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[7:34pm, 18/06/2018: Heritage Social Studies


Section A -(30 marks)

▪Each question carries (5 marks)

1a). ...are used by blacksmith to make tools. (1)

b). Tools are important because they make work...(1)

c). What do we call places that are holy? (1)

d). Where is Great Zimbabwe?(1)

e). ....mountains are found in the Eastern Highlands. (1)

2a). Traditionally the head of the family. (1)

b). Your hopes for your life are your....(1)

c). The most important thing about family gatherings is that members.(1)

d). The use of iron to make tools started....(1)

e). What are shrines and monuments used for? (1)

3a). Who helps to negotiate the lobola price? (1)

b). Money paid to the bride's family is called....(1)

c). There are.... ethnic groups in Zimbabwe. (1)

d). Name one use of aloe. (1)

e). Muremberembe/Umhlahlanyama is used to treat....(1)

4a). Name two games played by children. (2)

b). List down two things that people learn from games. (2)

c). ....ceremony is performed to cleanse the family of problems or misfortunes. (1)

5a). The....were nomads who moved from one place to another in search of game and fruits. (1)

b). San people hunting tools. (2)

c). The Khoikhoi kept animals like....and....(2)

6a). The Khoikhoi made tools from...and copper. (1)

b). The Khoikhoi were skilled people who made....and....(2)

c). Name two Bantu tribes that you know. (2)

Section B ( 20marks)

▪Each question carries (10 marks)

7a). The Bantu were skilled builders they built....(1)

b). People who have knowlege about herbs are called....(1)

c). Why do we need rules? (1)

d). ....teach us rules at home.(1)

e). Who makes and uses by-laws? (2)

f). Name two services provided by the local authority. (2)

g).The....reinforce the laws. (1)

h). What happen to those who are found guilty of breaking the law? (1)
8a). Name two types of courts found in Zimbabwe. (2)

b). Which is the highest court in Zimbabwe? (1)

c). The duty of every citzen is to....the laws. (1)

d). The....presides over courts where people are tried for breaking customary laws. (1)

e). Give two cases which can be tried by the Headman's court. (2)

f). The Chief's court is also called....court. (1)

g). List down any two classroom rules. (2)

[7:35pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Science and Technology

Paper 1

Choose the correct answer.

1. Which material is man-made?

A tree B door

C water D stone

2. Natural materials were made by ___.

A people B man

C schools D God

3. A material is impure if it is____

A sugar only

B mixed with another material

C new
D Strong

4. We can make water clean by___

A pouring

B washing

C drinking

D filtration

5 Choose a kitchen tool.

A hoe B spade

C axe D fork

6 Name one natural material you know.

A plastic B book

C leaf D cup

7 Why is a knife sharp?

A so that it can cut.

B so that it can dig

C so that it is light to carry

D so that it is shiny

8 Why is it good to carry tools carefully?

A because they are new.

B so that we dont hate ourselves.

C so that we use them.

D so that we put them in the storeroom

9 We use heat energy for__

A cooking B water

C walking D eating

10 Energy in a cellphone is stored in the___

A light B charger

C voice D battery

11 If you switch on a TV you see pictures because

there is___

A screen B light

C picture D sound

12 Paraffin is a ___ fuel.

A gas B solid

C liquid D heat

13 Petrol is used in ____

A televisions B stoves

C lights D cars

14 ___more trees for firewood.

A cut B grow

C burn D eat

15 Which fuel is a solid?

A diesel B petrol

C gas D coal

16 We get electricity from a dam called___

A Mutirikwi

B Bangala

C Mzingwane

D Kariba

17 Electricity is used for__

A eating B cooking

C wearing D digging

18 Electricity does not travel in___

A wire B iron

C wood D metal

19 We must never touch a hot stove with a___.

A hand B pot

C cup D pan
20 Which material was used to make pots long ago?

A sand B clay

C wood D stone

21 Patterns are made on artifacts for___

A fun

B playing

C decoration

D people

22 Water supports all___on earth.

A winds

B dams

C life

D electricity

23 Where does a river starts?

A in a valley

B in a dam

C in a lake

D in a high place

24 Water sinks into the soil through a procees called___

A infiltration

B run-off
C water flow

D irrigation

25 Why does water infiltrate sandy soil quickly?

A because it has dead plants.

B because it keeps heat.

C because it has humus.

D because it has large soil particles.

26 Which is the biggest natural source of water?

A a dam B a river

C an occean D a lake

27 A___is an example of man-made source of water.

A river B lake

C dam D pond

28 How do people get underground water?

A by irrugation

B by digging wells

C by building dams

D by building lakes

29 Lightning can kill people and___.

A dam walls
B animals

C crops

D water

30 There are ___seasons in Zimbabwe.

A five B eight

C four D fourteen

31 Weather instruments are kept in a ___.

A weather station

B windvane

C weather elements

D cloud cover

32 Decayed plant and animal matter is called___.

A loam soil

B breakdown

C roots

D humus

33 If___soil is rubbed in hands you feel gritty and rough.

A loam B clay

C sand D garden

34 ___make food in a plant.

A roots B stems

C trunk D leaves

35 Animals with no backbone are called___

A invertebrates

B verttebrates

C big animals

D people

36 Malaria is caused by___

A locusts

B mosquitoes

C snails D worms

37 The tsetse fly causes___in people.

A sleeping sickness

B diarrhoea

C bilharzia

D cholera

38. An example of a man-made resource is___.

A tree B soil

C dam D water

39 ___is a natural resource which is used to make bricks.

A Soil B Metal

C Wire D mineral

40 Which body part is most important?

A the nose

B all of them

C the eyes

D the teeth

41 When must you change your toothbrush?

A after one week

B after 3-4 months

C after 6 months

D after 1 year

42 Which food may cause our teeth to decay?

A fresh fruits

B milk

C sweets

D green vegetables

43 Which one is an example of a tioletry?

A water B perfume

C toothbrush D lipstick
44 What do cosmetics do to a person?

A they grow up

B they smile a lot

C they change their appearence

D they become too old

45 Which are the two main sources of food?

A plants and fruits

B animals and vegetables

C legumes and plants

D plants and animals

46 Green vegetables and fruits give us a nutrient called___

A carbohydrates

B vitamins

C proteins

D fats

47 The food we eat almost everyday is our ___ diet.

A good B only

C staple D other

48 Why should you sleep under a moquito net?

A to feel warm

B to prevent malaria
C to stop the cold

D to stop noise

49 Scientists do their experiments in a___

A laboratory

B classroom

C home

D school

50 Which food gives us energy?

A vegetables

B sadza

C beans

D carrots

[7:35pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Agiculture Paper 1

Choose the correct answer.

1 Agriculture is___.

A the growing of crops and raising of livestock

B the selling of fruits and vegetables

C the hunting of wild life

D the harvesting of crops

2 Agricultural activities in the garden are carried out using ___.

A hands B tools

C animals D tractors

3 Which of the following is an importance of agriculture?

A controlling animals

B provision of food

C creating unemployment

D promoting laziness

4 Which of the following is a digging tool?

A trowel B shovel

C hoe D rake

5 How many parts does an axe have?

A one B two

C three D four

6 Choose a material that is not used to make farm tool.

A metal B wood

C rubber D glass

7 Tools should be used ___.

A for any work

B to do the right work

C at any place
D without checking

8 Where are tools kept?

A in the storeroom

B in the garden

C under a shade

D in the cuoboard

9 How many seasons do we have in Zimbabwe?

A two B three

C four D five

10 Wheat in Zimbabwe is grown during the___season.

A rainy B post rainy

C cold D hot

11 The loose material that covers the earth's surface is called___

A mineral matter

B organic matter

C soil

D rock organism

12 What is mineral matter?

A dead plants

B dead animals
C decaying plants and animals

D rock particles

13 Organic matter is composed of___.

A dead and decaying plants

B dead and decaying plants and animals

C plants, animals and rock particles

D plant matter, water and air.

14 The amount of nutrients in the soil is a measure of its___.

A fertility

B infertility

C rubbish

D manure

15 What is compost?

A dung B litter

C rubbish D manure

16 A compost heap should not be too large because___.

A it will take more time to mature

B it will take less time to mature

C material will fall off

D watering will be difficult

17 Which of the following defines soil erosion?

A washing away of litter by water.

B removal of mineral matter.

C falling of rain.

D removal of top soil by wind and water.

18 Which of the following is NOT a sign of soil erosion?

A thick grass covering the soil

B muddy water flowing over the soil

C channels and trenches on the ground

D dusty winds

19 Water is important in agriculture for___

A diluting mazoe

B watering crops

C boiling eggs

D cooking sadza

20 The animal that uses water as its shelter is___

A sheep B fish

C chicken D cow

21Trees, grasses and shrubs are___.

A animals B birds

C plants D rocks
22 A____is an indigenous fruit.

A mango

B paw paw

C grape

D umkhemeswana

23 Goats eat ___ as their food.

A tree leaves B meat

C soil D sadza

24 ___is NOT an example of organic manure.

A compound D

B cow dung

C compost

D tree leaves

25 Waste from___ is NOT used as manure.

A chickens B goats

C donkeys D dogs

26 Which of these vegetables is a root crop?

A onion B rape

C cabbage D spinach

27 ___is NOT an indigenous vegetable.

A mushamba

B ulude / nyevhe

C black jack

D lettuce

28 ___does NOT belong to the grass family.

A rapoko B maize

C millet D potatoes

29 Food eaten by the majority of people in a country is called___

A staple food

B diet

C lunch

D meal

30 ___is a cash crop.

A tobacco B onion

C pumkin D okra

31 A ___tree is NOT found in orchard.

A msasa B mango

C grape D paw paw

32 Ornamental plants are grown for___.

A food
B animal feeds

C decoration

D providing shade

33 An example of an ornamental plant is___

A onion B maize

C carrot D lawn

34 ___seeds are usually found in pods.

A ornamental plants

B cash crops

C cerals

D legumes

35 What is forestry?

A the growing of vegetables

B the growing of fruit trees

C the growing of trees

D the keeping of animals

36 A___ feeds on grass.

A lion B cheetah

C hare D fish

37 All these are small animals except___

A rabbit B hen

C pigeon D cow

38 Living plants are ___in colour.

A red B blue

C brown D green

39 An elephant ear is a ___.

A tree B grass

C shrub D flower

40 Meat from sheep is called ___.

A mutton B pork

C beef D chicken

41 Animal hides are used to make ___.

A beef B glue

C belts D buttons

42 A hoe is used for___.

A fetching water

B spraying

C weeding watering

43 ___are bird used in races.

A Pigeons B Peacocks

C Turkeys D Broillers

44 Broillers are ready for sale after___.

A 6 years B 6 hours

C 6 days D 6 weeks

45 ____are reared for eggs

A Broillers B Layers

C Pigeons D Peacocks

46 Apiculture is ___.

A the rearing of goats

B the growing of flowers

C the keeping and maintenance of bees

D the growing of fruit trees

47 Bee wax is used to make ___.

A candles B beer

C clothes D shoes

48 ___feed on grass.

A Bees B Lions

C Hynas D Cattle
49 ___are not natural feeds.

A Bushes B Pellets

C Shrubs D Tree barks

50 Bees give us ___

A salt B honey

C nectar D flowers

[7:35pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Fareme

Structured questions

■ Read the passage and answer questions that follow.

Violet stays in Gokwe. She is in grade 3. Her school is Nembudziya Primary. One Monday morning When
she was going to school she saw Felistas sitting beside the road crying. Felistas had hurt her foot on
broken glass. She had a big cut. Other pupils passed Felistas but Violet helped her. She put sand on the
wound to stop it bleeding. She helped Felistas back home. That day Violet was late for school.

1a). Who had her foot cut by glass? (1)

b). ......helped Felistas. (1)

c). Why was Violet late for school? (1)

d). We should learn to.... one another. (1)

2a). How do christians help the needy? (1)

b). The aged are people who are........ (1)

c). Members of your family should another. (1)

d). a strong feeling about something. (1)

e). We should.....each other. (1)

3a). All religions believe in .....the needy. (1)

b). Christians believe marriage is made by....(1)

c). Name two groups of needy people. (2)

e). Christians believe that a family that .....together stays together. (1)

4a). .........wrote the bible. (1)

c). How are Indigenous religion teachings passed from one genaration to another? (1)

d). Name two sacred places in Indigenous religion. (2)

e). Which rituals are perfirmed at the Njelele shrine? (1)

5a). Why are totems important? (1)

b). What is the difference between monogamous and polygamous families? (1)

c). Draw the symbol for each for each religion.

i). Islam...................(1)

ii). Christuanity.......(1)

iii). Judaism...........(1)

6a). .....make us do the right things. (1)

b). List three attributes of good morals. (3)

c). Everyone has a right ti belong to .......(1)

d). If you have done wrong, it is wise to......(1)

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Science and Technology

Electronics and Forces

1. The electric bulb can only produce light when___.

( the switch is off / the switch is on / electricity is available )

2. A cellphone battrey needs to be ___.

( saved / charged / switched off )

3. Electricity from Kariba power station gets to homes and schools along ___.

( power lines / cords / plugs )

4. Do not place electric devices near___.

( heat / cold / water )

5. Some of electricity used in Zimbabwe is generated at ___.

( Gweru and Chinhoyi / Hwange and Kariba / Hwange and Kadoma )

6. The following are electrical devices except ___.

( television / compass / radio / cellphone )

7. Magnets attract ____.

( paper / metal / wood / plastic )

8. The following devices contain magnets except ____.

( loud speaker / electric fan / bicycle / refrigerator door )

9. Magnets attract metal objects by a magnetic____.

( force / fan / rope / glue )

10. The following materials are insulators except___.

( wood / rubber / metal / plastic )

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: ICT

1. A computer is found in the___.

( lab / mouse / CPU / screen )

2. We see picture on the ___ of the computer.

( mouse / screen / CPU / keyboard )

3. We use a___ for clicking.

( lab / mouse / CPU / screen )

4. We use a computer to ___ at school.

( learn / computer / finger / sing )

5. We use a___ for typing.

( mouse / keyboard / CPU / camera )

6. We move pictures using the ___.

( keys / mouse / screen / CPU )

7. We do our printing using the ___.

( mouse / printer / keys / camera )

8. The computer can be used to play___.

( games / walk / sleep / sweep )

9. We drag and drop using____

( monitor / mouse / speaker / printer )

10. We take photos using the digital___

( photo / mouse / camera / printer )

11. We can use a computer to ____.

( jump / take a walk / watch movies / sleep )

12. I can change the shape of my words using ___.

( word art / font colour / add image / font size )

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Fareme


● Choose the correct answer.

1. At a funeral people___ the dead.

A mourn B laugh

C gossip at D look at

2. It is easy in life , if we___ each other.

A haunt B hate

C love D ignore

3. A person who ____ cannot be trusted.

A sings B prays

C lies D dances

4. One of the tasks of a father is to___.

A beat children

B provide for the family

C to marry many wives

D disappear

5. A minor is anyone below the age of ___.

A 13 B 18

C 10 D 12

6. ___ is a form of sexual abuse.

A starvation

B fondling a child's private parts.

C beating
D neglect

7. We should always ___ our parents.

A hate B obey

C laugh at D ignore

8. All elders should be___.

A respected B hated

C mocked D beaten

9. Tablets taken when one is HIV positive are___.

A paracetamol

B disprin


D cafemol

10. Religions teach children about___.

A sexual abuse

B lies

C death

D steal

11. ___ is a sin.

A Eating

B Stealing
C Laughing

D having friends

12. Every person needs to live in a ___place.

A safe B harmful

C dirty D bad

13. ___ is good for your body.

A exercise

B smoking

C drinking

D eat too much

14. The country has rules to____ those who break the law.

A kill B kick

C punish D ignore

15. It is polite to___ elders.

A greet B shout at

C laugh at D lie to

16. A person who cannot walk is ___.

A blind

B physically handicapped

C deaf
D dumb

17. Every person has a right to choose their ___.

A religion B family

C race D clothes

18. Who should take care of animals?

A animals B no one

C people D children

19. When you have done wrong, you should___.

A apologise

B laugh

C ignore

D keep quiet

20. Which form of technology is used wrongly?

A holy books

B mobile phones

C radios

D televisions

21. Artefacts are special objects for___.

A religion

B maths
C agriculture

D the kitchen

22. When handling the blood of an HIV infected person we use___.

A blankets B gloves

C raincoat D glasses

23. To keep healthy one should always ___.

A exercise B lie

C fight D steal

24. A good child knows what is rught or___.

A wrong B lie

C cheap D steal

25. A person who cannot hear is___

A lame B blind

C deaf D dumb

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Maths Revision

1. Write one hundred and six in figures.

2. 1020 in words is....

3. Complete the sequence:

10th 20th 30th [ ] [ ] 60th

4. Draw a picture to show 2471.

5. Expand 5742.

6. What is the value of 9 in 2927?

7. Put in the correct sign > , < or =

400 [ ] 200+200

8. Write these numbers in ascending order:

22 681 7201 9

9. Round off 3204 to the nearest 10....

10. XL in Arabic numbers is....

11. Draw a fraction to show 1/4.

12. Uthabile had 35 pencils. She sold 15 pencils. How many has she left?

13. Round off 5678 to the nearest 100...

14. 2/8 = [ ]/4

15. Put the corret sign > ,< or =

3 1/2 [ ] 2 3/4


17. 2(9)=

18. 9/100 in decimals is...

19. Draw a clock to show 1/4 past 1.

20. 39/100 as a percentage is....

21. Draw an abacus to show 4010.

22. Find the difference between 396 and 42.

23. Draw a rectangle.

24. After 999 is....

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: V.I.P


1. We can play games using a....

( radio/ camera/ computer )

2. Which of these is not an electronic device?

( USB/ CPU/ printer )

3. The the heart of the computer.

( keyboard/ mouse/ monitor/ CPU )

4. an input device.

( monitor/ printer/ microphone )

5. Complete :

i) one input device is....

ii) one output device is...

iii) one storage device is...

6. State one device that can be used internally by the computer.

7. What do you use to change the shape of words?


8. Another name for Mbende is...

( Jerusalem/ Isitshikitsha/ Muchongoyo )

9. Charles Charamba

( country/ gospel/ house )

10. Which one of these is a primary colour?

( blue/ green/ purple )

11. What is one role of music?

12. The song "Kudala Kwakunganje" was sung in which era?

13. State one elements of music.

14. What was used for fetching water long ago?

15. Draw marimba.


16. Which one of these is an internal body part?

( mouth/ ears/ eyes/ heart )

17. an internal body part.

( kidney/ eyes/ ears )

18. Shooters are worn when playing...

( netball/ soccer/ basket ball )

19. ...can be a warm up activity.

( dribbling/ throwing/ jogging )

20. One of these is a stroke used in swimming.

( shoothing/ serving/ breast )

21. ...foods are not good for sportsman.

22. In which sporting discipline do we use a discuss?

23. One sporting activity where a net is used is....

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: English Revision

Language Practice

▪Animal sounds:

1. A cat....

2. A pig....

▪Use did or do to complete sentences.

3. Last evening I homework before going to bed.

4. Everday my parents .... a lot of work in the fields.

▪Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word below:

( motorists pedestrians tourists queue )

5. People travelling on foot are called....

6. A a line of people waiting to do something.

7. People travelling by motor cars are called....

8. People who travel to visit places on holiday are called ....

▪Complete the sentences using they , their or there.

9. The people of Zimbabwe love .... country.

10. The boys have come. .....are waiting outside.

11. The river is far away, but I am going ....on foot.

▪ Choose the correct word to fill in.

12. Isa is standing....Thando.

( beside/ on/ between/ along )

13. The children like church.

( song/ sing/ sang/ singing )

14. Promise sat ....watching television.

( quietly/ quickly/ amazingly/ thoroughly )

15. Clayton keeps a lot of goose. Change the word goose to a plural.

( gooses/ geeses/ geese/ goosling )

16. This is Priority'cat. It belongs to....

( his/ hers/ him/ she )

18. Which word is correctly spelt?

( testbooks/ textbooks/ tastebooks/ textboks )

19. A loin is the...dangerous animal.

( more/ much/ most/ an )

20. The opposite of good is....

( bad/ rude/ strong/ nice )

21. Yesterday we had....sugar left in the tin.

( few/ less/ little/ much )

▪Complete the sentences by putting the word in brackets in the past form.

22. Uthabile ( tell ) the class her story.

23. He ( say ) the rains came early and they were planting.

24. One day a boy ( climb ) a tree and fell.

▪ Punctuate the following sentence:

25. our school is mtshabezi

[7:36pm, 18/06/2018] +263 77 538 9316: Fareme


1a). What is a family? (1)

b). Name three groups of families.(3)

c). What is a nuclear family?(1)

2a). What is a totem?(1)

b). Why must we respect totems?(1)

c). Our brothers and sisters are also called our... (1)
d). What is the duty of the father in the family?(1)

e). Why is it important for families to spend time tohether?(1)

3a). Which religion is followed by most Zimbabweans?(1)

b). Complete: The family that prays or worships together stays....(1)

c). List three ways in which a family can build unity.(3)

4a). Name two groups of needy people.(2)

b). What do we call a group of families living near one another and sharing goals and problems?(1)

c). Explain what we mean by vulnerable children.(1)

d). Name one example of vulnerable children.(1)

5a). Name the religion that follows the Quran.(1)

b). Write down the word for being in control of your behaviour and emotions.(1)

c). List any three negative emotions.(3)

6a).Complete the following:

i). Positive emotions makes us feel....(1)

ii). Negative emotions makes us feel ....(1)

b). God gave Moses.(1)

c). Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran.(1)

d). African Traditional Religion follows the teachings of the....(1)

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