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SEXUALITY - One of the fundamental drives behind a person’s feelings,

thoughts, and behaviors
Sex - as we commonly know is necessary for human to procreate. But sex
goes beyond the instinct to procreate.
Sexual identity determines the sexual concept of the individual Emotions increase that makes the transition to adulthood and sexual maturity
more challenging
Erogenous zones are areas of the body sensitive to sexual stimulation.
Primary zones pertain to areas that contain thick concentration of nerve
Secondary erogenous zones include all others part of the body that produce
erotic sensations when touched in a context of sexual intimacies

Puberty by definition is the time in life when a boy or girl becomes sexually
mature. It is a natural process that usually happens between ages 10 and 14
for girls and ages 12 and 16 for boys.
The release of sex hormones such as the testosterone for the male and
progesterone and estrogen for the females allows remarkable physiological
It could manifest in varying rates and specific ages since every individual
develops and reacts in different ways due to factors like stress, weight,
nutrition, hormonal activity, and inherent characteristics.
Linear models by Master and Johnson 1. Agender - people who do not identify with any gender
2. Androgynous - people who neither distinguishably masculine nor
1. Excitement phase involves arousal in preparation for sexual feminine
activity like the erection of male organ and vaginal lubrication. This 3. Bigender - people whose gender identity encompasses both man and
phase can last for a few minutes to an hour. woman
2. Plateau phase is the body’s preparation for orgasm where the 4. Cisgender - someone whose gender identity aligns with the sex
maximum level of sexual arousal is attained as the penis and clitoris assigned to them at birth
swell with blood. 5. Transgender - gender identity does not match the sex they were
3. Orgasm phase is the peak of sexual excitement where the female assigned at birth
organ muscle contract and the male organ expels the semen 6. Genderqueer - their gender identity is neither male nor female, is
producing intense pleasure for both. between or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders
4. Resolution phase is the last stage of sexual arousal in which the 7. Non-binary - someone who does not identify as a man or a woman,
body returns to normal state or solely as one of those two genders
8. Gender fluid - someone who may fluctuate between genders or
Sexual orientation express multiple genders at the same time

 is our sexual preferences towards males, females, or both. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are communicable diseases caused
by viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites that may be transmitted from one
1. homosexual (gay/lesbian) - those sexually attracted to members of partner to another either through sexual activity or unhygienic practices
the same sex
Common Sexually Transmitted Infections
2. Bisexual - those sexually attracted to people of both sexes
3. Heterosexual (straight) - those sexually attracted to members of the  Chlamydia
opposite sex  HPV (human papillomavirus)
4. Pansexual/omnisexual - those that can be sexually attracted to any  Syphilis
sex or gender identity  HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
5. Asexual - those that are not sexually attracted to any sex or gender.  Gonorrhea
GENDER IDENTITY  pubic lice (crabs)
 Hepatitis B
 refers to One's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of  Trichomoniasis
both or neither and how individuals perceive themselves and what  Herpes
they call themselves.
 Chancroid
 It also refers to how you feel inside and how you express your
 Lymphogranuloma venereum
gender through clothing, behavior, and personal appearance
 Granuloma
regardless of your assigned sex.
 Inguinale
 Molluscum contagiosum
 Scabies
Family Planning
Gender identity
 It is a program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a  According to this theory, natural selection is a process by which
family through the practice of contraception or other methods of organisms that are best suited to their environment are most likely to
birth control survive.
 Traits that lead to reproductive advantage tend to be passed on,
Contraception is focused on the ways to prevent pregnancy in line with the
whereas maladaptive traits are lost.
family planning program.
 Beauty is more than just a cultural standard.
4. Psychological
 Rosenthal (2013) explained that sexuality is not a mere physical
Sexual Selfhood is defined as how one thinks about himself or herself as a
sexual individual.
 A person’s libido or sexual energy is located in an area of the
body at different psychosexual stages. These areas of pleasure
are called erogenous zones.
a. Islam: Muslim men are allowed to have up to four wives but
1. Historical
Muslim women can only have one husband. Sex is permitted
a. In Ancient Greece, it is the male that assumes the dominant role.
only within marriage and extramarital sex is penalized.
The male symbol, the penis was viewed as the symbol of
b. Taoism: sex is not only natural and healthy, but a sacred union
fertility and how the male body was structures was greatly
necessary to people’s physical, mental and spiritual being.
admired. Their wives were considered as objects to be possessed
c. Hinduism: sexuality is seen as spiritual force, and the act of
just like property.
ritual lovemaking is a means of both celebrating and
The Greek word for woman is “gyne” means bearer of
transcending the physical.
d. Roman Catholic Church: marriage is purely for intercourse and
b. Middle Ages- the church decreed that all sexual acts that do not
lead to procreation was considered evil. Women were labelled as
either a temptress (Eve) or a woman of virtue (Mary). SEXUAL TERMINOLOGIES
c. Victorian Era- homosexuality and prostitution were rampant
and considered to be threats to social order. a. Sex: Latin “secare”: to divide.
2. Biological
b. Sexuality: to unite
a. In the Nervous system, it is the brain that initiates and organizes
sexual behavior. When intercourse happens between a healthy, c. Gender refers to the characteristics of people as males or females.
sexually mature male and female then fertilization may take
place and pregnancy (gestation period) begins. d. Gender assignment: refers to the initial assignment as male or female
b. Chromosomes which are the threadlike structures found in the which usually occurs at birth.
nucleus of each cell of the body are composed of genes which e. Gender reassignment: denotes an official and usually legal change of
are the basic unit of heredity. gender.
c. Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The first 22 pairs
are called autosomes, and the 23rd pair are the sex f. Gender Identity: refers to an individual’s identification as male, female or
chromosomes (XX or XY). XX: female, XY: male some category other than male or female.
3. Sociobiological / Evolutionary
g. Gender Expression: external appearance of one’s gender identity, usually Estrogen levels begin to fluctuate while progesterone levels start a steady
expressed through behavior, clothing, haircut, voice, and which may or may decline.
not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically
associated with being either masculine or feminine.
2. ATTRACTION – this is the phase when a person actually starts to
h. Masculine: qualities and behaviors judged by a particular culture to be
feel the love.
ideally associated with or especially appropriate to men and boys.
Three main neurotransmitters are involved in this stage:
i. Feminine: qualities and behaviors judged by a particular culture to be a. adrenaline
ideally associated with or especially appropriate to women and girls b. dopamine
c. serotonin
j. Androgyny: those who have both masculine and feminine traits, feelings
and qualities.
k. Asexuals: are persons who do not experience sexual drives or attraction to JOHN LEE’S LOVE STYLES
either sex
1. Eros - Love is based on strong sexual and emotional component.
l. Hypersexuals: are person with an excessive interest in sex to the point This type of love creates initial excitement of new relationship.
where it can cause problems in one’s life. The relationship seldom lasts forever because they tend to be quick
to fall in and out of love.
2. Agape - This is altruistic and selfless love. The person shows his
THE CHEMISTRY OF LUST, LOVE & ATTACHMENT - there are love without expecting to receive the same in return.
physiological and psychological aspects in being in love and attached to 3. Storge - This is love-related friendship and based on nonsexual
another person; it lies in our brains, which is the humans’ most important sex affection. Slow process
organ. 4. Ludus - For ludic lovers, love is just a game, something for fun or
entertainment. They do not experience jealousy.
1. LUST – this is a phase which is driven by the sex hormones
5. Mania - Characterized by an intense feeling which may lead to
testosterone and estrogen in both men and women—these are the
obsessive and possessive love towards the loved one.
two basic types of hormones present equally in men and women’s
6. Pragma - This is a practical and business-like love.
body that excite the feeling of lust within the brain.
 Feeling a strong desire for someone or something, especially
of a sexual nature.
 Lust is a state of mind that focuses on body parts, seduction,
power, fantasy and excitement. Love is risky and scary on an
emotional level.
Testosterone - is the primary male sex hormone and anabolic steroid.
1. Dopamine (DA) and Norepinephrine (NE)
Low testosterone can also result in erectile dysfunction (ED).
 Are neurotransmitters that are involved in mood, motivation,
Estrogen – any of a group of steroid hormones which promote the attention and excitement.
development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body. 2. Phenylethylamine (PEA)
 This has been the “love drug” because high level of this  Religion came from the Latin word religio that means an
substance has been associated with love and orgasm and to obligation, bond, reverence and religare that means to bind
people who are happy with their relationship.
3. Vasopressin is important in pair bonding and social behavior,
memory formation as well as blood pressure.
4. Oxytocin is important in trust, empathy, emotional accessibility, pair
bonding and close relationship.
5. Endorphins - After the infatuation ends and if the long-term
relationship is continuous, endorphin levels may increase. It gives a
feeling of security, euphoria, and peace.
Several factors on attractions
Characteristics of a Spiritual Person - Howell (2013) made a
a. Proximity states that the closer two people live to one another, the research on the personal and societal benefits of spirituality
more likely they are to interact.
b. FAMILIARITY 1. A spiritual person is gracious - expresses gratitude
MERE EXPOSURE EFFECT - the more frequently we are 2. A spiritual person is compassionate
exposed to a stimulus, even if it is negative, 3. A spiritual person is flourishing
c. Physical Attractiveness - we choose who we spend time with based 4. A spiritual person is self-actualized
on how attractive they are. 5. A spiritual person takes time to savor life experiences
 halo effect - when we hold a favorable attitude to traits that are Functions of Religion
 beauty bias - beautiful people get away with most things 1. Cognitive - enables human to explain the unexplainable phenomena
unattractive people cannot get away with 2. Social - maintains social order by encouraging socially acceptable
d. SIMILARITY - We are most attracted to people who are like us in behavior and discouraging inappropriate behavior
terms 3. Emotional - controls the forces which they feel they have no control
e. RECIPROCITY - We choose people who are likely to engage in a 4. Conflict Resolution - uses religion as a way of diffusing anger and
mutual exchange with us. hostility
f. INTIMACY - intimacy occurs when we feel close to and trust in, 5. Reinforcement of Group Solidarity - allow people to express
another person common identity and strengthens group identity and belonging

Religiosity follows the belief systems and practices associated with a

SPIRITUAL SELF tradition in which there is agreement about what is believed and practiced.
 Spirituality came from the Latin word spiritus which means Supernatural concepts are a part of any human society. One must develop a
breath of life. Jafari, Loghmani and Puchalski (2014) defines view of culture al relativism to research spiritual beliefs
spirituality as a way an individual seeks and communicates the
meaning of one’s experiences in relation to self, to nature, and to Sashur Henninger-Rener - an anthropologist – research, identified the
the moment common elements of religion in relation to the belief in supernatural being
and power.
DIGITAL SELF - is a mask that an individual puts on to engage the
technology world (tamara, 2010)
Elements of Religion
 It is an aspect of oneself which is shared to others through the use of
1. Cosmology - This explains the origin or history of the world. social media and technology
2. Belief in the Supernatural - This pertains to the realm beyond direct THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL SELF
human experience.
 Russell Belk (2017) believe that possessions are a major contributor
3. Rules of Behavior - Such principles describe proper behavior for to and reflection of individual’s identities. (houses and gadgets,
individuals and society as a whole, and are geared towards harmonizing videos, online messages, and social media)
individual acts with moral beliefs.
4. Rituals - Religious rituals or procedures which are typically supervised
by religious experts. 1. Digital web allows people to try our different persona that differ
from their real- life identities for the reasons:
o People wants to meet the expectations of others.
The word "dungan" originates from the Ilonggos according to Magos (1986). o People want to boost their self-esteem
The Ilonggos' dungan or soul, which is normally not seen by the human eye
Visayan dungan has a secondary sense of "willpower."
Self- presentation is a pervasive feature of social is not only a
prevalent aspect of our lives
There are 3 ways to find meaning in one's life according to Frankl in his

a. By Doing a Deed - Realizing artistic quality comes not from the 2. GAIN MATERIAL AND SOCIAL REWARDS
‘greatness' of the mission, but how one treats and executes his or her 3. SELF-CONSTRUCTION
Social Media is a term for numerous technologies that allow instantaneous
communication, status updates, and social networking among individuals
b. By Experiencing a Value - Explore all facets of life in-depth, being Positive Effect of SOCIAL MEDIA
open and receptive to all life has to bring
 Enhancement Of Social Contact
c. By Realizing Attitudinal Value - Accept with great bravery all the  Independence And Communication
sufferings caused by an unchanging destiny  Individuals communicate online
 Mainly to remain connected with their existing friends


 Meanness
 Bullying,
 Misunderstanding,
 Unwanted Contact And
 Unontentional Disclosure.

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