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CHAPTER ONE bring friends to the house because it was a usual thing he

always did and it appeared he could not stay home and play
alone. Immediately his Aunt left, Junior decided to go inside
Junior was a very calm and respectful boy. He lived with his
and sleep for fear of breaking the rules and regulations set by
Aunt called Aunt Suzanne in a village called Ndumbi. He
his Aunt a few minutes ago. As he lay in the bed quietly, he
loved to play all day long but would always run as fast as the
fixed his gaze at the extreme top of the bed where her Aunt
wind whenever he heard his Aunt yell out his name to come
usually puts her bible and purse. At times she kept some
home and run an errand. At age eleven, Junior was able to read
monies there because she trusted Junior and knew very well
perfectly and could do simple calculations, and due to this
that he never stole in his life and would never dare. So as he
most of his friends always came to him to assist them do their
lay down glancing round the room, he saw a matchbox, beside
homework. However, Aunt Suzanne was always heard
his Aunt's Bible at the top most part of the bed, his Aunt had
complaining about Junior's curiosity and little gossips about
used it the previous night to light up a mosquito coil and kept
any thing he heard from outside. Even though she had given
it there so that the next morning she could send it back to its
him a severe flogging some time ago for bringing into the
rightful place. But as she was in a hurry this morning, she did
house a very dangerous information which could possibly
not remember. Out of curiosity, Junior picked up this
breed conflict between two families, Junior would always
matchbox and removed one matchstick from it. Without
forget and carry on with this unwanted attitude. One faithful
thinking about the consequences of the action he was about to
morning, Aunt Suzanne told Junior to take care of the house so
engage in, he struck the match and held it in a playful position
that she could go to Sanko, a nearby village to greet a friend
as it burnt closer to his fingers. He dropped it on the bed and
who had lost her husband a day ago. She warned Junior not to
removed another match stick and did same. The third time he
removed another matchstick, he noticed an unusual smell. the fire which nearly consumed Junior and her Aunt's house.
Before he could look round to check what was happening, the They poured the water on the bed and on the floor leaving the
mosquito net that was tied to the edges of the bed had caught bed and the other objects in the room very wet, including the
fire. It started melting faster and this innocent boy tried mattress and the bedsheet. At this point they became afraid and
quenching the little fire by gasping out air into the fire but his started thinking of the mess they had caused. Solo brought an
attempt failed. Then slowly, the drops from the melting idea that they should lock up the room and go out if not,
mosquito net which fell on the bed sheet also started melting Junior's troublesome Aunt would not spare them if she came
the bed sheet and the room was gradually getting filled with back to meet them in the room. Eventhough Junior, who knew
smoke. Out of fear, Junior quickly picked up the pillow and his Aunt very well wanted them to clean the room to a avoid
started beating the bed sheet and the mosquito net at the same another flogging, but on a second thought, he agreed to his
time. This action quenched the little flames and at this moment friend's suggestion and assumed that he would tell his Aunt he
his heart was beating faster and he was shaking at the same did not know the one who caused the mess. They therefore
time. Then he quickly run out of the room and fetched a locked the room and run to a nearby playground to play
bucketful of water and returned into the room. Solo, Junior's football with their friends.
friend who happened to pass by Junior's house to check if
Junior was around became the first eyewitness of the scene. He
helped Junior to throw the water in every corner of the room
so that if there was any little fire anywhere, it could be
quenched. Afi, a female friend of the same age as these two They played the ball and made a lot of noise. At a point they
friends, who saw the scene decided to join them in combatting would engage in a petty argument especially when there was a
goal which the other team members did not want to accept. Aunt Suzanne would sprinkle cold water on him before he
Solo was left footed and a very good player. Junior too could opened his eyes. All the boys left to their various homes
play both left and right, making him an excellent player but leaving the little boy who kept on sleeping under the palm tree.
Aunt Suzanne would not allow him play football because she It was almost seven o'clock when Aunt Suzanne returned from
thinks football would make the little boy stubborn. But she her journey. She called out Junior's name but Junior was
would allow him to go out, hung around and play other games nowhere to be found. She wondered where this boy had gone
with friends but anytime she sees him playing football she to at this late hour. It is unusual for him to be absent from
would call him to come home. She often told him she did not home when it gets dark but why has today been an
want him bring home any injury because she had no money to exception...? The middle -aged woman kept on pondering. She
take care of him. But when she travelled to a different village, decided to go inside the room to check. Upon opening the
it gave him the opportunity once again to join his colleagues door, the smell from the mess created by the two friends
on the field. After a few hours of playing football, Junior coupled with the scent from the melting objects struck her to
became tired and hungry at the same time. He was supposed to her utmost surprise. She wondered what could have happened.
take his lunch but he was afraid that Aunt Suzanne might be in Initially she thought it might be the village thieves, Manu and
the house and he would face the hell that was about to befall his friends, who could even steal meat from soup when one
him. He went to a nearby Palm tree and lay under it in order to was far away from her cooking pot. But on a second thought,
take some rest. In a few minutes later, Junior fell fast asleep she convinced herself that it would be her own Junior because
and was snoring as if he did not sleep last night. Solo tried a thief would not lock up the room and put the keys back at its
waking him up but his efforts failed. Junior is the type who is usual position. Aunt Suzanne had a specific place where she
always difficult to wake up anytime he falls asleep. Sometimes kept her key and it was only her and Junior who knew where
the key was. She screamed his name once again and her
immediate neighbor's daughter, Afi who had been at the play
ground in the afternoon told Aunt Suzanne where Junior had
been sleeping since afternoon. Out of fear and panic, Aunt told
Afi to go with her to the specific place where Junior slept.
Surprisingly Junior was not there. Another child who had been
at the playground in the afternoon, by name, Koo, said he met
Junior walking towards the chief's palace. Aunt became very
much afraid because it was dark already and the atmosphere of
Ndumbi was very calm. All children were in their houses and
At this moment, the moon had appeared high above the sky,
she feared that something evil might happen to the little boy so
shining brightly and fireflies moved to and fro while crickets
she asked Koo to join them in search for him.
made their usual sound from far and near accross the village.
All this while Junior was in Solo's mother's house sitting with From a distance, children were heard making joyful noises in
other children round a log of fire on which the evening meal of the neighborhood under the moonlight while other children
Solo's family had been prepared. stayed in their homes quietly listening to stories from their
grandparents. All this while Aunt Suzanne was still looking for
Junior who was chatting with Solo and other little children in
Solo's house. As they got closer to Solo's mother's house, Afi
suggested that they should check in that house because Junior
is mostly seen with Solo. True to her words, Aunt Suzanne
saw Junior sitting with the children round the log of fire and situation. Upon reaching home, Aunt Suzanne threw the boy
without any further waste of time Auntie threw herself on inside the room and instructed him to sleep immediately.
Junior in order not to allow him escape. The rest of the Junior went inside sobbing tearfully and trying to sleep but the
children screamed out of fear and fled as though a snake had pains from the heavy slaps and blows from Aunt Suzanne still
appeared in their midst. Aunt Suzanne started beating Junior exerted an unbearable pain on him. Aunt Suzanne kept on
with all her strength paying no heed to the wails and screams ranting and scolding Junior for his unbecoming attitude. He
from the little boy. The rest of the boys watched the scene partly blamed the peers of Junior for being the ones
helplessly, wishing they could do something to save their responsible for the boys recalcitrance. She is the type who
friend from the situation but they knew Aunt Suzanne very doesn't let a matter go so immediately, unless she keeps on
well and would not try. The last time when Aunt Suzanne had ranting and spitting out all her disgust untill she is tired and
a similar encounter with Junior, it kept much fear in these exhausted. As she went on and on, the friends and
children as they tried stopping Aunt when she poured her sympathizers of Junior who followed the scene to the house
anger on them caning them together and accusing them of started leaving one after the other as she kept on talking. After
being the ones who had influenced Junior to be a bad boy. So a short while she went in to check if the little boy was asleep.
knowing this, no child wanted to intervene. So after beating She nodded her head when she heard him snoring on his small
Junior for some time she began to drag him towards home. She mat. Time was already far gone and after tidying up the room
kept asking him why he caused that mess in her room but the and putting a few things in order, she went in and threw
little boy could only sob and could not explain himself. It was herself on her bed.
Afi, the little female friend of Junior who tried explaining the
situation to Aunt Suzanne since he was an eye witness to the
already awake and was surrounded by the house fowls which
were expressing their excitement as Junior threw the grains of
maize on the ground for them. Aunt Suzanne was very hard-
working and was counted among the few people in Ndumbi
who proved to be very successful in animal rearing. It was
Junior's duty to feed these animals every morning and it
looked surprising when sometimes Junior would not be awake
but these fowls would wake up and gather at their usual
feeding place waiting for Junior. They would rush over the
grains of maize, chasing one another, jumping and clasping
their feathers against one another in an attempt to get control
over the feed. The hens would guard the feed and allow their
chickens to have a few pecks , and the chickens who's beaks
were not strong enough to peck the grains would wait for the
mother hen to crush the grain into pieces for them to feed.
Then once a while one would spot a cock crowing and chasing
CHAPTER FOUR a hen to mate and after mating the hen will shake its feathers
vigorously while the cock would shrug its feathers and move
in a semi - circular motion around the hen. Sometimes Junior
It was the next morning at Ndumbi and a few people came
and his friends became very excited when two fowls engaged
around to say good morning to Aunt Suzanne. Junior was
in fighting. They would choose sides and support their could help her in her farming activities but that would act as a
favourite fowl and be clapping and chanting while the fowls check on the boy's life in order not to allow him enter into any
fought fiercely. All this while Aunt Suzanne was busily trouble when he's left to stay home alone. She called out three
sweeping her compound while responding to people who friends of Junior, Koo, Solo and Afi to come with them to the
greeted her while passing by her house to their farms. Others farm so that as she harvested the yam, the children would park
also came to greet her and find out how her friend who lost her them into the small farm hut. The children run into the house
husband at Sanko was faring. It has been a normal practice in with excitement, each one picking his favorite farm tool and
Ndumbi that when it's day break one would pass by his jumping on the way with joy since the farm would save them
neighbor's house to say good morning. Others also came from the endless to and fro errands that they would be running
around just to greet and find out why Junior cried so much last for their parents the whole day. Aunt Suzanne placed her
night. "It is his stubbornness that made him cry" Aunt Suzanne basket on her head and set off to her farm. She walked briskly
remarked and laughed when one neighbor asked. Aunt with the basket dangling on her head while calling unto the
Suzanne was in her late forties but was so energetic and fit as children to hurry up. The children loved to go to the farm with
though she was in her early thirties. She is dark in complexion Aunt Suzanne even though whenever she got angry she
and is heavily built with heavy arms which made her very insulted the children and threatened to beat them. She would
strong in carrying out her daily routine. She called out to prepare yam with kontomire stew with palm oil for these
Junior to be getting ready so that they could go to the farm. children and they would eat to their satisfaction but would not
Aunt Suzanne had a small farm near the Ofuofu river. She tolerate laziness in the farm. Junior had a dog called Buffalo,
cultivated pineapple, tomatoes and yam. She loved to go to the which was Aunt Suzanne's only companion whenever she
farm with Junior most of the time not only because Junior went to the farm alone. Buffalo was black in colour and very
energetic which would never allow a rat to escape whenever steadily dig the raised earth, taking her time to remove the yam
they met tête a tête in the bush. At this moment Buffalo was from the mounds without breaking it into into pieces. Junior
already in front of the children waving it's tail and running could also do same but it mostly took Junior a great deal of
ahead of them. time before he completed one whole process. He harvested the
yams for Koo to carry to the farm hut while Aunt also
harvested hers for Afi to carry to the farm hut. The children
were gradually getting tired as a result of the constant to and
fro movements in carrying the yams to the farm hut and then
back to the point where Aunt Suzanne and Junior harvested the
yams. They went on and on with the work untill the sun was
directly overhead. Aunt Suzanne looked into the sky and
They got to the farm at sunrise and started digging out the realized that it was time for her to prepare the afternoon meal
yams. The children too were very hard working and did their for the kids. Left to her alone she could set up fire and bury a
best to convey all the yams to the farm hut. From time to time piece of yam in it and in an hour time, the yam would have
she would call one of the children to bring her water so that been well roasted and the only task left is to peel the burnt
she could quench her thirst and continue the work. Aunt was portions off and that yam alone was enough to serve as lunch
not growing any younger but could work more efficiently even for her. But today she has got extra workers who are working
more than a young farmer in his early thirties. But at times she so tirelessly for her and therefore, deserved a better and
would over work and come back home complaining about delicious meal. She paused the children and asked them to go
waist pains. She was very skilful in this activity. She would and get water from the stream so that she could use it to
prepare the afternoon meal. She asked Afi to go to a nearby the sugarcane when Azupiah, the owner of the sugarcane
cocoyam plantation and bring some cocoyam leaves to be used plantation had come to give them several warnings concerning
for the stew while the three boys, Junior, Koo and Solo went to people who steal his sugarcane. Junior was quiet. Aunt
the stream to fetch the water. Aunt returned to the farm hut to Suzanne asked them to return the sugarcane to where ever they
initiate the lunch preparation process while Afi and the three got it in order not to spark any conflict between her and
friends are away on an errand. She removed one big tuber of Azupiah. This man was a very wicked man who often chased
yam and started peeling it away as Buffalo lay beside her people with cutlass from his farm and at times he would set
trying to trap some flies that are hovering around it's ear. traps in order to catch people who walk through his farm. He
Whenever Buffalo returned from the stream before Junior it was a man in his early fifties with a bald head and the name
was an indication that Junior was on his way back from the Azupiah was given to him because of the baldness of his head.
stream. Koo took upon himself the task to carry the water He knew Junior very well and had warned him several times
while Junior and Solo held some pieces of Sugarcane which never to enter into his farm but Junior would never pay heed.
they got from Azupiah's farm. Aunt Suzanne and her There was even a time when Junior went to Azupiah's farm
surrounding farm neighbors maintained a very good cordial with his gang and stole his pineapples and palm wine. He tied
relationship and could come to each other in exchange of torn pieces of a red cloth indicating that no one should enter
certain basic necessities like salt, cutlass or even a cooking pot into his farm but Junior and his friends enjoyed going to Aunt
for cooking whenever the need arose. Upon reaching the farm Suzanne's farm largely because of Azupiah's farm products,
hut, Aunt Suzanne became very furious after seeing the long especially the palm wine. Whenever he saw Junior's footprint
stretch of sugarcane that was dragged along the way to the and comes to warn him, he would deny that he did not go
farm hut. She angrily questioned Junior why he decided to cut there. So this time around, Azupiah is crazily hunting for
Junior to use him as a scapegoat. But Junior was very smart
and would always outwit him any day. When the lunch was
ready, the children ate together from a large bowl while Aunt
sat separately scrapping off the burnt portions of the roasted
yam which she buried in the fire long before she finished
preparing the lunch. After they had all eaten to their
satisfaction, they went back to work for a few hours before
leaving for the house. Aunt Suzanne gave the children some
pineapples from her farm to take home which made them very
excited as they thanked Aunt Suzanne and set off running
home with Buffalo. Aunt followed them with a bundle of
firewood on her head while Junior carried his Aunt's basket
which contained the cooking pot and the utensils used to
prepare the lunch. When they got to Ndumbi, the sun had
already settled and all of them dispersed into their various

It was another beautiful morning and the atmosphere at

Ndumbi was very calm. People were already awake and the
women had already started sweeping their compounds. Others of money and at times certain specific animals were demanded
preparing breakfast for their families, the men clearing the to be used as a sacrifice to appease the gods for breaching the
bushes around their houses to keep the surroundings clean, and rules of the land. There was a time the village thieves, Manu
the young girls queued up with pots on their heads going to the and his gang always invaded Azupiah's farm in the night to
stream to fetch water. It was a Taboo to go to the farm on steal some of his crops and vegetables, and this man had no
Sunday so all the inhabitants of Ndumbi often engaged in other option than to lay ambush in his farm overnight waiting
domestic activities such as weaving, moulding and carving. for these thieves, the next day was a Sunday and when it was
These were other alternative vocations that the villagers day break, Azupiah on his way back to the village met one of
mostly engaged in on Sundays and it proved to be financially the village elders - the father of Manu the thief - who reported
helpful to them aside farming and fishing. Other informal Azupiah to the chief and his elders. An announcement was
professions such as hunting and going to the forest for made and the entire village of Ndumbi came together to
firewood were all prohibited. It is believed that Sunday is a witness the scene as a whole grown and matured man who
sacred day and the gods of the village and the ancestral spirits knows the rules of the land decided to go contrary to the laws
often visited the village on this particular day. For this reason of the land. Azupiah was called to the middle of the yard,
no villager was allowed to walk outside the village premises. asked a few questions and when he was unable to give any
The only farthest point one could get to is the stream that lies answer, the chief executioner of the palace gave him a severe
very close to the village where the villagers fetched water for flogging after which he was hit with a Thousand Ghana Cedis
their daily activities. Failure to adhere to this taboo was fine, followed by an irritating hooting from the village women
punishable by fining. There had been several occasions where and children. In fact, that day Azupiah's soul nearly escaped
people have been fined at the chief's palace to pay huge sums
from his body as he stood in the middle of the crowd trembling Solo badged into the house calling Junior loudly. They did not
with his Wellington boot. notice that Aunt was in the house but upon seeing her, they
suddenly kept quiet and went straight to her and greeted her.
They told Aunt in a very polite tone that they wanted to go and
play with Junior at the playground. Aunt allowed Junior to
follow them and they all run out of the house in excitement.
Aunt finished picking the chaff from the grain of beans and
Due to this the villagers were very cautious of the taboos of
kept the beans on fire while sitting under the palm tree in her
the land and obeyed it keenly without hesitation. It was already
house chatting with Solo's mother who had come to visit her.
sunrise and almost every household had finished taking their
Solo's mother is Aunt Suzanne's childhood friend and for this
breakfast and others had already began their home based
reason they often had a lot to talk about anytime they met.
vocations. The obedient and hard-working children were
Sometimes they often recalled their youthful fantasies and
sitting by their parents learning the skill and running errands
laughed hilariously as if the problems of this world had
for them while the disobedient ones roamed about aimlessly,
nothing doing with their cloak. Aunt Suzanne lost her husband
playing and engaging in all kinds of vices. Junior was in the
years ago, and her three children who were all females got
house with his Aunt picking some unwanted grains of beans
married to men of different villages while Solo's mother lived
from a bowl of beans which they intended to use for lunch that
with her last born, Solo and two of her grandchildren. The two
Sunday afternoon. Aunt Suzanne sat on a mat on the floor and
women spent a great deal of time talking about business,
the bowl of beans placed on her laps while Junior sat on a
farming, family, and their youthful lives several decades ago.
small stool and as a family, they picked the little stones from
Aunt Suzanne noticed that the beans was simmering out of the
the grains and chatted happily. Then all of a sudden, Koo and
cooking pot and without hesitation she rushed to the cooking the Ofuofu river. These kids must have taken their time to
pot and opened the lid after which she pulled out some of the sneak out of the village because no one was supposed to walk
firewood to lower the degree of heat that caused the boiling outside the village premises on this particular day, but
beans to rise up. At this moment, Solo's mother rose up and whatever it is, the kids were already on their way to the Ofuofu
told Aunt she had to get back to the house to put a few things river. They had planned since morning that in the afternoon
together in the kitchen for her family. The two friends said they would go to the Ofuofu river to catch some fishes. So all
good bye to each other as Solo's mother walked with a of them were fully prepared with their sacks and baskets ready
conspicuous sluggishness, trying to tie the cloth around her to fill them with the fishes that they would catch. Within the
waist properly to prevent it from falling off. twinkle of an eye, the children were already at the riverside. It
was a very large river which had a small wooden bridge
accross it through which the farmers crossed to their farms.
whenever it rained, the river would swell up rumbling and
splashing outside its corridors making it very dangerous for
people to go there during the rainy season. However, the river
Afi called the boys to wait for her as she kept on running after
had a lot of fishes where most of the fishermen often went to
them with the little basket placed on her head. Junior and Koo
fish which served as a means of livelihood to them. Women
were holding sacks while Solo held a bucket and they were all
from distant and nearby villages also came to the river site to
in a haste, running and hopping to accomplish their mission
purchase the fishes who in turn send them to Sanko and other
before the sun gradually sinks into its domicile. It was already
places to sell at higher prices. But on this particular day the
three o'clock pm and the boys together with their female friend
riverside was very quiet. No one came there on that particular
found their way out of the village and were heading towards
day so the children were there all alone, each one holding a
hook and line which had a worm hanging on the hook to lure
the fishes to the trap. Koo, who was the oldest among the boys
was very skilful in this activity. He would wait for the fish to
come around the hook and in an attempt to eat the worm that is Solo and Junior followed Koo who was leading them to swim
fixed on the hook, he would quickly pull the hook and line out to every corner of the river. He was a bit more taller than the
and the hook will hijack the gills of the fish bringing it out of boys and could stand upright indicating the area of the river
the water and leaving it on dry land. The fish will be which was deep and the area which was shallow. So along the
wallowing and jumping, attempting to escape but Afi, who line, Koo got to a point which was very deep but since he
could not use the hook and line, would quickly pick the fish up could swim very well, he stood upright, splashing his feet
and drop it in her basket and cover it with a sack in order not against the water underneath and this enabled him to suspend
to allow it escape. After some time the four friends realized as though that portion was not deep. So thinking that the place
that they had had enough fishes and this made them very where Koo stood was shallow, Junior Jumped from the point
excited as they started making calculations on how much the where he stood to the point where Koo stood but his feet were
fishes would be sold to give them money. Suddenly, Koo who not able to touch the ground. He started sinking down the
was the oldest among the children decided to jump into the water. He called out for help raising his hands, and trying his
water. The rest of the children applauded him for the acrobatic possible best to spring up to the surface of the water but his
style he deployed in falling into the water. This excited the rest strength failed. Koo tried holding him but since his legs were
of the children and they decided to join except Afi who was not touching the ground, he was not able to pull him out of the
the smallest and the only female among them. water. Junior kept sinking and crying for help but anytime he
opened his mouth, water entered into his mouth and he kept he got back home. He kept on looking at the direction of the
swallowing the water while the flowing river gradually carried river where Junior had been carried to and calling his name,
him away. Koo tried his best to save the dying boy but anytime weeping and wishing he could come back, but there was no
he tried, the two of them would be sinking at the same time. sign of Junior anywhere around. Koo remained standing at the
With this, Koo became afraid and left Junior to his own fate riverside alone. All he could hear was the bubbling sound of
and run out of the water. Junior raised up his hands, struggling the water and anytime he called Junior's name, he heard his
to breathe, and kicking his legs in an attempt to save himself own voice echoing under the wooden bridge. He stood
but he was weak now. Afi cried bitterly and was running into helplessly, still weeping and trembling with fear. When he
the water to save her friend but when Junior shrieked for the realized he was the only one left at the riverside, he began
last time, bringing his head out and sinking once again, Afi walking towards home.
became afraid and run back to the shore of the river. Junior
could no longer bring his head out for air. All they could see
was Junior's hands raised above the surface of the water
waving as if he was saying goodbye while the river carried
him far away till they no longer saw him. Solo and Afi stood
The news shook the entire village of Ndumbi and the young
helplessly and wished their friend could come out of the water
energetic men started running towards the Ofuofu river to see
but before they could realize, Junior was gone, they broke out
if they could do something about the missing boy in the river.
crying uncontrollably and running towards the house leaving
The women stayed home weeping and trying to comfort Aunt
their fishes behind. Koo did not know what to do. He was
Suzanne who was wallowing on the floor crying bitterly and
afraid of what would befall him that very day at Ndumbi when
mentioning Junior's name repeatedly. She rose up trying to run
to the riverside but was restrained and held tightly by Solo's to save his life. So after everything had been done, the village
mother and other women who tried their best to comfort her. elders came together and called all the little children of the
Before they could search for the body of the little boy, they village and advised them on the need to observe the taboos of
had to poor libation to seek permission from the spirit living in the land and the danger of going to the Ofuofu river on a
the water before they could set foot in the water. The elders of sacred day.
the village went to consult the gods of the land and the gods
told them the river had decided to punish the village for
allowing the children go there on a sacred day. And without
the libation, they would not be able to find the little boy's
body. So after the libation some of the men went to the far end
of the river and others also went into the interior part of the
river and within a few minutes, they lifted up the little boy's
body and headed towards home. The boy was already dead and
people wailed bitterly as they approached the village with
Junior's dead body. The entire village of Ndumbi came
together to make arrangements for the little boy's burial.
Customarily, a child's dead body was not supposed to be kept
till the next day so the burial of Junior was done that same
evening leaving the village dwellers in tears, especially Afi
and Solo who watched Junior dying but could not do anything

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