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ORD The Department of Education Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Mrs. Zenia G.

Mostoles had shown bravery and courage when the Secretary of Education announced that

education must not stop. Alejandro E. Flores Sr. Elementary School crafted the Adjusted School

Learning Continuity Operational Plan (ASLCOP) to sustain delivery of quality, Accessible,

relevant and liberating basic education services. This year, 2022, DepEd requires the

implementation of face-to-face classes, Learning Recovery Plan (LRP) have been crafted to

assess learning losses ang gaps and prepare strategies and Innovations to catch up the missed

competencies and meet the standards of quality education.

In response to this, the Master Teacher and the School Planning Team worked

collaboratively to provide the much-needed effort of filling in the learning gaps of children

caused by the pandemic.

The journey of the LRP towards its completion was characterized by

several meetings and focal group discussion in the formation of Learning

Recovery Plan.

The purpose of LRP is to determine the current education

situation that is clearly and adequately presented and the

immediate challenges are articulated to establish direct

link between strategic priorities and strategies and


From the School Learning Recovery Plan being crafted by

Classroom Teachers shall be capacitated to equip

knowledge, skills and commitment to ensure performance.

The LRP was designed based on the Rapid Learning

Recovery Framework of UNICEF.

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