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• Venn Diagram about the 3 states of Volcanoes (Individual Activity)

Directions: Using a white cartolina, marker, coloring/art materials, create a Venn Diagram about
the states (Active, In-Active and Dormant) of the Volcano (it can be done digitally).

4 3 2
1 (Needs
(Satisfactory) (Meets Standards) (Making Progress)

Venn diagram shows Venn diagram is Venn diagram is Venn diagram is

neat organization and organized, and slightly cluttered, and unorganized, and
Structure components are contents are related to contents do not share contents do not
relevant on the said the topic. complete thoughts on relate to the topic.
topic. the topic.

Most statements that

All statements that show similarities are Few statements that No statements that
show similarities are placed inside the show similarities are show similarities are
Placement of placed inside the correct overlapping placed inside the placed inside the
Contents overlapping regions of regions and most correct overlapping correct overlapping
the Venn diagram and statements that show regions and few regions and no
all statements that differences are statements that show statements that show
show differences are outside the differences are differences are
outside the overlapping overlapping regions of outside the outside the
regions of the Venn the Venn diagram. overlapping regions overlapping regions
diagram. of the Venn diagram. of the Venn diagram.

Quantity of
Venn diagram shows Venn diagram shows
Components Venn diagram shows Venn diagram shows
six or more 4-5 comparison
2-3 comparison 0-1 comparison
comparison statements statements in each
statements in each statements in each
in each circle. circle.
circle. circle.

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