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To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that I, _________________________________________, parent/guardian of

_______________________________________, a student of the College of Hospitality and Tourism
Management of Wesleyan University – Philippines, grant our child permission to undergo On-the-Job
Training at _________________________________________ for _______hours.

I understand and agree that this training is necessary as well as important in the implementation
and continuation of the Bachelor of Science in __________________________ Management course being
taken in the said school.

I am aware that the assigned professor will monitor the student's progress and that the immediate
superior within the organization will take all necessary precautions to ensure the student's safety.
Wesleyan University - Philippines and the establishment where the student will be receiving training,
however, will not be held responsible or required to pay compensation for any incident, harm, or injury
that may be caused during the training, and this student shall continue the said actual job training. This is
because despite all efforts made, unfavorable incidents beyond their control may occur.

I also certify that on my child’s free will, signified to me his/her decision to undergo On-the-Job
Training as evidenced by his/her signature affixed below together with my own signature.

_______________________________________ ______________________________________
(Student Trainee’s Signature overprinted name) (Parent/Guardian’s Signature overprinted name)
Contact No.: ____________________________ Contact No.: ________________________
Date: ________________ Date: ________________

ACAD-TED-FM-016 Rev 0 Effective 15 Nov 2021

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