Flexiquiz Feb 13, 2022

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TEAM ERICH ADVOCACY Tulong Muna, Bago ang Sarili.


Page: 1 Time: 00:01:50

✓ 1. Which of the following BIR Forms are intended for tax withheld from source for goods and services?

Points: 2316
1/1 1906
2307 ✓

✓ 2. Deped Order #55 s20123 establishes _________ in school

Points: CPP Committee

1/1 CFS Committee
Anti-bullying Committee ✓
Anti-hazing Committee

✓ 3. What approach was used in the root cause analysis in the given figure below?


Why-Why Diagram ✓
Fishbone Diagram
Problem Tree
Fault Tree Analysis

✓ 4. This complements the reform initiatives on teacher quality from pre-service education to in-service training. It articulates what
constitutes teacher quality in the K to 12 Reform through well-defined domains, strands, and indicators that provide measures of
Points: professional learning, competent practice, and effective engagement. Also it explicits what teachers should know, be able to do
1/1 and value to achieve competence, improved student learning outcomes, and eventually quality education.
Individual Plan for Professional Development
National Competency-Based Standards for Teachers (NCBTS)
Priority Development (PD) for Teachers
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) ✓


5. The average enrolment of G7 from SY 2018-2021 constitutes more than a fifth of the average enrolment of BDNHS from SY
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

Page: 2 Time: 00:03:15

✘ 6. Why is listening to the voice of the learners and other stakeholders should not be skipped in the 2nd and 3rd years of SIP cycle?

Points: 1. Because the context, needs and views of learners and stakeholders might have changed
0/1 2. Because it can be done through one-on-one or dyads/triads interviews, surveys, or FGD with learners, parents and other
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✘

✘ 7. There are tips in identifying the root cause. One of these is TEMPORAL PRECEDENCE which means
0/1 The effect or related effects would not happen if not for the root cause. ✘
Other explanatory causes are not plausible.
The root cause always happens before the effect. ✓
Every time the root cause happens the effect follows.
✓ 8. Which is true in doing root cause analysis?

Points: 1. The symptoms of a problem are not the obvious ones.

1/1 2. The roots of a problem or the underlying causes are the obvious ones
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question ✓
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

✓ 9. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner obtained the highest Quarterly Grade in TLE in this quarter.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
✘ 10. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


It was PO 1, among other POs with gaps, which obtained the highest percent of accomplishment in terms of rate in % of
accomplished vs. target at the end of the second quarter.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓

Page: 3 Time: 00:03:22

✓ 11. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one:

Points: In case of natural calamities and emergency situations, schools may serve as temporary evacuation centers.
1/1 Tender of payment of fees must then be made
May serve also as resettlement area during demolition of informal settlers ✓
Additional guidelines per Memorandum of Mr. Rolando P. Montiel, City Government Department Head II dated December
27, 2007 approved by the City Mayor: “requests for the use of school buildings and/or related activities extending beyond
the school hours shall have the approval of the Schools Division Superintendent, otherwise, only the school officials,
teachers, and employees of the school shall be allowed to stay within the school premises beyond the school office hours.”

✓ 12. The SBFP complies with the Republic Act No. 11037 otherwise known as

Points: Masustansyang Pagkain para sa Batang Pilipino Act ✓

1/1 Batang BIBO
Food Fortification Law
Sangkap Pinoy Act
✘ 13. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


The peak of the physical accomplishment of PO 1 was evident as of October 19 of 2019

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓


14. The percentage of enrolment of JHS plunged from SY 2018-19 to SY 2019-20 which is greater than that of SHS from SY 2019-
20 to SY 2019-20.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓

✓ 15. Refers to a school that solely offers combined classes of two or more grade levels except for Kindergarten.

Points: Pure Multi-Grade School ✓

1/1 Community Learning Center
Multi-Grade School
Temporary Learning Space

Page: 4 Time: 00:01:59


16. Statement 12 __
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is false ✓
is true

✓ 17. PBB in prorata basis may be applied in the following cases EXCEPT

Points: Special Leave for women

1/1 Under Sabbatical Leave
Under Rehabilitation Leave
Employee under vacation leave for entire year ✓


18. School Head should require teachers to lessen the number of tasks to only 1 per subject per day.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
✓ 19. Leading in the preparation of School BE-LCP and in managing programs for curriculum implementation, localization of
curricula, and learning delivery is very vital for a principal. Which may include the following except one.
1/1 Preparation, printing, and distribution retrieval of modules
Appropriation of National Annual Budget and crafting of implementing guidelines ✓
Plan adjustment and replanning for possible local remediation and intervention
Checking, collating, interpreting data

✘ 20. Formulating the solution is the 5th step under Phase II (Plan). What are the considerations in doing this step?

Points: i. Should be economical

0/1 ii. Should be sustainable
iii. Should address the root cause/s
iv. Should be within the control of the school
v. Should have the support of the concerned stakeholders/process owners
i, ii, iii and v only
i, ii, iii and iv only
ii, iii , iv and v only ✘
i, ii, iii, iv and v ✓

Page: 5 Time: 00:03:59


21. The slight surge of SHS enrolment from SY 2018-19 to SY 2019-20 surpasses that of JHS from SY 2019- 20 to SY 2020-21 by
exactly a quarter of a percent.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
✓ 22. Refers to any number from 0 to 1 representing the degree of hardship of a particular school combining all the variables
identified as hardship factors: time and cost of transportation from school to Schools Division Office (SDO), human violence,
Points: availability of temporary learning spaces, level of poverty and access to basic amenities (e.g. telecommunication, water and
1/1 electricity services, etc.). The closer the value of the index to 1, the higher the degree of difficulty of the school situation.
Social Index
Hardship Index ✓
Economic Index
Population Index
✓ 23. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


In summary, all of the planned outputs achieved their targets except planned outputs 1 and 2.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
✘ 24. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


The actual rate achieved by PO 4 after the first quarter was computed and before its second-quarter physical accomplishment was
added was more than 74%.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘

✓ 25. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one:

Points: Use for STL emergency draws in line with the pandemic. ✓
1/1 The use of school buildings, grounds, and facilities by private party and entities for product launching and religious/political
activities is discouraged.
Letter request should be submitted in advance at least seven (7) working days prior to the scheduled activity.
Only one (1) request per requesting party per year will be allowed.
Page: 6 Time: 00:01:37

✓ 26. One of the very important tasks of a school principal is to monitor and evaluate to gather precise data in relation to CIP:
Assess, Analyze, Act. Which this best described?
1/1 Research and Innovation ✓
Technical Assistance
Group Dynamics
✓ 27. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


The POs which sharply surged with the highest rate in % accomplished vs. targets in the third quarter were PO 5 and PO 6 with
similar growth of 200%.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓


28. The most user-friendly means of communication is Facebook chat

The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓

✓ 29. Which of the following is NOT chargeable against SEF as contained in DepEd-DBM-DILG Joint Circular No. 2, 2020?

Points: Microwave transmitters ✓

1/1 TV sets, antenna /cable satellite connections, -AM-FM radios, two -way radios
Purchase of PCs, Laptops, tablets, notebook and smartphones, printers, scanners, photocopying machines, and their
Primary and secondary batteries, car batteries, solar panels,

✓ 30. The general welfare of human resources is under Domain 4-Developing Self and Others of the Philippine Professional
Standards for School Heads (PPSSH). This is under what strand of the PPSSH?
1/1 Strand 4.7 ✓
Strand 4.8
Strand 4.5
Strand 4.3

Page: 7 Time: 00:03:00


31. Statement 1 _
is false
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is true ✓

✘ 32. In writing the SIP Introduction, what should be included under the School Situation?

Points: 1. Assessment of school systems and processes that facilitate and hinder the attainment of school objectives and targets
0/1 2. Assessment of status and trends in the realization of the school’s contributions to the achievement of the Division Goals and
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question. ✓
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question. ✘
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

✓ 33. Republic Act No. 4670, known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, provides for the grant of a special hardship
allowance (SHA) to teachers in areas where they are exposed to hardship, as determined by the Secretary of Education. Article III,
Points: Section 19 thereof stipulates that the qualified recipients shall be compensated with SHA equivalent to at least how many
1/1 percentages of their monthly salary?
25% ✓


34. Statement 9__

cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is true ✓
is false
✓ 35. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


PO 2 had a total target outputs of 128 for the entire SY 2019-20.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

Page: 8 Time: 00:01:50

✓ 36. Saint John Academy, a private school in Bataan signifies its intent to temporarily stop its operation this year due to pandemic.
What document should they submit to the Regional Office?
1/1 Notice of Temporary Closure ✓
Permit to operate
Notice of Bankruptcy
✓ 37. Which is/are true in listening to the voice of learners and other stakeholders?

Points: i. Home visits might be necessary.

1/1 ii. It's not a one-shot activity; continuously listen to the voice of the learners.
iii. Questions on Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) should focus on the 'what'.
iv. While SIP is a process/methodological, listening to the voice of the learners can happen at any time.
v. This step is a good opportunity to ask the learners or stakeholders on how they were helped by your school
vi. ‘Listening’ can be done through one-on-one or dyads/triads interviews, surveys, or FGD with learners, parents, and other
i, iii and vi only
ii, iv, v and vi only
i, ii, iv, v and vi only ✓
i, ii, iii, iv, v and vi

✘ 38. What will the Project Team present to the SPT in order to find out the root cause of the problem?

Points: i. Result of Monitoring and Evaluation

0/1 ii. Area of focus (focused problem statement)
iii. School Process Flowchart with storm clouds
iv. Results of FGDs, interviews with the learners and stakeholders
i, ii, iii and iv
i, iii and iv only ✘
ii, iii and iv only ✓
i, ii and iii only

✘ 39. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner obtained the highest weighted score (WS) in Written Works in Filipino in this quarter.

The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
✘ 40. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


If three outputs were added in each quarter for PO 1 except in second quarter, then it would have attained no balance at the end
of SY 2019-20, thus achieving its annual target.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓

Page: 9 Time: 00:01:28


41. Teacher Alice was observed using her video lesson in Classroom Observation Period 1.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

✓ 42. It is a structured and thorough review of the problem designed to identify and verify what is causing the problem.

Points: Direct Cause

1/1 Root Cause
Root Cause Analysis ✓
Indirect Cause


43. Statement 8 __
is true ✓
is false ✘
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data


44. The major reason of tiredness of students is a great number of synchronous class hours per day.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.

✓ 45. Overseeing the operationalization of the Management Information Systems (MIS)/database management in the school is very
significant. In which management aspect can it be used?
1/1 Planning
All of these ✓

Page: 10 Time: 00:02:12


46. Teacher Alice’s rating for Timeliness in RPMS Objective 7 is 5.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
✓ 47. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


The PO with GAP in the 3rd Quarter was PO 7.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

✓ 48. All SLMs have only one color except for Arts, Math and Science that have ____ colors

Points: 15
1/1 24 ✓
✓ 49. Which is/are true in analyzing school process?

Points: i. A process must also be simple enough to be repeatable and replicable.

1/1 ii. This step is to understand why and where the needs and problem exist.
iii. The Project Team should map out the processes involved in the assigned PIA through the use of a flowchart or what is currently
happening in each step of the process and NOT what the process should be.
i, ii and iii ✓
i and ii only
ii and iii only
i and iii only

✓ 50. In root cause analysis, what must be considered in prioritizing the root cause?

Points: i. It is within the school’s control.

1/1 ii. It cuts across different PIAs.
iii. Solving it results in school-wide improvement.
iv. It can be addressed by having enough resources.
v. There is sufficient time to think about its solution.
i, ii, iv and v only
i, ii and iv only
iii and iv only
i, ii, iii, iv and v ✓

Page: 11 Time: 00:01:28

✓ 51. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one:

Points: Rooms and other facilities used shall be maintained, returned or restored to the same condition as they were found.
1/1 Drinking of alcoholic beverages and playing of prohibited games of chance will not be allowed inside school premises.
The use of the building/school is limited to one day only (except for scouting and other school-related activities).
Political assembly with the congressman ✓

✓ 52. The principal leads the school management with economical, efficient, and effective utilization of school appropriations and
disbursements sourced from SEF. Which of the following is NOT allowed in the use of SEF as contained in the DepEd-DBM-DILG
Points: 2017 Joint Circular No.1?
Supplementary Feeding for Day Care Children, School -based Feeding Program, Milk Feeding, and micro-nutrients
Payment for Electricity ✓
Integrated Nutrition Education, Behavioral Transformation and Social Mobilization
Health Examination, Vaccination , Deworming, GsP, WASH

✓ 53. Which is/are correct on the AIP?

Points: i. It is a year-by-year operational plan for the SIP

1/1 ii. It is based on the general objectives and targets set in the SIP
iii. It must be attached with a copy of project designs as a guide for the 2nd to 4th year of implementation
ii and iii only
i and ii only ✓
iii only
ii only
✘ 54. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) aims the following, EXCEPT:

Points: i. set out clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional development from beginning to
0/1 distinguished practice;
ii. engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency
iii. provide support for professional learning and development, help identify development needs and facilitate uniform
assessment of performance
iv. apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs, and provide support for professional
iii ✓
iv ✘

✓ 55. Which of the following contains all the allotted budgets of all departments of the government for the entire year?

Points: APP
1/1 GAA ✓

Page: 12 Time: 00:01:11

✓ 56. What kind of members are PTA and LGU representatives in the School Inspectorate Committee?

Points: Regular
1/1 Permanent
Provisional ✓
✓ 57. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


At the end of the first quarter, it was PO 3 which had a significant leaped among the POs in terms of rate in % of accomplished vs.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
✘ 58. Developing project design is the 6th step under Phase II (Plan). What must be considered in developing projects?

Points: i. Projects should be manageable

0/1 ii. Project varies on timeliness set for each PIA
iii. Projects should be economical and sustainable
iv. Major projects that would need a long time to implement should be subdivided into smaller, more manageable projects.
i, ii and iv only ✓
i, ii and iii only
i, iii and iv only
i, ii, iii and iv ✘

✓ 59. What approach was used in the root cause analysis in the given figure below?


Problem Tree ✓
Fishbone Diagram
Why-Why Diagram
Fault Tree Analysis
✓ 60. Which are the characteristics of a good SIP/AIP?

Points: i. Specific
1/1 ii. Realistic
iii. Relevant
iv. Complete
v. Consistent
vi. Attainable
vii. Measurable
viii. Time-bound
ix. Evidence-based
x. Clear and Concise
iii, iv, v, ix and x only ✓
i, ii, vi, vii and viii only
i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix and x
i, ii, iii, vi, vii and viii only

Page: 13 Time: 00:01:18

✓ 61. To monitor compliance to health and safety protocol, the principal as the chairman of the SDRRM prompted the team to
collegiately craft and submit the following reports on time as the DDRRM coordinator requires. Which of the following may consists
Points: of these?
RADAR 1 and 2
SDRRM Accomplishment Report
All of these ✓

✘ 62. The table below can be found in what annex of SIP?


Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix ✘

Annual Implementation Plan Template ✓
Identifying Priority Improvement Areas
Planning Worksheet
✓ 63. The Project Team talks to the learners and stakeholders who are relevant to the assigned PIA. What step under Analyzing the
PIAs is the team doing?
1/1 Listen to the voice of the learners and other stakeholders ✓
Do root cause analysis
Analyze the school process
Present the root cause to the SPT


64. Tiredness of students after a day’s class is evident.

The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.

✓ 65. Which of the following is NOT chargeable against SEF as contained in DepEd-DBM-DILG Joint Circular No. 2, 2020?

Points: Detective medical devices: thermometers, thermal scanners

1/1 Personal Protective Equipment of various types :facemask, face shield, hand gloves, surgical caps , hats, goggles, hazmat
suits and had sanitizers, alcohol, disinfectants ,anti-bacterial soaps, cleaning equipment, bleach, foot baths as relative to
Covid 19
Vaccines, vitamins and minerals, food supplements, psychological first aid kits, mental and physical examination and
check-ups for teaching and no-teaching personnel, learners, and medical doctors and consultants
Payment for the annual medical test for teachers and non-teaching personnel ✓

Page: 14 Time: 00:01:23

✘ 66. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner obtained the lowest weighted score (WS) in Performance Tasks in Filipino in this quarter.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

✘ 67. Which of the following is NOT chargeable against SEF as contained in DepEd-DBM-DILG Joint Circular No. 2, 2020?

Points: Installation of school clinics ✘

0/1 Construction of WASH facilities
Repair of Canteen ✓
Repair of existing school clinics


68. Statement 14__

is true ✓
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is false
✓ 69. What approach was used in the root cause analysis in the given figure below?


Problem Tree
Fault Tree Analysis
Why-Why Diagram
Fishbone Diagram ✓

✓ 70. School HRMD Plan and accomplishment consists of the Programs, projects and activities intended to address the development
of self and others. Which of the following is NOT valid for this task?
1/1 Recommending poor performing teachers for demotion ✓
Developing program for personal and professional growth
Grouping teachers as to needed LAC or retooling
Analysis of the Self-Assessment of teachers per department and COTs for development purposes

Page: 15 Time: 00:01:05

✘ 71. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


Many of the issues encountered by the planned outputs fell under the category of “TECHNICAL.”
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘

✓ 72. The maximum number of pages of SLMs if it will cover 2 or more related MELCs

Points: 35
1/1 40 ✓
✘ 73. Why are storm clouds important?

Points: 1. They help locate where the issues reside.

0/1 2. They will be noticed by doing direct observations.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. ✘
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.


74. Teachers should revise the Weekly Home Learning Plan.

The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented. ✘
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.


75. The responses of the parents/guardians confirm at a certain level the responses of the students shown in the previous graph.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.

Page: 16 Time: 00:01:28


76. It is the deepest underlying cause of the problems within any process.
Direct Cause
Indirect Cause
Root Cause ✓
Root Cause Analysis

✓ 77. PSDS Canda organized a writing session for the integration of nutrition education leaflets to be distributed among the learners
within the district. Can she charge the LSB for the production and distribution of these paraphernalia?
1/1 Yes, since the PSDS is the co-chair of the municipal mayor in the LSB.
Yes, since it for educative purposes.
Yes , since Integrated Nutrition Education , Behavioral Transformation and social mobilization are one of the
targets of LSB.

Yes, since the learners in the district are the direct beneficiaries.

✓ 78. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner obtained a higher weighted score (WS) in Performance Tasks of TLE than that of Filipino.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
✓ 79. By how many percentage is the variable weight of travel time to division office in the construction of Hardship index?

Points: 4%
1/1 35% ✓

✓ 80. Focusing on Teaching and Learning concentrates on the work of school heads in promoting quality teaching and learning.
What are the strands under this PPSSH domain?
1/1 i. School-based review, contextualization and implementation of learning standards
ii. Teaching standards and pedagogies
iii. Teacher performance feedback
iv. General welfare of human resources
v. Learner discipline
vi. Personal and professional development
vii. Career awareness and opportunities
viii. Learning Environment
ix. Learning assessment
x. Learner achievement and other performance indicator
i,ii,iii,v,vii,viii,ix,x ✓

Page: 17 Time: 00:01:17

✓ 81. It is a set of activities that are arranged together in order to deliver a product or a service.

Points: Priority Improvement Areas

1/1 Storm Clouds
Root Cause Analyses
Process ✓
✘ 82. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


Generally, it was in the 3rd Quarter where MIS performed at its best in terms of achieving its planned outputs’ respective targets.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
✓ 83. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


PO 4 plunged into its lowest performance among the quarters in attaining targets which registered at – 80% under the %
Accomplished vs. Targets in the First Quarter of SY 2019-20.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
✓ 84. Mrs. Faustino demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the authority, responsibility and accountability expected of
her as described in the PPSSH. In what Career Stage of the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) does
Points: Mrs. Faustino’s practice belong?
Career Stage 4
Career Stage 2
Career Stage 3
Career Stage 1 ✓

✓ 85. In analyzing the root cause, the first step is to synthesize identified possible root causes. What is/are the thing/s needed to do
this step?
1/1 i. School and Community Data
ii. Documentation from FGDs, interviews or home visits
iii. Flowchart of the school processes relevant to each PIA
i, ii and iii ✓
i only
ii and iii only
i and ii only

Page: 18 Time: 00:01:23

✓ 86. What document is next after acquiring three quotations?

Points: Purchase Request

1/1 Official Receipt
Abstract ✓
Purchase Order


87. School Head should require teachers to lessen the number of tasks to only 1 per subject per day
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented. ✘
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
✓ 88. Mrs. Saavedra, School Principal of Paradise Elementary School models exemplary practice in the implementation of
professional development initiatives to enhance strengths and address performance gaps among school personnel. She belongs
Points: to what PPSSH Strand and Career Stage?
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 1
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 2
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 4 ✓
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 3

✓ 89. Mrs. Cabral demonstrates knowledge and understanding of professional development in enhancing strengths and in
addressing performance gaps among school personnel. In what Career Stage of the Philippine Professional Standards for School
Points: Heads (PPSSH) does Mrs. Cabral’s practice belong?
Career Stage 2
Career Stage 4
Career Stage 3
Career Stage 1 ✓

✘ 90. This Circular provides the revised guidelines on the grant of the SHA to public school teachers exposed to hardship, in
compliance with the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers or Republic Act Number 4670.
0/1 National Budget Circular Number 584 series 2021 ✘
Department of Budget and Management Department of Education Joint Circular Number 01 series 2021 ✓
National Budget Circular 504 series 2007
Department of Education (DepEd) Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) Joint Circular Number 2 series 2020

Page: 19 Time: 00:02:20

✓ 91. Principal Pansanjan reminds all the teachers including parent officers frequently to strictly comply to DepEd issuances in
executing their respective functions. This is in conformity to which of the following?
1/1 Restrict everyone to comply on the policies of DepEd
All of these ✓
Guide everyone as to follow standards of public service as provided by the CSC
Lead the school in ensuring compliance to standards of SBM Level of Practices


92. Statement 11 __
is false ✓
is true
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data

✓ 93. Which one of the following is crafted in the school level first relative to MOOE?

Points: Monthly Cash Schedule ✓

1/1 Disbursement Voucher
Acknowledgment Receipt
Liquidation Clearance

✓ 94. Leading the school management with economical, efficient, and effective utilization of school appropriations and disbursements
sourced from SEF is very important. Which of the following is NOT allowed in the latest DepEd-DBM-DILG Joint Resolution?
1/1 Purchase of antibiotics ✓
Supplementary feeding for day care children
Milk feeding program
School-based feeding program

✓ 95. It is a cause that affects the direct cause which by itself is not sufficient to affect the event or condition.

Points: Root Cause

1/1 Direct Cause
Indirect Cause ✓
Root Cause Analysis

Page: 20 Time: 00:01:46

✓ 96. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one:

Points: Requests submitted directly to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent will be referred to the School Principal
1/1 concerned for evaluation and recommendation.
Requests submitted to School Principals must be screened based on these guidelines and forwarded to the Office of the
Schools Division Superintendent with an appropriate recommendation for approval/disapproval.
Upon approval by the Schools Division Superintendent / Authorized Representative, the School Principal must prepare a
Memorandum of Agreement based on these guidelines, to be signed by the School Principal and the requesting party.
Disregard any memorandum if endorsed by the LGU. ✓

✓ 97. Who among the school heads is practicing Career Stage 4 of PPSSH Strand 4.5?

Points: Mr. Santos integrates laws, policies, guidelines and issuances on the rights, privileges and benefits of school personnel in
1/1 school programs, projects and activities to ensure their general welfare.
Dr. Castro advocates the general welfare of school personnel by gaining support from the wider school community in
strengthening the implementation of relevant local and national policies.
Mrs. Caracena monitors and evaluates the implementation of professional development initiatives in enhancing strengths
and in addressing performance gaps among school personnel.
Mr. Cruz models exemplary practice in the implementation of professional development initiatives to enhance
strengths and address performance gaps among school personnel.

✓ 98. SBFP has the following objectives EXCEPT

Points: contribute to the improvement of their nutritional status

1/1 Promote milk consumption ✓
enhance health and nutrition values and behavior
address hunger and encourage learners to enroll

✓ 99. The following are conditions set forth by Deped in the implementation of limited Face to Face Instruction EXCEPT for one

Points: There must be a commitment for shared responsibility of DepEd, the local government unit (LGU), the parents or guardians
1/1 and the providers of transportation.
Stringent health and safety standards shall be followed at home, during travel to and from the schools, and within school
Vaccination is already in placed ✓
Pilot implementation of face-to-face classes will take place only in areas categorized as low-risk (at least under Modified
General Community Quarantine or MGCQ).

✓ 100. The 11th step under Phase III (Act) is to check the progress of AIP. Which are the things to be done in this step?

Points: i. Check progress and compare the performance before and after implementing the solution
1/1 ii. SPT should guide and help the Project Team in resolving problems
iii. Project Team submits report to SPT
ii and iii only
i and ii only
i, ii and iii ✓
i and iii only

Page: 21 Time: 00:02:53

✘ 101. Which of the following must be considered in organizing project teams?

Points: 1. For Priority Improvement Areas related to the teaching-learning process, organize the Project Team from members of the
0/1 Learning Action Cells.
2. The members of the Project Team may be drawn from the community, teachers, and learners with at least one member coming
from the School Governing Council.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question. ✘
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question.
✓ 102. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


Under physical accomplishments, it was PO 4; which took a leap in the 2nd quarter, rose up significantly in the third quarter then
slightly drop at the 4th quarter. However in the end it failed in hitting its target.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
✓ 103. An updated Property Plant and Equipment Inventory (PPEI) in the school serves as the primary basis for purchase requests
aside from the end-user-based Agency Procurement Plan. When to conduct inventory?
1/1 Everyday for school supplies and equipment ✓
Annually for all school personnel as a requirement for school clearance at the end of the school year and or any time after
very calamity or robbery/theft as required by COA for the request of relieve of responsibility
Daily for canteen management only
Monthly for school/office supplies prior to purchase conducted by the school property custodian

✓ 104. In the process map below, which among the storm clouds should be the area of focus?

Points: Takes more than 10 minutes for students to settle down per class
1/1 32% of students (22 out of 68) doodle on their notebooks per day
79% of students (54 out of 68) answer incorrectly during recitation per day ✓
53% of students (36 out of 68) talk to their seatmates per day


105. Statement 10 __
is true ✓
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is false

Page: 22 Time: 00:02:40

✘ 106. What is/are the possible general objective/s if the root cause of the problem is “students are taught to memorize rather than
develop understanding?”
0/1 i. To reduce the drop-out rate of Grade 9 students from 9% to 1% by the end of 3 years
ii. To increase the average final grade of Grade 8 students in English by at least 1 point every school year
iii. To increase the Mathematics MPS of Grade 10 students in the NAT by at least 3 points every school year.
ii and iii only ✓
i and ii only
ii only ✘
iii only
✘ 107. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


It can be gleaned from the graphs that by the end of SY, PO 6 attained more than it targeted at the beginning of SY. It exceeded to
three programs which were Reading Program, Numeracy Program and ICT Literacy Program.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.


108. The school Head may initiate a focus-group discussion to decide the action to be taken on the various reasons that may be
identified regarding this concern.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓

✓ 109. Professional development of school personnel is under Domain 4 – Developing Self and Others of the Philippine Professional
Standards for School Heads (PPSSH). This is under what strand of the PPSSH?
1/1 Strand 4.5 ✓
Strand 4.1
Strand 4.8
Strand 4.7

✓ 110. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The General Average of the learner in this quarter is 96.

The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

Page: 23 Time: 00:00:54

✓ 111. This Domain centers on the school heads’ commitment in ensuring people and team effectiveness. In addition to, school
heads are expected to reflect on their personal and professional development to enhance their practice in leading and developing
Points: people as they support their personnel’s professional development and welfare. They should provide others the means for
1/1 development such as opportunities to learn, reflect, lead and progress in their profession.
Focusing on Teaching and Learning
Developing Self and Others ✓
Managing School Resources and Operations
Building Connections

✓ 112. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner finished Grade 10 with high honors.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

✓ 113. What is/are the PIA/s if the general objective is “to increase the average final grade of Grade 8 students in Mathematics by at
least 2 points every school year?
1/1 1. Low literacy
2. Low numeracy
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓

✓ 114. Leading and managing the development of local curriculum materials on critical content may include the following EXCEPT
1/1 Recommend poor cooperating teachers for demotion ✓
Assigning Quality Control Team to regulate valid learning materials for intervention
Activating the School Monitoring, Evaluation and Plan Adjustment Team
Selection of appropriate teachers to craft necessary and appropriate learning materials for the intervention or remediation

✓ 115. The Project Team considered that other explanatory causes are not plausible in identifying the root cause. What did the team
1/1 Temporal precedence
Relevance of other causes ✓
Association and Correlation

Page: 24 Time: 00:01:43

✓ 116. The 9th step under Phase III (Act) is to test the solutions. Which are the things to be done in this step?

Points: i. Test the solution in big population

1/1 ii. Check progress and compare the performance before and after implementing the solution
iii. If successful, communicate results to concerned stakeholders or process owner
ii and iii only ✓
i and ii only
i, ii and iii
i and iii only

✘ 117. The school developed Project START (Students and Teachers Always Read Together) to address the problem of low reading
comprehension of the students. When will the SPT monitor the project?
0/1 1. Four times, before the end of every grading period
2. Twice, during the middle and during the end of implementation period
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✘
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. ✓


118. Statement 4 __
is false ✓
is true
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data

✓ 119. School heads are expected to be responsible and accountable for inculcating a deeper understanding of the vision, mission,
and core values and directions of the school to relevant entities. This focuses on what domain of PPSSH?
1/1 Domain 1: Leading Strategically
Domain 5: Building Connections ✓
Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning
Domain 2: Managing School Operations and Resources


120. Statement 13 __
is true ✓
is false
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data

Page: 25 Time: 00:01:16

✓ 121. These are problems arising in specific activities in the identified process.

Points: Root Cause Analyses

1/1 Root Causes
Priority Improvement Areas
Storm Clouds ✓

✘ 122. Mr. Santos, School Principal of Cortez Elementary School leads the community, including parents, alumni, authorities,
industries and other stakeholders, in creating collaborative actions in solving complex issues on learner development, as well as
Points: school and community improvement. What stand of Domain 5 and Career Stage does his practice fall?
Strand 5.5 Career Stage 4 ✓
Strand 5.1 Career Stage 3 ✘
Strand 5.3 Career Stage 4
Strand 5.4 Career Stage 3


123. The most prevalent means of communication is Google Meet.

The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓

✓ 124. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one:

Points: There shall be no disruption of classes in the process.

1/1 The principal or his authorized representative shall supervise the activity.
The cost of any loss and damage shall be borne by the requesting party.
Religious sectarian gathering or activity is allowed. ✓

✓ 125. What is the INDICATOR in the objective: “To increase the MPS in Science from a range of 48.89 to 53.69 to 75 in 3 years?”

Points: MPS in Science ✓

1/1 3 years
48.89 to 53.69

Page: 26 Time: 00:02:21


126. Teachers need to revisit the number of tasks given to students

The statement is FALSE based on the data presented. ✘
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓

✘ 127. Which is INCORRECT on the root cause?

Points: 1. Root cause is the solution to the problem.

0/1 2. Finding the root cause is necessary in identifying the key strategic solution.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question. ✘

✓ 128. To Improve disbursement and liquidation rate of school funds the principal may implement stricter measures. Which of these
measures may be included?
1/1 Regulate the requests from the end-users that such should effect teaching and learning processes
Restrict the kind of suppliers as to the “real “ lowest bidders and prevent connivance and monopolies
Monitor the BAC and also Inspection and Acceptance Team to perform well in accordance to COA Rules and Regulations
All of these ✓

✓ 129. 1. Writing the SIP is the 7th step under Phase II (Plan). Which is/are correct regarding the SIP?

Points: 1. The School Head will submit the SIP yearly during the three-year cycle.
1/1 2. All SPT members shall sign the SIP for onward submission to the Schools Division Office
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
✓ 130. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one.

Points: If the dialogue fails, the Department of Education shall refer the matter to Government Legal Officer / Prosecutor for
1/1 appropriate action against the squatters / informal settlers.
The use of school facilities will not be allowed without the prior approval of this Office. The utilization of school property or
facilities is, and should always be, under the strict authority and supervision of the school administrator.
File legal action to as many court as possible for speedy resolution of the case ✓
Any illegal act or activity resulting from the utilization of school property or facilities, shall be taken as the accountability of
the school head.

Page: 27 Time: 00:00:54

✓ 131. Which is an example of a direct cause?

Points: 1. Fever causes absenteeism.

1/1 2. Poverty contributes to high malnutrition
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question.

✓ 132. The following are acceptable standards for classrooms using alternative materials EXCEPT

Points: window openings with 10sq m

1/1 floors should be non skidish
2 doors
concrete door jambs ✓

✓ 133. How much should a school allot for GAD from the school MOOE?

Points: At least 10%

1/1 At least 15%
At least 5% ✓
At least 20%

✓ 134. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner’s weighted score (WS) in Written Works in Filipino is 38.4.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
✓ 135. Principal Linda decided to purchase aiming to charge against SEF. Which action should she consider first?

Points: Craft a Liquidation Report

1/1 Craft a Purchase Order
Craft an Annual Procurement Plan
Craft a request address to the Local School Board ✓

Page: 28 Time: 00:01:13

✘ 136. Mrs. Pascual involves the community, such as parents, alumni, authorities, industries and other stakeholders, in-school
programs, projects and activities to gain support for learner development, as well as school and community improvement. Under
Points: what Career Stage of PPSSH did Mrs. Pascual’s practice fall?
Career Stage 3 ✘
Career Stage 4
Career Stage 1 ✓
Career Stage 2

✓ 137. As a school principal, to improve the efficiency of procurement of goods and services for instructional and non-instructional
purposes, the following help in the said improvement EXCEPT one.
1/1 See to it that suppliers of goods and services are responsible and compliant to BIR and COA Rules and Regulations
Collude with the BAC and IAT to facilitate liquidation ✓
Analyze the AIP for all programs and projects that may need purchases
Include all possible needs of all teachers in the teaching learning processes in the APP to avoid delay of transaction
awaiting for the approval of a SAPP

✓ 138. PDF copy of submitted SLM for evaluation must have a watermark stating _________

Points: Evaluation copy. For Deped only ✓

1/1 Not for sale
For reproduction purposes
For evaluation only

✘ 139. It is the maximum indirect costing percentage that can be added in the budget costing of an infra project

Points: 11%
0/1 10% ✘
17% ✓


140. Teacher Alice’s rating for Quality in RPMS Objective 5 is 5.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

Page: 29 Time: 00:04:55


141. Statement 2 __
is true ✘
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is false ✓
✓ 142. The five domains constitute a broad conceptual sphere of leadership practices for all school heads. The placement of
learners at the center of the framework emphasizes the role of school heads for the improvement of learner achievement.
1/1 What domains of PPSSH are included in School Effectiveness in the PPSSH Framework?
i. Leading Strategically
ii. Developing Self and Others
iii. Building Connections
iv. Managing School Operations and Resources
v. Focusing on Teaching and Learning
i,iv ✓

✓ 143. The duty of the principal of a small school to lead in the preparation and submission of financial reportorial requirements
entails so many tasks. Which of the following is NOT the duty of the principal?
1/1 Collate all the individual requests of end-users in a Agency Request Form
Serve the ARF to the DBM-Supply Unit and Secure a Certificate of Non-availability
Inspect and accept the delivered supplies ✓
Order the BAC for estimate for possible PhilGEPS necessity or ask them for Shopping Mode by the BAC securing 3
Quotations from responsible bidders before crafting the Abstract

✓ 144. Which must be attached to every Purchase Request as a certification from the local budget accountant that such
appropriation actually exists?
1/1 Official Receipt
Disbursement Voucher ✓

✓ 145. The MOOE allocation of Dakila Elementary School for FY 2020 is Php 1,507,000. If 30% of the annual allocation is to be
spent on coupon bonds and ink for the printing and reproduction of Self Learning Modules (SLMs), how much is the allocation for
Points: the procurement of coupon bonds and ink for that particular year?
Php 452,100.00 ✓
Php 472,100.00
Php 452,400.00
Php 301,600.00

Page: 30 Time: 00:00:59


146. Teacher Alice is a Master Teacher

The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

✓ 147. When is the summative evaluation conducted by the SDO?

Points: 1. At the end of the SIP cycle

1/1 2. At the middle of the SIP cycle
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
✓ 148. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


PO 4 ranked 3rd among the highest rate in % of accomplished vs. targets in the 4th quarter.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.


149. Statement 3 __
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is true
is false ✓

✓ 150. Which document is crafted based on the Annual Implementation Plan, containing the proposed expenditure of the school for
the entire year?
1/1 BED

Page: 31 Time: 00:01:46

✓ 151. Guidelines on the grant of the SHA for public school teachers were issued through the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) National Budget Circular (NBC). The NBC provided for a scaled SHA rate for qualified SHA recipients
Points: contingent on certain conditions of the schools under the identified hardship categories. Under what NBC is being described on the
1/1 above statements?
National Budget Circular Number 461 series 1998
National Budget Circular Number 579 series 2020
National Budget Circular Number 584 series 2021
National Budget Circular Number 504 series 2007 ✓
✓ 152. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner’s weighted score (WS) in Performance Tasks in Math is 45.5.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓

The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.


153. Statement 5 __
is false ✓
is true ✘
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data

✓ 154. By how many percentage is the variable weight of poverty incidence in the construction of Hardship Index?

Points: 1%
1/1 35%
18% ✓
✓ 155. In writing the SIP Introduction, what should be included under the DepEd Vision, Mission and Core Values (VMV)?

Points: 1. Assessment of the current status of children

1/1 2. The output during the Vision Sharing activity
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient and additional statement is needed to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓

Page: 32 Time: 00:01:35

✓ 156. Mr. Salvador, School Principal of City of Balawis Integrated School demonstrates knowledge and understanding of
professional development in enhancing strengths and in addressing performance gaps among school personnel. He belongs to
Points: what PPSSH Strand and Career Stage?
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 4
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 3
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 1 ✓
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 2

✘ 157. What is/are the possible root cause/s of high drop-out rate?

Points: 1. Attendance checking is conducted once a week.

0/1 2. Forty out of fifty Grade 7 students are being bullied.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✘
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.

✓ 158. What must be considered in selecting an area of focus in analyzing the PIAs?

Points: i. Focus on a storm cloud where most of the other storm clouds are linked.
1/1 ii. Focusing on a problem allows you to deal with fewer issues that you can deeply analyze.
iii. Improvements in your area of focus may contribute to addressing the bigger issues in school.
iv. In choosing an area of focus, consider the most strategic storm cloud that will affect your PIA.
i, ii, iii and iv ✓
ii and iii only
i and iv only
i, ii and iii only


159. There are 114 students who were able to submit their outputs on time with no hassle.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
✓ 160. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


PO 1 had the biggest gap in the second quarter of SY 2019-20.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓

Page: 33 Time: 00:01:21

✘ 161. What will happen if ASSOCIATION AND CORRELATION were used in identifying the root cause?

Points: The root cause always happens before the effect.

0/1 Other explanatory causes are not plausible.
Every time the root cause happens the effect follows. ✓
The effect or related effects would not happen if not for the root cause. ✘
✓ 162. The following are basis for non payment of PBB except

Points: With unliquidated Cash Advances

1/1 Newly hired ✓
official with incomplete RPMS documents
Failure to submit SALN


163. Majority of the students said that the Weekly Home Learning Plan was easy to use and understand.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.


164. Tiredness of students after a day’s class is evident.

The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
✓ 165. To maximize performance there is always a need to revise plans depending on the current conditions and challenges based
on the evaluation of teachers and other school personnel’s performance on a quarterly basis. Which of these may be adjusted?
1/1 School Quarterly Adjustment
All of these ✓
Catch-up Plan

Page: 34 Time: 00:01:00

✘ 166. The table below can be found in what annex of SIP?


Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix ✓

GAP Analysis Template ✘
Planning Worksheet
Identifying Priority Improvement Areas

✓ 167. Which of the following is NOT chargeable against SEF as contained in DepEd-DBM-DILG Joint Circular No. 2, 2020?

Points: Purchase of external storage devices, communication expenses, subscription fees for communication tools and platforms
1/1 Water Bills ✓
Payment for honoraria and allowance for locally hired personnel, trained and qualified tutors or training facilitators,
trainings/webinars expenses for teaching and non-teaching personnel, parents, and education volunteers
Materials and cost of printing and reproduction of modules, including expenses in the distribution and retrieval of modules
✓ 168. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner obtained the highest weighted score (WS) in Performance Tasks in TLE in the given quarter.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓

The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.
✘ 169. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


PO 5 and PO 6 bested other POs in terms of % accomplished vs. targets in the third quarter of FY 2019.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✘
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

✓ 170. Principal Garcia organized the teams to specifically craft plans to satisfy the QET. Which of the following are included to lead
in the development of school strategic and operational plans?
1/1 SIP, AIP and WFP
All of these ✓

Page: 35 Time: 00:01:32

✓ 171. Special Hardship Allowance (SHA) refers to additional compensation generally paid to teachers who are exposed to hazards
and difficulties because of the nature and/or location of their work. The following DepEd personnel are qualified to receive the
Points: Special Hardship Allowance in relation to DBM and DepEd Joint Circular Number 01 series 2021:
i. All teachers in elementary and secondary schools located in hardship posts as determined through the Hardship Index;
ii Multi-grade teacher in pure multi-grade schools;
iii. Mobile teachers and Non-Formal Education or Alternative Learning System (ALS) coordinators concurrently handling ALS
iv. School heads assigned in hardship posts or pure multi-grade schools
i,ii,iii,iv ✓

✘ 172. Preparing the AIP is the 8th step in Phase II (Plan). What must be considered under this step?

Points: i. The Project Team (PT) may add or change some of their team members if necessary.
0/1 ii. It is recommended that the PT who was assigned to do root cause analysis for the PIA should be the one to prepare AIP for
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✘
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. ✓

✓ 173. Which is INCORRECT on checking the progress of AIP?

Points: i. Consolidated progress reports will serve as inputs to the School Report Card.
1/1 ii. SPT and Project Team will adjust, modify, and write AIP of the following year.
iii. Submit Project Monitoring Report Form to the SDO together with the AIP for the next year.
None ✓

✓ 174. How can the school process be analyzed?

Points: i. Conducting interviews

1/1 ii. Doing brainstorm sessions
iii. Directly observing the process
i, ii and iii ✓
i and iii only
ii and iii only
i and ii only
✓ 175. The Principal is aware of the teaching and non-teaching personnel’s contributions in the planning and implementation of the
SIP and AIP. How can their effort be rewarded?
1/1 1. Include their contributions in the Results-Based Performance Management System under a corresponding objective in the Key
Result Areas (KRAs).
2. Give an Outstanding Employee Award to them for their contributions but not in the IPCRF because all of the KRA’s objectives
are already constant and could not be modified.
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. ✓
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

Page: 36 Time: 00:01:19


176. There were 5 students who said that the Weekly Home Learning Plan was not easy to use and understand.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented. ✓
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement.

✓ 177. All classroom building should withstand a wind velocity of____

Points: 340 kph ✓

1/1 300kp


178. Teacher Alice’s rating for Efficiency in RPMS Objective 10 is 2.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✘
✓ 179. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


PO 2, PO 3 and PO 6 hit their respective targets in the First Quarter with % of Accomplished vs Target rate which were more than
130%, 116% and 100%.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.


180. The major reason of tiredness of students is a great number of synchronous class hours per day.
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

Page: 37 Time: 00:01:17

✓ 181. The standard classroom size for elementary and secondary schools using alternative classroom materials

Points: 7m x 8m
1/1 8m x9m
7m x 9m ✓
9m x 7m


182. Teachers must utilize phone calls even more to facilitate easier means of communication with students.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT sufficient to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based on the data presented. ✘
✓ 183. The 10th step under Phase III (Act) is roll out the solutions. Which statements are correct in this step?

Points: i. Implementation is always perfect

1/1 ii. Process owners will implement the solutions
iii. Project Team supports and assists the Process Owner
iv. Create a venue for feedback – giving with your stakeholders
ii, iii and iv only ✓
i and ii only
iii and iv only
i, ii, iii and iv

✓ 184. The table below depicts the class standing of a Grade 10 learner of Abot National High School in three (3) subjects of the 1st
quarter of SY 2020-2021

The learner obtained the higher weighted score (WS) in Written Works of TLE than that of Filipino.

The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

✓ 185. It is a free online tutorial platform for learners given by excellent and inspiring educators, who assume the role of a facilitator
and guide the students to another level of the learning experience.
1/1 Deped Youtube
Deped Commons
Deped TV
ETULay ✓

Page: 38 Time: 00:01:24

✓ 186. Who among the school heads is practicing Career Stage 3 of PPSSH Strand 4.5?

Points: Mr. Cruz models exemplary practice in the implementation of professional development initiatives to enhance strengths and
1/1 address performance gaps among school personnel.
Mr. Santos integrates laws, policies, guidelines and issuances on the rights, privileges and benefits of school personnel in
school programs, projects and activities to ensure their general welfare.
Dr. Castro advocates the general welfare of school personnel by gaining support from the wider school community in
strengthening the implementation of relevant local and national policies.
Mrs. Caracena monitors and evaluates the implementation of professional development initiatives in
enhancing strengths and in addressing performance gaps among school personnel.

✓ 187. The following are good practices in the use of school facilities EXCEPT one:

Points: Payment received is subject to the disposition of the Principal. ✓

1/1 The cleanliness and upkeep of the school shall be properly maintained.
To cover expenses for janitorial services during and after the activity, a fee of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) for a half-day
activity or One Thousand Pesos (Pl,000.00) for a whole day activity will be paid to the Office of the School Principal.
To cover the expenses for electricity and water services, a minimal fee of One Thousand Pesos (Pl,000.00) for a half-day
activity or Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) for a whole day activity will be charged to the user of the facilities. The
amount shall be remitted to the Cashier of this Office, after securing an Order of Payment from the Office of the Accountant

✓ 188. COA requires bid grants to the lowest bidder. Which circumstance can school heads disregard this policy?

Points: During “State of the Nation”

1/1 During “Earthquake”
During “State of Calamity or National Emergency” ✓
During “Tsunami or Ocean Serge”


189. The drop-out rate in SY 2019-20 slightly dipped by 12% in SY 2020-21.

The statement is FALSE based from the data presented. ✓
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.

✓ 190. Deped Order #40 s2012 establishes _________ in school

Points: Anti-bullying Committee

1/1 CFS Committee
CPP Committee ✓
Anti-hazing Committee

Page: 39 Time: 00:01:49

✘ 191. Which of the following will be deleted from the list proposed by Principal Grace in consideration of the 2021 DepEd-DBM-
DILG Joint Resolution?
0/1 Garden soil, trellis, and seedlings for Gulayan sa Paaralan
Budget for the proposed program of works for the school garbage dumpsite ✓
Medical examination, vaccination, and deworming of learners
Vitamins and minerals intended for mal-nourished pupils ✘

✓ 192. Mrs. Alcantara , School Principal of Daanghari Elementary School monitors and evaluates the implementation of professional
development initiatives in enhancing strengths and in addressing performance gaps among school personnel. She belongs to what
Points: PPSSH Strand and Career Stage?
Strand 4.4 Career Stage 4
Strand 4.3 Career Stage 1
Strand 4.5 Career Stage 3 ✓
Strand 4.1 Career Stage 2
✓ 193. *Note: PO means Planned Output. Thus, PO 1 means Planned Output 1.


it was in 2nd Quarter where MIS performed at its worst in terms of achieving its planned outputs’ respective targets.
The data presented is NOT SUFFICIENT to infer the statement.
The data presented is SUFFICIENT to infer the statement. ✓
The statement is FALSE based from the data presented.

✓ 194. Why do we need to find and address the root cause rather than try to fix the effect?

Points: Because for every root cause there is an effect

1/1 Because there is no end to the root cause
Because there is no end to the effect ✓
Because for every effect there is a root cause
✓ 195. All applications for sick leave shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be filed immediately upon the employee’s return
from such leave. Under what circumstance/s may sick leave be filed in advance?
1/1 i. in case whether the official or employee will undergo medical examination or operation
ii. advised to rest in view of ill health duly supported by a medical certificate.
Both statements i and ii are sufficient to answer the question ✓
Statement i alone is sufficient but statement ii alone is not sufficient to answer the question
Statements i and ii are not sufficient to answer the question and additional data is needed to answer the statements.
Statement ii alone is sufficient but statement i alone is not sufficient to answer the question

Page: 40 Time: 00:02:30

✓ 196. The improvement of the efficiency on the management of school data using technology (HR, Finance, Admin, Supply
Inventory, Learner Enrolment, Learner Support, etc.) is of great importance. Which of the following DOES NOT contribute to its
Points: efficiency?
On site Classroom Observations ✓
Digital Enrollment
Timely financial transaction via internet
Webinars and digital classrooms’ monitoring and evaluation

✓ 197. What is/are the thing/s to be considered in doing root cause analysis?

Points: 1. The root cause needs to be validated by data from observations and interviews.
1/1 2. Performing Root Cause Analysis requires transparency and no predetermined assumptions.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. ✓

✘ 198. In the construction of Hardship index, which variable has the highest variable weight?

Points: Travel cost to Division Office ✘

0/1 Violent Acts
Travel Time to Division Office ✓
Poverty Incidence


199. Statement 7__

cannot be inferred due to inadequate data
is false ✓
is true


200. Statement 6 __
is true
is false ✓
cannot be inferred due to inadequate data

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