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Department of Education

Caraga Region


Earth Science-SHS

Instruction: Read each question carefully and write the correct answer in a separate sheet of
paper, or in the answer sheet provided to you. Do not write anything on this test questionnaire.

1. Among the subsystems, which is composed of a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth?
A. Atmosphere
B. Biosphere
C. Geosphere
D. Hydrosphere

2. From the given choices, which is an example of a connection between biosphere

connectingto atmosphere?
A. Animals eat plants.
B. Animals lie in caves.
C. Animals drink in water.
D. Plants produce oxygen.

3. Biosphere is the region of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth occupied by
living organisms. Which of the following given choices does NOT accurately support its
A. the deepest ocean deep
B. the tallest mountain tops
C. the inner core of the earth
D. the blue sky with birds flying high

4. Taal Volcano spews gases and ashes into air. How does this scenario affect the atmosphere?
A. It decreases the air pressure in the area.
B. It affects the amount of gases in the atmosphere.
C. It lessens the atmospheric temperature in the area.
D. It increases the humidity in the area near the volcano.

5. Which one among the following rocks does NOT belong to the same group?
A. Limestone
B. Sandstone
C. Shale
D. Slate

6. Igneous rock is divided into two groups, extrusive and intrusive. Extrusive igneous rocks
form when magma makes its way to its surface as lava and then cools formingrocks.
Which will be the characteristics of the crystals?
A. Crystals are very large.
B. Crystals are phaneritic.
C. Crystals are fine grained.
D. Crystals are coarse grained.
7. Base your answer on the diagram below which illustrates three stages in the formation of
aspecific rock. Which rock is formed as a result of these three stages?

Fig. 1. Stages of the formation

of a specific rock(

A. Coal
B. Gneiss
C. Limestone
D. Schist

8. Based your answer for no. 8 on figure 2. How are all rocks related to one another based upon
the rock cycle diagram?

Fig. 2. Rock Cycle (Science, Rock Cycle Diagram/Quizlet)

A. All rocks can create any other type of rock.
B. Sedimentary rocks cannot make other sedimentary rocks.
C. Heat and pressure must be applied to make sedimentary rocks.
D. Igneous rocks only come from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

9. Which of the following statements about mineral is/are correct?

I. Ores are raw materials for making metals.
II. All the ores are minerals but all minerals cannot be ores.
III. The natural materials in which the metal occur in the earth are called minerals.
IV. The mineral from which the metal is conveniently and economically
extractedis called an ore.
A. I and III only
B. II and IV only
C. I, II, and III only
D. I, II, III, and IV

10. Supposed you are not much certain that the mineral you found during Earth Science
field trip is Fluorite. Which test should help you determine if your hypothesis is TRUE or NOT?
A. It should attract iron.
B. It should have a salty taste.
C. It should glow under ultraviolet light.
D. It should attract iron. It should be detected by a Geiger counter.
11. Imagine that you work at a jeweler's shop and someone brings in some "gold nuggets"
that they want to sell. The person claims that an old prospector found the gold
nuggets during the gold rush. You are not sure if the nuggets are real gold. Which
identification tests would you do to help you decide the nuggets' identity?
A. Hallmark Test
B. Nitric Acid Test
C. Vinegar Test
D. All of the above

12. Miners can identify real gold from pyrite through biting the surface of the mineral. If
a bite mark is exhibited, then the said mineral is considered real gold. What property
is tested in this scenario?
A. Cleavage
B. Hardness
C. Luster
D. Streak color

13. People have a long history of using the force of water flowing in streams and rivers
to produce mechanical energy. Which of the following best describes the
aforementioned statement?
A. Cutting
B. Milling
C. Molding
D. Sewing
14. Geothermal energy is a type of renewable energy taken from the Earth's core that
can heat and cool buildings and can also provide a source of hot water. Which
ofthe following statement is TRUE about its renewability?
A. They are sourced from nature.
B. They never harm the environment
C. They can sustain electricity to the community.
D. They can be replenished within human life span.

15. Which of the following is NOT true about the impact of geothermal energy
resource to the environment?
A. The construction of geothermal power plants destroys natural
habitatdisrupting ecological niche.
B. Geothermal features in national parks, such as geysers and fumaroles,
making the site promotes sustainability.
C. Geothermal power plants do not burn fuel to generate electricity, so
thelevels of air pollutants they emit are low.
D. Most geothermal power plants inject the geothermal steam and water
thatthey use back into the earth for recycling purposes.
16. Assuming you're an engineer working on a geothermal power plant design. Which
of the following series of events below the figure will you follow to properly set up
the power plant?

Fig. 3. How Geothermal Power Works


I. The cooled water is pumped back into the

Earthto begin the process again.
II. When the water reaches the surface, the
pressure is dropped, which causes the
water toturn into steam.
III. Hot water is pumped from deep
underground through a well under high
IV. The steam cools off in a cooling tower
andcondenses back to water.
V. The steam spins a turbine, which is
connected to a generator that produces

A. III – II – V – IV – I
B. III – V – II – IV – I
C. III – II – IV – V – I
D. III – IV – II – V – I

17. Which of the following ways to protect and prevent depletion of the soil?
A. Promote vegetation
B. Control Storm water
C. Apply fertilizers
D. Monitor plant growth

18. Which of the following human activities prevents soil degradation?

I. Planting trees and bushes reduces wind erosion
II. Improved irrigation methods that prevent desertification and salinization.
III. Crop rotation maintains soil fertility because different crops use up different nutrients
IV. Removing an entire harvest and leaving the soil fallow (unused) for a period of time, thereby
preventing wind erosion
A. I, II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
19. A factory continuously dumps toxins into a local river in your community. You learn you’re your
class that Coagulation-flocculation is a process where colloids in water are destabilized so they
can aggregate and be physically removed. Would you recommend this to your community?
A. Yes, so that turbidity level will be low.
B. No, so that dissolved oxygen levels would be high.
C. Yes, so that thermal pollution will cause the temperature to increase.
D. No, so that mutation will not occur which affect the reproductive behavior of fish and other
20. Solid Waste Management (SWM) is considered to be one of the most serious environmental
issues in the Philippines. What legal basis provide the necessary policy framework, institutional
mechanisms and mandate to the local government unites (LGUs) to achieve 25% waste
reduction through establishing an integrated solid waste management plans based on
3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycling)?
A. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goal
B. Philippine Regulations on Sanitation and Wastewater Systems
C. Integrated Waste management Plan of Environmental Protection Agency
D. The Republic Act (RA) 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste
ManagementAct of 2000

21. What is the order of waste management hierarchy, from most to least favored?
A. Prevention- Recycle-Reuse- Disposal
B. Prevention-Reuse-Disposal-Recycle
C. Prevention-Disposal -Reuse-Recycle
D. Prevention-Reuse-Recycle-Disposal

22. Why are plastics such as polystyrene difficult to recycle?

A. It is a very hard material.
B. It is very adhesive in its nature.
C. There are different sizes of plastic.
D. There are different types of polymer resins.

23. What possible wastes could be widely generated in hospitals?

A. blood samples, plastic syringe
B. food scraps, plastic containers
C. grass cuttings, animal manure
D. paper plates, plastic cups

24. Why is recycled paper banned for use in food containers?

A. It creates a lot of spaces.
B. It creates contamination.
C. Paper can be used only one time.
D. Paper is very thick and can’t cover the food containers.
25. A car driver was involved in an accident as a result of a problem with visibility caused by
anatmospheric pollutant known as SMOG. Which of the following pollutants contributes
to theformation of SMOG?
I. From incinerations
II. From car exhaust
III. From coal power plants
IV. From factory emissions

A. I only
B. I and II
C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III and IV

26. What factor causes the breakdown of rocks by friction and impact?
A. Abrasion
B. Burrowing
C. Frost wedging
D. Pressure

27. What do you call that process which exhibits the breaking down of rocks on the earth’s
surface that may cause changes in its composition?
A. Deposition
B. Erosion
C. Mass wasting
D. Weathering

28. Which of the following is NOT an example of mechanical weathering?

A. a growing plant root splits a rock
B. iron minerals in rocks turning brown and crumble
C. freezing water in rock cracks breaks the rock apart
D. a bear kicking a rock over a ledge, causing it to break

29. How do plants promote chemical weathering?

A. by producing organic acids upon decay
B. by shading the ground surface from rainfall
C. by consuming carbon dioxide in photosynthesis
D. by shading the ground surface from intense sunlight
30. Metamorphism occurs because some minerals are stable only under certain conditions of
pressure and temperature. What factors affect changes in the composition of a rock during
theprocess of metamorphism?
I. Temperature at which metamorphism takes place.
II. Amount and type of pressure
III. Reaction with hydrothermal fluids
IV. Amount of time available for metamorphism.
A. I,
B. I, II

31. What sequence of rock types will shale pass through with successively higher grades of
A. shale, phyllite, gneiss, slate, schist, partial melting
B. shale, phyllite, slate, schist, gneiss, partial melting
C. shale, slate, phyllite, gneiss, schist, partial melting
D. shale, slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, partial melting

32. What is the order of index mineral appearance from low grade to high
A. Chlorite, biotite, muscovite, garnet, staurolite, sillimanite
B. Chlorite, muscovite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, sillimanite
C. Chlorite, muscovite, biotite, garnet, sillimanite, staurolite
D. Muscovite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, sillimanite, chlorite

33. The picture below shows a rock with deformed structure and intergrown crystals. What
rockwas probably formed?

Figure 4. Rock Sample

A. Sediments that were deposited on the ocean floor

B. Heat and pressure that changed a preexisting rock
C. Volcanic lava that cooled on Earth’s surface
D. A meteor impact on Earth’s surface
34. The Himalayas is one of the most famous mountain ranges in the world. Which of the
following plate boundary movement you would like to illustrate that had resulted to its



35. What type of fold is formed when a compressive stress resulted to a landmass that arches
A. Anticline
B. Incline
C. Monocline
D. Syncline

36. Which of the following type of stress is exerted in convergent plate boundaries?
A. Compressional stress
B. Direct stress
C. Shear stress
D. Tensional stress

37. Which location does shear stress commonly occur?

A. Combine plate boundaries
B. Convergent plate boundaries
C. Divergent plate boundaries
D. Transform plate boundaries
38. Why were magnetic patterns found on the ocean floor puzzling?
A. No rocks were magnetic.
B. All rocks were magnetic.
C. They showed alternating bands of normal and reversed polarity.
D. They did not show alternating bands of normal and reversed polarity.
39. Study the image of the seafloor below. According to the concept of seafloor
spreading,which rocks are the youngest?

Figure 6.

40. Which of the following statement supports the reason of shrinking of the
Pacific Ocean?
A. The plates are converging
B. Water is evaporating quickly near the equator
C. It has less glaciers melting into it than the Atlantic
D. Ocean crust in the Pacific is getting recycled faster than it’s being created

41. A volcanic arc is a chain of volcanoes, hundreds to thousands of miles

long,that forms above a subduction zone.

Figure 7.
Volcanic Island Arc
If you are asked to describe the illustration in
Figure 2 below, which of the following plate
boundaries would it be?
A. divergent plate boundaries
B. ocean-ocean convergent plate boundaries
C. ocean-continent convergent plate boundaries
D. transform plate boundaries
42. What geological features could result out of the direction of two oceanic
plates asindicated on figure 8 below?
Figure 8. Diverging Two Oceanic Plates

A. Mountain ranges and rift valleys

B. Mountain and mountain ranges
C. Mid oceanic ridges, volcanoes & young lava flows
D. Mid oceanic ridges, volcanoes, rift valleys and mountain ranges

The diagram below shows two plates coming together. Use the diagram to
answerquestions 43 and 44.

Figure 9. Plate Movement

43. What kind of plate boundary is shown in the diagram?

A. convergent boundary
B. divergent boundary
C. transform boundary
D. divergent and convergent boundary

44. What causes magma to form at this plate boundary?

A. The continental plate gets warmer and melts.
B. The continental plate pushes magma up from the mantle.
C. The oceanic plate sinks beneath the continental plate and melts.
D. The oceanic plate rises beneath the continental plate and melts.
45. The students make a model to show one of the first steps in the formation of
sedimentary rock. One student pours 3 centimeters of light-colored sand into a
clear plastic box. Then they add 2 centimeters of gravel. Finally they pour 2
centimeters of dark-colored sand on top of the gravel. Which characteristic of
sedimentary rock does this model best show?
A. Sedimentary rock is made of layers.
B. Sedimentary rock is often limestone.
C. Sedimentary rock is cemented bits of rock.
D. Sedimentary rock is common in Philippines.

46. Which of the following is a process that creates the sediments that
formsedimentary rock?
A. Continents pushing together to fold layers of rock
B. Heat from the earth melting rock below the surface
C. Volcanoes putting out lava that cools to form new rock
D. Wind, water, and ice breaking rock into smaller pieces

47. Which of the following describes the formation of sedimentary rocks in the
A. Weathering, Cementation, Erosion, Deposition, Compaction
B. Weathering, Deposition, Erosion, Compaction, Cementation
C. Weathering, Erosion, Compaction, Deposition, Cementation
D. Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Compaction, Cementation

48. Scientists uncover mammoth bones and can determine the amount of
carbon-14in the bones. Which best explains the use of carbon-14 in studying the
A. It identifies the diet of the mammoth.
B. It determines the age of the mammoth.
C. It identifies the species of the mammoth.
D. It determines the cause of death of the mammoth.
49. Index fossil is an abundant and easily identifiable fossil with a wide
geographic distribution and a short geologic range. From figure 5 below, which
animal fossils are considered index fossils?

Figure 10: Various Fossils in Layers
A. Ammonite
B. Coral
C. Fern
D. Trilobite

50. Supposed your father works as a miner in a small-scale mining company. Every
time he dug, he found different types of fossils. What idea can you share with your
father using concepts of the law ofsuperposition?
A. The deeper he digs, the more gold he had.
B. The deeper he digs, the farther back in time.
C. The deeper he digs, the more fossils could see.
D. The deeper he digs, younger rocks would appear.

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