E Cigarettes

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1. How can we ensure that teens and parents are made aware of the dangers of e-cigarettes?

According to the video

2. What are the reasons a teen, who normally would not smoke cigarettes, would begin
vaping? How can we combat that?

One of the common and easiest ways of aware people of dangers, in this case, the ones of e-cigarettes, is
through education campaigns. These campaigns need to show the reality, show that although e-cigarettes
are not as bad as traditional cigarettes, they are not benign, to show parents and teens that the exposure to
these chemicals and substances can affect in a negative way their concentration, learning, the good function
of vital organs, and their genes, without forgetting that it can become an addiction. So, that is the best way
to make them aware of all the dangers of e-cigarettes.

Teens can begin to vape because their psyche is always looking for new and impulsive things to do, they will
want to prove this new thing that everybody is into. Another factor is that teens are easy to manipulate if
they see a trend, they will not want to be behind it, they will want to be with everybody. And another thing
that attracts their attention is how attractive these devices are, they come in multiple designs and teens can
personalize them, almost like a phone, so obviously is something that is going to be attractive.

A way to combat this tendency, in addition to the education campaigns, is by analyzing with a critical eye
this phenomenon, to stop and see what these devices are offering, what they contain, and how can they be
affecting our health; as she said, we need to stop celebrating the last innovation just because.

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