Ex Relative Clauses

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1. This is the boy I was telling you about.

a) –
b) what
c) which

2. Is this the bus goes to Somerset?

a) –
b) that
c) where

3. She told her parents that she hadn’t drunk, was a complete lie.
a) that
b) which
c) what

4. The man house is next to ours is my friend’s father.

a) whose
b) who
c) that

5. The Alps, are located in Switzerland, are famous for their excellent ski slopes.
a) -
b) which
c) where

6. Did you hear she has just said?

a) that
b) what
c) –

7. My daughter, is very tall, wants to become a flight attendant.

a) which
b) who
c) whose

8. A private university is a place students have to pay a high price for their education.
a) where
b) what
c) which

9. I don’t like about New York is the heavy traffic.

a) which
b) that
c) what

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