Joshua Javate

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Name: ___Joshua javate Score: ______________ Course/Year/Section: _____BS ENTRE

1D___________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Using a Venn diagram, compare and differentiate regionalization from globalization.

Globalization means the transformation of businesses to employ global supply

chains and sell in global markets. At its

 Globalization means
 Regionalization can
the transformation of
also refer to
businesses to employ
Regionalism is administrative
global supply chains emerging today
structures, in which
and sell in global as a potent force
in the processes corporations, instead
markets. At its most
of globalization.  of making all
extreme, this is
decisions in a global
exemplified by huge
devolve power to
corporations such as
regional managers
Apple, Toyota, Diageo,
who can more swiftly
McDonald's, Proctor &
respond to changing
Gamble, and LVMH. A
local conditions.
major problem for
globalized consumer-
facing companies,
though, is that

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