JET ART Complete

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A product Proposal presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Practical Research 2








October 2018

Chapter 1


Even for the slightest reasons, people tend to be stressed in small instances. At times like

this, individuals look for an alternative solution as a way to vent out the burden they’re carrying.

As a remedy, sweet foods are the top choices that people pick.

Food craving and addictions are most commonly targeted among energy-dense foods that

are sweet or high in fat, or both. Thus, this links to hedonism matter and reward to brain systems

(Drewnowski and Bellisle 2010).

According to Garrison, B. & Hughes K. (2012), in their study conducted at United States

of America, continuous circulation of cortisol hormone levels accommodate effects of stress and

anxiety that craves for foods such as sweets that denote comfort among individuals. Reducing

physiological signs of stress in a way of releasing hormone cortisol can be made through eating

sweet, fatty, highly palatable foods such as chocolate (Gibson 2011).

Furthermore, sweets are meant to mend people’s situational stress and according to

Moubarac, J.C., Cargo, M., Receveur, O., & Daniel, M. (2013), consumption of sweetened

products and daytime sleepiness are partially made as a central of psychological distress of


Everyone wants suitable satisfaction not just in terms of hunger but also of emotional

necessity. Women sense an urge to consume foods every time they are feeling tired, anxious, or

stressed. As a defining characteristic, cravings for sweets and starches are distinguished (Brown

M.A., R.N., and Robinson J. 2014).

Good and bad moods have an essential part on people’s lives depending on its situational

purpose. According to Ayad (2014), anxiety and irritability form of mood swings tolerate blood

sugar level. When blood sugar is low, body sends a signal by making someone to crave for

sweets and stimulants initially because of fidgety, anxiety, and stress, vice versa.

Having impassioned emotion make a potent response in line with stomach inclination and

according to Kate, P.E., Deshmukh, G.P., Datir, R.P., & Rao J.K. (2017), some foods are proven

as an effective mood enhancer through releasing neurotransmitters in brains and also by stress

relieving. In addition, bioactive factors such as blood sugar levels reveals a property to improve

mood pertaining to sweets and hot or cold beverages.

This feasibility study aims to propose a budget-friendly, bite-sized tart filled with

custard-like insides that would answer to the need of individuals yearning for sweets.


The convenient sweet tart filled with various flavors would be the best choice to answer

the cravings of an individual. The product would be petite and is filled with mainly fruit-flavored


The tart is composed of the crust and the gelatin. The tart crust is crisp yet has a soft

texture with a hint of the aroma of vanilla and a dash of sweetness. While on the other hand, the

gelatin has a wiggly form yet has a custard-like texture that comes in different flavors such as

mango, pineapple, strawberry,dalandan, mixed berries, honey lemon, orange, lychee, melon and


No matter what happens, people still yearn for the care and affection of their family

especially during a strenuous situation. Hence, trouble occurs, for the space-age society leaves

the person a little time to enjoy the fondness of his parents that leads on casting walls in between


The problem about the capacity of a product, in terms of responding to the emotional

appeal of the customer, gives the proponents an idea on what will be the basis of this study — to
give everyone an opportunity to accept the necessary care alike from their parent’s way of

showing concerns.

To encompass this agenda, the proponents need to find a suitable product that will ensure

the goal of the business— a product that will be a way of bringing forth the childhood memories

due to the feeling of being assist by their mother. A sweet flavored delicacy, buko pie for

instance, became an idea to the proponents wherein this type of dessert is mainly home-cooked

that gives a positive impression about the suchlike effort for the preparation of product and the

love of their parents.

For the considerable effort of the proponents to make something new about the concept

suggested beforehand, they elaborated their knowledge intended for possible combination of

texture, taste and appearance that will satisfy both the hunger and cravings of an individual, at

the same time, fulfilling the objective of the study.

The proponents used the concept of tart for the crust. Gelatin fillings will be used instead

of the common ones that will surely added a unique texture for the tart. The consistency of the

tart’s crust will counterpart the wiggly texture of the fillings that will add-on the innovative

experience of the customer.

The product is then termed as Jetart – “Je” stand for the jelly that is enclosed in between

the crust while “tart” refers to the overall structure of the product as is.
As a result, the tart would certainly bring comfort to the consumers as soothing as the

care mothers give off during childhood days since serving sweet food is one of the ways mothers

use in order to calm their kid.

Significance of the Study

The feasibility is anticipated to be favorable to the following:

Consumer. This refers to the students who will consume the product wherein it can help quench

their hunger and loneliness by giving them the impression of having comfort from someone they

have an attachment such as their parents and friends.

Tourists. The product can help them to fully experience their vacation anywhere in the

Philippines since through the place’s delicacies they will have a grasp on what are the

characteristics of the people living in it.

Businessmen. If a situation deems, this feasibility is beneficial to a businessman as their


Future Feasibility Researchers. They may use this feasibility study as a reference as well as for

better understanding of the product.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following are terms that is conceptual and operational for the study.

Anxiety. This refers to an abnormal feeling often marked by physiological signs like

tension and increased pulse.

Cravings. This refers to a strong and sudden desire for something you want.

Fidgety. This refers to an unusual movement created by an individual by being nervous,

bored, etc.

Hedonism. This refers to one’s belief that his main priority and goal in life is to be

satisfied and happy.

Product. This refers to Jetart, a product with a sturdy tart that contains a filling on it,

made of jelly of different flavors.

Remedy. This is a treatment to one’s problem.

Chapter 2

Technical Aspect

High distinctions of the product will be inclined into the proponents’ valuable provision

to the customers in able to rely on engaging every target market to continuously be satisfied. In

this chapter, the product specifications, equipment and materials, product manufacturing or

process, product timeline, and product benefits is utilize to emphasize and assert the explicitness

of the product other than the literal inner and outer feature of it. This feasibility study uses the

specializations of the product to show the aberrant characteristic of it from others.

Product Specifications

Each portion of a product has different specifications. As for the tart, the following are its




CRUST – the thin outer layer of the tart that encloses the gelatin within the perimeters of

the tart. The crusts’ thickness measures around 0.5 cm with approximately 1.5 inch for


GELATIN – is the viscous substance that fills in the gaps of the crust. The jelly itself is

composed of gulaman with a mixture of water, sugar, as well as the flavored juice that

produces its savour. The tarts’ height measures about 1 inch.

Equipment and Materials

The following are the materials that are needed in order to create and manufacture a

finished product within a span of 15 days.


Name Quantity Description

79 Kilos  It is the main ingredient in

making the crust of Jetart.
All Purpose Flour

32 Kilos  It adds sweetness to the crust

and gelatin.


1 pack
 It adds saltiness to the crust.

1 Gallon  It is needed in making the crust

and gelatin of the product.
Vanilla Extract

 This ingredient produces sweet

1 bottle
aroma that is scented in the
crust of the product.


157 pieces  It is needed in holding the crust


 It resulted to flaky and loftier
79 bars
crust as well as adds flavor to
Gelatine Powder

79 packs  It is the main ingredient in

making the gelatin.

Flavored Powder Juice

79 packs  It is needed in giving the

gelatin a fruit flavorful taste.

Brown Sugar

17 Kilos
 Gives sweetness to jelly
Moreover, the following are the tools and equipments needed every time it’s on the
process of manufacturing the product.

Tools and Equipment

Name Description

Electric Oven

 It is used for baking the dough.


 It is used for keeping egg, vanilla extract,

butter, and condensed milk in order to
retain their qualities for a long time

Gas Stove

 It is connected to LPG; then, produces

heat which is used in boiling the gelatin
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

 It is needed in producing heat on the



 It is a container where the gelatin is to be



 It is used to carry the hot freshly baked


 It is used in mixing the ingredients.

Mixing Bowls

 It is a dish used as a container of

measured weight of dough in a molder.


 It is used to mold the crust of the product.


 It is used to mix the gelatin in the


 It is used to mix the wet ingredients of

the dough.


 It is used to seize the crust inside the

oven in order to transfer it to the tray.

Spoon and Fork

 The spoon is used in order to test the

taste of the gelatin.
 The fork is used to remove the crust from
its molder.
Can Opener

 It is used to open to can of the condensed

milk or any ingredients that is in a can.

Measuring Cups

 It is used to measure ingredients in large

quantities such as flour, butter, water,
and sugar.

Measuring Spoons

 It is used to measure ingredients in small

quantities such as salt and vanilla extract.

 Used to cover hands to avoid

contaminating the food.
Kitchen Gloves

 Used to keep the wearer’s clothes clean.


 Used for confining hair.

Product Manufacturing/ Procedure

In order to make a tart, one must follow the following procedures and guidelines to attain the

perfect and desired outcome.

1. Prepare all the equipment and materials needed so that the production process wouldn’t be

intervened. As for the tart crust, the following are its ingredients and procedure.


 1 ¼ cups All-purpose flour

 ½ cup powdered sugar

 ¼ tsp. salt

 ½ cup of cold butter

 1 large egg

 1tsp. vanilla extract


1. In a large bowl, thoroughly mix all the dry ingredients such as the flour, sugar and salt.

Create a hole in the center and then add the butter, egg and vanilla extract. The dough

should be sticky without feeling dry or crumbly.

2. NOTE: If the dough is too damp, measure it with the use of the measuring cup. The

number of cups filled with dough, should be equivalent to the number of flours you will


3. Knead the dough. Brush some butter on the molders so that the crust can be easily

separated from the molder after cooking.

4. Each tart molder contains 1/4 teaspoon of dough. Form each measured dough into a ball

then flatten the dough to form a thick disk. After that, mold and fit the dough to the shape

of the tart molder.

5. To bake the crust, preheat the oven in 190°C / 375°F for 10 minutes. The rack should be

placed in the middle of the oven. Put the dough on the rack and bake for more or less than

20 minutes – just until the crust turns into golden brown and is already dry.

6. Once cooked, transfer the baked crust into a platter and let it cool down before separating

from the molders.

2. Set the crusts aside. Start on working the fillings.

The following are the guidelines in making the fillings of the tart.


1 pack of Mr. Gulaman

8 cups of water

1 ½ sachet of tang flavored powder juice

1/8 cup of condensed milk


1. In a casserole, pour the sachet of the gulaman.

2. Add the tap water and stir the mixture before placing on top of the stove.

3. The stove must be kept on low heat. Simmer the mixture while continuously stirring.

4. Gradually add the flavored juice and the condensed milk while continuously stirring.

5. Once there are already signs of small bubbles on top of the mixture, the stove can now be

turned off.
6. Transfer the jelly in a clean bowl and let the temperature cool down for a minute or two.

The state of the gelatin must be viscous however, it should still be able to fill in the gaps

in the tart.

3. Once all the needed ingredients are finished, we can now move on to the final output.

Pour the jelly inside the crust. The jelly should be leveled with the height of crust.

4. Wait until the jelly is fully formed and then place it inside the box for packaging.

5. The Jetart is now available for marketing.

Production Timeline


Transition of activities in planning and working the production and operation of the
business within a year are shown above. Forming the ideas or referred to as product conception
will be done in the 2nd week of August. On the other hand, initial buying of raw materials will
be achieved on the last week of August wherein trial of making the product as well as the
marketing process will also be done along but the operation of the marketing will be stopped
within two weeks after the continuous implementation of one and a half week but then return
afterwards. Lastly, the return of capital can be received after less than 3 month of business

Product Benefits

One of the most efficient way to stimulate an apprehensive person is to give something,
to be precise — food, which has a power to reach beyond the disruptive situation of that
individual. In response to this, the proponents use this opportunity to sustain not only a dessert
but also a need to those people who have these urge to taste sweets, at the same time, looking for
the value added nutrients to the product.

Jetart, the product of this feasibility study, incubate a breakthrough concepts on how to
withstand the demand of the market about sweets with highly amount nutrients laid on it. For
instance, this delicacy attains several amounts of vitamins as well as nutrients that helps
nourishing the end users’ body, namely: Vitamins A and B2, Calcium, Protein and

According to West (2018), Vitamin A is the generic term for a fat-soluble compound
which is higly important for everyone’s body. The said nutrient is essential for many processes in
the body including your immune system, it can provide you a clearer and healthier vision and
proper growth and development of babies in the womb of pregnant women. Vitamin A can also
reduce your risk of having a certain cancer.

This vitamin is very benefiacial for everyone. It will not just keep you healthy, it will also
keep you safe from cancers and diseases.

According to Bradford (2015), Vitamin B2 or also known as Riboflavin is needed for

growth and overall good health. It can help the body breakdown unnecessary fats in order to
produce energy, and it allows oxygen to be used by the body. Riboflavin can also be used for the
skin. Well development and function of the skin can be achieved once you’re rich in Vitamin B2.
Vitamin B2 plays a role in energy production of the body. In addition, it also has many
other important uses.

Furthermore, according to Kiefer (2016), Calcium is one of the best-selling suplements in

U.S. It is well-known for its massive help for everyone’s bone health. It also helps our hearts to
maintain its rhythm and also keep the functions of our muscles right.

In a study conducted by Gunnars (2015), most people agreed that eating enough protein
can prevent defieciency. He also stated that protein can increase muscle mass and strength. It
forms building blocks of muscles in our body. Protein is also good for your bones. In actuality,
people who eat more protein tend to maintain their bone mass better as they grow older and tend
to have a much lower risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

According to Appleby (2017), Carbohydrates are not that bad in our body. It can actually
give you energy and help you with your weight control. It is stated that Carbohydrates are crucial
for healthy weight control. It is our body’s main source of fuel. Lack of Carbohydrates can result
of you becoming weak, lethargic and unable to focus on even simple tasks.

These nutrients are essential for a person’s normal vision, immune system, reproduction,
dietary supplement, maintaining and boosting the body’s energy supply and fats ,and at last,
strengthening the bones. Aside from these, the product of this feasibility study can be a comfort
to alleviate one’s stress that helps in easing the emotional pain. In addition, it satisfies the
cravings also the needs of a customer, in terms of quenching their hunger at a busy time.


In this chapter, description of the questions in the survey are given, explained and are
expounded. The analysis and interpretation of the results are also discussed. Furthermore,
projected demand and supply are determined, characteristics of the target market are identified,
as well as creating marketing strategies that are needed in order to introduce and promote the
product to the society.

Market Survey

In order for the proponents to arrive at a certain interpretation, they need to conduct a
survey where all inputs are based. In the case of Jetart, a survey form that uses a four point likert
scale was given to a sample size of students and staff of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. The likert
scale uses the numerics one, two, three and four that denotes the level of satisfaction the
respondents felt when they tried the product. Starting from the highest, number four (4) signify
excellent, while number three (3) is good, number two (2) is poor and the least is number one(1)
which is interpreted as very poor.

Range Verbal Interpretation Scale

3.50 – 4.00 Excellent 4

2.50 – 3.49 Good 3

1.50 – 2.49 Poor 2

1.00 – 1.49 Very Poor 1

The questionnaire itself is divided into six parts. First part is the questions where the
proponents can determine the age and gender of the respondents which are needed for the
proponents to identify their target market. The second part discusses the taste of the product.
Under it, there are three sub-components which are the flavor, consistency and satiation. If the
remarks of the respondents talks about the savory of the product, it falls under the flavor. If it’s
about the texture of the product then it falls under the consistency. Satiation is if the product was
able to satisfy the cravings of the consumer over and over again without feeling sick of it.

The third part is all about the appearance of the product. Product size is rated while
considering the actual size of the product. Whether if it’s too small or too large in a way that it’ll
be inconvenient to the consumers. Packaging is if the way the product is handled as a finished
product is very appealing to eyes while appeal is about being the attention catcher of the product

The fourth part discussed the appeal, relevance and recall, and enunciation which is under
the product name. Appeal refers to the attractiveness as well as the catchiness of the name that
serves as the reminder for the consumers. Relevance and recall pertains to how the product name
is easily remembered and whether the name is appropriately suited to the product itself. The
name should have an impact for the customers so they may remember it immediately.
Enunciation is concerned with how simple the name can be uttered.

The fifth part is all about the price of the product. Its sub-components are the
affordability of the product, its value for money and its overall value. Affordability refers to
whether the price of the product is attainable especially to non-income generating class of
people. Value for money is the perspective of the consumers that if they would buy the said
product, would their money be spent efficiently and whether if their money’s worth would be
maximized. On the other hand, the overall value highlights whether the whole product itself
would be equivalent to the money that the consumers would be spending.

The last part inquires the respondents if they are convinced to buy the product or not. If
they are, they are ask as to how often they would buy. ‘Always’ that covers 6-7 days a week,
‘Often’ which is 3-5 days a week or ‘Seldom’ which is 1-2 days per week.
All in all, the information that will be collated from the survey would be very useful to
the proponents so they can determine any weakness of the product that can further be improved
and be converted into the products’ strength. Moreover, the proponents can identify the target
market, projected demand and supply, and the appropriate marketing strategy to be executed

Market Analysis

Summary and results of the survey that have been conducted will be presented in the
market analysis. This is also where we can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the product
as well as the opportunities and threats that may occur along the business operation.

Table 1

The Assessment of the Table of “Taste of JETART”


Flavor 3.77 Excellent

Consistency 3.55 Excellent

Satiation 3.67 Excellent


Legend 3.50-4.00 Excellent (E) 1.50-2.49 Poor (P)

2.50-3.49 Good (G) 1.00-1.49 Very Poor (VP)

The general assessment of the table of the taste is 3.66 interpreted as “Excellent”.
“Flavor” has the highest variable input of 3.77 interpreted as “Excellent”. However,
“Consistency” has the lowest variable input of 3.55 even though it’s still interpreted as
“Excellent”. Meanwhile, “Satiation” has the variable input of 3.66 which is also interpreted as

Flavor of the Jetart left a great impact to the respondents for the reason that the product
comes with a lot of variations of flavors. They can choose their desired flavor unlike in having a
one-flavored product only.

Consistency appeared to be the lowest among the three because the crust did not maintain
the crisp the product should have had.

Table 2

The Assessment of the Table of “Appearance of JETART”


Product Size 3.55 Excellent

Packaging 3.65 Excellent

Appeal 3.73 Excellent


Legend 3.50-4.00 Excellent (E) 1.50-2.49 Poor (P)

2.50-3.49 Good (G) 1.00-1.49 Very Poor (VP)

The appearance of the Jetart acquired a general assessment of 3.64 interpreted as

“Excellent”. “Appeal” has the highest variable input of 3.73 interpreted as “Excellent”.
“Product Size” appeared to have the lowest variable input of 3.55 interpreted “Excellent” while
“Packaging” has a variable input of 3.65 also interpreted as “Excellent”.
Appeal has the highest variable input for the Table of Appearance of The Product
because of its smooth, crystal-like appearance.

Product Size is the lowest among the three for the reason that the respondents expects a
larger size of the product.

Table 3

The Assessment of the Table of “Name of JETART”


Appeal 3.61 Excellent

Relevance and Recall

3.66 Excellent
Enunciation 3.68 Excellent


Legend 3.50-4.00 Excellent (E) 1.50-2.49 Poor (P)

2.50-3.49 Good (G) 1.00-1.49 Very Poor (VP)

The products’ name obtained a general assessment of 3.65 interpreted as “Excellent”.

“Enunciation” got the highest variable input of 3.68 interpreted as “Excellent”. On the other
hand, “Appeal” got the lowest variable input of 3.61but is still interpreted as “Excellent” while
“Relevance and Recall” has 3.66 also interpreted as “Excellent”.
Enunciation became the highest variable input in this table because of its easy way to
pronounce as well as its uniqueness. While the appeal of the products’ name got the lowest
variable input for the reason that its name is very unfamiliar in a way that no one has ever
encountered a product name such as that.

Table 4

The Assessment of the Table of “Price of the JETART”


Affordability 3.71 Excellent

Value for Money 3.66 Excellent

Overall Value 3.76 Excellent

ASSESSMENT 3.71 Excellent

Legend 3.50-4.00 Excellent (E) 1.50-2.49 Poor (P)

2.50-3.49 Good (G) 1.00-1.49 Very Poor (VP)

The overall assessment of the price has a composite mean of 3.71 interpreted as
“Excellent”. “Overall Value” resulted to have the highest variable input of 3.76 among the three
indicators, however, “Value for Money” appeared to have the lowest variable input of 3.66 yet it
is still interpreted as “Excellent”. “Affordability” has a variable input of 3.71 also interpreted as

Overall Value appeared to have the highest variable input for the reason that it
encompasses all the attributes and indicators incorporated to the product.
Value for money resulted to be the lowest variable input considering the product’s size.
For the consumers’ perspective, the products’ actual size doesn’t comprehend with its price.

Projected Demand

Census of the projected demand infers all the possible target market. With this, the
proponents can be prepared to the number of finished products they’ll need to produce in order to
meet the markets’ demand.

The total number of respondents that have been surveyed are 148 people. Out of this 148,
145 respondents wanted to buy the product – 113 females and 32 males. The number of
respondents who wanted to purchase the product every day per week are 37 while there are 69
respondents that would want to buy it for 3 to 5 times a week.

To further explain the details, 30 female respondents and 7 male respondents said that
they will buy the product always while there are 49 female and 30 male respondents who said
that they will buy the product often. The projected demand of the product in percentage is
73.11% of 145 respondents, which means that the proponents need to produce 106 pieces of the
finished product of the tart. With the given data said, proponents inferred that 4 out of 5
respondents wanted to eat the product in a week.

Projected Supply

It is expected that 37 respondents will buy the product every day and 69 respondents will
buy the product 3-5 days a week. So, the proponents surmised that 106 units are the needed
amount of supplies every day. Though, there are respondents who answered seldom which
convey they desire to eat the product. Thus, there will be a buffer stock of 20 units which will be
included in the base amount of supplies. Altogether, the proponents need to manufacture 126
units of the tart every day.

Market Segmentation
Characteristics of the respondents in accordance to their age and gender that may be used
in order to identify the target market are shown and interpreted below.

Figure 4.

Gender Segmentation



Male Female

As shown from the chart above, 76% of the respondents who are totally pleased and is
willing to buy the product are female. Additionally, 24% of the total respondents who are
convinced to buy the product are male with only 1% of the hundred percent displeased. Thus,
females are more attached in wanting to experience the taste of the product compared to males.

For the reason that females are more emotionally inclined than males. From this account,
it follows that females wanted to taste the product as a means of encouragement and comfort to

Figure 5.
Age Segmentation
1% 1%
2% 1%




15 years old 16 years old 17 years old 18 years old 19 years old
20 years old 22 years old 23 years old 24 years old 42 years old

It is evident from the chart being shown above that respondents ranging from 16-19 years
of age have the high percentage aggregating to 89% total average compared to those respondents
who are in their 20-42 years of age wherein they are only 11% in totality. In accordance with this
result, it is obvious that teenagers have more enjoyment and excitement to experience the taste of
the product unlike the ones who are in their adulthood.

Teenagers are mostly interested on what’s new or popular especially on what is unique
that’s why they enjoy having the enthusiasm to try and taste the product. Furthermore, the
product serves as a way to comfort the consumers knowing that teenagers in this generation
experience different degree of challenges and struggles in life.

Marketing Strategy

People tend to indulge the marketing strategy of the business once they be able to percept
the impulse to fulfill the same agenda of the organization. Having an accomplished
comprehensive plan for the institute to achieve the stated goals from the onset, can lead the
company to developed success. Consequently, these opportunities are extracted from the ongoing
affliction within the environment, thus providing the entrepreneurs to ascertain means to figure
out how to solve the recurring issues.

At the present time, people are easily affected by the constant dilemma that happens to
them, creating burden as they chases time to accomplished errands to be complete that day.
Dissemination of comfort created by the product will be further given with specific marketing,
precisely influencing people towards retaining affirmative mindset. Each box of products has an
inspirational note to lessen the stress of an individual who will purchase it.

Being positive in the range of industry can be an advantage to the organization as it is

beneficial to everyone, may it be to increase their self-esteem, extra driven and more relaxed
state of mind without disregarding difficulties of the commerce. The proponents’ objective is to
suffice the essential comfort as some individual cannot look past all unconstructiveness and start
looking only at the optimistic things, hence, it is not enough; a person must have a full
concentration on the objective as deviations can hinder the work. It will be applied both on the
product as well as the service of the staff, as they must have the vibes of positivity itself.

Another aspect that must take into consideration is the product preferment. The
proponents will be using social media, posters and fliers, as means of advertising the product.
Social media is now a trend and everyone is aware on how to access the internet, that having the
business’ page on it will be a good way to start. In addition to the information of the business’
product and whereabouts of the shop, contact number for the business will be included as well as
the product incentives when specific pieces or bundles will be ordered. The posters and fliers
will be given to the neighboring areas where the shop is located, comprising the same info as the
ones encompassed in the social media sites, for those people who are not frequently surfing the


In this chapter, monetary phase of the proposal is exposed and further explained. Costing
of materials to be used in order to make the product is completely shown. Trial balances from the
month of August to December are also shown and clarified through explanations that proves the
projected operation of the business. Moreover, financial statements are illustrated and elaborately
interpreted that indicates the viability of the business.

Materials Costing
The succeeding details tackle the expenses spent in each materials in terms of a batch and
for materials consumable for fifteen days .


Flour 35 79 kilos Php 2,765.00

White Sugar 64 32 kilos Php 2,048.00

Salt 1.00 1 pack Php 15.00

Butter 54.00 79 bars Php 4,266.00

Egg 6.00 157 pieces Php 942.00

Vanilla Extract 20.00 1 bottle Php 20.00

Mr. Gulaman 11.00 79 sachets Php 869.00

Tang Flavored Juice 16.00 79 sachets Php 1,264.00

Brown Sugar 60.00 17 kilos Php 1,020.00

Mineral Water 20.00 1 gallon Php 20.00

GRAND TOTAL Php 13,229

Table 9. Trial Balances

Trial Balance

As of August 2018

Cash Php 7,236.75

Ending Inventory Php 8,356.95

Equipment Php 29,173.00

Supplies Php 11,360.00

Account's Payable Php 12,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Sales Php 18,900.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 5,046.30

Advertisement Expense Php 800.00

Utilities Expense Php 600.00  

TOTAL Php 62,573.00 Php 62,573.00

Table 10. Trial Balances

Trial Balance

As of September 2018

Cash Php 24,250.25

Ending Inventory Php 13,718.25

Equipment Php 29,173.00

Supplies Php 38,540.00

Account's Payable Php 10,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Sales Php 94,500.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 26,491.50

Advertisement Expense Php 1,900.00

Utilities Expense Php 2,100.00

TOTAL Php 136,173.00 Php 136,173.00

Table 11. Trial Balances

Trial Balance

As of October 2018

Cash Php 13,923.75

Ending Inventory Php 18,001.63

Equipment Php 29,173.00

Supplies Php 95,960.00

Account's Payable Php 8,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Sales Php 173,900.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 49,014.62

Advertisement Expense Php 3,800.00

Utilities Expense Php 3,700.00

TOTAL Php 213,573.00 Php 213,573.00

Table 12. Trial Balances

Trial Balance

As of November 2018

Cash Php 41,487.25

Ending Inventory Php 20,029.83

Equipment Php 29,173.00

Supplies Php 123,140.00

Account's Payable Php 6,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Sales Php 261,250.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 73,792.92

Advertisement Expense Php 5,800.00

Utilities Expense Php 5,500.00

TOTAL Php 298,923.00 Php 298,923.00

Table 13. Trial Balances

Trial Balance

As of December 2018

Cash Php 81,550.75

Ending Inventory Php 18,342.01

Equipment Php 29,173.00

Supplies Php 150,320.00

Account's Payable Php 4,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Sales Php 361,700.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 102,287.24

Advertisement Expense Php 8,200.00

Utilities Expense Php 7,500.00

TOTAL Php 397,373.00 Php 397,373.00

Table 14: Adjusted Trial Balances

Adjusted Trial Balance

As of December 2018

Cash Php 81,550.75

Ending Inventory Php 18,342.01

Equipment Php 29,173.00

Supplies Php 2,940.00

Account's Payable Php 4,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Sales Php 361,700.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 102,287.24

Supplies Expense Php 147,380.00

Advertisement Expense Php 8,200.00

Utilities Expense Php 7,500.00  

TOTAL Php 397,373.00 Php 397,373.00

The trial balances for the month of August to December show changes in assets,
liabilities, and owner's equity. The owners invested Php 2,500.00 worth of cash, Php 500.00 each
partner. Also, they have contributed tools and equipment needed in making the product, which is
worth Php 29, 173.00 that totals owners' capital. Moreover, Php 12,000 worth of accounts
payable to Mrs. Dia was made for additional cash investment. The supplies pertain to packaging,
LPG, and drinking water used in production of the product.
On the other hand, the sales fluctuates from the month of August until December in an
increasing manner since sales that are made every week are high. Showing that sales increases, it
is only natural that expenses also increases including cost of goods sold and utilitities expense.
Advertising expense amounting to Php 8,200.00 was used within the 5-month operation of the
business regards to the Christmas season.

For the month of December, the sales increased due to high demand of the customers to
the product because of the high demand season. All in all, the presented trial balances shows that
the business is progressing well beacause in every cash that company is spending, there is a
guaranteed return.

Year End Financial Statements

Table 15. Income Statement

Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Year 2018

Sales Php 361,700.00

Cost of Goods Sold Php 102,287.24

Gross Profit Php 259,412.76


Advertisement Expense Php 8,200.00

Utilities Expense Php 7,500.00

Supplies Expense Php 147,380.00 Php 163,080.00


The statement of comprehensive income shows that the proponents generated income
from the product wherein it proves that the marketing strategies used by the proponents are

One unit or package of product has a price of Php 25.00. The date of return capital is on
September. The cost of the packaging of the product is Php 10.00.

The cost of production per package is Php 21.00. There is a 478 % increase in sales
compare to first month’s sales, Php 18,900.00. Also, there is a 15% increase in sales from last

Note: Sales of every month

August: Php 18,900.00

September: Php 75,600.00

October: Php 77,125.00

November: Php 87,350.00

December: Php 100,475.00

Table 16. Balance Sheet

Statement of Financial Position

For the year 2018


Current Assets

Cash Php 81,550.75

Ending Inventory Php 18,342.01

Supplies Php 2,940.00

Total Current Assets Php 102,832.76

Noncurrent Assets

Equipment Php 29,173.00

TOTAL ASSETS Php 132,005.76



Current Liabilities

Account's Payable Php 4,000.00

Owners' Equity Php 31,673.00

Retained Earnings Php 96,332.76


Balance sheet shows the assets, liabilities and owner's equity accumulated for the last five
months. It is illustrated that the total amount of assets is higher than the total liabilities wherein it
denotes that the business has the capability to sustain its operation.

The return of capital is on the month of October. Moreover, the Return on Equity
ratio is 304%. The Debt Ratio is 0.03 which means there is only a little amount of assets are
financed by liabilities. For the reason that, the owners decided to use net income instead of loan
in purchasing production materials.
Table 17. Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of Cash Flows

For the Year 2018

Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Collections from Customers Php 361,700.00


Payments to suppliers Php (120,629.25)

Operating Expenses Php (15,700.00)

Purchase of Supplies Php (150,320.00)

Net Cash from Operating Activities Php 75,050.75

Cash Flows from Financing Activities


Cash Investments of the Owners Php 2,500.00

Cash Loans Php 12,000.00


Payment of the Principal Loan Php (8,000.00)

Net Cash from Financing Activities Php 6,500.00

Cash Balance - December 31 Php 81,550.75

The product generated positive cash flow. The purchase of supplies resulted to a large
decrease in cash.
Chapter 5


Jetart is a feasible product because of the follwing reasons:

1. Market Survey

a. According to the survey of 148 repondents, 95% of them agreed to give the product

an excellent for the Taste where flavor, consistency and the satiation of the product

falls under.

b. Based on the survey, 96% of the respondents agreed to say that the product’s

Apperance including its product size, packaging and appeal of the product is enough

to satisfy every customers’ demand.

c. A total of 94% of 148 respondents said that the product’s Appeal along with its

relevance, recall and eneunciation is good enough for the product to have its own


d. According to the survey of 148 respondents, 95% of them said that the product’s

Price where affordability of the product, value for money and overall value is

sufficient for the customers to buy the product.

In a total of 148 respondents, there are around 145 who wanted to buy the product. In that

145 respondents, there are 26% equivalent to 37 respondents who would like to buy the product

every day in the week. On the other hand, there are 48% or 69 respondents who would like to

buy the product 3 to 5 times in a week. In addition, there will be 39 respondents or 27% of the

respondents will seldomly buy the product1 to 2 days in a week.

2. Trial Balances and Financial Statements

As seen in the trial balances of the five months of operation, in a matter of two months,

the business already acquired a profit that testifies that the product itself surpassed the projected

income for the whole year.

Furthermore, the income statement shows that the business gain profit through time and

the balance sheet illustrates the sustainability of the business operation.

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