Level 5 Beshoy

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Work Regulations
Applying for a Mortgage
Getting a Driver’s License
Seeing a Doctor
Assigning Blame in a Car
Having Plumbing Problems
A Physical Examination
3 Level 5

WORK REGULATIONS ‫تعليمات العمل‬

This is Roger’s first day at work. He is meeting with the Human

Resource Manager for more information of work regulations.

‫هذا أول يوم يف العمل لروجر ويقابل مدير املوارد البشرية للحصول على معلومات أكثر‬
‫عن تعليمات العمل‬

Human Resource Manager: Welcome to Danny and Dane, Roger.

Do you have any questions?

Roger : Yes, what time do I report to work each day?

Human Resource Manager: You should report at 8:00 a.m. each


4 Level 5
Roger : What exactly will I be doing?

Human Resource Manager: You have to answer the telephone,

type letters and general office

Roger : Do I have to wear a uniform?

Human Resource Manager: No, but you must wear a tie.

Roger : Will I be required to work overtime?

Human Resource Manager: 

Sometimes, you have to work
overtime but we will pay you extra.

Roger : Okay. What about my salary?

Human Resource Manager: 

Your salary will be $700.00 per
month. You can expect to get a
raise of 8% after your first year. You
will be paid bi-weekly on the 1st and
the 15th of every month.

Roger : That’s fantastic!

Human Resource Manager: Remember, you have to clock in and

clock out every day. Also, if you
are late, we will make a deduction
in your salary.

Roger : That’s understandable.

5 Level 5

Human Resource Manager: Your health insurance will go into

effect after you have been here for
60 days.

Roger: Does the company pay for my health insurance or will it

be deducted from my check?

Human Resource Manger: The Company will pay 100% for your
coverage but if you wish to add your
family to the policy, you will have to
pay for them.

Roger : That won’t be necessary; my wife has covered with

her company.

Human Resource Manger: Do you have any other questions?

Roger : Yes, what about sick days? How many do I get?

Human Resource Manger: You are allowed one sick day every
two months but you must notify me
by 7:00 a.m. if you are not coming to

Roger : No problem, and how does vacation work?

Human Resource Manger: 

You are eligible for one week
vacation after you have been with the
company one year.

Roger : One year, okay.

6 Level 5
Human Resource Manger: Do you have any other questions?

Roger : I think that’s it.

Human Resource Manager: Now, you should get to work. Have

a nice day.

Roger : Thank you sir.

7 Level 5
‫مدير املوارد البشرية ‪Human Resource Manager‬‬

‫يوقع عند احلضور ‪Clock in‬‬

‫تعليمات العمل ‪Work Regulations‬‬

‫يوقع عند االنصراف ‪Clock out‬‬

‫الزي الرمسي ‪Uniform‬‬

‫اضايف ‪Extra‬‬

‫عمل اضايف ‪Overtime‬‬

‫خصم ‪Deduction‬‬

‫عالوة ‪ /‬زيادة ‪Raise‬‬

‫يتوقع ‪Expect‬‬

‫كل اسبوعني ‪Bi-weekly‬‬

‫يعلم ‪ /‬خيرب ‪Notify‬‬

‫ضروري ‪Necessary‬‬

‫تأثري ‪Effect‬‬

‫ممسموح لك ‪Eligible‬‬

‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪Level 5‬‬

1. A person who hires, fires, and manages paperwork for employees is
called a:

A. People manager
B. Office manager
C. Human resource manager
D. The boss

2. A set of standard clothing worn by workers while at work is called a:

A. Suit
B. Uniform
C. Tie
D. Get up

3. A set of rules set up by a company that you must abide to while

working for that company is called:

A. Work regulations
B. Work laws
C. Labor laws
D. Laws

4. The purpose of clocking in and out on a job is to:

A. Record your productivity

B. Record your salary
C. Record your hours worked
D. Record your sick time

9 Level 5

5. The amount of time someone works beyond normal working hours

is called:

A. Extra time
B. Overtime
C. Part time
D. Full time

6. An amount of money that is subtracted from your pay check for

insurance or being late for work is called a:

A. Addition
B. Minimization
C. Deduction
D. Abduction

7. If something goes into effect, it:

A. Begins
B. Ends
C. Returns
D. Loses

8. If you notify someone, you:

A. Fire them
B. Yell at them
C. Tell them
D. Lie to them

10 Level 5
9. If you are paid bi-weekly, you are paid:

A. Once per week

B. Twice per week
C. Every three weeks
D. Every two weeks

10. If you are eligible for something, it means you are to it.

A. Aware
B. Entitled
C. Lost
D. Unaware

11 Level 5

APPLYING FOR A MORTGAGE ‫التقدمي على قرض التمويل العقاري‬

Fred and his wife Jackie want to buy a new house. They do not have
enough money. They go to the bank to apply for a mortgage.
‫فريد وزوجته جاكي يريدان أن يشتريا مزنل جديد‬

Bank manager: Good morning, how can I help you?

Fred : We want to buy a new house and we’d like to apply for a

Bank manager: Have you found the house you want to buy?

Jackie: Yes, we have. Actually, we do not have enough money so

that is why we need a loan.

12 Level 5
Bank Manager: How much would you like to borrow?

Fred : Well, the house is $100,000.00, but we only have a deposit

of $60,000.00.

Bank Manager: So you need a loan for $40,000.00. Do you have
an account with this bank?

Fred : Yes, we both have accounts here. I’ve had mine for over
ten years.

Bank manager: Great. How much do you both earn?

Jackie: I earn $12,000.00 a year and my husband earns $25,000.00.

Bank Manager: How long have you been at your current jobs?

Fred : I have been with my company for three years now and
Jackie has been working for about one and a half years.

Bank Manger: What kind of credit rating do you have?

Fred : To tell the truth I’m not sure, but we always pay our bills
on time and I think it should be okay.

Bank Manager: No problem, I can run a quick report to inquire

about your credit rating.

Fred : How long will that take?

Bank Manager: It will take only a few minutes. I will need you
to complete this form?

13 Level 5

Fred and Jackie complete the form and then give it to the bank

‫فريد وجاكي ميألن االستمارة مث يعطياهنا ملدير البنك‬

Bank manager: Now, we should talk about the interest rate. The
best rate I can get is 4%.

Fred : So, how much will we have to pay each month?

Bank Manager: About $800.00 per month for 30 years. You can
finance the loan for 15 years but it will make
your payment much higher.

Jackie: You mean we can get the loan?

Bank manager: The process takes about three days before we

know for sure, unless there is something negative
in your credit report, there should be no problem.

Jackie: Thank you very much.

Bank manager: You’re welcome. I will call you as soon as I

receive an answer.

14 Level 5
‫قرض متويل عقاري ‪Mortgage‬‬

‫يقترض ‪Borrow‬‬

‫قرض ‪Loan‬‬

‫وديعة ‪Deposit‬‬

‫كايف ‪Enough‬‬

‫يكسب ‪Earn‬‬

‫استمارة ‪Form‬‬

‫فائدة ‪Interest‬‬

‫جاري ‪Current‬‬

‫يستفسر ‪Inquire‬‬

‫تقييم تاريخ االئتمان للمقترض ‪Credit Rating‬‬

‫سليب ‪Negative‬‬

‫أخذ قرض من البنك وتسديده خالل فترة ‪Finance‬‬

‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪Level 5‬‬


1. Money received from a bank or lending institution for the purchase

of property, for which the property is used as a guarantee for
payment, is called a:

A. Loan
B. Mortgage
C. Deposit
D. Security

2. In order to get a loan from a bank you must fill out a form and:

A. Forget
B. Not go back
C. Apply
D. Ask

3. If you borrow money from a bank or lending institution you:

A. Use the bank’s money and pay them back

B. Take the money and do nothing
C. Pay money to the bank
D. Use the money for free

4. Which of the following means the same as current?

A. In the past
B. In the future
C. Present
D. Never

16 Level 5
5. If you inquire about something, you:

A. Look into
B. Study
C. Rest
D. Sleep

6. An evaluation of a borrower’s credit history is called:

A. Credit card
B. Credit rating
C. Credit
D. Load

7. The opposite of negative is:

A. Okay
B. Bad
C. Positive
D. Harmful

8. If you make a loan at the bank to repay over a period of time, you:

A. Finance
B. Invest
C. Deposit
D Withdraw

17 Level 5

9. When you take a loan from the bank, you are required to pay the
bank money for that loan. This is called:

A. Rates
B. Interest
C. Funds
D. Support

10. Your credit rating is based on:

A. Paying your bills on time

B. How much money you have
C. How much money you owe
D. How much your house costs

18 Level 5

GETTING A DRIVER’S LICENSE ‫احلصول على رخصة قيادة‬

Customer Service Representative: How may I help you today?

Mr. Anderson: I’d like to apply for a driver’s license.
Customer Service Representative: F
 ine. Can you fill in this form,

Mr. Anderson : Certainly.

Mr. Anderson : Paula can you help me with this form?

Peter : Sure, what’s your last name?

Mr. Anderson : Anderson.

Paula : Could you spell that, please?

19 Level 5
Mr. Anderson : Certainly, A - N - D - E - R - S - O - N.

Paula : What’s your first name?

Mr. Anderson : You know that! It’s Jack.

Customer Service Representative: Are you married?

Mr. Anderson : No, I’m single.

Paula : OK. Now, what’s your address?

Mr. Anderson : It’s 2926 NW 2nd Ave.

Customer Service Representative: And what’s your zip code?

Mr. Anderson : 87665

Paula : Right. Are you an American citizen?

Mr. Anderson : Yes, I am.

Paula : What’s your date of birth?

Mr. Anderson : I was born on April 19th, 1961.

Paula : Ha, ha! You certainly don’t look your age! You
look older!

Mr. Anderson : Very funny, Paula. Let’s continue, Ok?

Paula : Yes, OK, Are you disabled?

Mr. Anderson : Well, my legs sometimes hurt, but I’m not

disabled. How many more questions are there?

Paula : Just a few. Do you wear glasses?

20 Level 5

Mr. Anderson : Yes, I need glasses to drive.

Paula : 
OK, last question. Do you currently have a
driver’s license?

Mr. Anderson : Yes, I do.

Paula : Where’s it from?

Mr. Anderson : It’s from California.

Paula : Okay, that’s it. We have completed your form.

Mr. Anderson : Thanks for your help Paula.

Mr. Anderson : Here’s my completed form.

Customer Service Representative: Thank you. Please take this

completed form to the cashier with your payment of $75.

Mr. Anderson : Certainly. What happens next?

Customer Service Representative: Once you pay the cashier, you

will need to take the written exam. If you pass the written exam,
you will be given a road test. Once you have completed these steps
you will be given your driver’s license.

21 Level 5
Driver’s license ‫رخصة قيادة‬

Cashier ‫موظف اخلزنة‬

Payment ‫ املال‬- ‫الدفع‬

Disabled ‫معاق‬

Exam ‫امتحان‬

Road test ‫اختبار الطريق‬

Citizen ‫مواطن‬

22 Level 5

1. An official document which states that a person may operate a

motorized vehicle is called a:

A. Motor license
B. Driver’s license
C. Car license
D. Insurance

2. The person who receives payment for goods in a store or business is

called a:

A. Sales person
B. Owner
C. Cashier
D. Seller

3. The money you give to someone for goods or services is called a:

A. Payment
B. Loan
C. Debt
D. Purchase

4. If someone has a health issue that prevents them from functioning

in a normal manner, they are said to be:

A. Healthy
B. Unhealthy
C. Disabled
D. Happy

23 Level 5
5. Which of the following means the same as exam?

A. Test
B. Paper
C. Inquiry
D. Study

6. When you drive a car with an employee of the department of motor

vehicles to test your driving ability, you are taking a:

A. Trip
B. Road test
C. Vacation
D. Exam

7. Which of the following has a similar meaning to citizen?

A. Resident
B. Neighbor
C. Criminal
D. Visitor

8. In order to get a driver’s license you must complete the application

form and then:

A. Take a drive
B. Wait
C. Take an exam
D. Go home

24 Level 5

SEEING A DOCTOR ‫الذهاب للطبيب‬

Julie does not feel well. She decides to go to the doctor to find out what
is wrong with her.

‫جويل ال تشعر أهنا بصحة جيدة وتقرر أن تذهب للطبيب لتعرف ماذا هبا‬

She enters the clinic and the secretary greets her.

‫تدخل العيادة وحتييها السكرترية‬

Secretary : Good afternoon, how are you doing?

Julie : Good afternoon. Actually I’m not feeling very well.

Secretary : Do you have an appointment to see the doctor?

25 Level 5
Julie : Yes, at 3:00 p.m.

Secretary : What is your name?

Julie : Julie Gregory.

Secretary : H
 ere it is. Doctor McCain is going to see you in just a
few minutes. Please take a seat until your name is called.

Julie sits to wait for her name to be called. After a few minutes,
her name is called and she enters the exam room

‫ وبعد بضعة دقائق يتم النداء على امسها‬.‫جتلس جويل منتظرة النداء على امسها‬
‫وتدخل غرفة الفحص‬

Doctor : Hi Mrs. Gregory. How are you doing?

Julie : I’m not felling well at all.

Doctor : What seems to be the problem?

Julie : I have a terrible pain in my chest. I am coughing and

sneezing and sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe.

Doctor : I’m afraid these are symptoms of bronchitis.

Julie : What?

Doctor : This happens when the bronchial tubes become

infected and swollen.

Neil : Is it serious?

Doctor : I’m afraid so.

26 Level 5

Julie : What should I do?

Doctor : I need to check your chest.

The doctor puts the stethoscope on Julie’s chest to examine her.

‫يضع الطبيب السماعة على صدر جويل ليفحصها‬

Julie : How bad is it?

Doctor : Fortunately you suffer from mild bronchitis and you

need to rest for the next few days.

Julie : Anything else?

Doctor : I will prescribe some pills which should help you

breathe better and you will be given three shots a
day to help improve the way your respiratory system

Julie : I hate shots. Is there another alternative?

Doctor : Yes, but the shots will help you recover more quickly.

Julie : and what if I do not feel better.

Doctor : Call to make another appointment if you do not feel

better in a few days.

Julie : Thank you doctor.

Doctor : You’re very welcome. Take care.

Julie : I will. Thank you.

27 Level 5
Clinic ‫عيادة الطبيب‬
Make an appointment ‫يأخذ ميعاد‬
See the doctor ‫يزور الطبيب‬
Chest pain ‫أمل الصدر‬
Coughing ‫الكحة‬
Sneezing ‫يعطس‬
Breathe ‫يتنفس‬
Symptoms ‫أعراض‬
Bronchitis ‫نزلة شعابية‬
Bronchial tubes ‫الشعب اهلوائية‬
Infected ‫أصيب بعدوى‬
Swollen ‫يتضخم‬
Serious ‫خطري‬
Stethoscope ‫مساعة الطبيب‬
Mild ‫ليس خطري‬
Pills ‫حبوب دواء‬
Shot ‫حقنة‬
Respiratory system ‫اجلهاز التنفسي‬
Alternative ‫بديل‬
Recover ‫يشفى‬
Prescribe ‫يكتب روشتة‬

28 Level 5

1. When you are sick you go to:

A. See a doctor
B. Watch a doctor
C. Look at a doctor
D. Look for a doctor

2. Before going to the doctor you usually:

A. Make a reservation
B. Make an appointment
C. Fix a date
D. Fix a time

3. Which of the following is not a symptom of bronchitis?

A. Coughing
B. Sneezing
C. Laughing
D. Difficulty breathing

4. The involuntary expulsion of air from the nose is called:

A. Vomiting
B. Squeezing
C. Sneezing
D. Swelling

29 Level 5
5. A common symptom of upper respiratory infection is:

A. Coughing
B. Sneezing
C. Breathing
D. Yellowing

6. Putting a liquid into the body with a syringe is called:

A. Shoot
B. Shot
C. Shooting
D. Shooter

7. A medical instrument the doctor uses to listen to sounds inside the

body is:

A. Microscope
B. Stethoscope
C. Needle
D. Pointer

8. When the doctor gives a patient pills for an illness, it is called:

A. Prescription
B. Description
C. Deception
D. Dispensation

30 Level 5

9. The lungs are part of:

A. Respiratory system
B. Digestive system
C. Vascular system
D. Nervous system

10. Which of the following means the same as mild?

A. Moderate
B. Extremist
C. Gentle
D. Extreme

31 Level 5

ASSIGNING BLAME IN A CAR ACCIDENT ‫القاء اللوم يف حادث سيارة‬

Terry and Stacey have just been involved in a car accident and are
discussing whose fault the accident was.
Terry : Are you okay?
Stacey : Yeah, I think so. I’m just a little shaken up, but look at my car!
Terry : Mine is in pretty bad shape, too. At least it doesn’t look
like a total loss.
Stacey : Do you have insurance?
Terry : Yes, of course. I think we should call the police. We will
need the report for the insurance companies.
Stacey : Yes, we must have an accident report.

32 Level 5
Terry : While we wait, we can exchange insurance information.
Stacey : Good idea. Who is your insurance with?
Terry : I have my insurance with New York Life. The number
is 918273645. My agent’s name is John Winter and the
telephone number is 1-800-222-9987.
Stacey : Mine is with Prudential. The number is 192837465 and
the number is 1-800-656-3537. My agent’s name is Judy
Terry : Right. I’ll put in a claim today and your insurance should
pay to repair both of our cars.
Stacey : What? This accident wasn’t my fault. You crashed into
me! You rear ended me!
Terry : That’s only because you swerved in front of me and
slammed on your brakes!
Stacey : I did no such thing. I changed lanes and you began
tailgating me. That’s why you rear ended me. I’m not to
blame here.
Terry : That’s your account of what happened, and I certainly
don’t agree. I say we each call our respective insurance
companies and let them battle it out.
Stacey : Fine. There’s no point in arguing with someone who
won’t own up to his mistakes.
Terry : Those are my thoughts exactly.

33 Level 5
Accident ‫حادث‬

Shaken up ‫مضطرب‬

Accident report ‫تقرير حادث‬

Fault ‫خطاء‬

Insurance ‫تأمني‬

Claim ‫طلب‬

Swerved ‫غري االجتاه‬

Crashed ‫صدم‬
‫االقتراب بشدة من مؤخرة السيارة‬
‫اليت أمامك‬
Respective ‫منتمي اىل‬

Battle it out ‫حيل الزناع‬

Argue ‫جيادل‬

34 Level 5

1. When one car runs into another, it is called an:

A. Bump
B. Accident
C. Event
D. Upset

2. If you are shaken up, you are:

A. Stunned
B. Jumping up and down
C. Sleepy
D. Crazy

3. When you assign blame to someone for an accident, you are saying
it was their _________.

A. Problem
B. Insurance
C. Fault
D. Car

4. When you pay a company to repair your car or someone else’s car if
you have an accident, it is called:

A. Insurance
B. Policy
C. Assurance
D. Report

35 Level 5
5. If you have an accident and file a report to the insurance company,
you file a:

A. Form
B. Claim
C. Complaint
D. Suit

6. If you make a very sharp turn, you:

A. Change
B. Stop
C. Swerve
D. Run

7. If you run into another car with your car, you:

A. Crash into them

B. Leave them behind
C. Change lanes
D. Go home

8. When someone is following too close to the back of your car, it is


A. Rear ending
B. Front ending
C. Tailgating
D. Gating

36 Level 5
9. Which of the following means the same as respective?

A. Each
B. Individual
C. Everyone
D. All

10. If you battle something out, it means you:

A. Argue
B. Claim
C. Settle
D. Fight

37 Level 5


Colleen is having some plumbing problems and calls the plumber.

‫كوليني عندها مشاكل ىف السباكة وتتصل بالسباك‬

Mickey: Hello, McQuillan Plumbing.

Colleen: Hi, I’m having some plumbing problems. Can you send
a plumber out to my house right away?
Mickey: Well first, I need to know what the problems are.
Colleen: Well, to start, my toilet won’t flush and it’s overflowing.
Mickey: An overflowing toilet, okay. What else?
Colleen : The sink in the bathroom is stopped up and the pipes

38 Level 5
underneath the sink are leaking.
Mickey : A stopped up sink and leaking pipes, okay. Have you
tried Liquid Plumber?
Colleen : I poured an entire bottle down the drain and it didn’t
help at all. Besides the pipes are leaking and everything
that does go down the drain runs into the floor.
Mickey : Sound like you have a real problem there. Do you have
any other problems?
Colleen : The garbage disposal in the kitchen is making funny
noises and the water won’t drain.
Mickey : A busted garbage disposal. Did you check to see if
anything was blocking it?
Colleen : I couldn’t see anything and I am not putting my hand in
Mickey : I understand. Is there anything else?
Colleen : Yes, the faucet in the shower is stuck and I can’t shut off
the water.
Mickey : A stuck faucet that you can’t turn off. You will need
to find your main water supply and turn off the water
running to the bathroom.
Colleen : Where will I find it?
Mickey : You should look under the sink. If you can’t find one

39 Level 5

there you will have to go outside to the main valve. But

if you turn the main valve off then you will not have
water in any of your rooms. Do you have any other
Colleen : No, that’s it.
Mickey : You’ve got some really big problems there.
Colleen : Yes, I know. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.
Can you send someone out right away?
Mickey : Unfortunately I don’t have anyone I can send right now.
How about next Tuesday?
Colleen : 
Next Tuesday?! Didn’t you hear me? These are
Mickey : 
Yes, but all of our plumbers are booked up until
next Tuesday. Should I put you down for a morning
Colleen : Forget it! By next Tuesday, I’ll be under 10 feet of water!

40 Level 5
‫سباك ‪Plumber‬‬

‫سباكة ‪Plumbing‬‬

‫يكسح ‪ -‬ينظف احلمام ‪Flush‬‬

‫يطفح ‪ -‬طوفان املياه ‪Overflowing‬‬

‫َوقف ‪Stopped up‬‬

‫مكتوم ‪ -‬مسدود ‪ -‬ت ّ‬
‫ينقط ‪Leaking‬‬

‫مكسور ‪Busted‬‬

‫التخلص من القمامة ‪Garbage disposal‬‬

‫صنبور‪ /‬حنفية ‪Faucet‬‬

‫حمجوز ‪Booked up‬‬

‫‪41‬‬ ‫‪Level 5‬‬


1. Someone who repairs pipes, toilets, etc… is called a:

A. Repairman
B. Plumber
C. Carpenter
D. Pipe fitter

2. If a toilet is running over into the floor, it is:

A. Over flowing
B. Overcoming
C. Flowing
D. Empty

3. When a pipe has a hole in it or does not fit well, it will:

A. Slip
B. Close
C. Leak
D. Break

4. If something is busted, it is:

A. Good
B. Cheap
C. Broken
D. Fixed

42 Level 5
5. Which of the following is NOT something you would call a plumber
to fix?

A. Pipes
B. Sink
C. Toilet
D. Refrigerator

6. An electrical device installed under a kitchen sink between the sink’s

drain and the trap which shreds food waste into pieces is called a:

A. Garbage disposal
B. Waste can
C. Food shredder
D. Trap

7. If you are booked up, it means that you:

A. Have free time

B. Have a full schedule
C. Are going on vacation
C. Have tickets

8. If your pipes are stopped up, it means:

A. There is a hole
B. Nothing flows through
C. The water is off
D. Nothing is wrong

43 Level 5


Doctor : When did you last come in for a physical exam?

Patient : I had my last physical two years ago.

Doctor : Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work,
an EKG or an ultra-sound?

Patient : Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist’s.

Doctor : How have you been feeling in general?

Patient : Pretty well. No complaints, really.

Doctor : Could you roll up your left sleeve? I’d like to take your
blood pressure.

44 Level 5
Patient : Certainly.

Doctor : 120 over 80. That’s fine. You don’t seem to be

overweight, that’s good. Do you exercise regularly?

Patient : N
 o, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a
while to get my breath back. I need to get more exercise.

Doctor : Do you smoke?

Patient : Yes, I do. I usually smoke about one pack of cigarettes

per day.

Doctor : That’s not good. That is probably why you are short of
breath after climbing the stairs. You really should think
about quitting.

Patient : Actually, I really would like to quit. I have tried before

but just can’t seem to quit.

Doctor : I will be glad to prescribe something that will help you

with the withdrawal symptoms.

Patient : That would be great! I really do want to quit.

Doctor : Okay. How about your diet?

Patient : I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I’ll have a
hamburger from time to time, but generally I have well-
balanced meals.

Doctor : That’s good. Now, I’m going to listen to your heart.

Patient : Ooh, that’s cold!

45 Level 5

Doctor : Don’t worry it’s just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in

and hold your breath. Please pull up your shirt, and
breathe deeply... Everything sounds good. Let’s take a
look at your throat. Please open wide and say ‘ah’.

Patient : ‘ah’

Doctor : OK. Everything looks ship shape. I’m going to order

some blood work and that’s about it. Take this slip to
the front desk and they’ll arrange an appointment for
the tests.

Patient : Thank you doctor. Have a nice day.

46 Level 5
‫فحص طيب )‪Physical examination (exam‬‬

‫حتليل الدم ‪Blood work‬‬

‫حتليل لتفسري النشاط‬
‫الكهربائي للقلب‬
‫موجات فوق الصوتية ‪Ultra-sound‬‬

‫أشعة إكس ‪X-ray‬‬

‫مساعة الطبيب ‪Stethoscope‬‬

‫ضغط الدم ‪Blood pressure‬‬

‫أعراض ‪Symptoms‬‬

‫يكتب روشته ‪Prescribe‬‬

‫النهجان ‪ -‬قصر النفس ‪-‬‬
‫منتظم ‪Ship shape‬‬

‫‪47‬‬ ‫‪Level 5‬‬


1. The process by which a doctor investigates the body of a patient for

signs of disease is called:

A. Body test
B. Physical Exam
C. X-ray
D. Test

2. A test used to interpret of the electrical activity of the heart is called


A. X-ray
B. Blood work
D. Exam

3. A medical test to examine the blood is called:

A. X-ray
B. Blood work
D. Exam

4. The process of taking pictures of the body using a machine is called:

A. X-ray
B. Blood work
D. Exam

48 Level 5
5. If the doctor writes an order to the pharmacy for medication, he is
giving you a:

A. Description
B. Prescription
C. Subscription
D. Test

6. If you have symptoms, you have:

A. A problem breathing
B. A sickness
C. Signs of an illness
D. A problem seeing

7. If someone experiences withdrawal symptoms it means they are


A. Problems
B. Sleep problems
C. Hunger
D. Happiness

8. A procedure used to scan deep within the body’s tissue is called an:

A. X-ray
B. Blood work
D. Ultra sound

49 Level 5
9. A medical instrument used for listening to internal body sounds is
called a:

A. X-ray
B. Stethoscope
D. Ultra sound

10. If something looks “ship shape”, it is:

A. In a good condition
B. Not good
C. In bad health
D. Beautiful

50 Level 5

Work Regulations 5. A 2. A
1. C 6. B 3. C
2. B 7. A 4. C
3. A 8. C 5. D
4. C 6. A
5. B Seeing a Doctor 7. B
6. C 1. A 8. B
7. A 2. B
8. C 3. C A Physical
9. D 4. C Examination
10. B 5. A 1. B
6. B 2. C
Applying for a 7. B 3. B
Mortgage 8. A 4. A
1. B 9. A 5. B
2. C 10. C 6. C
3. A 7. A
4. C Assigning Blame in 8. D
5. A a Car Accident 9. B
6. B 1. B 10. A
7. C 2. A
8. A 3. C
9. B 4. A
10. A 5. B
6. C
Getting a Driver’s 7. A
License 8. C
1. B
2. C Having Plumbing
3. A Problems
4. C 1. B

51 Level 5

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