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CHAPTER 11: Public Goods and The free-rider problem

Common Resources  Public goods are not excludable

 Prevents the private market from
Excludability supplying the goods
 Property of a good whereby a person can be  Market failure
prevented from using it
Government can remedy
Rivalry in consumption the free-rider problem
 Property of a good whereby one person’s use  If total benefits of a public good exceeds
diminishes other people’s use its costs
 Provide the public good
Private goods  Pay for it with tax revenue
 Excludable & Rival in consumption  Make everyone better off

Public goods Some important public goods

 Not excludable & Not rival in consumption National defense
 Very expensive public good
Common resources  $748 billion in 2014
 Rival in consumption & Not excludable
Basic research
Club goods  General knowledge
 Excludable & Not rival in consumption  Subsidized by government
 One type of natural monopoly  The public sector fails to pay for the
rightnamount and the right kinds
Goods can be grouped into four categories
according to two characteristics: Some important public goods
 A good is excludable if people can be Antipoverty programs financed by taxes
prevented from using it.  Welfare system (Temporary Assistance for
 A good is rival in consumption if one person’s Needy Families program, TANF)
use of the good diminishes other people’s use  Provides a small income for some poor
of it. families
 Food stamps (Supplemental Nutrition
Public goods and common resources Assistance Program, SNAP)
 Not excludable  Subsidize the purchase of food for those
 People cannot be prevented from using with low incomes
them  Government housing programs
 Available to everyone free of charge  Make shelter more affordable
 No price attached to it
 External effects The difficult job of cost–benefit analysis
 Positive externalities (public goods)  Government
 Negative externalities (common resources)  Decide what public goods to provide
 In what quantities
Public goods and common resources  Cost–benefit analysis
 Private decisions about consumption and  Compare the costs and benefits to society
productio of providing a public good
 Can lead to an inefficient allocation of  Doesn’t have any price signals to observe
resources  Government findings: rough
 Government intervention approximations at best
 Can potentially raise economic well-being
Common resources
 Not excludable
Free rider  Rival in consumption
 Person who receives the benefit of a good
but avoids paying for it The tragedy of the commons
 Parable that shows why common
resources are used more than desirable
 From society’s standpoint Private goods
 Social and private incentives differ Ice-cream cones
 Arises because of a negative externality Clothing
Congested toll roads
The tragedy of the commons
 Negative externality Public goods
 One person uses a common resource Tornado siren
diminishes other people’s enjoyment of it National defense
 Common resources tend to be used Uncongested nontoll roads
Common resources
 Government can solve the problem Fish in the ocean
 Regulation or taxes to reduce consumption The environment
of the common resource Congested nontoll roads
 Turn the common resource into a private
good Club goods
Fire protection
Some important common resources Cable TV
 Clean air and water Uncongested toll roads
 Negative externality: pollution
 Regulations or corrective taxes When there is no price attached to a good, it can
 Congested roads lead to market failure and the government can
 Negative externality: congestion potentially remedy the market failure by the use of
 Corrective tax: charge drivers a tool taxes
 Tax on gasoline

Some important common resources

 Fish, whales, and other wildlife
 Oceans: the least regulated common
 Needs international cooperation
 Difficult to enforce an agreement
 Fishing and hunting licenses
 Limits on fishing and hunting seasons
 Limits on size of fish
 Limits on quantity of animals killed

Market fails to allocate resources

 Because property rights are not well
 Some item of value does not have an
owner with the legal authority to control it

The government can potentially solve the

 Help define property rights and thereby
unleash market forces
 Regulate private behavior
 Use tax revenue to supply a good that the
market fails to supply

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