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EXERCISES (7/ 10/ 2021)

I. Odd one out: Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the other words
1. A hasty B. nasty C tasty D. wastage
2. A . chooses B. houses . rises
C D. horses
3. A . homonym B. dishonesty C . honorable D. hourly
4. .A slaughter B. draught .C naughty D. plaudit
5. A whistle B. thirst .
C skirt D. reptile
6. A adventure .
B. advantage C advertise D. addition
7. A chain B. entertain .C bargain D. complainn
8. A naked .
B. coughed C hatred D. sacred
9. A embarrassed B. closed .
C raised D. pleased
10 A assist B. must .
C island D. mist
II. List the words given in separate column according to their stress patterns
create, extravagant, accidental, tuberculosis, jeopardize, diametre, coincide, geneticist, preferential,
elasticity, recipe, tattoo, invalid, misunderstand, communism, politics, guarantee, economics,
nevertheless, cinematographer.
1. First stressed syllable:
2. Second stressed syllable:
3. Third stressed syllable:
4. Fourth stressed syllable:
III. Choose the best answer
1. For people with hearing difficulties, telephones with volume controls provide the best _________
A. reply B. response C. solution D. result
2. I've had two teeth taken out. It was OK at the time, but now my mouth really ____
A. pains B. harms C. hurts D. injures
3. He got an excellent grade in his exam ____ the fact that he worked particularly hard.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. because D. although
4. There was a great scandal when it turned out that the Bishop, who was meant to be ____ had a
A. singular B. celibate C. immaculate D. separated
5. It is a long ____ from Tokyo to London.
A. tour B. track C flight D. travel
6. The acrobats at the circus performed some very impressive ____
A. deeds B. exploits C. actions D. feats
7. I'm afraid I'm rather ____ about existence of ghosts.
A. skeptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable
8. His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any _____ of it at all.
A. interpretation B. meaning C. intelligibility D. sense
9. If she can make up such stories, she is certainly a very ___ girl.
A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imagining
10. During the First World War, an _____ 5 million people lost their lives.
A. assumed B. estimated C. envisaged D. approximated.
11. I hope this headache will ______ soon.
A. wear off B. go out C. come away D. pass away
12. Who would take the Hippocratic oath?
A.a barrister B.a priest C. a doctor D. a sodier
13. When he graduated from the university he got his _____.
A. diploma B. certificate C. degree D. bachelor
14. The kidnappers demanded _____ of 10,000 for his release.
A. a present B. a ransom C. a money D. a cash
15. A(n) _____ is a person who studies ancient things, especially old building, monuments and other
A. geologist B. archaeologist C. ecologist D. oceanographer
16. A minority of the committee members were dissatisfied with the decision and endeavoured to
_____ it.
A. overturn B. abolish C. postpone D. redo
17. Luckily my wallet was handed into the police with all its contents _____ .
A. preserved B. unscathed C. unsafe D. intact
18. The farm was owned by Joe and Bert Cox. They employed a few farm _____ .
A. employees B. officers C. gardeners D. hands
19. Cooked in wine, snails are a great ___ in various parts of the world.
A. food B. luxury C. meal D. plate
20. If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you could consider octopus a great _____ .
A. delicacy B. dish C. appetite D. taste
IV. Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word.
Television owes its origins ___(1)___ many inventors. But it was the single-minded determination
of an amateur inventor, John Logie Baird, ___(2)___ led to the first live television broadcast.
Born in Scotland in 1898 and educated in Glasgow, John Logie Baird ___(3)___ a living as a razor-
blade salesman. In ___(4)___ 1890s Guglieimo Marconi showed that sound could be sent by radio
waves. Baird became convinced that a similar system could transmit a ___(5)___ . He spent most of
his spare time working on his ideas in his tiny workshop ___(6)___ any commercial support. He had
to use his own earnings to convince his research. In 1924, Baird __ (7)___ transmitted the general
outline of a figure over more than 3 metres. He continued to experiment and on October 25, 1925
transmitted a recognisable image of a doll. He ran down to the office on the ground floor and
persuaded one of the office boys to come upstairs. The boy became the first living image ___(8)___
by television. Overnight, Baird became famous and the money which he needed to convince his
research was at ___(9)___ made available. In 1927 he made a transmission from London to Glasgow
and in 1928 he made another from London to New York. He continued experimenting and spent his
last year exploring the ___(10)___ of colour television.
V. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the best answer to each question .
Many countries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in the form of an unfavorable
trade balance with other nations. Such an imbalance exist when the total value of a country's imports
exceeds that of that exports. For example, if a country buys 10 billion dollars in products from other
countries, yet sells 10 billion dollars of its own products overseas, its trade is 20 billion dollars.
Many underdeveloped nations find themselves in this position because they lack natural resources or
the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thus have to import raw materials or manufactured
One effect of a trade deficit is the flow of currency out of a country. In the case of an
underdeveloped nation, this can cause many financial difficulties, including failure to meet debt
payments and. obstacles to creation of an industrial base. Even in the case of a fully developed
nation such as the United States, a large trade deficit is reason for alarm. American products, made
by well-paid workers in U.S. industries, cost more to produce than those made in places like Asia,
where labor and material costs are much lower. Money spent on foreign products is money not spent
on items produced by domestic industries.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss ?
a) The causes and consequences of trade deficits.
b) Several worldwide economic problems.
c) Lack of resources in underdeveloped countries.
d) The value of exports versus imports.
2. According to the passage, when does a trade imbalance occur ?
a) A country sells more products overseas than its imports.
b) The value of the products a country imports is greater than the value of the products it exports.
c) A country cannot develop its natural resources.
d) A country has a serious economic problem.
3. The passage states that many underdeveloped nations have trade deficits because
a) they find themselves in this position.
b) they have failed to meet debt payments.
c) they export most of their natural resources to other nations.
d) they have to import most of their natural resources or manufactured products.
4. Which of the following is not mentioned as a possible cause of a trade imbalance ?
a) The high cost of exported items.
b) An underdeveloped industrial base.
c) A lack of natural resources.
d) Low labor and material costs in Asian countries.
5. It can be inferred from this passage that American industries
a) provide a strong industrial base that prevents a trade deficit.
b) import labor and material from overseas.
c) are hurt by a trade imbalance.
d) do not pay their workers sufficient wages.
VI. True / false ?
Read carefully and decide whether each of the following statement is true (T) or false (F) :
Arrival : When the plane lands, you are requested to keep your seat belt fastened until the light goes
off and remain in your seat until the plane stops moving. This is for your own comfort and safety.
Leaving the airport : If you are ending your journey at this airport, you should go up to the
escalator to passport control and customs. If you are travelling further by rail or coach, you will find
an information desk outside the customs hall, as well as a bank where you can change money.
Catching another flight : If you are planing to change planes, you should follow the signs to the
waiting lounge, where you should check in and wait to board your connecting flight. There will be
an announcement when your flight is due to take off. Our ground staff will be happy to help you.
Leaving the plane : All passengers leaving the plane should make sure that they take everything with
them. If you have checked in any luggage, you should remember to collect it from the baggage area
inside the airport.
Continuing on this flight : We regret that passengers who are continuing their journey on this flight
may not get off the plane. You may not smoke while the plane is on the ground.
Thank you for flying with us. We hope to be able to welcome you on board again soon.
1. ____ All passengers must leave the aeroplane.
2. ____ You must wait until the light goes out before undoing your seat belt.
3. ____ Passengers who are leaving the airport must first go to passport control.
4. _____ Passengers continuing by another plane must go through customs.
5. ___ You can change money before you go to passport control.
6. ____ You must go up the escalator to the waiting lounge if you are changing plane.
7. ____ Passengers in the waiting lounge will hear an announcement when their plane is ready to
8. ____ No one is allowed to smoke in the airport.
9. ____ The aeroplane is going on to another place after some of the passengers get off.
10. ____ Passengers who are leaving the plane should check that they have not left anything behind.
VII. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space
'Just imagine a day without paper,' reads one advertisement for a Finnish paper company. It adds,
'You almost (1) ..... see our products every day.' And they're right. But in most industrial countries,
people are so (2)..... to paper - whether it's for holding their groceries, for drying their hands or for
(3)..... them with the daily news - that its (4)..... in their daily lives passes largely unnoticed.
At one (5) ..... paper was in short supply and was used mainly for important documents, but more
recently, growing economies and new technologies have (6) ..... a dramatic increase in the (7)..... of
paper used. Today, there are more than 450 different grades of paper, all designed for a different
Decades ago, some people predicted a 'paperless office'. (9) ...... the widespread use of new
technologies has gone hand-in-hand with an increased use of paper. Research into the relationship
between paper use and the use of computers has shown that the general (10)..... is likely to be one of
growth and interdependence.
However, the costs (11) ..... in paper production, in terms of the world's land, water and air
resources, are high. This (12) ..... some important questions. How much paper do we really need and
how much is wasted?
1 A positively B obviously C certainly D absolutely
2 A conscious B acquainted C familiar D accustomed
3 A providing B delivering C contributing D giving
4 A task B operation C service D role
5 A time B instance C date D occasion
6 A called on B come around C brought about D drawn up
7 A total B portion C number D amount
8 A point B goal C purpose D result
9 A Instead B Besides C Otherwise D Alternatively
10 A method B order C trend D system
11 A involved B contained C held D connected
12 A puts B raises C gets D places

VIII. Use only ONE word in each gap

Is your school just as you want it to be? Or are there things you and your classmates (1)..........
change, given the opportunity? This is your chance to express your ideas about (2) .......... the ideal
school is like. Our competition is open to (3) .......... student between the ages of twelve and eighteen.
You can enter (4) .......... an individual or your whole class can work together on a team entry. Your
entry can take any form -a piece of writing, a picture, or even architectural plans. It is completely (5)
.......... to you. What we are looking for is evidence (6) .......... originality, imagination and, above
(7)........... the genuine views of young people.
By (8) .......... part in this, you will help in a study being carried out at a leading university. All work
entered (9) .......... the competition will be kept at the university and used in research. Entries cannot
be returned (10) .......... of this. But it also means that, even (11) .......... you do not win, your views
will still be heard and will remain for future educationalists to study.
Entries must reach us no later (12).......... Friday 30 April. Winners will receive valuable prizes
of computer equipment and software for their schools.
IX. Fill in each gap in the sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters:
1. His dream is to be an ...............................like his father when he grows up. (ECONOMY)
2. Japan is an ………………………country. (INDUSTRY)
3. She can find no ................................................ to her financial troubles. ( SOLVE )
4. The instructions are very................................ I am not clear what I should do.( CONFUSE)
5. The large dog is perfectly …………….........and he has never been known to attack anyone.
6. The party is …….…………, so you don’t have to dress up for it. ( FORM )
7. Som people claim to be able to …………. the future . ( TELL )
8. We should learn all the new words by heart in order to ……..…… our vocabulary. (RICH)
9. It is considered ................ to ask a person how much they earn. (POLITE)
10. After years of ................. she said goodbye to her husband. (HAPPY)
11. It's a lovely old house, I agree, but can we afford to ................ it? (MODERN)
12. We must act quickly and ................ to stop the spread of the disease. (DECIDE)
13. Half the world's population is living in ................ (POOR)
14. Pele ................ Ronaldo to take part in 2002 World Cup. (COURAGE)
15. In the company of other children he behaves very ................ (DESTROY)
16. ................ is often a symptom of too much pressure at work. (SLEEP)
17. The strike was caused by the (dismiss) _____ of two workers.
18. Male talk is often (argue) ____ while women are more tentative.
19. He felt very (courage) _______ when he saw he had failed the exam again.
20. Unfortunately, the natural resources are becoming (adequacy) _______ for the support of the
increasing population.
21. Whether the entrance exam should be abandoned remains (controversy) _______ .
22. The (mortality) _______ works of Shakespeare are still being
read and enjoyed three centuries after their writing.
23. The fireman's daring rescue of those trapped in the burning building was a (credit) ______ deed.
24. Your mood seemed very (meditation) _______ this morning.
X. Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meanings
1. I should like someone to take me out to dinner.
What I should ………………………………………………………….
2. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin’s poor ……………………………………………………….
3.They’ll have to take the dog on holiday with them.
They can’t leave …………………………………………………..
4.My aunt got heavily stressed because her marriage broke up.
The break-up of the marriage .................…………………………
5. I can’t believe that he passed the exam.
I find……………………. ……………..........................................
6. This is the fastest way to get to the city center.
There ……………………………………..........................................………
7.If anyone succeeds in solving the problems, it will probably be him.
He is the most …………………………………………………………
8. I was very interested in our conversation.
It was interesting …………………..
9. Why did you do that ?
Whatever …………………………… ?
10. These bookshelves are my own work.
I made ………………………………
11. I don’t play tennis as well as you do.
You ………………………………….
12. I haven’t been to the dentist’s for two years.
It’s ………………………………………
13. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.
She never …………………………………………….
14. I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university.
After ……………………………………………………………………..
15. It’s not worth living to make her change her mind.
There’s ………………………………………………
XI. Fill in the blank with must, have to, or be to
1. “It’s eight o’clock. The children ……. go to bed”, Mr Brown said to the nurse.
2. He told me that I ……. learn by heart some twenty lines every day to know Enlish well.
3. He ……. stay the night with us because he was missed the last bus.
4. I ……. start on my new job on Monday.
5. She …….. learn to do things for herself. I refuse to help her in future.
6. He …….. stay the night with us and tomorrow he sets off on his tour to Europe.
7. We …….. begin as early as possible or we shan’t finish it today.
8. My mother says that I ……. not be out after 11 o’clock but I don’t have to hurry home because she herself
is out playing bridge.
9. My bike was under repair and I ………. collect it that afternoon.
10. My bike is under repair and I ………. walk here this morning.
XII. II. Fill the gaps with a suitable preposition.
1. Many people are very concerned ................ global warning.
2. New computers are equipped ................ all sorts of things I don't understand and never use.
3. Olga's heart was filled ................ happiness on her wedding day.
4. We arrived ................ Paris around noon, but we didn't arrive ................ our friend's apartment
until well after three.
5. Cubs are protected ................ danger by the mother bear.
6. I'm very fond ................ my nieces and nephews.
7. Did Sarah apologize ................ being late?
8. Oliver is grateful ................ his parents ................giving him the opportunity for a good education.
XIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. I don't know where she ................ (be) since we last met.
2. If thes^e machines ................ (invent), we couldn't live as we do now.
3. I appreciated ................ (invite) to your home.
4. Jane is very fortunate ................ (meet) her old friend last week.
5. This machine should ................ (take) good care of.
6. Most of the work used to ................ (do) by the farmer, his wife and his children.
7. I wish I ................ (have) more money when I am your age.
8. This old house is said ................ (build) two hundred years ago.
9. You can't see the director. She (go) ................to Ho Chi Minh City and (not return) ................ until next
10. It's essential that he ................ (arrive) before seven.
11. I don't know why the front door is open. I remember (lock) ................ it before I left.
12. His greatest ambition is ................ (choose) to take part in the Olympics.
13. ................ (accept) for that course changed my life.
14. She seems ................ (lose) a lot of weight recently, but otherwise I think she's all right.
15. I think your garden needs (weed) ................ . And you'd better have it (do) ............... tomorrow.
16. He is said (return)........ from Canada recently.
17. He looked frightened so if he (see) ................ a ghost.
18. I'd rather you (not tell) ................ anyone what I (tell) ................ you.
19. Hardly he (take) ................ up the book when the phone (ring) ................
20. She (not allow) ................ anybody (read) ................ her diary but yesterday she (find) ................ her Mum
(read) ................ it; she couldn't but (ignore) ................ the incident.

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