General Biology 2 Diagnostic Test

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Department of Education

Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

Instructions: Read each question carefully and write the correct answer in a separate sheet
of paper, or in the answer sheet provided to you. Do not write anything on this test

1. In the modern era, the term genetic engineering refers specifically to which of the
following methods?
A. Genetic variation
B. Artificial selection
C. In vitro fertilization
D. Recombinant DNA Technology

2. Which of the following best describe Genetic Engineering?

A. Mating of organisms with desirable qualities or traits.
B. Natural crossbreeding of a male and a female organism.
C. Changes in species of organisms that occur over a long period of time.
D. Modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic

3. A _____________is required to transfer genes from one organism to another.

A. genetic probe
B. reverse transcriptase
C. transport molecule
D. vector

4. Which statement best describes human insulin that is produced by genetically

engineered bacteria?
A. This insulin will not function normally in humans because it is produced by bacteria.
B. This insulin is produced as a result of human insulin being inserted into bacteria cells.
C. This insulin is produced as a result of exposing bacteria cells to radiation, which
produces a mutation.
D. This insulin may have fewer side effects than the insulin previously extracted from
the pancreas of other animals.

5. This era began 65 billion years ago and is also known as the “Ice Age”.
A. Cenozoic
B. Mesozoic
C. Paleozoic
D. Precambrian

6. The geologic time scale is divided into _______________ based on changes in flora and
A. absolute ages
B. eras and periods
C. relative ages
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

D. unconformities

7. According to the theory of evolution, which of the following is the cause on the
differences in species?
A. natural selection
B. mutagenic agents
C. disuse of body structures
D. transmission of acquired characteristics

8. Which of the following describes mutation?

A. A result of inbreeding.
B. Any change in the structure of chromosomes.
C. Differential survival and reproduction of organisms.
D. Change in gene pool due to unpredictable situation.

9. What is the term for a feature that allows an organism to survive better in its environment?
A. adaptation
B. homologous structure
C. variation
D. vestigial structure

10. When penicillin was first introduced, it was proven effective in destroying the bacteria
that cause gonorrhea. Today, certain varieties of this bacteria are resistant to penicillin.
Which statement best describes the appearance of these resistant varieties?
A. Penicillin strengthened the immune systems of resistant bacteria.
B. Penicillin used today is not as strong as the penicillin used when it was first
C. Penicillin stimulated the bacteria to become resistant, and this resistance was
passed to the offspring.
D. Penicillin killed the susceptible bacteria, while naturally resistant varieties survived
and reproduced.

For item number 11, refer to Figure 1.

Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

11. Figure 1 above shows the bones in the forelimbs of three different organisms. What
hypothesis that supports on the similarities on the arrangements of the bones?
A. These organisms are members of the same species.
B. These organisms are all contain the same genetic information.
C. These organisms may have descended from a common ancestor.
D. These organisms have no adaptations to survive in different environments.

12. The choices below are scientists and their respective contributions in the development
of evolutionary thought. Which of the following is NOT correctly paired?
A. James Hutton – Gradualism
B. Thomas Robert Malthus - Principle of Geology
C. Georges Cuvier - Palaeontology/Theory of Catastrophism
D. Carolus Linnaeus - Hierarchy of Taxonomic Categories/Binomial

13. When Darwin published his theory of evolution, he included all of the following ideas
A. The idea of Gregor Mendel about genetics.
B. The idea that species change slowly over time.
C. The idea that some organisms reproduce at a greater rate than others.
D. The idea that some organisms become less suited to their environment.

14. Which statement is most closely related to the modern theory of evolution?
A. Asexual reproduction increases the survival of species.
B. Evolution is the result of mutations and recombination only.
C. Characteristics that are acquired during life are passed to offspring by sexual
D. Organisms best adapted to a changed environment are more likely to reproduce
and pass their genes to offspring.

15. A study that deals with the geographical distribution of plants and animals.
A. Biogeography
B. Embryology
C. Molecular Biology
D. Paleontology

16. Cladograms are constructed by grouping organisms together based on

their____________ characteristics.
A. different
B. opposite
C. shared
D. similar
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

17. A study that deals with the geographical distribution of plants and animals.
A. Biogeography
B. Embryology
C. Molecular Biology
D. Paleontology

18. The arm of a human, the flipper of a whale, and the wing of a bat have similar bone
structures. How would you classify them?
A. Analogous structures
B. Embryology
C. Homologous structures
D. Vestigial structures

19. Molecular Biology is a branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of
the macromolecules (e.g., proteins and nucleic acids) essential to life. Why is molecular
biology significant in giving complete and proof for biological evolution?
A. Because fossils revealed a great variety of organisms.
B. Because biological molecules can determine species’ relatedness.
C. Because RNA is constructed using the genetic instructions encoded in the
D. Because evolution is genetic change in a population from generation to

20. You look at two species and see very similar DNA. What does this likely tell you?
A. These are the same animal.
B. These animals are not related
C. These animals have a common ancestor.
D. These animals are likely becoming one species.

21. Birds and reptiles are similar in that they are vertebrates and lay eggs. They differ in that
reptile have teeth and birds have beaks. Some birds do possess teeth. However, these
teeth are present only in the embryonic stage. What was the main idea of the presence
of teeth in bird embryos?
A. Birds and reptiles eat similar types of food.
B. Birds and reptiles share a common ancestor.
C. Ancestors of reptiles had beaks similar to birds
D. Modern reptiles are the ancestors of modern birds.

22. In 2010, scientists excavated a skull fossil that provides evidence of a newly discovered
species of big cat. They hypothesize that big cats branched off from smaller wild cats
about 6 million years ago. Which of these resources did the scientists most likely rely on
to form their hypothesis?
A. The historical record of interactions shows between different species of big cats.
B. The food web shows feeding relationships of organisms found in the fossil skull
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

C. It shows the comparisons between the fossil record and the DNA of big cats and
small cats.
D. Population and migration data for small wild cats living in the ecosystem found the

23. A hypothesis that two organisms from different species are related to each other stated
A. similarity in diet
B. the presence of nitrogenous bases
C. the presence of homologous structures
D. the similarity in the method of reproduction

24. These animals are all placed in the vertebrate class Amphibia and the order Anura-
wood frog, Rana sylvatica- bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana- western toad, Bufo boreas-
spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus Hammond. How would you explain the evolutionary
relationship between or among these organisms?
A. The wood frog and bullfrog jumps well than the western toad and the spadefoot
B. The western toad and the spadefoot toad share a common ancestor than the
wood frog and the bullfrog.
C. The wood frog and bullfrog share a more recent common ancestor than the
western toad and the spadefoot toad.
D. The western toad and the spadefoot toad evolved in Western North America,
while the wood frog and the bullfrog evolved in the tropics.

25. Callao and Tatil (2017) investigated and calculated the biodiversity in 6m x 6m quadrant
at the shore in Socorro, Surigao Del Norte. They have found different species and
counted the number of individuals per species. This investigation concluded that the
biodiversity index of a small piece of beach/coast has a low biodiversity index resulting
from a low species diversity. How is diversity index calculated?
A. The number of individuals in the area divides the number of species.
B. The number of species in the area divides the total number of individuals in the
C. The number of species in the area (n) minus the total number of individuals in the
D. The number of species in the area (n) multiply the total number of individuals in
the area.

26. If species exhibit colorful display, the reasoning is to attract a mate or medium for
spreading gametes (e.g. pollination or spores). What kind of procreation does it
A. Asexual
B. Sexual
C. Asexual and Sexual
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

D. None of above

27. What is the function of the waxy cuticle found on a single leaf?
A. The waxy cuticle helps prevent sugar to evaporate.
B. The waxy cuticle helps with the exchange of light.
C. The waxy cuticle prevents water from coming inside the leaf
D. The waxy cuticle helps the leaf from preventing water loss due to heat form direct
sunlight and evaporating due to it.

28. Why are movement and locomotion necessary among animals?

A. to escape from predators
B. need for searching of shelter, food and water
C. for shifting to favorable environment from an unfavorable one
D. all of the above

29. Which among these types of reproduction has a high diverse gene pool?
A. Asexual – Budding
B. Asexual – Fragmentation
C. Sexual - Oviparity
D. Sexual – Viviparity

Figure 2. Anatomy of a leaf on how plants obtain CO2 through stomata


30. In figure 2, what is the correlation of the activity of stomata in letter D and guard cells in
letter C?
A. The stomata are the opening under the leaf for gas exchange and the guard cells
fight the gasses.
B. The stomata are sites for gas exchange in the leaves and the guard cells facilitate
the timing of the exchange during resting period of the plant.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the Above
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

31. How does locomotion differ from the movement?

A. Locomotion is the movement of a body while movement, the body move on its
original position.
B. Locomotion is the displacement of a body from one place to another and
movement is the displacement of a body or a part of the body from its original
C. Locomotion is the displacement of the entire body from one place to another
while movement is the temporary or permanent displacement of a body or its
parts from its original position.
D. All of the Above

32. Which of the following statements could NOT be the primary function of the adaptive
immune response?
A. distinguishing adaptive from “self-antigens”
B. the recognition of specific “non-self” antigens
C. The development of an immunologic memory that cannot quickly eliminate a
specific pathogen.
D. The generation of pathogen in specific immunologic effector pathways that
eliminate specific pathogens.

33. Hypothesizing reproduction, if humans will evolve with the reproduction process into
fragmentation and fission and only your DNA is available, will it be diverse?
A. Yes, because of individualism.
B. No, because of the same gametes.
C. No, because it will have the same DNA of the parent.
D. Yes, there will be a better society if every individual is the same.

34. What information would you use to support the notion that gametes will be half the
genetic material as the parent cell?
A. It is half because of mitosis
B. It is half because of the number that is quadruple of the original
C. It is half because it undergoes meiosis which cleaves the original number of the
D. None of the above

35. Is the statement “The more you eat the more nutrients you receive” would be true or
A. True, because eating is the action of which you gain nutrients.
B. False, the statement encourages eating rather nutrient absorption.
C. True, due to nutrients have different absorption rates, animals have limited and
most essential elements or recycle nutrients is reuse.
D. True, but the statement is a contradiction with the absorption or digestive system
with an organism, nutrients is needs to be optimal to prevent complication.
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

36. In Mammalian Kidney, what feedback hormone is detected when a person is in dire
need of conservation of water?
A. Renin
B. Testosterone
C. Vasopressin
D. None of the above

37. How would you tell in an actual set up when you observe that your eye’s pupil becomes
A. Watching TV in a dimly lit room.
B. Reading a book in a moderately lit room.
C. Navigating through a dark forest at night.
D. Sitting on the beach on a very sunny day.

38. What is the difference between innate and adaptive immune response?
A. The adaptive immune system is faster- acting than the innate immune system.
B. The innate immune system has a sophisticated memory than the adaptive immune
C. The innate immune system produces a specific defense than the adaptive
immune system.
D. The adaptive immune system produces a longer- lasting defense than the innate
immune system.

39. Suppose you have a plant farm of roses, and you have the very rare “cherry parfait
(Gradiflora rose)” variety, what techniques will you do to successfully reproduce and
preserve the variety with the same DNA as the parent plant?
A. Find the parent plant and make seeds
B. Carefully extract the genes of the plant to preserve.
C. Make a nursery exclusive for stem cut rose for reproduction.
D. Make an exclusive nursery and bee keeping five for the rose.
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

Figure 3. Life cycle of a Frog and a Bean Plant

Source: & Source:

40. In figure 3, life cycle of both species start with eggs or seeds; how can you increase the
viability of the offspring on the seed and egg stage?
A. Genetic engineer the seed and egg.
B. Just let it be in its natural habitat.
C. Allow naturals selection to take its course.
D. The seed and egg will be placed in an optimal environment suitable for growth.

41. Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on the height and weight of
males and females. If your child is malnourished in the BMI count, what nutrients is best
to give to the child to increase the weight?
A. Proteins only
B. Lipids only
C. Give the child lipids with balance and vitamins for growth.
D. Give the child a balance of protein and lipids with carbohydrates in form of
fructose with vitamins and mineral for growth.

42. If you are a scientist to program a gas exchange with a bio cybernetic organ or lung for
humans, what is the most aspect to be considered with this project?
A. Atmosphere, humidity content and saturation of gases
B. Superpower to gain with this advance organs and super breathing
C. Organ capacity, surface area of the gas exchange and efficient transfer and
transport of gasses trough the blood.
D. None of the above

43. The Circulatory System is very intricate system. What is the main negotiation of the body
the circulatory system?
A. function as to hold fluid of the body
B. function as the negotiator fluid nutrients in the body
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

C. function to increase productivity of the body via being the transport system of the
products of the body
D. function as to be the negotiator of the respiration process and the main pipeline
of all the necessary amenities that the body of the organism needs and the
pipeline for the by-product the body needs to expel

44. Some of the many things that can cause an eardrum to rupture are an ear infection,
SCUBA diving, and poking the ear with a sharp object. Which of the following might a
ruptured eardrum cause?
A. Loud noises will pass on to the ossicles, but soft sounds will not.
B. Environmental bacteria will be more likely to get into the middle ear.
C. Vibrations in the middle ear will be too violent for the bones to withstand.
D. Incoming sounds will be scrambled and more difficult for the brain to decode.

45. Which of the following statements about erythrocytes is correct?

A. They clot blood.
B. They fight infection.
C. They lack a nucleus.
D. They are produced in the spleen.

46. In what way the nitrogenous wastes are excreted as uric acid in bird?
A. conservation of body heat
B. elimination of excess heat
C. conservation of water inside body
D. reducing the chance of kidney stone formation

47. An x-ray of lower abdomen shows a shadow in the region of the ureter suspected to be
a ureotelic calculus. What possible clinical symptom it inferred?
A. Motor aphasia
B. Active renal failure
C. Chronic renal failure
D. Anuria and hematuria

48. Some of the body’s homeostatic response rely on “negative feedback”. Which of the
following happens in negative feedback?
A. The body’s response acts to oppose the change in the physiological
B. The body’s response acts to enhance the change in the physiological
C. The body ignores changes in a physiological variable that are directed away
from the set point for that variable.
D. The body ignores changes in a physiological variable that are directed
towards the set point for that variable.
Department of Education
Caraga Region


General Biology 2
Grade 11/12

49. How does electrolyte balance achieved?

A. Matching electrolyte excretion in sweat and feces with intake via foodstuffs.
B. Ensuring that the solution concentrations of sodium and chloride ions are
C. The function of the kidneys in reabsorbing required electrolytes from the urine
D. The maintenance of the dissolved ion concentrations in solution within their
narrow healthy ranges.

50. The doctor diagnosed a person with an underactive thyroid gland. Why could an
underactive thyroid cause this patient to feel tired and have an increased body mass?
A. The thyroid gland produces thyroxine.
B. Less fat storage so the person gains body mass.
C. They feel not tired because less energy being released from food.
D. An underactive thyroid would cause high thyroxine to be produced.

Prepared by:


Special Science Teacher I Teacher I Teacher III

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