Analysis of Lateral Load

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Analysis of lateral load transfer by internal slabcolumn joints

Daniel N. Farhey, David Z. Yankelevsky and Moshe A. Adin

Faculty of Civil Engineering and National Building Research Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa - 32000, Israel (Received April 1991; revised version accepted December 1991)

The results of an analytical study examining the behavior and load transfer mechanism of 16 interior flat slab-column joint models, transferring lateral load, are presented. Predictions of the connection response were calculated using a professional finite element computer program, utilizing three-dimensional, elasto-plastic, concrete elements. Currently, various analytical methods are suggested for calculating the load transfer. They assume that the slab sections carry the external unbalanced moment by developing a bending moment on the front and back faces, and a torsional moment on the side faces. Several studies have tried to determine the relative contribution of the bending and torsional moments. Slots or cuttings through the slab, made along the respective column faces, were introduced in an attempt to isolate the components that resist the external moment. According to the present analysis, the various types of connections have a minor effect on the response. They display very similar deformations and stress distributions in the slab, except for very local stress concentrations, almost ignoring the slots and cuttings. As a result of this analysis, the attempts to isolate appear to be unsuitable since the slab's bending and torsional mechanisms are highly coupled. Keywords: buildings, structural analysis~ earthquake resistant structures, flat concrete slabs, connections
One of the significant steps taken towards the beginning of the twentieth century was the change from differently supported slabs to self-supported flat slabs. Today, towards the end of the century, one of the most widely used construction methods for residential and other buildings is the structural system built of reinforced concrete flat slabs. They are monolithically cast on column heads, without beams on top of interior columns, but usually, according to codes, with edge beams on the circumference. The architectural advantages and performance efficiency have accelerated the construction of flat slabs since the beginning of the century. However, we still witness structural failures. A structural frame, consisting of columns and fiat slabs, is prone to be injured under lateral and cyclic deformations, thus causing progressive collapse. The presence of shear walls has not always provided a guarantee against failure. Under severe seismic excitation the flat slab-column frame should carry the external unbalanced moment and transfer the lateral force to the shear walls. Many studies on different flat slab-column connections have been carried out and, as a result, design codes of practice provide various simplified methods of 12 calculation'. They C ommo n ly supply empirical tools
0141-0296/92/060379-16 1992 B u t t e r w o r t h - Heinernann Ltd

for the calculation of the ultimate load carrying capacity and represent the moment transfer mechanism of the connection in completely different analytical models. The commonest methods are based on predetermined yield line patterns 34, or equivalent beams framing the column faces instead of the full slab -s, or assumed linear distribution of shear stresses on the slab around the column 5. Nevertheless, significant uncertainties still exist in the current methods of design simplification, which distract the designer from understanding the real behaviour. Experimental studies were carried out 6 in an attempt to determine the resistance mechanism to an external applied moment, shared by: the bending moments in the front and back faces of the column, and the torsional moments along the side faces. Furthermore, Kanoh and Yoshizaki 7 performed tests on 'half' flat slab-column connections, shown in Figure 1, claiming to transfer torsional moments only. In their tests, the external moment was transferred to the slab exclusively through the side faces of the column. Their results, used by codes today, concluded that the torsional contribution is much larger than it was believed to be. Nevertheless, cracking patterns and the failure mode reported in their work clearly show that the slab also resisted in bending and

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6 379

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.


behind the beam analogy concept and the equivalent width recommendations; and finally to study the influence of the connection type between the column and the slab on the total behaviour. Sixteen interior flat slab-column joint systems were modelled using three-dimensional concrete finite elements. The models were subjected to a static transverse loading of unity magnitude. The main investigation variables considered in this study were the location, size and orientation of slots cut through the slab, made along respective column faces, the widths of equivalent beams, and total 'isolation' cuttings along the slab.

Flat s l a b - c o l u m n models
Geometric idealization
The chosen prototype is a popular residence building with fiat slabs of 15 cm (6 in) thickness, 4 m (157.5 in) span in each direction and 3 m (118 in) high column of 20 x 20 cm (8 x 8 in) square section, as shown in Figure 2. A quarter of this prototype served as a specimen for the investigation. The following boundary conditions were assigned: symmetry conditions along the longitudinal loading axis and antisymmetry conditions along the transverse axis. The models were subjected to a static transverse loading of unity magnitude, acting horizontally at the lower end of the column, representing a normalized equivalent earthquake loading.

Figure 1 Kanoh and Yoshizaki 7 'half' c o n n e c t i o n test

Material properties
The concrete type was the common B-20, with a cube strength of 20 MPa (2844.7 psi), a modulus of elasticity of 25 000 MPa (3.556 E 6 psi) and a Poisson ratio of 1/6. The stress-strain diagram of the concrete material was idealized by a multilinear elasto-plastic curve, having a cracking strength of 1.7 MPa (241.8 psi), a yield strength of 17 MPa (2418 psi) and an ultimate crushing strength of 20 MPa (2844.7 psi), as shown in Figure 3.

shear, so that the contribution of this resistance component should not be disregarded. There is a need to investigate the mechanism of load transfer between the column and the slab, and to study the possibility of 'isolating' the resistance components and justifying clear distinction between them by means of slots around the column or cuttings along the slab s .

Finite element modelling

The mesh layout used in this study is shown in Figure 4. The smallest slab elements were located adjacent to the column and were a 5 x 5 x 15 cm (2 x 2 x 6 in) cube. The smallest column elements were located adjacent to the slab and were a 5 x 5 x 10 cm (2 x 2 x 4 in) cube. The prime finite element program chosen for this study was the 'ANSYS', version 4.2B, with STIF-65, three-dimensional, solid finite elements having concrete characteristics. The element is defined by eight nodal points having three degrees of freedom at each node with translations in the nodal x, y and z directions. The element has 2 x 2 x 2 integration points. This study does not include the rebar capability for modelling reinforcement behaviour.

maximum displacement in lateral load direction x, at lower edge of column (loading point) maximum value on stress distribution diagram value of increment between constant stress contour lines normal stresses along load direction x normal stresses in transverse direction y shear stresses perpendicular to plane xy

O"v 7"~v

Objectives and scope

The objective of this investigation was to analyse the behaviour and load transfer mechanism of interior fiat slab-column connections, representative of those used in typical frequent slab-column framed structures. The specific objectives of the investigation were: firstly to study the effect of column face slots on the general response of the connection; secondly to study the logic

Research method
To achieve the above objectives, three series of models (I, II, III) were designed for analysis.


Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.


'~ Hinge support ~ Symmetry--. ~



~ <

Free side l supportt~ ~

~ ~ H i n g e

Symmetry o Hinge support~'o


~'1 . . . .


Free side ~


Figure 2

Fullspecimenfor analysis
model B2 the slot is 5 cm (2 in) wide as in model B1 but its length is longer -- 40 cm (16 in) long, which is double the column dimension. Models C, C1 and C2 are similar to B models, however, the slots are parallel to the loading axis. Model D has zero width slots along all the column faces and the column therefore remains connected at the four corners only through the thickness of the slab. Model E is similar to model A, but is disconnected at the four corners along 5 cm (2 in) to each side. It is therefore oppositely connected for model D.

Series I
The first series was designed to study the attempts to isolate the resistance contributors and their influence on the overall response of the slab, by means of different column face slots. The series (see Figure 5) included five principal models (A, B, C, D, E) and four additional models (B 1, B2, C1, C2) with variations, introducing slots through the slab, having different dimensions and made along appropriate column faces. Model A is a regular slab with symmetrical boundary conditions in the direction of the loading axis, along the section through the column, and antisymmetrical boundary conditions in the perpendicular direction, along the section through the column. Model B is similar to model A but includes a slot, of zero width, between the slab and the column face, perpendicular to the loading direction. Model B1 is similar to model B but the slot is 5 cm (2 in) wide. In

Series H
The second series was designed to study the behaviour of different equivalent beams compared to the behaviour of the whole slab. The series (see Figure 6) included 3 models (Q1, Q2, YD). The first model (Q1) used 1 m (39 in) wide equivalent beams, the second model (Q2) had 40 cm (16 in) wide equivalent beams. The last model in this series, YD, is similar to QI, but with a triangularly widening comer which blunts the right angle and therefore enables a smooth transfer of stresses.

22 20

g (17)


Series III
The third series was designed to study the possibility of isolating the torsional resistance or the bending resistance by connecting only one side face of the column to the slab. The series (see Figure 7) included 4 models (Y1, Y1S, Y2, Y3). The first model (Y1) is a half-slab with a free edge along the loading axis. Model Y1S is similar to model Y 1 but with symmetrical boundary conditions along the cut edge. Model Y2 is similar to model Y1, but with 5 x 5 x 5 cm (2 x 2 x 2 in) cube grooves for further isolation of the torsional side face. Model Y3 is similar to model Y1S, though rotated by 90 for the respective connected face of the column, trying to isolate the bending resistance.



1614 12 10 8 6 q 2 ICracking(I .7) i J 0~0 0.001

0.002 Strain



Figure 3

Stress-straindiagramfor concretematerial

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

., --..


i ...
'.-.. ~.. ."




..:;:.:.:.:::::....... . p;-;>:.', .

: ~iiS~!;:":!i: !il !:il




Hinge support

0000 00@ON
[0]]0000 0 0 0
~0000 O O N ~0000 O O N []3]0000 O N N ~0000 O N N
O000OOO 0

c-1 r-"l r"-I r----1 v - - - 1 f--1 r l E l FT-'I r - - - n

?ZFq FNFq F-TV~ F--I~


Figure 4 View and plan of finite element mesh layout of specimen quadrant

Description of results

The predicted stress distribution diagrams on the bottom face of the slab were ox (normal stresses in lateral load direction x), o~ (normal stresses in transverse direction

y), Z~,.(shear stresses perpendicular to plane xy). They describe the general behaviour and represent qualitatively and quantitatively the bending in the two orthogonal directions and the torsion with shear, respectively In addition, the maximum value of each stress distribution diagram is also calculated and printed to its right, denoted by MX. The value of the increment


Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.


^~i " "-j J
~" , I


L ......

i-+.+~ "q, sy+try


r*-i i I

i_. . ~ e I I

I Symmetry

''+. .....



2_ _L__"



" -~



Figure 5 First series specimens (part pla'n): A, B, C, D, E and B1, B2, C1, C2

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

F r e e side

Free side



L ./ Symmetry


o tn





I i
I 1

I 1

i i
I 1

1 J
1 1 1 I I I 1

Ill[I III11


[tI "t'


I1 1111

IIIll: I1111

[ N

*~ o r~



II || [|



Figure 6 Second series specimens: Q1, Q2, YD

between the constant stress contour lines is denoted by VINC. In addition, the maximum displacement at the lower edge of the column (the loading point), denoted by DMAX, is calculated. Table 1 summarizes the maximum stress values, the maximum displacement and gives their increase in percentages relative to the compared regular model A, without slots, which is used as a reference.

Series 1
In general, the five models of the first series (A, B> C, D, E), having zero width slots, and also the four additional models (B1, B2, C1, C2), even though they have wider and longer slots along the appropriate column faces, behaved almost identically. The differences

between the corresponding stress distribution diagrams were very local and, in fact, all the models behaved very much like model A (see Figures 8 to 11 and Table 1). Model B, with lateral face slots, almost doubled by 94% the torsional shear stresses rx,, in front of tbe side faces which transfer the moment from the column (see Figure 9). The lateral stresses ox, on the disconnected lateral faces, which were expected to vanish or at least decrease significantly, differ from the previous case by less then 1%. The transverse stresses o, are not much influenced either (6 % difference). Model BI, with wider slots than B, increased the torsional shear stresses Z,,. by 145%, and again the lateral stresses o< did not differ too much, increasing by 16%. However, the transverse stresses o, increased by 25%,


Eng. S t r u c t . 1 9 9 2 , Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

Free side


Free side

II i|


o m Q.

O~ t"1-

III III 1111 II11 II11


0 Q. CX

e" Z


lEE lEE mmllm

EEmmEm Free side



Free side


Free side

>, I.

0 I2.



E E t<

0 r~

c <

e._ -r


Figure 7

I i
Free side Symmetry

Third series specimens: Y 1 , Y I S ,
Y2, Y3

because of the transverse flexural freedom of the column made possible by the lateral face slots. Model B2, with longer slots than B1, considerably increased the torsional shear stresses rxr (by 610%). Nevertheless, the lateral stresses cr and the transverse x stresses try remained almost the same as for model B1 increasing by 15% and 25%, respectively, relative to model A. Mode C, with transverse face slots, increased the lateral stresses trx by only 2% and the transverse stresses try by only 3 % on the faces which transfer the moment (see Figure 10). The torsional shear stresses r~. in front of the disconnected faces, again wrongly expected to decrease considerably, were not much influenced, they increased by a mere 5 %.

Model C1, with wider slots than C, increased the lateral stresses ax by 11%. The transverse stresses ay are not much influenced with an increase of only 5 %. The torsional shear stresses Zxy decreased by 11%. Model C2, with longer slots than C1, increased the lateral stresses tr~ by 57 % and decreased the transverse stresses try by only 4%. The torsional shear stresses rxy decreased by 15%, almost like model C1. Model D, connected only at the comers, increased the lateral and transverse stresses by only 5% and 2%, respectively, (see Figure 11). However, the torsional shear stresses increased by 56%. Model E, disconnected at all corners, increased the lateral, transverse and torsional shear stresses by 20%, 21% and 15%, respectively.

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

Table 1

Comparison of results
~ ~v "r~v DMAX

Model (1) A 8 C D E B1 82 C1 C2 Q1 Q2 YD Y1 Y 1S Y2 Y3

(2) 2607 2604 0% 2668 2% 2748 5% 3131 20% 3019 16% 2999 15% 2905 11% 4088 57% 2758 6% 3999 53% 2670 2% 3892 49% 3831 47% 3500 34% 5503 111%

(3) 1365 1449 6% 1409 3% 1398 2% 1645 21% 1705 25% 1704 25% 1432 5% 1309 -4% 1346 2% 1246 9% 1357 -1% 1390 2% 1895 39% 1450 6% 431 -68%

(4) 597 1156 94% 625 5% 929 56% 689 15% 1465 145% 4237 610% 533 -11% 506 -15% 530 11% 648 9% 567 -5% 1992 234% 1759 195% 3478 483% 1433 140%

(5) 0.03905 0.04308 10% 0.03948 1% 0.04456 14% 0.04057 4% 0.0444 14% 0.0597 53% 0.04032 3% 0.04321 11% 0.04564 17% 0.06942 78% 0.04336 11% 0.04937 26% 0.04863 25% 0.05662 45% 0.05374 38%

In model YD, with the obtuse angles in the corner, the stress picture was improved in comparison with model Q1. The changes were not significant in comparison to model A, namely 2 % increase in the lateral stresses, 1% decrease in the transverse stresses and 5 % decrease in the torsional shear stresses. The increase in the maximum displacement was only 11% relative to A, though 52% of the slab plane was removed.

Series II1
In the third series, a principal difference was observed in the transverse stresses ~, of models Y1, Y1S and Y2, which were strongly concentrated near the column (See Table 1). Model YI, connected along the side face only, had an increase of 234% in the torsional shear stresses, but the lateral stresses, wrongly expected to decrease, also increased by 49% (see Figure 13). The transverse stresses remained almost the same, increasing by only 2%. Model Y 1S, with antisymmetry instead of free boundary as in Y1, showed an increase of 195% in the torsional shear stresses, but again the lateral stresses increased by 47%, and the transverse stresses by 39%. Model Y2, with separating slots, had a larger increase of 483% in the torsional shear stresses, but again the lateral stresses increased by 34%, and the transverse stresses by only 6%. Model Y3, connected along the front face only, showed an increase of 111% in the lateral stresses. Unexpectedly, the torsional stresses also increased by 140% (see Figure 14). The transverse stresses too had an appreciable change, principally along the antisymmetrical axis, perpendicular to the loading direction, where they decreased by 68%. The largest increase in the maximum displacement was 45 % for model Y2. The increase in the maximum displacement of model Y3 was by 38%.

The maximum displacements of the principal models show little differences, where the highest ascent was 14% in model D, which was only connected at the corners. The maximum displacements of models B and C, disconnected at different faces, were close to the maximum displacement of model A, 10% ascent in B and 1% in C. The maximum displacements of the remaining models were higher because of the decrease of material in the slab's plane, where model B2, disconnected perpendicular to the loading direction, had the highest ascent of all the models in this series being larger by 53%, as compared to A.

The attempts to isolate the resistance components, reported in the literature, by introducing slots through the slab and modelled here in the first series, were shown to be groundless. The slab continued to resist the same stresses through its plane, except that very local stress concentrations formed in the close vicinity of the slots. In the worst case, the maximum distance of their influence reached twice the slab thickness. The second series shows that the modelling attempt by means of completely disconnected equivalent beams is an oversimplification. Naturally, an updated and improved model is needed, which will require sensible in-plane inter-relationships between the beams and will guarantee their co-operation to the extent observed in real whole slabs. In the third series, with various versions of models similar in principle to those of Kanoh and Yoshizaki 7 (with cuttings along the slab), the anticipated absence or significant decrease of the corresponding stresses was seen to be completely wrong. The configuration of the stress diagrams shows local stress concentration phenomena, but no isolation.

Series H
In the second series, model Q1, with 1 m (39 in) wide beams, showed little difference compared to A, except for the region located at the right angle corner between the perpendicular beams. The changes in the lateral, transverse and torsional shear stresses were represented by only a 6% increase, a 2% decrease and an 11% decrease, respectively. The maximum displacement was 17% higher than A, though 56% of the slab plane was removed (see Figure 12). In model Q2, with 40 cm (16 in) wide beams and 81% of the slab plane removed, the lateral stresses were larger by 53%, the transverse stresses were decreased insignificantly by 9% and the torsional shear stresses increased by 9%. The increase in the maximum displacement was 78%.


Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al. A


MX =2607



,e- j




/ F'" / J l





I~"\ \

-,, ~xy


a09 .72

3.6 ~NII/


/ VINC=63
~ "



s3s ~III//, /

Figure 8

Stress distributions for specimen A

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al. [

0 X

MX = 260q

VINC = 275




/ /

M X = I q49

L~'~.~ 230



\6,8_~ , %,

61"1" \ \ ~

' )j
J f P





793 ~ml

.27klkl f' J s"gkNi, / / / 671 HdiL ~/ /


i /

. L ~ 61


VINC = 122


I IlL. I~1Ewt"


Figure 9

Stress distributions for specimen B


Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al. C


MX = 2668

VINC = 281




. ~"



MX = 1409

----.= ,~522"



= 149



I / //


MX = 625

,,0Jill \
363FLNII/i / / , 029: .gs["klill l el r
s61 k l l l l / ,
625 IIIR iflv/j OIF I M l l r f

VINC = 66

v ~

Figure 10

Stress distributions for specimen C

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

III .d II, ~
YJ~ - ~ 7 2 1 IIK~., 2", ~
L'~ I I !

C/ X

f ~

MX = 2748

| I

VINC= 290

p" Iv





MX = 1398



bKl 14"

VINC= 148

l lt~l 1398




147 ' ~

m~ E

/ -49

343 ] ~

f /



MX = 929

441 LN I s39

VINC= 98

o37kklll 1 / "
735 N , I l I i 833 l l ' ~

Figure 11

Stress distributions for specimen D

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

(5 X

I i
~ 1 4 6 436 727 L/]]4 ,~ " " / ~0181 / [ L _ 13)9
I I l#ml I o




1,1"I 1.1 I Ll,f]~



I~ I 213 I " - L
ll~, | I


I In I1~,!

J\ J
] ~ I




Jl "H41 ~,,




= =

, , o

3~.~w]ll L,K /I I I

\ I

Figure 12 Stress distributions for specimen Q1

Eng. S t r u c t . 1 9 9 2 , V o l . 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.


/ /



/I I,I, HI3892





in[ ill j_~,~ Ifl'~ /

220 rmmn 1390





73 ;E:~ i,, -,,_ ~




/ 945! 1155 1365 1992 I~-nm]



7-A f!'



Figure 13

S t r e s s d i s t r i b u t i o n s f o r s p e c i m e n Y1


Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.



;~ \87o


F~ i ~ ~,'N-~5503





299 \
345 -46 ~ I,- - - ~ . . = j . ~ 2 9 9 ,

~ ,,.253 ~,


E~ ~ ,~=~3\~--~r \~

"[x y




226 377 528

||llei ~qllllEi ,q|lMir4

I I rll'~ll I P ' j


Figure 14

Stress distibtutions for specimen Y3

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6


Analysis of lateral load transfer: D. N. Farhey et al.

Attempts to isolate the strength components of a slabcolumn connection, introducing slots between the column face and the slab, are erroneous and misleading. Slab slots on the column face cause local disturbance, and the slab always mobilizes distant regions in its plane so that the behaviour is expected to be planar and not linear as we may assume for beams. Beam analogies and equivalent beam methods ignore the planar behaviour observed experimentally9 and in this study. Therefore, they are not capable of taking into account the general behaviour and the degrading yield forms with the possible ultimate failure mechanisms. Existing predictions of equivalent beam widths seem to be unrealistic, according to the stress distribution diagrams seen here. Furthermore, cuttings along the slab, with only one connected face of column, do not result in isolating resistance components. The results of the 'isolated' components, functioning in the two orthogonal directions as bending and torsion, are definitely not additive, namely they do not add up to the result of the regular full connection. From this study it is clear that the different participating mechanisms are strongly coupled and any cutting is only causing local disturbance which is bypassed by the coupled mechanisms. The results of this limited series of investigations improve our comprehension of the general behaviour of an interior slab-column connection. The study clarifies

the degree of justification in the use and development of existing analytical methods to predict response. The conclusions are primary and the study is being extended to reinforced models with the available rebar capability for modelling reinforcement and its yield behaviour.

1 ASCE-ACI Committee 426. 'The shear strength of reinlorced concrete members - slabs', Proc., ASCE, 1974, 100, (ST8), 1543-1591 2 Park, R. and Gamble, W. L. 'Reinforced concrete slabs ~, John Wiley. New York, 1980, pp 5 1 6 - 5 4 5 3 Park, R. and Islam, S. 'Strength of slab-column connections with shear and unbalanced flexure', J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 1976, 102, (STg), 1879- 1901 4 Gesund, F. H. and Goli, H. B. 'Limit analysis of flat-slab buildings for lateral loads', J. Struct. Div. ASCE. 1979. 105, (STII), 2187-2202 5 Hawkins, N. M. 'Shear strength of slabs with moments transferred to column', SP-42, Shear in reinforced concrete, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1973, pp. 8 1 7 - 8 4 6 6 Stamenkovic', A. and Chapman, J. C. 'Local strength at column heads in flat slabs subjected to a combined vertical and horizontal loading', Proc., ICE, Part 2, 1974, 57, 2 0 5 - 2 3 2 . 7 Kanoh, Y. and Yoshizaki, S. 'Strength of slab-column connections transferring shear and moment', ACI J. 1979, 76, (3), 4 6 1 - 4 7 8 8 Adin, M., Yankelevsky, D., Gl~ick. J. and Farhey, D. 'Behavior of flat slab structures under earthquakes - part I: state-of-the-art and analysis', Building Research Station, Rep. 6 0 1 7 - 5 0 , November 1988, Technion, Haifa, 137 pp., (in Hebrew) 9 Farhey, D. N. 'Elasto-plastic response of reinforced concrete slabc~lumn framcs to load reversals'. D.Sc. the,~'i.~. Technion-lsrael Institute of Technology, Haifa, 1991, (in Hebrew)


Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

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