve product excellence at lowest possible overall cost.

357 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Traditional approach
This is a traditional method of experimentation which tests, then changes, one factor
at a time to allow for observation and comparison. Note on the example below, all 8
factors are varied one-at-a-time . It is efficient because it takes only 16 runs.

•A1 and A2 are evaluated by comparing Result - 1 and Result - 2

•B1, B2 and B3 are evaluated by comparing Result-2, Result-3 and Result-4.
•C1, C2, and C3 are evaluated by comparing Result-4, Result-5 and Result-6
Run No. A B C D E F G H Re sult
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Result 1
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Result 2
3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Result 3
4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Result 4
5 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 Result 5
6 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 Result 6
7 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 Result 7
8 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 Result 8
9 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 Result 9
10 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 Result 10
11 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 Result 11
12 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Result 12
13 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 Result 13
14 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Result 14
15 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Result 15
16 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Result 16

358 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Traditional approach
Problem: Current Car gas mileage is 20 mpg. Would like to
get 30 mpg.
We might try:
 Change brand of gas

 Change octane rating

 Drive Slower

 Tune-up Car

 Wash and wax car

 Buy new tires

 Change Tire Pressure

What if it works?
What if it doesn’t?

“Survey Says” These variables greatly effect MPG

359 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Problem: Fuel economy we want is 30 MPG

Try changing each input variable at two settings believed to be
associated with dramatically changing fuel economy. See what
Speed Octane Tire Pressure MPG
55 85 30 23
60 85 30 29
60 90 30 23
60 85 35 24

How many more Combinations would you need to figure out the best
combination of variables? (3 Variables at two settings; 2x2x2 = 8 total)
How can you explain the above results? (Combination 2 is the answer)
If there were more variables, how long would it take to get a good solution?
(Multiply by another 2 for each one)
What if there’s a specific combination of two or more variables that leads to
the best mileage? (Too hard for me to figure out; What do you think?)

360 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Full Factorial Experiment

Problem: Want 30 MPG

Speed Octane Tire Pressure MPG

55 85 30 23
60 85 30 29
55 90 30 37
60 90 30 23
55 85 35 37
60 85 35 24
55 90 35 30
60 90 35 36

What conclusion do you make now?

(Murphy is alive and well!)
361 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

EXPERIMENT: A planned set of operations which leads to a corresponding set of

observations. The purpose of experimentation is to ensure that the experimenter
obtains the data relevant to the task of decision making in an economical way.

OUTCOME (RESPONSE): The numerical result of a trial based on a given treatment

combination is called Outcome or Response.

The response may be :

− Continuous or measurement type and follows a normal distribution
− Continuous or measurement type but does not follow normal distribution
− Discrete or count type and does not follow normal distribution

E.g.: diameter of a shaft, No. of rejected cylinders etc.

362 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

FACTOR (X) - The parameters of the process which are deliberately varied from trial
to trial. This could be qualitative or quantitative. e.g. Speed, feed, coolant rate,
operator skill.
LEVELS OF A FACTOR - The alternative values of a factor considered in the
experiment are called its levels.
e.g.: Speed 400 rpm, circular wheel etc.
TREATMENT COMBINATION - The set of levels of all factors employed in a given trial
is called treatment or treatment combination.
EXPERIMENTAL UNIT : It is a generic term used to denote the group of material to
which a treatment is applied in a single trial of the experiment.

BALANCED TEST - Where number of samples in each treatment combination is same.

363 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

MAIN EFFECT: The change in the average response produced by a change in the
level of the factor is called “Main Effect” of that factor.

INTERACTION EFFECT : If the effect of one factor is different at different levels of

another factor, the two factors are said to interact (or) to have interaction.

The interaction between factors A and B, is termed as “First Order Interaction” or

“Two Factor Interaction” and is denoted by AxB.

If the interaction between two factors A and B, is different at different levels of a

third factor C, then there is said to be interaction among three factors. This is
referred to as “Second Order Interaction” or “Three Factor Interaction” and is
denoted by AxBxC.

364 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Y = f (X1, X2). But if X2 = f (X1)
Then changing X1 will give other than predicted Y since X2 also
automatically changes.
The same holds true for change of x2

e.g: leakage of dome welded components is a function of current and

electrode thickness but current also depends on electrode thickness.

Hence there is interaction between electrode and current

365 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

An example to understand interaction

Speed X Speed Y

Changing feed from level A to level B betters finish.

But this effect is more predominant speed level Y than speed level X.
Hence there is an interaction between speed & feed
REPLICATION: Replication is a repetition of the whole experiment in order to
estimate experimental error, increase precision (detect smaller changes).

EXPERIMENTAL ERROR: The failure of two identically treated experimented

units to give the same value.
366 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
1. Statement of the problem.
2. Formulation of hypothesis.
3. Planning of the experiment.
a) Choosing an appropriate experimental technique.
b) Examination of possible outcomes to make sure that the experiment
provides the required information.
c) Consideration of possible results from the point of view of statistical
4. Collection of data, after performing the experiment according
to the plan.
5. Statistical Analysis of the data.
6. Drawing conclusions with appropriate level of significance.
7. Verification or evaluation of results (conclusions).
8. Drawing final conclusions and recommendations.
367 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

The various steps to be followed in this direction are listed below :

➢ Selection of area of study : Pareto analysis
➢ Proof of the need for experimentation
➢ Brain storming and Cause & Effect diagram : To list all the possible factors
➢ Classification of factors
➢ Interactions to be studied
➢ Response and type of model for analysis

368 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Classification of factors

Tools like brainstorming and cause & effect diagrams helps in identification of
factors and preparing a complete list of the factors involved in any experiment.
Factors listed can be classified into three categories :
1. Experimental Factors
Experimental factors are those which we really experiment with by varying them at
various levels.
2. Control Factors
Control Factors are those which are kept at a constant (controlled) level throughout
3. Error or Noise Factors
Error or Noise factors are those which can neither be changed at our will nor can
be fixed at one particular level. Effect of these factors causes the error component
in the experiment and as such these factors are termed as error or noise factors.

Note : At the planning stage itself all the factors viz. Experimental, Control and error should
be recognized. This will help to tackle them appropriately during experimentation.

369 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

State what do you want
What is my response(s)
What are my factors
Choose the level of the factors
Decide on the design
Run the design and collect the data
Analysis the data and obtain results
Run confirming test on settings

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Requisites of DOE

Fulfillment of the requirements


371 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


Replication means repeating all the experimental conditions (or
running a combination) two or more times.
− This does not mean measuring an experimental unit twice
− It does mean repeating a certain set of conditions and measuring the new
− Two replicates means that for an 8-run design you will do 16 runs in one
 Minitab will randomize all the runs (including replicates) at the same time

 If for some reason you cannot, or choose not to, do all the runs at the
same time, you need to be concerned about blocking (a topic we’ll
discuss later in this module)
− One replicate really means no replication

372 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Randomization: the Experimenter’s Insurance

To assign the order in which the experimental trials will be run
using a random mechanism
− It is not the standard order
− It is not running trials in an order that is convenient
− To create a random order, you can “pull numbers from a hat” or have
Minitab randomize the sequence of trials for you
− Averages the effect of any lurking variables over all of the factors in
the experiment
 Prevents the effect of a lurking variable from being mistakenly
attributed to another factor
− Helps validate statistical conclusions made from the experiment

373 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Local control

By local control is meant blocking, grouping or balancing the experimental

units. Balancing is done by replicating all the treatment combination, the same
number of times under different conditions. Local control makes the test more
sensitive and powerful, by reducing the experimental error.

374 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

It is observed that only 2 to 6 variables end up being vital few.
Try to keep the design simple by utilizing your experience to decide
which are the most likely factors unless you know nothing of the
The above calls for judgement which sometimes can be wrong.


The Experiment is Run to Understand

Reality, Not the Data
Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Full Factorial Experiments

Wear of pin is an important criteria in affecting field life of

a component.
It is believed that hardness of pin is an important
parameter affecting it.
Hence experiments are carried out to check wear on :
− Pin of hardness in range of 60 - 62 RC
− Pin of hardness in range of 66 - 68 RC

376 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Seek the answers to the following questions

What is your response ?

How many Factors [f] ?
How many Levels [L] ?
The experiment is Lf
How many combinations/runs are possible ?
How many runs do you plan to carry out ?

377 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


What is the response ? Wear

How many Factors [f] ? 1
How many Levels [L] ? 2
The experiment is Lf 21
How many combinations/runs are possible ? 2
How many runs do we plan to carry out ? 4 [Taking 2


378 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

22 Full factorial experiments

It is believed that pin wear depends on

− Hardness
− Oil flow

The levels of hardness are

− 60 - 62 Rc
− 66 - 68 Rc

The levels of oil flow is

− 20 cc / min
− 120 cc / min

379 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

22 Full factorial experiments
Number of Factors : 2
Number of Levels : 2
Possible Runs : 22
Nos. we plan to carry out: 4

Hence it is a 22 full factorial experiment.

Similarly you have 23 and 24 full factorial experiments for 3 and 4

factors respectively.

380 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Consider a chemical process of Silicate Mfg. It is felt that
Temperature and Concentration are the contributors to increase

The factors and levels are as below

Factor -1 +1
Temp. 40ºC 80ºC
Conc. Low High

-1 signifies one level (normally lower) and +1 signifies the other level
(normally higher)

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

22 Full factorial experiments
It is now believed that residue depends on concentration of Acid and Temperature of bath.


1 Low 40 20.4
2 Low 40 19.3
3 Low 40 17.6
4 Low 40 16.3
5 Low 80 9.7
6 Low 80 16.4
7 Low 80 14.8
8 Low 80 12.3
9 High 40 17.4
10 High 40 17.7
11 High 40 23.2
12 High 40 20.4
13 High 80 15
14 High 80 24
15 High 80 15.6
16 High 80 15.2

382 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai


We want to find that

− Does concentration and temperature have any effect on residue.
− Of concentration and temperature which is more important .
− What is the ideal and feasible level of the process settings.
− Does any interaction exist between temperature and concentration.
− Is there any problem with data or model adequate ?

How Do We Find This. ?

Let us do together using MINITAB

383 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Consider another setup of surface cleaning. It is felt that Time, Temp.
and Conc. are the contributors.

The factors and levels are as below

Factor -1 +1
Temp. R.T. 90ºC
Time 3 mins 10 mins
Conc. Low High

-1 signifies one level (normally lower) and +1 signifies the other level
(normally higher)

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai







385 Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai



1 RT 3 mins Low
2 90 3 mins Low
3 RT 10 mins Low
4 90 10 mins Low
5 RT 3 mins High
6 90 3 mins High
7 RT 10 mins High
8 90 10 mins High

This is called an array

Since it contains all possible combinations. It is a full factorial array
It is also called orthogonal array
If columns are orthogonal we can estimate the effect of a variable independent of the other

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Designing the Experiment
Minitab Steps for Designing Full Factorial Experiments:
1. GO TO STAT > DOE> Factorial > Create Factorial Design > Type of Design > No of
Factors> Click Designs > Select Full Factorial > Enter no of Replications > OK>Click
Factors > Enter Factor names and Levels>OK > Click Options >Select Randomization
as required > OK>OK Select type of Design

Input number of Factors

Click Design

Select Full Factorial

Select No. of Replicates

Click OK
Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Designing the Experiment

Minitab Steps for Designing Full Factorial Experiments:

1. GO TO STAT > DOE> Factorial > Create Factorial Design > Type of Design > No of
Factors> Click Designs > Select Full Factorial > Enter no of Replications > OK>Click
Factors > Enter Factor names and Levels>OK > Click Options >Select Randomization as
required > OK>OK

Enter Factor name & Levels

Deactivated if you don’t want to randomize it.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

Designing the Experiment

The Design out put along with the data obtained after conducting experiment.

StdOrder RunOrder CenterPt Blocks Tempareture Time Concentration Response

1 1 1 1 RT 3mins Low 65
11 2 1 1 RT 10 mins Low 43
13 3 1 1 RT 3mins High 61
12 4 1 1 90 10 mins Low 45
5 5 1 1 RT 3mins High 58
15 6 1 1 RT 10 mins High 50
3 7 1 1 RT 10 mins Low 50
7 8 1 1 RT 10 mins High 52
10 9 1 1 90 3mins Low 42
8 10 1 1 90 10 mins High 41
14 11 1 1 90 3mins High 43
9 12 1 1 RT 3mins Low 65
16 13 1 1 90 10 mins High 45
6 14 1 1 90 3mins High 45
4 15 1 1 90 10 mins Low 41
2 16 1 1 90 3mins Low 44

Note here the second column gives the run order on which the experiment
has to be conducted.

Indian Statistical Institute,SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai

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